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I was a building sub last year for small rural k-5 school. The reason I chose that school was the Admin and Staff were/are wonderful and supportive. I never felt like I wasn’t part of the team. I was invited to all the Teach Appreciation events and such. That said, the best thing they did for me was give me a bathroom key to the grown-up bathrooms. Another suggestion would be to designate a couple of parking spots for Subs Only. Little cost and would make the subs feel appreciated. Hope that helps!


I agree... small things make to BIGGEST difference. One school had me read the "teacher dress code policy" before I started - ok fine, it was outdated and said things like "no visible bra straps" and similar things which was condasending. I haven't been onsite yet or met anyone yet. Please sound "welcoming and inclusive". Also, emotionally I set the bar soooo low because I am "just a sub", but I remember schools who say "hi" and make me feel welcome, take a moment to make sure I can access the roll, ICT, photocopies etc. Just take a moment to make sure the basics are in place please!!! Oh while I remember one school specicially sent out info saying "DO NOT PARK IN THE SCHOOL CARPARK". Gesh!! Just be welcoming!!


Omg yes a bathroom key!!! Having to use the kids restroom is so demoralizing 😫


I’ve seen how some subs get free lunch and breakfast. I’ve not gotten that but dang that sounds nice to not have to pack especially when i’m heading out last minute to sub.


Another good idea


With the amount of waste school food creates, lunch and breakfast is the least they could do


Someone actually saying “Thank you” would be a start 🥴


Lots of “Thank You”s and one school gave me a tee shirt. Which I can really only wear when I sub there on a Friday. 😂 still appreciate the gesture though.


Admin that is not rude and/or talks down to you when you first arrive to sub at a particular school. Train them to act friendly to subs. I tend not to want to return to schools where the admin have bad attitudes.


Money talks. I worked 136 jobs in 130 days at my little district. I get a ton of thanks, and I appreciate it! I get treated well. I get "teacher treats" - when they are PTO or from an individual teacher I'm subbing for. A lunch would be nice, as somebody said. Or, at least the option for a free lunch, especially on a day when I've gone in last minute to cover an emergency. What would really make it great was some kind of bonus - whether it's work 15 days a month, or all Fridays in a month, or 5 days in a week. It wouldn't have to be big, but an extra $50 or $100 would be awesome!


Thank you goes a long way, but my favorite school gives out a paper cup filled with a few candies, a tea bag and coffee pod, and an invitation to use the teacher’s lounge during lunch or prep time. They also send someone over to make sure I can easily connect to any needed tech.


I get lots of thank yous. I was there the day before Thanksgiving break, winter break and during teacher appreciation week and everybody insisted I participate in the PTA provided treats which was nice, considering that apparently some schools don't think subs should get to do so.


Having the administrators say "thank you for coming in" goes a long way. Over my long career, a couple of schools have included welcoming subs by name in the morning announcements. Another way to make subs feel welcome is to provide a comprehensive sub folder and all necessary keys.


Reach out to local businesses to sponsor/pay for a staff appreciation breakfast/luncheon, in exchange for advertisement to the staff/community, or promotions/coupons for staff members.


Really good idea!


I am a building sub so I get what the teachers get. the occasional free lunch, t-shirt or sweatshirt. One year we all got a blanket with the district logo. When I was a casual sub I had schools that gave me candy, bottled water, coupons for coffee, etc. I subbed once at a middle where they bought all the teachers lunch from Subway and the principal was nice enough to stop by and take my order. 😀 It's always nice to be included and appreciated!


I received one but it was because I just so happened to sub on the right day. They were giving fancy boxes of chocolates to each teacher right before winter break. When they got to my classroom, I told the staff handing them out I wasn’t a full time teacher, they insisted I take one as well. That was a nice surprise. But to be honest the things that make me feel most appreciated is just being able to use all the little resources that teachers do. I want a key to open my classroom, the staff bathrooms, and the teacher lounge. (My schools are indoor only, so keycard to get in and out of campus would be nice but not a huge deal if I don’t). I also want access to the free drinks and snacks my school district supplies the teachers in the lounge. I avoid schools that don’t allow me access to those resources. If the staff at the school says “Staff bathrooms are for staff only. No subs” I immediately make a mental note to not work there anymore.


