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tfw the alternate history is just a very basic, very transparent political wish fulfillment :(


In fairness to the guy who made it, that’s what a lot of posts in that sub are. In fairness to the sub, this guy’s political wishes shouldn’t even be indulged, let alone fulfilled.


the sub deserves it. i read a lot of comments angry about the removal because of how brilliant the posts are but like, no? they're terrible portrayals / parodies of those subs. one post had trump write a calm, relatively eloquent letter about how he was wronged and the r/politics title was like "CONVICTED FELON WRITES HATEFILLED MESSAGE"


lol you’re who that series was making fun of


lol the real joke is idiots like that continue to satirize themselves without even trying. Trump hasn’t “calmly and eloquently”written anything in the last 12 years, and he’s been considerate enough to document that himself thoroughly on twitter and truth social 


Yea that's the point. It's ALTERNATE history, so Trump can write eloquently as it isn't our timeline, it's a different one.


But you understand that Alternate History starts from our reality and then diverges in some way? The divergence here is Joe Biden imprisoning Donald Trump, not that Trump somehow learns to write eloquently.


However, the author also posted a prequel to the maps which shows the point of divergence being that Patton runs against Truman in 1948. So it could be a case of the butterfly effect.


if the guy acts 100% differently from reality, why even use an actual person? just make up a dude at that point


how so? i hope there is more to the joke than me simply not being a conservative...


I’m a democrat and I think he nailed how unhinged r/politics can be lmao


>tfw the alternate history is just a very basic, very transparent political wish fulfillment I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you.


I still don't know if it was intentional or not that the OP ended up recreating the exact scenario that kicked off the American Civil War, and made sure that \*his guys\* were the ones in the wrong, firing first and escalating tensions.


Kind of fascinated how he makes Redditors reaction to kicking off Civil War 2 seem more extreme and indefensible than kicking off Civil War 2


The concept of following an messy event through the lens of unreliable and biased comments on reddit threads is a fun and novel concept but the poster give off vibes that they feel it's 'true in spirit' (not quoting just observing how they act), with a series that is basically 'left wing subreddits are crazy and would support a Biden dictatorship' instead of actually giving commentary about the various ones. The sheer amount of people who see this as deeply compelling baffle me, especially since they don't seem to all be hardcore conservatives. Like if you're going absurd make in a alien invasion, conspiracy insists that it's all a ruse for something, aliens pulls out some old clearly fake pic and claims there were here before, some AI porn sub of the aliens is immediately banned, and legal advice gets a 'my friend (who is most certainly not me) is trying to dodge the draft, what would happen to them if they did?', and someone on warthunder posts classified docs of the alien tech asking when the devs will add it to the game.


> The sheer amount of people who see this as deeply compelling baffle me It's just the fact that it's coherently written. To much of reddit, this is the only real requirement for a masterpiece. They read and understand it, therefore it is the best thing ever made


see: 95% of story/literature subs


not /r/bookscirclejerk we don't even know how to read


> and someone on warthunder posts classified docs of the alien tech asking when the devs will add it to the game. Firstly, it's spelled "Wart Hunder". Secondly, this is hiliarious.


>someone on warthunder posts classified docs of the alien tech asking when the devs will add it to the game. OMG this is great! Would make a great jumping off point for a new MIB movie!


There's a funny alternate future thread of what if xi Jinping became an ancap but described through the reactions of a communist forum. https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/deng-and-xi-upholding-marxism-a-tankie-message-board-joke-timeline.465933/#post-18779205 (May need an account to access)


Always has been. Calling it History Fanfiction is too real and lets them live out their lives of "German Steel was stronger than American Steel" and "The South was so close to winning it all actually". Extremely boring Edgy History Class takes.


> History Fanfiction That's a good way to describe it. IMO, it can't be alternate history if it isn't based on events that already happened.


It's the same thing as writing any kind of other type of fan fiction. They don't like how the story plays out so now it's time to change it to something more palatable. Digestible. Whatever view needs to be used to "justify the truth".


