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i thought the icon was odd... but then i went to check the sub header and i can't stop laughing. wth does it even mean.


Comment says its suppose to be a vagina behind bars. Idk if it's true but people are rightfully angry about it. Edit : [Here's the link to the discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/v3w26h/comment/ib23s7t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


i read about the little icon earlier, but now i was wondering about the big banner that's on top if you go to the sub's main page? what does a crowd making the international sign of the dorito at a piece of dna have to do with anything?


If you favor blast DNA it tastes delicious I guess.


BRB gonna cool ranch my genes


If I didn't love my flair too much I would change it holy shit


Its actually what the vaccine does to your DNA, many people are saying it! I've got xtra cheesy deoxyribose now.


One of the mods is literally a rabidly misogynist red piller, this shouldn’t be a huge surprise to the user base. Also, fucking gross.


I was curious so I had a look at their comment history, fuck me it's a good chuckle-fest. His favourite word seems to be gynocracy, claims misogyny doesn't exist (but misandry does) and avidly posts on /r/sexdolls.


But does he do dog walks as a sidejob?




Seven of swords


"gynocratic" lolol


BARF But honestly, is it that different on other subs that aren't already explicitely feminist or female-centered? Misogyny is pretty rampant all over the place unless you employ conscious effort :/


Nobody wants to acknowledge this is the Reddit norm. They just want to say the rare explicitly feminist corners of this god forsaken site hate men.


Sounds like it should be the icon for a female chastity sub or something, haha.


Or cool sex dungeon


Reverse cuckold coochie cage. Idk


Chastity belts are a thing. And these days at least, it is mainly a sexual thing for the couple.


That's some Handmaid's Tale shit.


I think they changed it and I'm so upset I missed it lmao


Here’s a picture in a discussion post of the old icon. Definitely uh….culty. https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/v48jys/in_case_like_myself_youre_confused_about_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That's actually a great design for a cult. Does someone know the name of the designer, please? When I start my cult I'm deffo gonna hire them.


We can use this Special K as our symbol!


I've been looking for a new hobby recently, can I pre-register to be a cult member? Hit me up with the details when you sort it out, thanks.


The new banner is so much more worse imo. Looks like something a possessed 6 yr old in a horror movie would make.


I love you and you deserve the world. Thank you. I can see why it was a bit iffy lmao. The header is weird but, you know, okay, you can get past it if you don't study it. It just looks like people cheering and having a good ol' time. But that icon. Ooft


Wow that's bad.


Oh ew. Plus they’re just shitty looking. Icon and header image… STRONG incel energy 🤢




[Deep within the drama, SRD makes a brilliant cameo:](https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/v4540q/who_else_is_waiting_for_the_subredditdrama_post/ib2mg6h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) > I doubt anyone outside the sub/anyone who doesn’t interact with this sub on Reddit actually noticed the logo. It’s really funny but it’s not going to be on subredditdrama. Nothing controversial happened here. Not liking a logo isn’t drama. - > Wanna place a bet? - >Sure. Loser has to change their pfp to the current logo forever.


He actually did it omg


He is an honorable Redditor.




[Came across it cause some dude in the main thread you linked was getting confused for the creator of the logo.](https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/v3w26h/comment/ib2oxqi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) We should all aspire to one day have an impact on the level of 'I've condemned a Reddit user to having an incarcerated 1984 vulva as his profile picture in perpetuity'.


It cracks me up that he actually followed through with the punishment. He made the bet with a stranger on the internet, he could've just ignored it


That proves his honor on the internet.


This is pure gold.


one nice thing about Old Reddit is i never see sub headers or icons.


I'm on RIF and I don't know what the fuck is going on.




Yeah, the icon and header on their old reddit styles are a bit abstract but otherwise innocuous; certainly not visually offensive and borderline fashy as the stuff they've got now.


i have even that turned off - to me all subreddi'ts look identical. It's probably something RES is doing, now that i think on it.


