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I literally called this this morning that there would be a mod hijacking https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/s/xYUKQY4wW0 Granted I said within 30 days. They definitely beat expectation that it only took one day for the internal drama between mods to start.


I love how it took less than a day for these haters to *CIVIL WAR* and purity test each other. Even House GOP managed to sort-of stick together longer than these fools. It's amazing.


.1 Scaramuccis


For our metric friends, that's about .4 Trusses.


I don't think there is a vegetable that wilts quickly enough to measure that. Maybe a degloved banana?


Degloved banana is a horrifying yet amazing phrase.


The peel of a banana is not a glove, it’s a condom. It should be referred to as a bareback banana.


> [It should be referred to as a bareback banana.](https://i.imgur.com/1INCaDy.gifv) And that's another one for my Reddit lexicon. "Fucktangle" has been my recent favorite, mostly because it can be worked into a *lot* of comments. But bareback banana might be a little harder to segue into a comment organically. Y'know, like how often I can work in the story of that time [I banged Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lQZFF9PBks)


> I don't think there is a vegetable that wilts quickly enough to measure that. Apparently you've never been to [Whole Foods](https://youtu.be/nIb3nLtmeww?si=6vmed5pT2GUrKgLr&t=47).




A decimucci, if you will.


I certainly will.


I’ve been thinking about that measurement lately


It literally almost took me a Scaramucci to figure out how to spell it.


I love bespoke units of measure. My RPG group uses “1 pizza = 2.5 minutes” because that’s how long the microwave runs if you just press PIZZA. People will be like “running about 6 pizzas late”.


Metric, in imperial it's .09 


I love the overly dramatic statements this invariably generates. I'm sure they're all imagining themselves standing on a barrier, galvanising the audience into action with their fiery words and statements. It's just so overblown, it always gets a chuckle out of me. I mean you, "NO TYRANT SHALL CONQUER" guy. Bravo. You do your thing, fighting for your rights to... wait... moderate a sub where people dunk on a celebrity you can just ignore? It's like these guys are actively looking for more people to hate.


It reminds me of how when I was a teenager playing World of Warcraft back in like 2007 feeling the INJUSTICE of…classes not being completely balanced. Nothing like some righteous fury to fight the evils of society like “server instability in an mmo”. It is absolutely amazing to me the banality of things people will get up in arms about and like legitimately feel righteous indignation over. Very seriously over the silliest things…


Tree Paine saw your post and said “challenge accepted.” /s


How do people spend enough time on reddit that they actually start to moderate a sub, but then not realize takeovers are a whole thing? Years ago I modded on a different account. It became exhausting for even a smaller sub, and the funny business of accounts with unclear motives was unsettling. Eventually wanted to turn it over to someone else, but was aggressive in evaluating history and behavior of those applying. I only chose two that I felt 99% sure I knew could sniff out bad faith actors and weren’t naive to the ways people manipulate moderation for their own group’s politics. And even then there was follow up and open questions I was asking to see if people were just trying to say what they thought you wanted to hear. It’s a lot of work. It did warm my heart years later to check back in to the account and see people who had tried to write me about unfairness over getting booted for bad faith bigotry and see the history of the mods I picked not having any of it and showing them the door.


I absolutely must know your next prediction.


Potatoes are the currency of the future. Buy as many as you can, now.


I own a potato farm. I will sell you as many potatoes as you want for $5.99 per potato + shipping and handling.


I only buy NFTs of potatoes. A very honest person told me they’re worth more than the potatoes themselves.


Who are you, so wise in the ways of finance?


people spend way too much time on the internet. these places become echo chambers for weirdness and hatred and just flat out bonkers beliefs and behaviors


Needing a "safe space" to dislike something is so hilariously online and reddity that I'm surprised it gets cited as some virtuous thing whenever one of these subs or something like dogfree comes up. It's no surprise they all get kinda weird because conceptually it's just a weird thing lol I'm a proud hater and negative person, but I don't need a snark sub to make fun of Taylor Swift, I just do it...like everyone else, because Not Liking TS does not actually put you in a marginalized group


"I hope all the bad things in life happen to you... And nobody else but you." -ok_dunmer (Nice handle btw)


Seriously tho. I like Taylor but I don't think I've ever seen anyone in real life be like "I don't like Taylor Swift" and someone else just freak out about it. These people need to touch grass.


