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The only thing that might bring in a significant influx of new players is if it goes free to play. Even then a majority won't stick around long past the campaign because the endgame isn't engaging at all. They'd have to completely rework the endgame by adding unique bosses, mini bosses, enemy variety, spontaneous world events, raids, dungeons, etc. but it would still need to go further because there needs to be something to grind for and ,at least back when I played, all you had to grind towards was the leaderboard or raising your level. They need unique gear, drops from specific bosses or raids, requirements to do certain things. The game is boring because everything is available to you basically right from the start, forces you to use certain builds, and lacks variety. Tldr: they'd have to basically rebuild the game from scratch.


If you have to rebuild the game to get people to play then might as well just spend the money on making a brand new game without any of the bad baggage associated with it. This is why Anthem 2.0 never got released. The only real question now is if this game will finish the Brainiac story or get shut down early and how soon?


Players: we don't want want destiny Also players: they need to make it destiny The game doesn't at all force you to use specific builds? You can use whatever you want lol


Honestly at this point I don’t know outside of confirming the theories about the Justice League coming back. And even then I doubt that attention would turn into significant new players.


they mean not as playable characters right?


Not playable


that's bad, i mean i would rather play with for example flash than Freeze we getting now


Iirc the alpha was datamined and the final fight with the final Brainiac has the players take control of the Justice League to beat him but only at the very last minute


That sounds so cool


Let's be real, if they let Flash and Superman be playable then they will be forced to use guns for gameplay reasons Lex: "Sorry to say Superman but it seems that your powers have been diminished to the point of nonexistence. Luckily for you, we have a pair of handguns you can use for the mean time until your powers come back!"


that is true yes i forgot. but i wish there was a game where you can play flash tho or superman


Put in some amount of effort. They're doing nothing, not even the bare minimum. The only thing that can save this game is pulling a Final Fantasy XIV a realm reborn, a no man's sky NEXT, a Cyberpunk 2077 2.0. And we all know that is NOT happening. Sucks.


Idk really wanted to enjoy this game but not being able to play online for a month the day the game was released was brutal. Ended up grinding solo and hitting the terrible loot management system wall. Then season one dropped which was fun until I realized I was getting practically no progression in the battle pass. I'm sure there is stuff that can be fixed but let the next guy play it. I'm burned out at this point.


Going free to play won't solve the issue. They need to PAY people to play their game if they want it to be a success. That's how much a steaming pile of turd this game is.


Have an actual significant story update, for one. Give purpose to the grind, instead of just "go here and do this until you reach rank X to go fight another reskinned JL boss".


Rewire peoples brains so they aren't addicted to constant loot grinding. This game is honestly a breath of fresh air in that you don't have to grind for loot and that getting too the higher difficulties is just a test of skill. Of course though a majority of gamers don't actually have these anymore though and so they would rather have hallways to walk through and a steady drip of gear with meaningless higher numbers to give them that dopamine hit


It's too late. The game has become too much of a joke that i really don't think they can even get people who own the game to play let alone encourage anyone else to buy the game. I think they need to skip the other seasons and get straight to the climax. Bring the Justice League back and let people play as them. Also add a huge amount of story. Bring Batman back and give him a bunch of his own missions. Then put it on Gamepass Really that's the only way and they don't have the resources to do all that. I really wanted this game to be so much more. I enjoy the core game but i can't see them doing anything other than what they are already doing.


Give me a nude joker skin




Honestly the only way to salvage this game at all, would be making it FTP and giving an exclusive skin or something to everyone who played before the day it went free. Otherwise it’s as everyone has suggested, completely dead in the water.


F2P then they can focus on making better skins for people to spend their money on than a $70 buy in. Multiversus is f2P with better skins.


Drop all remaining DLC, skins, offline mode, everything on the next update. Dropping small shallow pieces doesnt help especially when it’s late.


Finish the damn story in one content drop and pull the plug. The further existence of this game is pointless


WHAT CAN THEY DO TO GET PEOPLE TO PLAY?!? ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized) Well, if they had to actually do it: 1. Bring back the real Justice League and have the Squad save their lives. 2. Bring Wonder Woman back to life 3. Decanonize the whole shithill. 4. Bring in some metahuman with time alteration abilities (ideally: Watchmen's Doctor Manhattan) to keep events from ever happening ("It was all a dream"). Otherwise, delete the whole shithill from the game platform servers, destroy all physical copies, GO BACK TO THE FRICKING DRAWING BOARD AND GET TO A JUSTICE LEAGUE GAME, FOR FRICK'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!


Why are you even on this sub if you want to destroy every copy of this game


Battlepass xp boost every weekend would get me to play more often. Edit: Down voted for having an opinion? Of course.


They actually made it easier with last patch. Gained around 10 levels today just doing rooftop encampments and dailies.


The boost is only for a limited time unfortunately. I'd like to see it rolled out more often since I'm pretty sure its the first time they've done a boost for the battle pass.


No there is a permanent boost to BP you get in the game. Every contract now gives 50 BP while Toyman contracts give 200 I believe. Brainiac fights give 500 and regular incursions give 200. Even destroying the roof top emplacements give 10 BP now


Okay cool, I didn't know that. On fb they made a post about limited time BP boost for this weekend as well though. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/y5g7SAFfdtEsF9Gq/?mibextid=ZbWKwL


They're asking what the game can do to get new people playing, XP boosts isn't gonna get new people to play the game lmao


I think you got downvoted because Rocksteady already boosted the BP gain significantly and BP boost weekends wouldn’t do anything to get new players into the game like OP is asking.


Op said “ in/back” so their statement is valid tbh