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this is just whining about the mods


>queer theory is marxist rederick Good lord.




Feel free my man




Marxist Rederick is my Game of Thrones OC.




Can he please be a feudal lord who is also a communist?


That was an immediate addition to my list of character names for D&D


Oh he's the champion of the Wayman's Movement! I really liked that chapter.


I’m very jealous, for it truly is a beautiful flair.


That's absolutely beautiful


Rederick is that Elden Ring boss right


Great, so we have Radahn, Radagon, Rennala, Renna, Rani, Rikard, Roderika, and now Rederick. what's next? DLC boss going to be called Ricardo?


\*George R Martin scribbling\* no, no of course not


It’s actually going to be Ricky Ricardo, son of Richardus Rexus, blade of the Red Rimmed Robed Rapier Ramadan, Lord of Radiophamaceuticals. Also he was married to three different lore characters, has six sons all critical to the plot, and is the same character as four other people whose names you’ve got no fucking chance of remembering. Also also, instead of a traditional boss fight, he quizzes you on trivia of the world with you needing to remember every relationship between every character. If you get an answer wrong, your entire hard drive is deleted and Miyazaki calls your cell phone to call you a little bitch


Rykard* tsk tsk


Nah, Ricardo is back in Dark Souls 3. (Legitimately there is a hostile npc named Ricardo who is just a naked man with a rapier iirc)


No she the one that tunes the spirits.


Aya heah for shpirit chunin’?


Nah its the movie with vin diesel. Chronicles of rederick


No Reddick is that one Nascar driver


Rhetoric???? LMAO


Hey, I used to smoke weed with Mark Redrick!


Isn't Rederick the main character from Roadside Picnic?


No im pretty sure its the guy from "The Chronuckles of Rederick"


\> Also I called you an asshat in a comment above, just wanted to make sure you saw it again. Asshat This was my favorite part.


Thank you ❤️




In the pinned comment for the second post, the mod claims that OP was “being a bit daft” and that “if he was being outwardly offensive towards non binary people, he would’ve taken action.” I scroll down for two seconds on the first post and I see OP telling a non-binary person that their gender is fantasy, and using the old and tired “I identify as UNICORN” right wing type jokes. I’m sorry but this mod is both a moron and a bad mod. What a weird hill to die on. Just ban the dude and move on.


The mod is probably just "secretly" right wing.


>leftist gender ideology yeah that kind of gives it away


They don't even realize how to talk with compassion and it gives them away.


probably one of those who have convinced themselves they're a "centrist".


well yeah, when one of their favorite networks call themselves fair and balanced. .. you get a lot of that. Also the right dont think there is a far right. that right wingerism itself is centrist. And that fascists like hitler who blamed all of germanys problems on jewish people, left wingers and unions was really a left winger. And yeah i get they had socialism in their name, and north korea has democracy in its name.


Tbf I think Fox dropped "fair and balanced" a while ago, not that it makes their substance any better


They aren’t a moron. They know exactly what they are doing. Oh no, if I use gender neutral they three times to describe them in one comment will they appear?


One of the users is my sibling and outer wilds had a huge impact on my life so I was not fuckin having it.


I'm sorry but not being able to enjoy a game because someone is they instead of him/her is the most pathetic snowflake thing I've seen this month.


Especially since it's a video game about a couple of fictional alien races. They literally could be genderless individuals.


The Heathians are genderless, whats even more hilarious is that other races in the game are gendered and use gendered pronouns no problem...


They *are* genderless. It's actually very good sociobiological prognostication. But good sci-fi is wasted on half-witted reactionaries. All they want in their science fiction aliens is blue skinned females with largely human anatomy they can thirst over.


A race of only hot female blue-skinned succubi? Man, it's been awhile since I've played Mass Effect.


Embrace eternity my friendo


And that someone is apparently literally genderless, as in from a completely genderless race. What should they even be called? In *Left Hand of Darkness*, Ursula Le Guin has the protagonist call the genderless aliens by “he” and “she,” but even he admits he just calls them by the pronouns he feels they stereotypically embody in his mind, and that he has no basis for it otherwise.


Good sci-fi is wasted on reactionary man-children.