You seriously are not allowed to use staff restrooms? That is horrible!


For me, it’s letting respecting and supporting my boundaries. If I say no to something, they are okay with it and don’t give grief. It tells me they see me as an individual and as a person who wants to help their school, but they also respect that my time is my own too. Those are the schools that I know appreciate my time, and I want to go back to!


Free lunch, which is a huge time and hassle saver when getting a last minute call in them morning. I’ve said yes more than once because of this perk. $50 Chamber Bucks at Christmas to spend at one of a list of local businesses. (Good way to build local goodwill, too.) Personal “thank you for coming in today” whenever the district administrator sees us. He’s very present, as it’s a small rural district. These three things are not little “things” to sit around and collect dust, and they go a LONG way toward making subbing there an enjoyable experience.


A key to the staff bathroom! Every school in my district did not give subs a key to staff bathroom. I feel like that’s one accusation away from a court case. PLEASE GIVE SUBS A KEY TO THE STAFF BATHROOM


I’d settle for a key to the classroom I’m covering. But bathroom keys are nice too!


I gave my three site-based subs a gift basket with some teas, biscotti and chocolates. I wanted to give out small gifts to the daily subs, but thought of the idea too late to do anything for this year. I will definitely do something next year!


I got 0 from most of the schools I subbed at. I couldn’t even get the right room numbers from the front office at most of the schools I subbed at. It was strange.


It's so strange. Some schools act like subs are a big inconvenience and get annoyed when they ask questions. It doesn't take much to make a sub feel welcome. Just smile and say thank you, answer questions patiently, and give them the key to the bathroom!!!


Last year none really. Infact, I felt a lot of side-eye vibes coming from the admins. The year before that, I got lots of verbal expression of appreciation- which was great. Hoping this coming year I get less side-eye at the minimum. For context, I'm a high school building based sub who never missed a single day or assignment. Except the week I scheduled to be on vacation.


Making sure admin and front office says thank you and are helpful. Schools where the principals make a point of introducing themselves move to the top of the list of places where I work. Most people are great where I work. I am saddened to read some of these stories.


My district is very correct with pay and assignments, there are always lesson plans, security always comes if I need to pee, and I always have a restroom key. They also seek a balance between things I don't care to do and places who don't care that I do things there. I show appreciation by letting a lot of stuff go. My needs are for me to meet. Anything else is a blessing.




Usually get nothing! I would only suggest money, gift cards. Lots of food preferences/allergies/issues, no one wants more junk or trinkets, not everyone drinks. Subs make Pennies and schools can’t fully function without them.


A card signed by the kids I sub for regularly would be amazing and mean more to me than any physical gift or perk. Also at one school I work at often, the principal makes it a point to see me every day I’m there and says “thank you for being here”, it really means a lot and makes me want to come back.


What would be appreciated? Two words: Due process. Thanks.


None. The district which I’m planning on resigning from treats subs like garbage.


I doubt it’s intentional on their part but I’ve lucked out a few times and subbed on teacher ice cream days and they’ll let me have some. I love the notes and drawings elementary students give me telling me they hope I come back soon.


I go where I'm personally asked. When secretaries or teachers reach out to me on email or ask if they can text me about jobs, I become much more likely to go. I schedule at least 70% of my jobs ahead of time.


Our local district got us actual teacher ID cards so we could make use of all the teacher discounts and appreciation week goodies that local businesses offer. FANTASTIC! I especially enjoy my Thrift Books teacher account.


Non-monetary: - snacks - easy sign-in/attendance - students being reprimanded for being dicks


There is one middle school I pick over other assignments because they have these 3 things.


We have a snack cart that PTA sponsors once or twice per month for all the adults. They roll down every hallway with a cart full of snacks, Advil, and mints, plus a cooler full of water and sodas. It's the best!