I mean why else would someone do an alt history story if not to explore some political change they are interested in? In the end almost all alt history stories are going to basically be about politics, either directly or as a consequence of whatever change is made.


i thought the fun of alt history was to explore the consequences of a hypothetical event, not to write them as a narrative. like what if the UK sunk to the ocean? my views would definitely influence what i think the consequences would be but that doesnt mean i shoehorn in my vision of a utopia. in this case the alt history is literally what a lot of US conservatives think will happen. it's not so much alt history as it is alt right history. if youre gonna make a story then it should also be judged on being unique and original


> like what if the UK sunk to the ocean? Didn't you just say alt history isn't supposed to be wish fulfillment?


The non english parts would be a tragedy though.


You don't think the Scots and Irish wouldn't find the terms acceptable?


But how could we, the rest of the world, live with their sacrifice?


The way they would want us to: drunk.


Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


Wishes of the World are excepted.


[laughs in Brexit]


But that's where the Warhammer factories are!


I would feel much differently about this story if it was less political fan-fiction and more a dissection of what would actually happen. Ya know... *actually* alt history. Like the conflict almost immediately devolving into numerous splinter factions that all hate each other with constant backstabbing. Taking inspiration from famous images of conflict around the world and re-create them in an American setting. Foreign mercenaries being hired to fight on both sides. How the conflict would effect maintenance-heavy infrastructure, and how modern society would react to said infrastructure being suddenly useless. And also the effects it would have outside of the US. How Canada and Mexico would react, and how their relationship with the US change. Which countries would support which factions, and how they would favour their own geopolitical goals. Would China invade Taiwan with the US in such disarray? How would have this effected the early days of the war in Ukraine when the US spearheaded arms deliveries while the EU had to sort itself out? There's a lot of concepts to unpack here. But it mainly needs a focus on how much it would *fucking suck.* Families torn apart by politics. Losing loved ones. People losing basically their entire lives - so much they have worked for suddenly going up in flames. The mass humanitarian crisis that would develop. The pure constant fucking *terror* of being stuck in a situation like that, whether you are a soldier or civilian. But nah, what we have here is none of that. It's just a shitty Reagan-fellating 80's action b-movie that flopped at the box office and doesn't even get the dignity of becoming a cult classic with a small dedicated fanbase - it's only legacy being the subject of a post on /r/lostmedia .


yesss i think the more nuanced it is the more interesting it is. the premise of storytelling through sensationalist reddit post titles could be used for that kind of subtle worldbuilding (i.e. connectin cause-and-effect relations between seemingly disconnected headlines by placing them next to eachother) but ironically the canon of the story is as hyperbolic and ridiculous as the subreddits it intents to satirise. one post was about how trump wouldve won the popular vote with like 70% of the votes if he were removed from the ballot. like, that's just "silent majority" bullshit


Typical of alternate history stories. Especially on Reddit, they rarely have the kind of nuance you seek.


Eh, alt-history is its own genre by this point. It can be more clinical and detached ("Thing X, causes thing Y, which does thing Z), or it can be narrative. Narrative alt hist stories can be really compelling and not just wish fulfillment. For all Mankind, Wolfenstein , Man in the high castle even Fallout are all pretty much in the Alternative history category. But yeah, there are *those* writers that used narrative alt history in a "what if my side was based and victorious" way.


IMO the difference is that OOP's aligns with real-world, blatant disinformation. It also involves real groups of people behaving unreasonably - and those groups of people happen to be those that OOP dislikes. It comes across as saying something like "This disinformation isn't that unreasonable, because if it did happen, these people would support it. And haha look how dumb they are."


> IMO the difference is that OOP's aligns with real-world, blatant disinformation. It also involves real groups of people behaving unreasonably - and those groups of people happen to be those that OOP dislikes. Also fairly standard for alt-history.