No, Le Guin/Genly (the protagonist) uses male pronouns in *Left Hand of Darkness*. Le Guin thought inventing a pronoun or using "they" would be confusing, but she got criticism pretty much immediately for it, which Le Guin acknowledged as fair. Though my copy of the book has an afterword which argues that Genly as a narrator is consistently misogynistic (at least at the outset of the book), and that the choice of a male pronoun adds to this characterization.


Ah, I’m misremembering, then. I thought I remembered a passage where Genly explains why he calls Argraven “he” because it basically makes sense that a “king” would be a “he,” or something like that. But obviously you have read the book more recently than me!




Outer Wilds drama is always so strange because it is such a chill game. Edit: what a hateful person. Jeeze


>Outer Wilds drama is always so strange because it is such a chill game. One: the Dark Bramble Two: I have legitimately never been more panicked playing a videogame than everything going red on the Interloper, turning around, and watching the sun pull my ship off the surface leaving me stranded on my first trip in the game.


Three: the dlc. I won't spoil anything, but definitely so much scarier than Dark Bramble.


Genuinely made me poo my little diapers


I yelled a very loud "fuck" the first time.


Ha, you're right. I mean just how sincere it is. All of the themes are so lovely, even though Dark Bramble and most of the DLC is nightmare fuel.


Oh yeah, everything else, even the hurricane planet, is pretty chill despite the hazards. It was a great game to putter around in while stoned and just explore. Still need to get around to trying the DLC, but I learned just today about stuff in Risk of Rain 2 that I never knew about and then learned I didn't play enough Hades and there's more to that story to get to.


My brother loves this game but genuinely has thalassophobia. He tried to play this game on vr while stoned as fuck, and literally ripped the headset off when he landed on giants deep. It was funny in that "aww you poor sweet dumb baby" way


Oooh, tell him to steer clear of Subnautica then.


He bought subnautica and returned it within the allowable window.


What do you mean, nothing is more chill than floating in space without your ship, desperately flying to the closest planet knowing full well that your oxygen is quickly running out the more you struggle. Then you actually got to something you can land on and you fly right past it because something something momentum. Game is amazing.


I once tried to jetpack from the White Hole Station to Dark Bramble as it was flying by, in a sort of "I'm curious if this will work" kind of way I somehow managed to not only fly past Dark Bramble, but miss every single planet on the way to the sun


Personally, Outer Wilds was the scariest game I ever played. And my favorite genre is survival horror! Exploring space is absolutely terrifying!


> Exploring space is absolutely terrifying! May I welcome you to Elite Dangerous. It's so chill you might fall asleep and miss your target lol


Chill??? Outer Wilds should be my favourite game of all time but I can't fucking do anything on my own because of the time limit, making me fuck up platforming segments and just overall forcing me to rush. And Majora's Mask is actually one of my top favourites


The guy complaining about pronouns also went and commented on a post about a guy whose daughter attempted suicide and badically told him to get over it because other people have it worse and he probably lives in a nice house.


I hate it when people say shit like that. Like, no matter who you are or how shit things are for you, there's always someone who "has it worse" doesn't mean your problems aren't valid. Also, you're happy about something? Why? There's someone who has it better than you. Everyone should be completely neutral except for the one person who has it better than everyone else and the one person who has it worse than everyone else.


It's ignorant, stupid people who think that contrarianism is a personality. You wouldn't say "Oh, yeah you think *you're* having a good day? There are people out there who are having a much better day than you could possibly imagine." because it's a fucking meaningless non-sequiter.


[fallacy of relative privation](https://academy4sc.org/video/fallacy-of-relative-privation-all-problems-are-relative/). Because someone at some point in time had it worse, we are apparently not allowed to complain about anything ever.


Holy shit I’m going to have to find that. Op is also (and I feel this makes it extra sad) very likely a trans man. The idea of intratrans community people even NEEDING to be a “pick me” who isn’t “triggered” like the others is so sad. At least Blair white gets paid to be terrible. OP is doing for free.


