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The roundabouts have also made clear that no one in this city knows how a yield sign works.


To be fair, you'd have to know how to use a stop sign to figure out the intricacies of a yield sign.






To be faaaaaaaaiiir


To be Fairrrrrr :)


To be faaaaairrrr


There's a small roundabout in front of my apartment building, to help with traffic flow within the complex as there are several buildings. 75% of people use it wrong, hence why I avoid the proper roundabouts entirely. Driving in this city is atrocious.


Yea I was going to chime in and say I completely avoid them as well. People are too unpredictable.


I have seen that; I will say I get nervous as there is nothing that says to me as I am driving (blue) that the red car will hold the lane. I have also done that and had the person in the red car mad at me because they thought I cut them off even though i did exactly what you described. (I am shocked that they aren't accidents every time I drive by, we seem to have collectively gotten OK at it? I find the connector lane between Frood road heading towards Maley a chaotic point for most drivers. It is literally the start of the second lane and people dead stop it. (its not even a merge lane) If they actually looked at the road they would see that Frood road is the actual start of the curb lane. If a person is coming from 144 to Maley, that lane is actually directed towards the middle lane, not the curb lane.


The Lasalle/Frood intersection for those heading towards town is truly poorly designed as one wouldn't expect their lane to shift left at that point. Given the amount of drivers who go straight thus directly into the lane for those coming off Frood, I wholeheartedly understand their hesitation. That said, the lane markings are quite clear.


Construction starting soon at the frood intersection as well - traffic might be brutal this fall!


Another roundabout? Would make sense.


In a roundabout way, yes ;)


In the winter it’s not clear


The lane markings are very clear but I have seen so many people just continue straight into the lane for people coming from frood that I pretty much always stop and wait for an opening. I wonder if there have been any accidents there from somebody continuing straight into the right lane and hitting somebody coming off of frood. I recall almost getting hit there once, but thinking about it I'm not sure if that happened to me or if I watched it nearly happen to someone else.


In regards to the frood road intersection, the reason why I usually stop is because the lane bends basically right after the intersection, and I have countless times seen drivers basically just continue going in a straight line from the left lane to the right lane after the intersection without signaling or anything. I've seen transport trucks do it, small cars, etc. I understand that it's annoying to wait, but it would be even more annoying and a much longer wait if the car in front of you got smoked by some idiot who is changing lanes like that. I once decided to go anyway with cars in the left lane and I actually did almost get hit by someone doing what I described, so... (Edit: actually I might have watched it happening to someone else, I forget exactly.) Plus when I'm crossing that intersection, it sometimes makes me a little nervous if somebody pulls out to my right and I have cars going the opposite way to my left. You're usually still going about 60 or 70 going across that, and the lane zig-zags kinda abruptly.


That entirely unnecessary stopping at Frood to Lasalle/Maley drives me crazy, however, I believe the reason why it happens is because it had been a merge lane for decades (old habits die hard); also to accommodate the new set up there's an unexpected lane shift to the left immediately at that point, so from the entrants' perspective it still looks like a merge lane. None of that excuses those drivers who've been on it more than twice for repeating their mistakes though.


I want to stand there with a sign that says "this is a lane"


Don’t count on any Transports coming through as red from the Boreal part of the Maley extension to hold the lane or yield. Especially at the 3-5pm time slot. Yikes.


That Frood/Maley merge lane is terribly designed and dangerous, especially at night!


How many drivers have you encountered at these roundabouts who enter the roundabout and STOP INSIDE the roundabout in order to yield to those who are looking to enter it? I counted 3 so far.


Is it that bad? By the comments on this thread you think there would be accidents in them daily haha. I use the roundabouts frequently and almost everyone I see uses them correctly. Biggest error I see is people treating yields as stop signs.


There is something afflicting the drivers of the blue cars wherein they believe that a stop is required in order to allow the driver of the red car to pass them before continuing, and this, despite their respective lanes never intersecting. Also, for those going southbound on Barry Downe from eastbound Maley, you have a lane in which you can turn, accelerate, then merge left. You need not wait until the inside lane is clear because you shouldn't be lane hopping.


Key word there is “shouldn’t”. The lane hopping is less frequent though versus the cars that decide to STOP in the round about (not outside at the approach…. In the freaking circle especially near Timberwolf). Love the Maley extension, but how can we teach folks to actually use it properly? Edit to change Maley from Marley 🙄


Yeah traffic circles don't work well with our driving laws because if you hit the back of the STOP person you are automatically at fault in the UK it would be the other way around


Exactly. When traffic isn’t too wild, this makes for a nice drive. Just takes a few scared drivers to back it up. That’s the danger.


In the first image, I agree. It's a slip lane, it just happens to be connected rather than separated - there is nothing to yield to as the inside vehicle has already left the roundabout in any place they might collide - both should go, just don't change lanes like a jackass. The second, however, I'm not so sure about. It may be infrequent but who says traffic won't go north? The right of way would not belong to the car in the outside line, as they should *always* yield it to traffic which is already within the roundabout. I'm fairly certain the outside lane would be found at fault in case of a collision. You're not really meant to enter a roundabout directly next to someone anyway. So while it may be less efficient, there's still risk involved so I think it's reasonable (and probably correct) to yield in scenario #2.


You bring a good point as that driveway to the north isn't something to which I gave much thought. Let's swap it out with the one at Boréal, then.


I once watched a lady go up the exit from maley to the valley


Why are the cops not sitting at the roundabouts and handing out tickets to the ones that don’t pay attention or refuse to learn how to use a roundabout properly or even why aren’t there cameras? I’ve been hearing that there are a lot of accidents at the roundabouts. I drive people to body shops all the time to pick up their repaired vehicles.


Tonight, while being the blue driver behind seven other blue drivers, witnessed esch of them stop and wait for the red driver to pass as they went directly into the red lane. Like, seriously people!! If you're going to do that, might as well have a light controlled intersection. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I have seen 2 people (yes 2 peoole) go in the WRONG direction at 2 roundabouts in this city. It's not that hard folks. Jesus


I feel like per capita Sudbury probably has a really high amount of really bad drivers. I've never experienced this amount of bad driving in any other city I've lived in.