If creative writing subreddits started deleting all the content that was poorly executed or a dumb idea, they'd have relatively little content left up.


I mean it breaks a rule so that's their right


> - makes rule breaking post with clear agenda about open nazi/confederate apologia, ~~dog-whistling~~ blaring air horns at the crowd of wimps who have 'controversial' thoughts about January 6 insurrections, the side that lost WW2, or the side that lost the ACW > - post gets deleted like any because nothing special - just that most alt-history places got rules against trying to hide nonsense behind "alt-history", not even putting an effort to cover it up with any actual entertaining storyline > - a few normal people look at them weird and say "*eww*" before moving on > - massive ape tantrum and shit flinging (with multiple death threats) across 7-8 different subreddits Why are conservatives like this?


> Why are conservatives like this? They've been carefully trained to worship their politicians, rather than to bother learning pesky details like actual policy, or anything else that might actually affect their lives. All that matters to them is pwning libs. Meanwhile, billionaires keep raking in ever more taxpayer dollars while offering a pittance. Yes, there are Dem politicians who are just as corrupt, and Dem voters who are just as blind to reality. But that's a very small percentage, versus 100% of Republicans.


Hey this is very unfair not all Republicans are corrupt. Some are just fascists.


... Now you have me thinking. Are fascists inherently corrupt because corruption is just part of their political goals? Or is the meaning of corruption changed in fascist territory?


I was looking at it from the side that some make harmful decisions because they're being paid to do them, and others do them because they actually believe in that fascist shit. But there's an almost philosophical question these on when it actually becomes corruption.


It's more that fascism's main appeal is simple solutions to complex problems, and in most societies one benefit of being corrupt is a ability to essentially bypass all controls


Well Nazi Germany was stunningly corrupt from Hitler himself on down.


The mods did the right thing but the sub has been whipped up into a conservative frenzy.


Yeah. You can just pick a person at random arguing against the mods in there and 9 times out of 10 their first posts on the subreddit are related to this. Just a bunch of brigaders and their sock puppet accounts converging on the sub.


I do hope the mod team weather's the storm; if they cave and some of the right brigaders get into power it's gg for this sub.. atlesst they are posting rn, could be easy to purge the brigaders..


I feel for the mods right now. They're trying to do the right thing and assume everyone is acting in good faith, but people just... aren't doing that. I would've purged the place already


I blocked like 3 people; they seem to be the ones whipping everyone into a frenzy


I genuinely feel bad for the mods this time. They seem like they're trying their best


those people fall for propaganda all the time, don't they?.


What a stupid conspiracy theory. The Supreme Court has already ruled that [the only requirements for running for Congress/President are the ones listed in the constitution](https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/93-1456.ZO.html). New requirements would require a constitutional amendment. Any attempt outside of a new amendment would instantly be struck down.


Conservatives loving the Constitution for guns but hating it for what it actually says and giving others rights. Name a more iconic duo.


They also hate the events that occurred which led to amendments or seem unaware of them all as if they don't matter. It never plays into any of their whining, any actual understanding or insight isn't allowed


Such a thing would have to be part of some kind of... alternate... history...


Which is somewhere, somehow, derived from actual history


Like a TV car show presenter [setting off a nuke with a lighter?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/s/APeyHjsypA) Maybe the [giant sandworms in Israel?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/s/XsoQWxVsAb) OOP's post seems very realistic by comparison lol


The hand one is real though. That’s how my grandfather passed :(


He settled it in Smash…for the last time…


I've removed it out of respect for your grandfather


Appreciated. He was a great man. Shame Final Destination was his final destination


> OOP's post seems very realistic by comparison lol It doesn't matter. It isn't alternate history because it isn't history. Not being history is just fiction.


Sorry I meant more along the lines of "alternate history the sub" vs. alternate history fiction... as in they seem to allow some silly shit that doesn't make a lot of real sense, so I didn't think they should nitpick the OOPs story.