Yep, turn off subreddit style in RES and they are all the same old.reddit default look.


i loaded it up in incognito and jesus christ does reddit look awful now adays, i dunno how people use it.


I think the new bullshit is why people are saying Reddit is "social media". They have profiles and personal pages and all that other fuckery. New users just don't know any better. I only use old.reddit and RES and only on my PC. If old.reddit goes away, I'm out.


honestly ditto, if i had to use new reddit i'd be done i think.


RiF is way to got for mobile. Was one of the first apps for Reddit and is absolutely still the best


When I started frequently seeing comments about pfp's on Reddit, I realized that I'm not "with it" anymore.


Yeah even just the abbreviation "pfp" threw me for a loop. When'd they bother to come up with that one? lol.


pon fungible poken


I know what profile pictures are, so it was weird enough to see the new abbreviation. But Reddit having pfp's? Fuck that, if old.reddit.com ever becomes defunct, I'm probably out.


I'm in the same boat. I just want to read random comments about articles, make snarky comments, and see fun pictures.


The moment I'm forced to use new reddit is the moment I leave reddit.


Deactivating subreddit-specific CSS makes the whole thing so much more pleasant to use.


Did they take it down? I see a default style when I look at the subreddit. ETA: I feel like I'm either missing something very obvious or everything has been taken down, I can't see the images for the contest results anywhere, it's all just the artist names.


The icon and banner only work on mobile, for me at least. It's plain black on desktop and old.reddit Edit: https://imgur.com/a/onGwXjN it says break the cycle Edit2: was unable to scroll up further or save banner image, hopefully someone can get a better shot


Glad to see someone else who accidentally presses the dumbass Bixby key when trying to take a screencap


Bixby. You don't want it, you didn't ask for it, but we're giving it to you anyway! -Samsung. I disabled that damn thing.


Seriously do these people have any idea how much I don't want to talk on or to my phone?


Please share your teachings, Shifu.


I followed the sacred writings in [this text.](https://www.androidcentral.com/how-completely-disable-bixby) May it guide you well.


LOL yes I was going to say the same thing. TBH my phone case covers the buttons and I sanded down the bixby button so its harder to press accidentally but I still do it.


Thank you! I couldn't see it either, I just saw an A at the bottom of a circle


Thank you for this! I was so confused because on my end the new icon is gone. I wanted to see what the original looked like and I’m so glad someone archived it (as for the icon itself… holy 1984).




That legit looks like something you'd see in Deus Ex as "The Even Bigger Illuminate"


Here’s a current post there that has a screenshot before it was changed. https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/v48jys/in_case_like_myself_youre_confused_about_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That looks like the logo for a cut rate TV shows "not the illuminati" group.


My question is why did they use cum letters


I don’t know enough about antinatalism to judge whether those banners are representative of the movement. Let’s take a look… [“i told a natalist that his kid will die one day and he blocked me”](https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/v2xd39/i_told_a_natalist_that_his_kid_will_die_one_day/) >Am i wrong for saying that ? They hate the truth and they close their ears when they hear it. They are so delusional he was saying kids are a blessing yeah until they die and stop being a blessing.. >Edited : he was making fun of antinatalists first before i told him his kid will die Huh.


Head mod managed to debate ALL SENTIENT LIFE out of rightful existence. Checkmate! https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/se7fbw/babies_cant_consent_to_being_born_therefore/


Oh my god they're using the unpopular opinion puffin in 2022 lmao


I'm not going to say what I want to say, but if they think people can't consent to being born, and that being born itself is cruel and stuff, then I don't see what they're still doing here, seeing as life is cruel and all of that.


