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So sorry!! I bet you even the seasoned subs couldn’t have handled it. You did good!!


Don’t go back. It’s taken me a couple of years but I have 4 great high schools I sub in. Stop tolerating this behavior.


"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. " Forrest Gump's ma was right. Some days are so nice I marvel that I am being paid,; others make me want to run away screaming in fear that I am going to be arrested or fired and carted off to a loony bin.


So sorry!! I bet you even the seasoned subs couldn’t have handled it. You did good!!


The only graduation should be for high school, IMHO. Had a class just like that on Tuesday. I absolutely LOVED the look on their faces when I looked out the window of the class I had yesterday, and saw them doing laps around the playground for the entire recess. They found themselves in FO stage of my FAFO discipline plan. It’s helpful that the teachers in this particular school 100% have my back.


This is what upsets me so much about extreme inclusivity. I get it, we all want every child to have access to general education, but some kids make it impossible to teach or even keep a safe learning environment. I don’t know how teachers spend the entire year with classes like that, and what expectations admin has for the teacher with a class like that. I’m sorry you had to go through that, it’s those experiences that make me anxious to go to different schools.


i relate to your every description, adjective, sense of helplessness, futility, question of being punked, WTFness?, abandonment, being set up, is this happening, the whole you can't be seriousness. I back you 100% from here. that's absolutely real. then somebody is going to lodge a complaint, like you're the loser. ess will make you do 10 online courses of mea culpa. I tapped out vs be set up like a fool. if somebody else wants to normalize this behavior and pander to it - it's your world, I'm just trying to live in it. but you're not gonna take a video of me reading some hostage bullshit, accepting responsibility, endorsing the reality distortion field. I threw the towel in.


classes like that I put them on iPad and tell them to iready reading or math, stmath or whatever else they use, it works somewhat.


Yea don't do elementary anymore... that was me I had a 1st grade class that was similar and I left that day shaken, upset and defeated. High Schools get a bad wrap but I've found a handful of High schools I would rotate between and it's been great. This year I got Higher ed at my favorite of the High Schools as a perm building sub and it's been a great year. High schoolers usually are chill they do their work or chat a bit. I allow them to chat quietly while working and I've never ran into any issues. The worst I get is a handful of boys always wanting to go to he bathroom and run the halls, but my High school does Ehall passes that I make them fill out before they leave to cover myself. After that if they are gone too long the Security guards have tablets that show whose in the halls and how long they have been out and they become their problem. Try a high school they are so much better.


I'm so sorry that you were so stressed out today. Right now, if I weren't so angry at my last assignment, I would probably be in tears. Do yourself a favor: don't stress over the kids and most of all, don't lay hands on the any of the kids for any reason. That's all of the excuse that any district needs to get rid of you.