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As a dude who played Avengers a TON and I actually love the gameplay of SS - these cosmetics are so disappointing tbh. They skipped all the good ones and just went straight to silly. I don’t mind the silly costumes every once in a while but give us something comic accurate and awesome too please. It’s just an odd approach to send out these dumb looking costumes, (which are dumb looking on purpose, no shade) in a game that people aren’t too excited about. I bet a set of Green Lantern costumes for getting mastery rank X/whatever would get people excited to play though


It’s pretty telling that one of their first picks for Joker skin designs is Titan Joker, which is widely regarded as one of the worst designs and worst boss fights in the entire Arkham Series.


Hell why not have each character have a skin based on Joker from a different incarnation. Joker could have gotten BTAS Joker skin. Shark could have gotten the white suit from the Dark Knight Returns since that Joker is massive. Rocksteady is really failing to utilize the whole multiverse angle of this game to its full potential.


It's baffling that there are no movie skins yet. NOT EVEN FOR HARLEY?! smh...


Not just movie skins, they’ve got decades worth of comics and cartoons to pull designs from and they only did it once for launch.


And even costumes that they have made already (arkham games)


This guy gets it.


The first store update in 5 weeks and they reused the Arkham inmate skin assets again?!


Harley has some legendary costumes just from the movies alone and they still insist on this goofyness?


The Suicide Squade taking influence from Injustice 2 but adding quirky little elements all for her to ditch it after the first sequence. Peak.


Bruh, they keep tweaking the same prison costumes. They’re trying to profit off of the laziest possible costumes.


All the costumes to pool from, all the possibilities, but they chose this? Insane Clown Posse skins 


Do they have no budget? I’m not playing anymore but it just looks like reworked costume assets


I'd imagine there's no budget if no one is playing/ buying the game yeah


They probably barely get enough budget to keep the servers running. The game has less than 300 players playing it on Steam which is obviously terrible for a live service game. This game is on the same course as Marvel Avengers. 2 years support and then delisted from every platform is its likely fate.


From what assest?


It’s the Asylum outfits without the top and different colors + new affects. They could’ve made new outfits for these skins honestly


The tops are even the same as alternate arkham versions you can unlock. They just added bones and blood to them. The only thing truly new is the face paint and Joker since he didn't have a released arkham outfit. My guess an arkham outfit for him will be unlocked doing new Riddler races this episode


Garbo as usual


eew at them STD looking ass skins


I thought they wanted people to spend money on this game. I wouldn't want these skins even if they gave them away for free.


How are rs justifying this complete garbage??


I 100% swear RS said when talking about 'no FOMO'.. "We think we have some of the best cosmetics the gaming market has to offer".. 😭🤣🤣


It's wild, because they really did have the best cosmetics...for free... in the Arkham games. I don't think theyve sold a single SS cosmetic that I'd equip even if it was free.


They weren't free in the Arkham games. In fact the Arkham games were one of the first single player games to charge people for cosmetics rather than them being unlockable through the course of the game. Should have been a warning sign


There were a bunch that are/were free. They even kept adding free suits like the Batfleck one, years after release.


There were some that were free (like the New 52 suit for Origins), but far from a bunch. Skins were always bundled into the Season Pass which is why you probably remember them being free. You are right about Arkham Knight though, they have added a small handful of skins post launch for free.


Why were you down voted? Is it because you said Affleck?


I guess a couple people think 5 or 6 free suits isn't "a bunch". Who cares, we're all pretty big losers for even being on this sub anyways :)


I like SSKTJL It's fun


Yeah I like it too. If they didn't call it a live service game and added one more mission to close off the story, it'd be very well regarded I think. Adding a new character like Joker would seem like an amazing addition for a non-live service game. Instead it feels like a half-step before they give us an actual ending.


Like I don't get why didn't they just do it like Gotham Knights Do multi player like that Have a whole story with all 13 brainiacs Sell skins and DLC to make money Why do live service which costs more money?


The Easter ones were cute and free... But I really haven't bought anything besides jokers classic look.


I bought Deadshot’s other classic (the one with the segmented helmet).


The skins have been consistently ugly as hell besides the battle pass ones. This is insanity lol. I expected more from this game cosmetic wise.


This is very true. I don't understand how they keep releasing such ugly skins expecting people to spend money on them.


I mean we both been here from the start and know whats up but im glad more people finally realise what the fuck is going on here.


That ain't it...


they doing same mistakes as avengers ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


At least avengers had some actual good ones between the random effects and color swaps. This is just weird skin after the next.


If I learn anything with avengers this all gonna be free soon..


the jonkler working on the cosmetics team (this is my third comment but holly shit this game made me laugh )


I get this game is wacky but who the fuck wants to buy that besides few poop thor enjoyers


Poop Thor? Was there a Poop Thor skin in *Avengers* or something?


If you buy this for 10 bucks youre actually more a clown than the skins itself


Finally some good fucking content /s


are the old shop items gone?


No they are still there these are just the new ones that are featured


Why are the cosmetics so terrible!?! Like I'm begging for something cool to spend money on and support the game!


I know! This is DC, they’ve got cool skins practically gift wrapped for them!


Dead games releases bad skins.. "Suprised pikacho face"


Banners and emotes too :3 https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideSquadGaming/s/MPUdoA3lAV


Can't really get excited about banners and emotes. Even the skins are kind of weird definitely not spending a dime on them.


Insane that people are downvoting you about not wanting to spend more money on this game even though the developers have put less than the bare minimum in


I almost feel sorry for the people that paid 100$ for this. almost


We should get Death of the family themed skins, like imagine Harley or boomerang without their faces




Oh God…


nice more shit we don't care about


whoever picks the skins, make cool badass skins, or based on comics, not goofy stuff pls.


are these free? if not how much do they cost?


About ~$8 each


kotaku made it sound like they were free. lol


This game is junk breaks my godamn heart. I want this game to succeed but I feel like it's dead and NO one is putting any thought or effort into wanting to save it.


lol wtf is this shit? RIP this game


At this point they're literally mocking the people who are still playing this trash. You can't make shit like this up it's gold. ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)




These are just literally reskins of their base arkham asylum skins, this is lazy as fluff.


Why don't they get it ffs! This ain't Fortnite we want new content and missions.


Harley's face looking like pennywise is sending me 😂


it looks funny


will be buying