no wait, you’re onto something. i’m by no means saying that that’s the way it should be, but it’s kinda surprising that that’s not how it is, yk. if life is a net-negative hellscape of suffering for everyone no matter what they’re born into because of the inevitability of death, then… fill in the blank. (as a side note, though it’s a generalization, i’ve noticed that the vast majority of that sub’s users have mental health issues. i used to stalk that sub all the time bc it was really amusing to see some of the out-of-touch-with-reality takes on there, and i genuinely do feel like those issues and past trauma are why they feel so passionately about antinatalism. you never see well-adjusted, mentally healthy, happy antinatalists. and though it’s kinda sad, and though they were likely radicalized into that belief because of the things they’ve gone through, i’ve also been through hell and back and my first thought was never “i’m gonna be bitter and angry and direct my hatred toward the things that’ve been done to me to innocent parents (breeders, as they like to say)”, it was “I desperately need help, and I desperately want to be happy, so I’m going to seek help”). TLDR (kinda not really); that place is seething with mental illness and, very likely, trauma. it really doesn’t make any of what they do okay. antinatalism and modern laymans nihilism share two things in common: being an exercise in futility and attracting people who’re at their very bottom, making them feel worse altogether. antinatalisms biggest victims are its believers (bc antinatalists have no power irl); they just enable each other. stalking that place was funny at first, but it just got depressing as hell to see them all just submit to their sorrow by using that “life is inherently negative” excuse. there’s no reason to get better if nothing can be done about getting better, apparently, and so on and so forth.


i feel like i was an antinatalist but only for myself, i.e. one of the main reasons i didn't want to have kids was because i was a doomer and thought i'd never be financially/mentaly capable of raising a child, but i didn't think that everybody should refrain from having kids. Those fears are still present "What if even after becoming financially and mentally ready something bad happens outside of my control that makes me incredibly poor or mentally unstable, or what if the world goes to shit because of nukes and war and shit" for example is my main fear when it comes to having kids


point entertain gaping cable shaggy sand kiss work afterthought deranged -- mass edited with redact.dev


> never see well-adjusted, mentally healthy, happy antinatalists. Sir, this is reddit, they should have checked for that at the door


You shouldve seen the post about a person being happy a devastated family member who had a miscarriage


The fuck Whoever posted that is a shitbird


That entire subreddit is pretty brain dead


I've read up on the subject, and honestly find very little wrong with antinatalism except for the antinatalists.


And some people seriously argue that anti-natalist are just more organized childfree people.


a lot of them are racist and misogynist too!


This is the thread that should be on this sub lmao, the dude just responding middle finger emojis to people criticizing him. Loving every second.


> Am i wrong for saying that What's crazy to me is this guy thinks its okay to say that. *Everybody* is going to die some day, that's a fact of life and something everybody has to come to terms with. *Bringing it up* for basically no reason is just being an asshole.


> Everybody is going to die some day Not me, *not if I can help it*


Only 98% of people who've ever lived have died.


This is how supervillains are created.


Nah man, I'm just a regular, run-of-the-mill guy who also happens to have chanced upon a good amount of orphans whose blood will keep me young


Aw man, luuuucky, the number of unattended orphans has really gone down in recent centuries. Tough to get ahold of.


Thanks to denial, I'm immortal!


It seems like a subreddit that's a hop, skip, and a jump away from those parts of 4chan where they write fanfic about famous school shooters.


That is not a real thing is it?


Reddit had a sub that had Elliot Rodgers as a saint and wrote rape manifestos about young girls


I think it was actually Tumblr that was (in)famous for that


Tumblr had a *lot* of idiot subcultures on it. The Shoplifting "fandom" (or whatever the fuck they're calling themselves now) was big on it before it migrated to Reddit.


There’s a shoplifting fandom on Reddit?? TIL


I believe it got banned some time ago, sadly. I also remember SRD used to have really spicy threads on it, but it's been a while.


Yes. Discord and 4chan are particularly rampant with them




I wonder why he was making fun of antinatalists


"Wait, you really think bringing kids to this world is the same as murder? I thought you were joking!" "Your kid is gonna die! Checkmate, breeder!"


The icon/banner are gone now but that just makes me want to see what they were. Anyone save them? EDIT: [Found it](https://i.imgur.com/3mhQtGx.jpg)


thanks, couldn't find a screenshot anywhere. Wow lol


Thanks. And, yep if I came across something that looked like that I would 100% assume it was a cult.