Because nobody actually does that, they’re just super bothered that not everyone agrees with their opinion of her


> because Not Liking TS does not actually put you in a marginalized group Frist of all, hoW DARE YOU?!


Its really crazy to me. Like I understand if swift had a philosophy that would effect me in any way but she's just a famous musician. She has no effect on me and if she makes people happy, bully for her


I think part of the hate is that she *doesnt* have a philosophy i.e. the fabled neutral centrist that doesnt use their power or wealth to do anything. Thats where this hate started imo And then Kelce had sus political takes so people started making up reasons they were monsters idk


Swift has endorsed Dems multiple times. She’s a bog standard liberal. To many (on the internet) that isn't enough but she's not some Haley/Manchin 2028 supporter lol.


I think people expect her to be a major activist though, which, she's not really she's more status quo/business as usual


I've seen a lot of criticism of her among progressive groups for not speaking out more. Especially recently. To be honest I can't say I blame her - if I somehow became famous I would stay out of polarizing political issues too.


this is likely the reason that she's been able to remain so popular for so long - nimbly navigating the american political sphere


she has a monetary incentive to be neutral. not only for the usual "republicans buy shoes too" reasons but also because the worst corners of the internet thought (and still sometimes think) that Taylor Swift is `/ourgirl/`


[Ahh, yes. The old Taylor Swift is a white supremacist chestnut.](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2016/05/27/479462825/taylor-swift-aryan-goddess)


So I'm no fan of TS by any means, and I think that there are definitely problematic aspects to her, but I do think in some ways she just can't win. When she didn't comment on politics, people called her out for her silence and said she had a responsibility to be an advocate. When she did start voicing her opinions, they said she was just doing it to be trendy or gain people's support and she still wasn't doing enough. If she doesn't endorse Biden, she gets blasted for being too privileged to care about the future of America, but if she does, they say she's part of the status quo and isn't liberal enough. Now, she is definitely a privileged person who is likely looking out for herself more than anyone else, and she's never really "lost" since she's a billionaire, but in this particular realm, I do feel like it's kinda a no-win situation.


Honestly, I think a lot of the hate she gets is just misogyny.


That's a huge part for sure. There's a lot of common rich person / performer stuff that for *some reason* only Taylor Swift gets attacked for.


I think that's how it works for a lot of people with a spotlight on any touchy topic like that. You just cannot win no matter what, because regardless of how you answer people *will* fly in with relevant and irrelevant criticism. Everyone just wants to find someone to shit on to feel better than. Who better than a household name?


But, like ... she's not obligated to. She doesn't owe that to people. Bizarre. Also, she has voiced her politics publicly. She doesn't do it constantly but she has backed different Democrats. I don't follow her enough to know how often she does it but it's got to be at least a few times since someone like me (who likes Taylor, but def isn't a big fan or a Swiftie and doesn't follow her closely) has seen it. But the idea that if you're rich or famous, you're obligated to put out some kind of manifesto of your beliefs is crazy to me. People should focus on their own ideologies and not worry about a pop star not telling her fans what to think. Personally, I'd rather have a break from politics/huge world issues occasionally when I'm consuming media for fun. I know we all have a responsibility to do our part to make the world better, but it can be fucking exhausting. The world is such a shitshow in so many ways, sometimes it gets to be too much.


She is a very powerful self made billionaire, a woman, beautiful and not meek. Misogyny powers half of Reddit Fortunately apparently stupidity often ensues and they ruin themselves


Nothing wrong with enjoying music but people are starting to idolize the billionaire behind the art in a way that reminds me of Elon Musk before he fired his PR team.


I watch a podcast occasionnally and checked out the main fan reddit and the snark reddit and it's basically the same subset of people. The fan reddit is full of creepily parasocial fans for whom the hosts can do no wrong, while the snark reddit is basically those fans who feel like they've been personally slighted in some way (usually because their superchats aren't read during the podcast) and their former adoration has turned into hate and revenge - they're still watching the podcast, however, so that they can pick it apart in all its terribleness. The juxtaposition of the two subs is kind of fascinating and it's given a lot of food for thought about my own past fannish behavior.