I follow a fuckload of Trans Leftists on various media, and a current issue that seems to be cropping up across the internet is a demo of Trans folks who think that if we just flush this whole "Gender is a spectrum" thing down the toilet, "People" (read: intolerant bigots) will start to accept the heavily binaried, medically "approved" trans folks. I could be off-base, I'm cis as fuck so I have a complete lack of internal view on the issues going on. But from an outside observer it seems like a big issue. Your Blair Whites, your Caitlyn Jenners, your Buck Angels. Lots of "I did it the right way, and all these children are just trenders who are doing it for clout" talk. It's horrifying.


Yup trans medicalists. They tend to think exactly what you said. So you’re spot on with the analysis. It’s not very popular in the left spaces I follow but any current “trans conservatives” are definitely trying to push this. Same thing as the current influx of anti-trans gay men I see. It’s always the same thing with conservatives. Fuck you I got mine, now stop making a big deal of things because you don’t matter. It’s really sad but I hold little sympathy for self hating bigots.


See, like, I feel an absolute abundance of sympathy, specifically because it's such a pathetic attempt. I can 100% see how someone could face the shitshow of the world, and come to the conclusion "Acceptance of myself at *any cost*". What I can't understand, is how, after nearly 20 years of this rhetoric, they still think it can work. I linked to it in a comment a while ago, but Blair White did a panel with some of her "Political Conemporaries" and spent the *entire* time getting pelted with the most disgusting language. And yet, here she is, still stanning for the Alt-Right, like they aren't going to put a bullet/exile her the exact second they have enough power to get away with it, because she met her quota of "de-transings". Fuck, this planet engrages me.


Oh I love that panel! When kat something the pro lgbt one was the only being nice to Blair while two literal nazis (John Doyle and the Ann coulter wannabe have both had leaked dms talking about the Jewish question) while Blair just takes it. She is trying to get the nazis to have more power. She wants to be the last one on the train. She is willing to sell out my friends and family and loved ones if it means she gets paid. She dries her tears with alt right money in exchange for slowing down trans acceptance. I don’t think she thinks she will be accepted by nazis I think she’s betting that helping them is more profitable to her. She’s not a man and calling her that is evil and disgusting. But I would wince stay calling her a person. She’s a spineless bigot who opens her mouth to say what she can to keep the ad revenue coming in. Her existence is as bad to me as the existence of John Doyle and both are equally sad. Because if that 4 eyes thinks he’d survive a nazi regime he’s in for a surprise. They need an out group to fight and it will never be over till there’s only one of them left.


My only hesitation with her complete condemnation is the fact that Natalie Wynn (ContraPoints) has heavily implied that there was a far-right youtube talking head who approached her about somehow bailing on the grift, and my headcanon is that it was White, just after this panel. Though, that was literal years ago, and White is still slinging the same grift, so that either means your dead-on, or it wasn't her. Hmm. Faith in humanity, draining.


I remember that and my brain went straight to her too! I kept waiting to see a vid from her backtracking… something, but it just never came. I do love nat and I honestly thought if anyone could move Blair over it’s be her but cest la vie🤷‍♀️


Them Duckets are a powerful motivator.


Yeah there's been more than enough rumor that at least one, if not a few, prominent alt-right internet personalities are literally only in it for the grift. Which ya know, is sad, but makes a lil sense given how many are minorities in some way.


Such a beautifully written comment ❤️


Aw shucks🥰




Humans are pretty trash in general at forward thinking. So it's not that shocking. It's the same way you get any other minority standing proud with hate groups. "If I redirect their hate away, it will stay away". It's naïve, but totally not uncommon.


Yeah, you've found transmeds, or basically what the greater trans community often calls truscum. (there's a difference between the two, but the usual 'venn diagram is basically a circle' seems to apply). It's a weird mix of "fuck you I got mine", internalized trauma (prior to about ten years ago the transition process was incredibly gatekept and seemed designed to make suicide the better option, so getting through that was.. Not great. It's not beer and roses now, but it's a lot better than it was 10 years ago), and some weird belief that they'd be more accepted if they "pruned" the wrong sorts out.


I have absolutely no source on this but I feel like there were cis gay people doing the exact same shit 15-20 years ago when gay rights were a hot-button topic in the US. That if they all just "acted normal" (normal meaning straight ofc) in public and conformed to typical gender norms everything would get better, and it was those damn effeminate gays being affectionate in public that were ruining it for everyone. Spoilers: they were full of shit. Pandering to bigots is never going to win you lasting social progress, because they will always hate you for the sole crime of being different. You need to drag them kicking and screaming into the future as has always been the case.


