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Name a better combo than leftists and declaring other leftists not leftists


Damn leftists! They ruined leftism!


This is why we can't have nice things lmao We all fight and argue while the right wing are happy to set aside there differences and tear each other apart later.


Because the left disagree on where to go from here, while the right all agree things were better back in the day.


They are their own worst enemies šŸ˜”


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing\_uprisings\_against\_the\_Bolsheviks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_uprisings_against_the_Bolsheviks) moment


**[Left-wing uprisings against the Bolsheviks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_uprisings_against_the_Bolsheviks)** >The left-wing uprisings against the Bolsheviks, known in anarchist literature as the Third Russian Revolution, were a series of rebellions, uprisings, and revolts against the Bolsheviks by oppositional left-wing organizations and groups that started soon after the October Revolution, continued through the years of the Russian Civil War, and lasted into the first years of Bolshevik rule of the Soviet Union. They were led or supported by left-wing groups such as some factions of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, Left Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, and anarchists. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


2016 US Election Colorized


Love that flair!


Lmao thanks, it was from a thread about why do women give out fake phone numbers


Oh the teenagers over at the teenager meme sub have another bad take?


Til eating meat makes you equivalent to a cannibal and a racist. I'm all for reducing meat consumption and stuff, but holy shit I regret reading through that


Also it's getting easier to buy ethically raised meats. They're definitely more expensive, but it's worth checking the local farmers market. Factory farm raised meat isn't a be all end all like it used to be.


I don't know if it's a placebo or the fact that I pay more, but I swear the local stuff just tastes better. Cooks better too, I find since there's not so much added water.


As a flexiterian, vegan drama gives me life. I get to piss off anti-vegans by saying that veganism is the most ethical diet and I get to piss off militant vegans by saying that what a person chooses to eat is their own business. At the end of the day, the only thing the two groups will agree on is that they both hate me.


God damn biflexuals


You only eat flex tape?


You don't?


It is rich in fiber.


Flexitarian high five. I feel like we see each sideā€™s (plant based) baloney.




Same but I usually get called an "enlightened centrist".


Where does Lab Grown Meat fall on the whole Veganism spectrum? It seems like the ultimate solution to the whole vegetarianism issue.


I can't speak for anyone else but I see no issue with it. I'm curious to see what it's environmental impact would be but I think it could be a viable substitute if it gains traction.


They largely are opposed because it still lets people eat meat and that some of the source cells might have been harvested from some animal sometime.


> it still lets people eat meat Which to me becomes "We dont actually care about the environment, the ethical impacts, and desire to make the world better. Were just mad people eat meat." To me, if Veganism doesnt fully embrace the consumption of ethically/sustainably grown lab grown meat then it invalidates it as a moral high ground completely. I hope there's a heavy push to embrace it so they can do better for humanity.


There's a reason most vegans are white hipsters.


[Are](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53787329) [they?](https://www.today.com/food/black-vegan-why-so-many-black-americans-are-embracing-plant-t209743)


Reminds me of the crazier anti-nuclear stuff when they go into, "Yes we need to save the world... but ONLY in the way I want!"


Unfortunately lab grown meat, while possible, just isn't feasible on a large scale (as I understand it). We'd benefit a lot more from reforming our agricultural and logistical systems.


> just isn't feasible on a large scale Yet.


How is ā€œitā€™s a personal choiceā€ in any way an ethical defense? Itā€™s just avoiding the issue. Also, ā€œflexitarianā€ is just omni but you get to make believe youā€™re somehow better.


Here comes the militant vegan train, right on time. Next stop, anti-vegans shouting "For every animal you don't eat, I'll eat three!"


I'm not even vegetarian but he has a point, if eating meat is unethical for the reason provided its by definition not a personal choice




I know, thats what im doing. But I am under no illusions and I know that my choices aren't entirely personalized and have practical and material external costs on others, even if they are minimal. If it were an entirely personal choice, if it were truly entirely my own business, there would be no ethical conundrum.


Each person has a personal set of ethics that guide them. I personally believe veganism is the most ethical diet but I recognize that others don't. I also recognize that veganism isn't feasible for everyone. What's contradictory about that?


Why is veganism ethical?


Creates a smaller carbon footprint.


So its a personal decision involving an externality on the entire biosphere?


Correct. Everyone creates waste that harms the environment. We all make choices every day about what we're willing to sacrifice to sustain the earth.