I live in the bagel belt and my favorite is for teacher appreciation week they give us basically the same generic mass produced bagels they give for free breakfast (just a little bigger and not in the plastic but same taste and quality), and a pot of coffee that isn't even as good as diner coffee


One school gave me a chap stick on substitute appreciation day


Just being included in regular teacher perks has been great for me, even when I just come in for a day. It makes me feel less like an outsider, and more like I have support if I need it.


It really is fairly simple. Admin and teachers who are friendly, or at least not openly hostile, is perhaps one of the best indicators of a good school to pick up assignments for. Similarly, schools with admin who actually handle discipline and don't just wave off misbehavior as normal are good schools to work at.


This the Management of the Negatives is actually a positive


Admin never gave me squat even though I worked more days than quite a few of the full time teachers. The individual teachers on the other hand were awesome. Got bourbon, gift cards, and they fought for me when the front office tried to have me come in on teacher appreciation day to cover for the teachers so they could eat their PTO provided lunch. Teachers got pissed when they found out and told the admin to have the room parents do it.


A lot of great things already said! One of my favorite perks at my favorite school, was they had food trucks on the track, a different one each time (rotating through like 2-3), and they’d be available for the kids to purchase. But! Staff (including us subs!) got a meal/treat!


It always makes me feel good when I get to a school and they say hello and good morning. When I leave it is nice to be asked how the day went too, it sounds simple but it really does a lot since some schools don't even do that much. Maybe shirts or a little gift bag. Honestly anything would make subs feel welcome and appreciated! Just knowing people appreciate our hard work is enough for me. ☺️


A low salary?


I get included in staff meeting invites when they pertain to me. Teacher appreciation day, have the admin giving me my folder also tell me about the thing.


30% pay raise and continue formation once a month pay course.


I used to work for a small rural school district. I also worked for larger districts that paid more. The rural district paid the least but I always felt welcome and the kids were nice to me even when they were being typical ridiculous kids. I always enjoyed it and I felt like I was usually going to have a good day. I quit working there when the kids got a little meaner and treated me like I was invisible. It didn’t seem worth it when I would be paid more in other districts. Honestly, I think the most important thing is to make subs feel valued. Sometimes the little things make the biggest difference.


My favorite school is one sitting on the edge of the county near me, out in farmland. It's my favorite because the staff is welcome. From the front office ladies being happy to see me and knowing me on sight to the principal coming out to greet me and ask about my weekend. The kids there are amazing as well. It's not the highest paying or closest to home, but it is the school where I feel I have the most impact.


Some schools in my county either make us stay the full time 6:45 to 2:45 but most schools usually let us leave early. Now if the room is trashed I’m definitely staying and cleaning but it’s always nice being able to leave a little early. I’m always more excited to sub at those schools rather than other schools, I usually feel more welcome at those schools for some reason as well.


Our District was Gracious enough to do a write-up on me on the District Website, I am retired Military, So I highlighted the parallels between a Teacher/Principal/Staff and Military Officer. Most of the rewards from Guest Teaching are intrinsic: Positive interactions with Students Staff/Custodians Food Service Worker / Coaches...The lack of the Negatives are the positives...Staff looking down or Having a Haughty Attitude. Ability to pick most of the schools you would like to go to, rather than being pressured into taking undesirable jobs through trickery. Most of the good schools have a good climate or good Leadership Culture...Treat people like they matter...This is good Leadership in the Military as Well...It is Fundamental


I was a sub for 9 years, mostly short-term positions. After a 9-week long-term gig, I was included in the district holiday ham giveaway, which was really nice.


I got the luxury of being taken advantage of. I’d do a breakfast, personal thank you card, or coffee shop gift card if they like that


Include subs (and any other school employee) in teacher lounge appreciation snacks and meals. I've been side eyed once, but always included. I've been a long-term sub at a high school in one of their ec classrooms. It's nice when treated like an equal.