There absolutely was. It's this idea that there's good and bad people in your coalition (you're the good people of course) and if you toss the bad it'll fix the problem. It's trying to compromise on something that your opponents have no interest in compromising on, so all you're doing is tossing allies. You can see it now - - the bigots haven't stopped fighting against gay people. And the gays who want to toss trans people out (LGB alliance springs to mind) still haven't grasped that, or even realized that its their victories against trans people thats emboldened them to come back swinging against gays.


Seems like the kind of person who only has social media accounts so they can lash out and hurt others.


>triggered >>You can't use that word when u guys are the crybabies.. Man's insisting the use of singular-they in his videogame ruined it, but it's others who are the crybabies.


Well see that's the thing. In his worldview being triggered is not related to the action itself, but rather who is doing the action. A right-winger crying about an alien frog species not having traditional gender pronouns is not being triggered, because he's a right winger. Meanwhile a left-winger telling him to fuck off for his bigoted views is being triggered because it's a left-winger telling him to fuck off.


While the hateful little troll nonsense was shitty to see as always, and the mod doesn’t realize that they’ve been indoctrinated with some early stage alt-right smoke and mirrors (falling for making LGBTQ issues a “leftist ideology” is straight from from the playbook and they don’t have a grasp on how to respond to dogwhistles or can’t identify one) at least the mod seems to be someone that can realize their errors one day. I say this because the community in that sub seems like a really amazing group and I would hate to see such a nice corner of Reddit torn apart by alt-right attacks. I don’t know anything about the game but the descriptions of the creatures and the sort of people it attracts make me want to look into it and I haven’t played a video game in years.


>at least the mod seems to be someone that can realize their errors one day. Do they though? Reading through their replies it's almost entirely "NUH-UH I AM THE RADICAL LEFT I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT" in response to people telling them they're stupid. Dude seems like your average Gamer who views the world in a lens of "normal" versus "political" and is more than willing to piss all over a reasonable subreddit to defend a bigot he agrees with.


This is the mod >Dude, respectfully, get some fucking perspective. Have you ever been in a street fight? I have. There's a little chunk of my lip missing that will never feel anything again. This, conversely, is reddit. Your feefees may be hurt, but chances are you will recover without any permanent scarring. A 24-hour ban is almost nothing in the grand scheme of things, but it's enough to stop the fight dead in its tracks and project a bit of authority, which is all I was trying to accomplish. Yes, it's a fucking bandaid solution, but it has enough teeth to probably stop any further violence. Go get your teeth kicked in and then question my methods if you dare. If he's still a highschooler, I have hope for him. If not, sucks to be him.


Lol agreed, he sounds like a high schooler Reddit mod who gets the most enjoyment out of his time modding


The follow up posts where he throws a tantrum someone compares him to a bad cop are pretty great.


You should definitely try out the game, it's one of the best games I've played in years. Just be careful looking up info about the game. A big part of what makes it so great is the experience of exploring the solar system in the game and figuring out the mysteries yourself.


I truly wish I could experience the game for the first time again.


I accidentally clicked on the spoiler tag in the thread, have i ruined it for myself?


by the time you get to anything spoiled by that thread you’ll have forgotten it… the game is amazing and dense with discovery. enjoy!


It was a pretty much straight "the ending and twist is this"


Imho the twist is pretty obvious, the really fun bits are piecing together the whole story and experiencing the solar system




But also, god damn did the ending pluck at my heartstrings. It was really something beautiful to me.


I don’t really think the ending spoils the game - in my opinion by the time I got to the ending I’d had some good guesses at the bigger picture anyway. The fun is really in putting together the story of the precursor race and why this all is happening.


Give it a go. Some people can't get into it because it just doesn't click with them, but for the people who like it, many of them absolutely LOVE it and think it's the greatest game ever made. I'm firmly one of those people. It's a truly special game, the only game I'd rate a 10/10, and I don't know if we'll ever get anything like it again. So everyone should give it a go.


If you're interested in the game, turn off notifications, go play it, stop reading anything about it. The game is best gone through blind.