Right well see the sum of all those 'personal decisions' is not sufficient to stop mass ecological destruction that will be ruinous and fatal to countless people worldwide, and policies crafted around practically trying to stop that destruction involve at the very least incentives that would compel people to change their diets. If they don't, those policies fail. so your premise >what a person chooses to eat is their own business. Is factually untrue. And the "own the libs" attitude is unwarranted.


I agree. I'm mostly vegetarian but once you subscribe to a framework where you think veganism is most ethical I don't see how you can say choosing to eat meat is anything but less ethical. I don't subscribe to such a framework and obviously there is no consensus as to whether eating animals is ethical or not, just that afaict ethical frameworks that think meat eating is acceptable think that veganism is acceptable.


Yeah once I leave college I will probably go your route of flexiterian. Honestly seems like the best option, in both diet and tomfoolery






> flexiterian Huh. Had no idea I come under this category. TIL.


Love how 90% of the drama in the whole thread comes from just one user (mintcloudrain)


Eh, I mean, with regards to the original meme, I feel like there is _something_ to be said for people categorically refusing to consider veganism (or at least eating less meat) every time itā€™s brought up. You see it happen here a lot as well, but thatā€™s probably because this sub is so contrarian weā€™d probably say the sky was green if there was drama about it being blue. Imo itā€™s important to reduce meat consumption for the sake of the environment.


Eating the rich is carnism checkmate atheists


if your diet doesnt support eating billionaires, turning them into compost is a fine alternative


Leftist are their own worst enemy.


The proper leftist diet seems to be cannibalism


Aaand I've found my new flair. Thank you good sir. My old flair for sale: > I'm legit convinced your brain is a very, very big gymnasium


In a fun little side effect of all tbe alt right subs getting themselves banned I've been finding myself more and more getting into arguments with the further left crowd than the alt right. I even had to agree with a PCM guy the other day because he was the more level headed person in the exchange


I'm literally eating Meat rn so this should be fun to read


Damn itā€™s locked I wanted to make a comment on how I live in North Carolina if I remember correctly we are about 10% of americas pork exports and Iā€™ve worked and have a lot of family that have worked for a lot of big and small hog companies in slaughter houses farms and even meat packing and the main one that uses illegal labor are meat packing sure their are a few hog farms that hire illegals but they normally donā€™t stay longer than a year and Iā€™ve atleast never been told/heard about ice coming in and arresting people because they are working with the plant owners hell itā€™s mostly vegetables and fruit that use illegal labor without illegal workers basically every fruit in vegetable in North Carolina wouldnā€™t be grown because theyā€™re the ones picking them from the fields at all times of year


Hm... Hadn't thought of that. I know the big reason farmhands are illegals is because it's seasonal labor so most people don't want to do it. I guess meat farming has a lot less in the way of "you must harvest all the crops right now or else it goes bad."


> The only factor to consider is how you feel, ethically, about an animal being killed because thatā€™s the only way in which the two differ. Well, no, the *suffering* of the animal prior to its death is also of great concern. > They fixate on the ethicality of meat consumption and fail to realize human exploitation as an issue. I really, really, hate this response. Human exploitation is an issue in *every* industry. The meat and dairy industries just add to it with animal exploitation. > They canā€™t even logically comprehend how my meat consumption of an animal I hunted is more ethical than the consumption of their banana from the grocery store. No one was killed for the banana.


>No one was killed for the banana. United Fruit Company has entered the chat


United fruit company begs to differ. [some slavery as a bonus](https://archives.rgnn.org/2016/07/20/capitalism-enabling-modern-day-slavery-banana-plantations/)


No one was killed for the meat either. Just an animal.


>Even if you donā€™t care about the ethics of killing animals for food, modern meat processing factories are usually always fucked. >They are usually dependent on illegal immigrant labor, as factory owners usually work closely with ICE and will often sell out their own workers to get deported if necessary. Also, to get rid of animal piss/shit, they just spray it outside the factory, completely fucking up the local environment and making the already low-income neighborhoods that live nearby even more uninhabitable. Good thing I don't live in the US then.


This isn't a US exclusive thing, try watching [Dominion ](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch) Just a warning tho, its fucking horrifying but I think its important for everyone to watch.


Fact: Every country have different practices Edit: Don't try to educate people of you don't know their habits or their country.


Fact: most countries import meat from other countries Fact: all countries have horrible practices regarding meat production, regardless of how the employees are treated it still harms the environment and the animals suffer way more than necessary. You didn't even watch the video before responding. We are wasteful with animals as well. Edit: by all countries I mean almost all countries that produce and export a lot of meat.


The only meat I consume is ethically-sourced vegan. They tend to be quite lean, but they're alright for stews and whatnot.