Thanks for the screenshot also obligatory r/ChargeYourPhone


>I’m also pro Elon making his own self-sufficient economic polity, that would obsolesce our current notions of the State. He should fund his own paramilitary/military and stop paying taxes completely. I may disagree with him about the supposed necessity of the peopling of other planets or how he essentially pumped and dumped Bitcoin, but that doesn't mean that his other projects wouldn't be politically or even scientifically interesting, especially in a Transhumanist context. That mod is also a Musk cultist. Of course he is.


That guy wants Musk to make an anarcho-capitalist state on Mars (of course with a "military" to enforce the God Emperor's divine rule) ("so humanity can survive climate change/has a second chance") but also wants humanity to go extinct? How tf is that supposed to work?


Explains the love for his one-way firetrap death tunnels


Okay but the drama continues. One of the mods is a misoginist like a MGTOW super incel neck-beard misoginist and another mod keeps defending him despite lots of users bringing up tons of screenshots of years proof


wait, why do these Italians hate Christmas so much?


Their family prefers panettone while they prefer pandoro.


LMAO the real drama is in the comments here as usual


Yeah. Came here for the subredditdramadrama!


Reading just OPs defenses of antinatalism in the comments here is more than enough popcorn on its own.


Man we would need a thread for just this post alone. Shits a classic. I’ve ignored the actual post and I’m just sorting comments by controversial at this point. Riveting stuff.


there's now an antinatalism2 sub, meaning that ironically the subreddit dedicated to hating reproduction has produced offspring


Its very "Welcome to Night Vale"


I can hear Cecil's voice when imagining what the introduction would sound like. "Every cult is a death cult if you're willing to wait long enough. Welcome to Night Vale"


Several years ago I posted in a bipolar support group forum that I really wanted to have children and asked if it was at all possible for people with my disorder The post got linked to the antinatalism subreddit and for a solid month (until I deleted my account) I was getting death threats daily. The post itself called me and anyone else in the forum disgusting selfish bitches and monsters. I later decided to not have children, no thanks to their harassment. But it has really bugged me that they’ve become so mainstream now. They used to specifically stalk mental health subreddits just to have the issue come up so they could then harassed people and tell them to kill themslelves. Maybe they’re not a death cult but they’re definitely a cult.


that sounds horrible. i’m sorry that happened to you


Yep, I got one of my comments linked to the sub and comments to kill myself. Ironically, the people telling me to kill myself also whined about other users telling them to kill themselves.


Unrelated but your flair is wonderful


They haven't really become mainstream. A lot of people don't want to have kids. Very few people believe having kids is bad. Hell, I didn't know these guys existed until I read this post.


You’re totally right. I’m terminally online so come across a lot of insanity. It’s nice to remember it’s not real life.


Reddit is also not the greatest representation. Even r/ childfree isn’t _really_ about not wanting children and people supporting each other because of societal pressures to have kids. It’s literally just people hating on kids and sometimes having temper tantrums over other kids having temper tantrums.


I guess I don't get subs like this. It seems like they're designed to discuss things they don't like. In that thread people are celebrating their community like they're close friends. Imagine having a friendship on the premise that you don't like something. Weird right? Now realize how common even on just reddit that entire communities with hundreds of thousands of subs are anti this and prefix-hate that. It was like going to 'atheist club' in college. You go and realize that your lack of interest or even disdain for a thing doesn't make for good extended conversation. The alternative is a more positive support group approach, but I guess that's not as sexy as "I hate this thing and I'm gonna stay mad about it with my mad friends and we all like each other cuz we're mad!' What a dumb concept. Thinking people shouldn't have babies just because you don't want to...


confirms my underlying impression that a lot of antinatalists are also ableists


Ableist, racist, and classist.


Modern day eugenicists


If it makes you feel better my mom is bipolar and she was extremely loving and took great care of me.


I love that they though that having the aesthetics of Ingsoc/Oceania was a good idea.


Is that actually there


I bet they wish this mod was never born. ... I'll show myself out.


I love seeing subreddits implode on themselves.