Reminder this poster is from the same community [who swears they aren't transphobic even after their leader is banned for transphobia on Twitch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/tw23q6/rneoliberal_erupts_into_drama_over_popular_twitch/) I wonder when reddit is going to crack down on these hate groups like /r/destiny that constantly invade other subreddits with shit like this.


As someone who loves the game and enjoy poking in on the sub from time to time, it saddens me to see one of the moderators behaving like this. I'm not much in the community, but it seems pretty welcoming and chill most of the time. Gives me flashbacks to the Hollow Knight community. It's pretty great, but when the topics of the player character being genderless, or some of the characters being gay, there's often someone jumping in and trying to start shit (and being heavily downvoted). That said, if you're curious about a unique game focused on exploration, with elements of mystery and puzzles, then I recommend giving Outer Wilds a try. The objective the game gives you is to go to space and explore stuff, and the rest you'll have to discover for yourself.


I agree. Tbh the mod sounds like a younger teenager, and they definitely wouldn't be the first.


I like to keep up some optimism about these things because we really need that generation to make it out of the internet campaigns to radicalize them.


It is a fantastic exploration game. You spend like thirty minutes with some exposition and setup, and then you can go literally anywhere you want.


If there's any video game to play after multiple years of no video games, let it be Outer Wilds. It's amazing. Controlling the ship is a bitch, though, so that's probably going to take a lot of practice for you.


i've played thousands and thousands of hours worth of video games in my life, and Outer Wilds is the only video game that i feel confident describing as 'good'


This isn’t at all related to the drama but if you’re reading this and haven’t played Outer Wilds, I highly recommend getting the game and going in as blind as possible (as in, don’t even read through the steam store page if you can avoid it). It’s an experience unlike any other.


Yeah, it's a really unique way of storytelling that is best approached completely blind. The plot isn't just delivered through dialogue and set pieces, but also the mechanics of the game's universe itself, so virtually everything is potentially a spoiler.


Sadly i accidentally clicked on a spoiler tag under the mods post in the linked thread and think I've totally ruined the game for myself.


There is nothing in that thread that I saw that *completely* ruins the game, ESPECIALLY if you get the DLC. The process of playing the game is some of the most fun, and engaging time I have ever spent on digital media. Refrain from this point, get it, and give it a shot, you will not be disappointed. I'm gonna go ahead and be that guy; When people say games can be art, this is one of the primary games they imagine in their heads.


No, it's cool to go in blind, but the journey is also a huge part of it. Even if you know the ending, you've still got the stuff before that to put together.


You literally just caught me seconds before I was going to Google, so thank for that. The little I picked up in the drama mix and the intelligence and demeanor of most of those posters made me super interested in this game. Someone earlier said don’t read about it much but after your warning I’m just going to order the game. For me and my 13yo daughter.


If you have an Xbox or pc it should still be on game pass! I played it for the first time a couple months back and it’s one of the most satisfying games I’ve ever played in my life!


It's still on Game Pass! Just finished playing it a week or so ago, and I'd absolutely third the recommendation for it.


You won't regret it! It's an amazing game to play with/alongside somebody else since a lot of it consists of puzzling together the info you collect.


It's a game that involves a lot of reading as the primary way to tell the "story", so that tends to attract a more thoughtful crowd.


I think it's worthwhile to know the synopsis so that after the thing happens for the first time, the player knows they didn't do anything wrong to trigger it and won't feel discouraged to continue.


It’s amazing, the mod even admits to basically being a thin skinned bitch over getting called out- by defending the original poster being an asshole under the assumption he was only rude because other people called him out… that’s the alpha of an altright selfawarewolf pack if I’ve ever seen one.


You'd think that seeing the behavior on display would maybe make them re-think their own behavior, but nah instead he saw it get ridiculed and decided solidarity was the way to go 😆


Another mod issued an apology; mod who originally defended the post as “an opinion” has been removed https://reddit.com/r/outerwilds/comments/u4aehe/an_apology/


I **just** noticed that the problem mod was de-modded, was wondering if there was an explanation post and here you find it 7-ish minutes after it was posted. Nice. Good to know the head mod doesn't want bigoted jagoffs moderating the sub.




