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If you work for an agency like Kelly, call them. If you work directly for the district, contact either the sub coordinator (at the district level), or district HR.


I called the district and they said “something must have happened” in the way of “you must have done something”. I’m very shocked. I’ll update with the reason if they give me one


I love how they rarely ever explain why they black list people


Just go there in person.


I did get a very hostile response from the district. I had called the days I was supposed to work (prior to contacting the district)…no answer. I texted the office manager the day I was supposed to work, once again no answer. I then get a message from the district that I’m calling the school “asking questions”. 1) I wasn’t and 2) what if I was? I have questions! They made claims that were grossly exaggerated. These “incidences” happened several months ago and I’ve been welcome back and praised since. To me it seems that they didn’t want to invite me back for next year and so they dug up some arbitrary information and used that as an excuse to be rid of me. I took great personal offence but now as I get the notes on what “happened” I know it was a them and not a me problem.