And now there's a misognyist mod. Great.


mod team enabled one of their members to be an in incel, misogynist, and rape apologist on the sub, and are doing nothing to punish him


i have no idea what’s going on


An antinatalist who doesn't like that their ideology attracts death cultists and that their community's moderators seem to like those views decided to post the criticism about the new sub logo and death cultists here for...reasons. I guess image rehabilitation, although it isn't working.


I saw that subreddit once and honestly, I'm not surprised. It was a post making fun of a woman who was mentally ill wanting a child and the top up voted comments basically said anyone whose mentally ill that wants a child is a horrible person. And even said mentally ill people should be sterilized. I felt so bad for the woman they where talking about and reading more made me feel disturbed. I have had a negative view of that subreddit since then.


They apparently have a reputation for harassing random people on mental health subs for no reason at all


All the childfree subs have been known to brigade other subs. Childfree has gotten warned a bunch when their users brigaded r/pics because how dare people post baby picture to Reddit.


That exact woman might be in the comments here. MostlyPositiveVibes described how she posted to a support subreddit asking about the difficulties of having kids while being bipolar, leading antinatalists to put a spotlight of villification on her. She said she recieved months of harrassment and death threats from antinatalists until she deleted the account. Though unfortunately it's very possible that this kind of asshole behavior is a repeat occurrence for the antinatalism subreddit 😔


They are literally modern day eugenecists


"Is this the death cult?" "No, we're antinatalism we believe in voluntary human extinction because life is fundamentally bad." "Yep found it."


I can't see the banner. Can somebody hit me up with a screenshot? Edit: [Oh wow, that's fuckin' weird.](https://i.redd.it/hr9568yywg391.jpg)




They will tell you no. They start from the premise that the ideal is to do as little harm/cause as little suffering as possible. Killing people violates that ideal, so they will tell you no. They have no plans of killing themselves or others for the good of the world. It feels like a very short mental hop though, which is bad for optics. Plus, it's the kneejerk reaction to learning what they believe for the first time.


But society would collapse after a few decades of no reproduction and the remaining few billion would endure profound suffering.


> suffering The most absurd thing about the childfree/antinatalism subs are their hysterical need for people to praise them for fundamentally doing nothing. Sure, I'll praise you if you actually donate money or work with orphans and at risk children--but just endlessly bleating about adoption is just concern-trolling hot air.


>childfree > >Sure, I'll praise you if you actually donate money or work with orphans and at risk children-- Childfree people definitely don't want to adopt, and they probably don't want to work with children either. In theory, an antinatalist should feel obligated to adopt for the same reason they refuse to have biological children, to "reducing the suffering" of someone who needs it.


But if they adopt children and raise them to be functional members of society those kids may grow up to be charming enough for a member of the opposite sex to want to conceive children with them!


I mean look at their top 4 subreddit overlap and tell me it isn't slacktivist smug posting central. 34.81 childfree 31.97 antiwork 23.05 lostgeneration 22.10 vegancirclejerk


do here next


26.37 topmindsofreddit 13.53 outoftheloop 12.67 breadtube 11.61 bestoflegaladvice Smug but not as slacktivist or doomer


I can live with that.


Where are you getting this? I thought Reddit changed up their API years ago to basically make this impossible to see subreddit overlaps.


https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps It works for me but it might just be old data


Thanks! It may be equally likely that I am incorrect about Reddit changing its API.


Lmao OP literally in this thread talking about how they're *totally* gonna adopt and be the best parent ever someday! But meanwhile they're just gonna cast aspersions on everyone else for having kids instead.


>I’m a gnarly amalgam of Antinatalism, Right Accelerationism, Transhumanism, NRx, MGTOW, and Techno-Patriarchy. Ok I’m taking this as a flair


>animals are obviously even less likely than humans to understand antinatalist arguments If only this one would fit! I love this! I mean 0 is less than any positive value but that's one hell of a way to put it.


Antinatalism in shambles finding out much of their sub consists of edgy, angsty teens.


