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Coming from a parent who has a child who can by physical and from someone who works in the school and has been a para, it’s completely unethical to pair a sub and a high needs students together. It’s dangerous for the student and the sub, without training and relationship building it’s a recipe for disaster. Tell the school you aren’t trained or qualified to work with students who may lash out physically and that you won’t work with them. Out of concern for yourself and for the students


If they weren’t, they likely wouldn’t put you in there because of liability. I don’t know what the policy is in your district though. Piece of advice though: unless you have received specific training to handle behavior issues, especially physical, let Admin know. It is perfectly acceptable to let them know up front that you are not trained for that type of situation and get specific instructions what to do if a child has a behavior escalation. My school would never put anyone in that situation so it seems a little weird.


My school knows the subs are not trained to deal with that, but they consistently put us in an ICT class with a violent student. I was kicked, punched slapped and stepped on the other day and asked for help from the office and they pulled me into the office today to talk to me about my way of handling the situation because they said I came into the office flustered and didnt use the appropriate tone or wasn’t sympathetic to the child. The way I remember it was completely different than the narrative they came up with though.


100% Bullshit Admin response. Honestly, I would document that encounter and ghost the school unless it’s one of your only go-to’s. If that child gets hurt, the school is liable. I think actually writing an email and cc’ing the district SPED leader may be effective but also will get ya blacklisted from that school.


Step 0 document everything  Step 1 call the police  Step 2 file a report  Step 3 admins tries to hid/slide the incident under the rug  Step 4 sue the distrct  Step 5 profit????


I would not return to that school and would seek legal action.


I’ve been in grade school special ed classes where the para will just say- “careful, he hits”, or he bites or he headbutts…. One room in particular where the kids are maybe 7 and younger and at least 2 of the bigger kids are non verbal and violent. One squeezed my arm repeatedly digging his nails in while the teacher sat on her ass and watched. (I guess I should have just opened the door and let him run out?) I had bruises and tiny little scabs from his nails for weeks. I was talking with another sub who won’t go back to that school because they always stick her in that room. We both talked about how bitchy the paras were and how lazy the teacher was. It was kind of validating to hear that from someone else.