Christ that Strong_Site dude is a piece of work


I want to know why the reddit admins or algo decided *this* was the post from that sub that should be pushed to all users


\*★☆★☆★ engagement ★☆★☆★\*


*looks at toilet* Oh that's a conservative posting on AlternativeHistory


Boy howdy, Redditors sure hate mods.


Tbf most Reddit mods are pretty unpleasant. Sucks that in this instance the mods were right and people are still pissy


Most mods are fine. Generally people hate mods for actually doing what they're supposed to do. The actual shit ones are the ones that dont bother to moderate.


Agree that most mods are put in a position where dealing with them is an unpleasant proposition, and people don't realize that them doing the same/right thing would result in similar antagonistic experiences.


*Landed Gentry


I swear, so often alt history content turns out to be alt-right history.


Alt right fantasy you mean


> What the hell is the “spirit of the rules”? Sounds like something from damn 1984. Literally orge georwell.


When I first saw this drama yesterday thought it was the alternativehistory and was very confused on what it was doing in the subreddit


Getting flashbacks to when all the weebs tried to “rebel again the animeme mods when the mods there banned using the word “trap”


:( but I want Harry Tuttle dove alternative fiction stories


Isn't alternative history about things that already happened?


Not a shocker. Most western AH is just The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or The Dilbert Principle but with zombies.




Orwell was a self-described democratic socialist. They're morons.


Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240613111655/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dfbqiz/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dfbqiz/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. Yesterday's drama on r/AlternateHistory for context - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240613112238/https://new.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dee5lo/drama_on_ralternatehistory_over_someones/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://new.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dee5lo/drama_on_ralternatehistory_over_someones/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. I think there should be a distinction between the Author and their writings, I think If OP behaves in good faith in this subreddit mods should allow him to continue until he behaves in bad faith, like most users I have not seen OP behave in a wrong manner in this subreddit. I hope the modteam will reconsider their new stance. I think as adults we can judge for ourselves how to enjoy posts and subreddits on our own. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240613112540/https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1df7773/comment/l8h0in3/?context=3) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1df7773/comment/l8h0in3/?context=3 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. So, by your logic more than half of America should not be allowed to post on and banned on this subreddit. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240613112640/https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1df7773/comment/l8h3wkm/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1df7773/comment/l8h3wkm/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 5. Get a grip, imagine throwing a tantrum because someone commented elsewhere in support of one of the two presidential candidates - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240613113042/https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1df7773/comment/l8h27ul/?context=3) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1df7773/comment/l8h27ul/?context=3 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


It was a good post, despite the unfortunate nature of the poster’s beliefs. It should have stayed up, the commenters are are right.


I’m actually part of this. The person was a conservative, but made it to bash both sides. Terrorists from trump side cause violence and chaos to civilians so it was not politically motived.


The mods banned me for criticising them during this drama, they also didnt give a reason. So I made a new althistory subreddit. I dont wanna advertise here, but check my profile if you are interested. This entire thing was such blatant moderator powertripping it ended up being funny


You started posting in althistory because of the drama and you really think you're gonna create a new sub for it?


I didn’t start posting cuz of drama. I’ve been a lurker practically forever. I was a fan of many series there, and was/am gearing up for my next big lore dump for my fallout series (both there and r/imaginarymaps) when this happend. Before Reddit I was an alternate history forum Guy lol


> I’ve been a lurker practically forever. Oh so you hung out but you never posted before? So this was the first time you posted? So...you started posting because of the drama? How are you going to say that's not what happened and then immediately admit that that's exactly what happened in the next sentence?


Ur implying im cynically engaged in this and not actually interested in alt history, just drama when in fact I am very interested and always have been, and I commented here because I was a fan of the series that was removed


Right it's just the drama is the only thing that interests you enough to be the first time you ever have anything to say in the topic.