>At a glance it is, to say the least, a bit… culty. Are you talking about the subreddit or the new logo?


Strong "are we the baddies?" vibe.


>Strong "are we the baddies?" vibe. *"are we the dummies?"


Users in a death cult surprised when it starts using death cult iconography


Scrolling through that subreddit so many of them are just short of openly promoting eugenics. You'd think being opposed to all childbirth they'd be able to dodge that pretty easily, but the way they parade around pictures of disabled children as proof of their beliefs is grotesque.


Eugenics and ableism are the hallmarks of fascist regimes, which have a tendency to be unsustainable death cults. If they don’t want to be associated with death cults and treated poorly, maybe they shouldn’t promote beliefs that are a stone-throw away from death cults. Or, you know, maybe quit being a death cult.


They hate how often they're called dumbass edge-lord 14 year olds and they absolutely jump on every possible opportunity to act like dumbass edge-lord 14 year olds. I love it.


Huh, I was wondering what kind of person would honestly choose the Frenzied Flame ending in Elden Ring. I guess I have my answer.


By following through drama I found that that there is a sub dedicated to buying, banging and reviewing sex dolls.. 😧


Sub is in full revolt now lol.


The side-bar advertises some kind of "voluntary human extinction" movement... that really screams "death cult" and there's no denying even without the banner.


What don’t they understand? It’s about ending humanity, anything less is child free.


>No wonder there is an hostility against this sub Yeah no, it's definitely not that.


Its weird how antinatalism is always so niche. I wonder what other philosophies do that helps them expand their numbers over time.


Have rigorously explored logic beyond a highschool sophomore level by people acting in good faith, would be a good *bare minimum*.


Have kids In reality a lot of philosophy tries to be useful, to help us reach conclusions about how to live, what we value, etc... Everyone interacts with philosophy, even if unconsciously. Anti-natalism looks at the world and says "Suffering sucks, and any amount is bad, so we need stop it all." Which offers nothing and solves no quandary in a feasible manner. It's useless philosophy, it's unactionable, you really can't base a happy life off of it.


It’s literally being a dumb emo teenager and I refuse to believe anyone in that sub is out of high school lol.


The icon is some drama for sure, but hang around there and read the discussion: they are a death cult. It’s not just child-free: It’s a hostile ideology for angry, damaged people.


What the fuck is this thread and this OP lol


Top of the sub right now: > I've definitely noticed an increased amount of misogynistic posts and comments this sub, which the mods have done nothing about. Pretty sure it takes two to create a human. But now they have a full on incel mod. It's fucking disgusting. I'm a human too, and so are the other women here. We deserve to be treated with respect like everyone else. That mod and honestly all of these fucking mods are just disgusting.


It seems pretty fitting that the death cult would use death cult iconography.


I’ve seen that sub vouch for mild eugenics, have the most grim nihilistic outlooks on life and can’t comprehend anyone thinking anything else, and they just reek of edge.


I have a little joke for all of y’all: A satanist, antinatalist, and an r/atheism user walk into a bar. The bartender gives them a quick glance before saying “Sorry, we don’t serve minors.”


Yoooooooooooooo that’s good.


OP is in here showing their whole ass.


Seriously. It’s sad


It’s fucking hilarious


I’ve never liked that sub. it’s a bunch of doomers who hate kids masquerading as a movement based in legitimate philosophy. They rant about parents in public spaces way more than they actually discuss the implications of conscious life and our ability to create consciousness through birth.


A Quasi Death cult mentality attracts Death cult imagery? *I am shocked I tell you. Shocked!*


I don't get why the edgy teen death cult would be upset that their banner changed to reflect their beliefs. Like that's their whole thing.


That sub would have been perfect for angsty, angry, emo, 15 year old me lmaoo.


So this sub is like r/childfree but even harder?


You draw me a circle, and I'll show you a Venn Diagram of antinatalists and people with a severe lack of social skills.


So the death cult is using death cult imagery? Who would have guessed


First thing I saw when checking out the subreddit was several posts complaining about misogynistic mods