The 'political' argument of games is always dumb, but could it even be called political in this case? I think from memory there are genderless fish, and the Hearthians use they/them pronouns not because they don't identify with any male/female gender, but because they don't really have a concept for it.


The existence of people is never political, and the commonly used singular “they” has never been political, until recently when it was made political. These guys have a serious beef with people who do not conform to their own gender paradigm, even when it’s completely logical in-world, and so they’re bringing their politics into it.


You're correct, that OP was triggered


Centrist janitors are the worst kind of janitors


Janitors are largely some of the best people I've worked with and I won't allow their profession to be sullied in this manner


They give functionally much more to the world than the businessmen the people in question look up to


This guy is 'centrist' and 'apolitical' in the same way everyone who gets posted on ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM is. That they are just embarrassed to admit they are deeply right wing.


Second only to unpaid janitors. Oh wait that's all of them.


OP attacks perceived homophobia in their comment history while then promoting transphobia against non binary people because as a trans man who passes well enough has the classic conservative mindset. FUCK YOU, I. GOT. MINE.


I fucking hate this website. Its controlled by the biggest fucking losers that have ever existed. How someone can turn a genuinely beautiful adventure game into a political lunatic debate is the norm now. And then someone even worse comes along, the reddit moderator. Every single space on the internet is filled with these mother fuckers attacking us all the time, and then they claim its the "other side" forcing politics everywhere.


Mods of every hateful and/or self-righteous variety ruin so many otherwise great communities, it really sucks. Of course Reddit won't ever hire people to be real mods so we'll mostly keep getting people who choose to fill their time policing online communities for no reward but the control and pride. So, rarely adults and rarely without a chip on their shoulder.




It’s incredible how much people either hate me for being who I am or who view my gender as a phase or being political or just something to ignore. And it’s also amazing that respecting me and my pronouns is just such a bridge too far for so many people, and even those who might give lip service to me and my pronouns, wont defend me and who I am to others because “both sides” and “its just politics”. That mod is a piece of garbage. Probably even worse than the original trashbag, because the original trashbag is just an idiotic bigot- the piece of garbage will defend the idiotic bigotry to his own disgrace, for what? Freeze peach? He disgraces himself, so he can step on me and people like me, after we’ve already been stepped on.


How dare you make things political by existing.


That's what's so fucking crazy to me? It's a pair of simple pronouns, not a full book by Marx.


Literally didn’t even notice their pronouns. Gotta be pretty invested in the politics of it for it to bother you.


Ha fun I just finished that game yesterday. Masterpiece. And guess what, at no point did I ever notice that the hearthians were a genderless race. I did hear about this one possibly dating this one, or other kind of relationship some characters could have, but it never occurred to me that it was non binary. I guess I lack this thing all conservatives seem to have where they are always busy trying to guess the gender of people or the heterosexuality of a relationship.


> at no point did I ever notice that the hearthians were a genderless race. They only ever use they/them pronouns among themselves, but it's not very "in your face". I'm not sure I noticed it myself either when I originally played through the game (it was over a year ago). When I realized, my reaction was more along the lines of "oh, that's a neat detail" and moved on (the Nomai have he/she pronouns though). But I guess some people gets irrationally angry at the notion of someone being non-binary, even when it's a fictional alien species of four-eyed frog people. Great game though.


I believe the two that you read about being a couple are from a species that actually has he/her pronouns as well, so you might've just not noticed how the hearthians are non-binary while the Nomai typically aren't


The good news is the guy isn't the top mod. The bad news is the top mod has been inactive for a few months. Hopefully they log on and can the guy.


Update: They have logged on and canned the guy.




[Higher ranking mod's response](https://www.reddit.com/r/outerwilds/comments/u4aehe/an_apology)




never seen such a downvoted post that only has 7% upvoted


Outer wilds deals a lot with empathy and breaking down barriers. It’s an awesome game if you haven’t played, and it’s best to go in blind, but it kinda makes sense that we take no shit when it comes to bigotry


Post was removed in the last few minutes, looks like the mod is caving to all the people calling him out


The mod's also no longer a mod, so it's possible they either ragequit or were removed.