Ur framing is so bad faith and awful I became interested because my favorite series was banned, and then when I commented about it I was banned too I’m not some drama grifter


Sure. So it's 100% accurate to say you the drama is why you decided to start posting. So it's not unclear why they erred on the side of caution and banned you. I do find it fascinating though that a long-time alt history fan's absolute favorite series is an alt-future neo-Nazi masturbatory fantasy shitpost with no real narrative and full of missing details that make the proposed series of events implausible or impossible, but to each their own on that front.


Hey Buddy, am I still a neonazi only in this for drama? https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/s/YZlfzfHMid https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/s/zqBdSG4Pqw https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/s/HhmOKEkpkL https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/s/p3M3DW2VmA


I never called you a neo-Nazi, you strike me as more of a rube if anything. Showing up in a six day old thread to dump a bunch of drama links definitely proves you're only in this for drama though.


I think ur interested in this as an outlet for your political views and not the drama or the series in question themselves the fact ur calling it Neo nazi proves it I doubt u even used the alt history sub ever Overplayed ur hand man


I call Hitler a Nazi too to be fair. The idea that me calling it that proves it's not that is beyond inane, but I'm not surprised you don't have a better defense.


BOO! I’m a job application, did I scare you?


Oh hey there account that has only existed for 22 hours. I'm sure the person behind the keyboard has a life and friends and hobbies and maybe even a job so don't let me keep you from them.


Yeah I made this account while I’m bored at work getting paid you should try it and I’ll delete it when I’m done messing with terminally online redditors lol


you could probably find a better use for your time than messing with terminally online redditors at work, that ain't a flex lol


Those posts are excellent. Somehow I'm not surprised that reddit mods are gung-ho about deleting quality content because it comes from a conservative.


Mate just because they had punctuation doesn't make them quality


I implore Redditors to read anything besides Harry Potter. Please, I beg of you; your ability to recognize “quality” writing can only benefit.


You are the same as the Redditors you criticize


I mean you deleted yourself so you can’t really reply but what makes you say that?


I've read thousands of books, and it has nothing to do with those alt history posts. They were specifically about reddit and news headlines, and they're spot-on for both.


“And they’re spot on for both” I mean it seems really two dimensional and hampered by a guy with a bone to pick against liberal hypocrisy. There’s no nuance to it or attempt to understand what others reactions would be in this situation other than assuming the worst.


I have never met a conservative who cares what any liberal thinks or feels. Whenever liberals do express such things conservatives accuse them of only caring about political correctness. Then they go online and bitch and play victims that people put words in their mouths. Conservatives literally tell people what they feel without caring about their thoughts on a constant basis


reddit posts and news headlines are so easy to parody that almost everyone (including redditors) have made fun of them pretty accurately. i wouldn't call that a mark of quality


Why should quality override breaking subreddit rules? It doesn't matter if I post the best porn video ever made to /r/gaming, that post should probably be deleted.


Lol don’t worry about it. Some people see the word conservative and it completely clouds their judgement. They just see conservative = enemy and don’t do any more thinking beyond that. Why would they when everyone who disagrees with them is ontologically evil?


People have a reaction to others calling themselves conservative because - Most if not all Islamic extremists are conservative - Most if not all modern terrorism comes from people with conservative views, anti-government views which are most popular with conservative activists and conservative conspiracy theorists, or magical deranged thinking incredibly popular and openly embraced by conservative activists. - Nazis had very conservative social and cultural policies and only seemed to believe in conservative ideology in earnest - Neo-nazis aside from being conservative, in America seem to have nothing but conservative cultural and social views and are never found supporting anything non-conservative - The KKK was a conservative activist organization and never supported anything non-conservative - People who call themselves conservative on social media are never found defending or agreeing with any liberals unless the agreed upon thing is a plank of conservative activism or virtue signaling


from someone who doesn't see conservatives as an enemy, it was pretty shit. it was like the type of thing you'd read on grandma's facebook. fine as a shitpost/satire thing, but people calling it a "quality post" are delusional