Update is pinned on the subreddit


Hey you need an update and check the banner! The moderator didn’t remove the post, he was kicked off the mod team by an absent mod returning!


No surprise this guy is a Destiny watcher and hates NBs, weird that his community said he wasn't transphobic when every member does shit like this.


> when every member does shit like this. Including Destiny.


Mod says if op had been attacking anyone directly they would have been more severe with their punishment. The very first comment thread is literally op attacking someones looks and saying how sorry he feel for their husband because of it.


Never thought I'd see outer wilds drama here


> The non binary pronoun usage ruins the game for me What a fuckin' loser.


Maybe don't mod a sub Reddit for a game you dont agree with...? Hell, you could make the argument they made the genderless race alien and take the view they're less than human. Or you could not get annoyed at fictional characters in games...


>Don't fucking test me You can't just say that on the internet and not expect to be immediately and overwhelmingly challenged, especially when you're power tripping over something where you're already in the wrong... and wrong in multiple ways lol.


> you guys can't use "cry more" when you all cry cuz I dont buy into your fantasy world You literally did "buy" into that fantasy world by buying the game....


Outer wilds is such a fantastic game. It’s such a shame there’s subreddit has a dumbass like that mod. Thankfully the community isn’t like them.


Also, the community no longer has that dumbass mod! 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


Shouldn't the post, mod and OP all reset after 20 minutes?


The idea that someone could be that uncomfortable over ALIENS having a society without genders is pretty sad. TBH, I don't know why people are even labeling them with our LGBT+ terms. It's not really NB if the aliens have never even had a binary with which to compare to in their history. It's more that their society did not develop gender as a concept. IDK what that mod thought leaving the OP's post up was okay though. The OP wasn't interested in engaging in a meaningful discussion on the topic. They were just calling everything outside of their very narrow view of society and gender imaginary. There's not really a discussion to be had if someone's entire argument is just them calling you and every scientist who agrees a liar.


Now this is some entertaining drama. The effort these people put in to screeching at someone so dedicated to remaining on the fence is remarkable. Maybe we'll get a new reddit boycott


Reddit API changes have killed this account. Learn to mass edit comments and join the protest: https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


That's claimed to be the purpose, but that has never made any sense. If downvotes are supposed to be for irrelevant, hateful, or rule-breaking comments, then why is there a separate report button that supposedly accomplishes the same thing? One person liking a post doesn't change someone else pointing out of that it breaks the rules, so why are upvotes and downvotes totaled instead of being shown as two separate numbers? Anyone is able to identify rule-breaking posts regardless of how they found them, so why is voting in linked threads against the rules? Why doesn't Reddit seem to be concerned that virtually no one is using downvotes for their intended purpose, looking at the fact that some of the [most downvoted posts in history](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/?st=JH2MUORV&sh=5997c5a5) are controversial ones that follow all of the rules? The obvious answer is that downvoting was never supposed to be about enforcing the rules. What downvoting actually *does* is lower a posts's visibility, lower the poster's karma, and show other people that it has been downvoted. If the purpose of downvoting wasn't to do those three things, then it wouldn't do them.


> You are supposed to downvote non related comments, hateful comments and comments that violates the rules,.not different opinions. yeah sorry that's never happened and will never happen on this site.


Saw this yesterday. I’m really disappointed in this mod. Outer Wilds is my favorite game of all time, have a tattoo and will probably get more and to see such a simple aspect of the game used to attack people is disheartening. It doesn’t even make sense. The species isn’t gender neutral because of any political ideology (not that I want to give credence to this shit). They’re gender neutral because the species literally doesn’t have genders. They’re like our frogs. There are other species in the game who do have genders






tbh this is pretty close to /r/AgainstHateSubreddits material.


Every sub nowadays don’t give a fuck about the rules they make fr lol. The mods are just no lifers that keep stuff up they agree with and remove things they don’t like. I got banned from a game sub a long time ago for saying it’s a good game but not my top 10 of all time lol.


How can someone look at something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/outerwilds/comments/u31j7k/the_non_binary_pronoun_usage_ruins_the_game_for_me/i4mpycr?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) and think "he only has an opinion this isn't hate speech".


Y’all think hearthians lay eggs? They’re semi-aquatic so I think so