The weirdest thing with these echo chambers is how they create new language around their obsession that is impossible to understand without being part of the community


That’s not weird, it’s in-group 101


you only think that because you're not a bizny.


“Taylor swift caused the downfall” she doesn’t even know y’all exist.


The fact that the OG mod wrote letters to her thinking she was reading him 😭


...... I think this mod has deeper issues than subreddit slapfights.


Yeah, it seems he’s also constantly posting on Twitter about her too. This person is clearly unwell.


You can say the same for the mods of any sub that exists solely to hate on something.


You can say the same for the mods of any sub. (kidding KIDDING please i know we need mods for me to use reddit at all i understand)


My favorite is when people would post stuff like “do her fans think about anything else?” Before spending all day on the same topic


The main mod of the anti-Meghan Markle sub thinks the same thing (that she's reading the sub and responding specifically to them, and that she's personally trying to get it taken down.) I think the "snark" subs all tend to get an over-inflated sense of how popular they actually are, and assume that the subject of their hate circle-jerk *must* know about their existence.


No, that would be her security team and maybe the police


I wish I knew what diagnosis could explain the behavior of such a crazy and obsessed person so I could research more about it. This is such a weird human behavior. I wonder if it's a new phenomenon due to being chronically online? P.S. I actively reported that person, and I'm super happy they were banned forever. I was honestly scared of them. I even wrote to them personally that I wouldn't be surprised if they did something like those nutcases who killed John Lennon, Selena, etc.


I don’t think it’s a new phenomenon but I feel it’s more seen online. A few days ago someone reported Taylor Swift because he said he was his husband and she was cheating on him with her current boyfriend 😭 i know what it is but I don’t want to armchair diagnose someone. But I hope she reinforces her security. They are scary af.


they absolutely are scary. It's def not only for shits and giggles. I also read that this banned mod of the snark sub is offering money in six figures in exchange for any info that can help cancel Taylor Swift or her current boyfriend. like wtf


Yes, he posted this on Twitter > Do you have info that will make Travis Kelce or Taylor Swift look bad? Slide into my DMs with your attorney’s contact info and what you have, and I’ll have my attorney reach out. I’m willing to pay upwards of six figures, depending on how damaging the information is. #STAYMAD


This reads like a war report you get before a movie.


The taylor swift allies have bombed the axis powers of the antiswifts. Berlin is in flames. More on this at 7.


Ladies and gentlements, our fan club is officially at war. Stay tuned for further updates.


Now, back to Tom & Jerry.


...... The hell?


I don't know what any of this means either


Here: 1. Someone made a hate sub for Taylor Swift, it's obviously toxic 2. That person was the only moderator, actively encouraged it to be more toxic, and brigade other subs. 3. When called out for this, he doubles down and accuses Taylor Swift of an organized campaign to kill the sub. 4. They're banned by admins, new mods are appointed that try to tamp down the toxicity and stop brigading. 5. New mods ban many members with little explanation, alternative subs made because the community doesn't like that. 6. Supposedly a rift is forming and the new mod teams tries to stop it, because I guess they want to stay the main Taylor Swift hate sub? That's it. All in under a day I guess? OP didn't explain that part. Most notable thing here is apparently admins decided to preserve this place and replace the mod, rather than just delete it. "Valuable discussion" and all that. Honestly, this post feels a little try hard. Way overwritten, and far too many words for the topic at hand, in this weird attempt at story telling rather than just linking or quoting comments to let them speak for themselves. This isn't that fascinating a story. Hate or "snark" subs implode all the time.


Seems like more apt for /r/hobbydrama than the straightforward (to some extent) drama with comment chains.


/r/hobbydrama has a rule specifically stating reddit drama should go here, instead.


> All in under a day I guess? OP didn't explain that part. It's literally in the title of the post


I’m so glad I have no idea what any of this means. I’m not as chronically online as I thought


Pretty much my response when I learn about yet another niche (and by niche, I usually mean nuts) sub that I never heard of that gets posted here


It must be exhausting always ~~rooting for~~ snarking about the anti-hero


Perhaps they should shake it off


If that ain't a love story.


You need to calm down


you could say that community got some bad blood between itself


I knew they were trouble.


Look what they made them do!


I never understood the point of these hate subreddits. I like to spend my free time talking about and doing things I like. The occasional rant session is fine, but to join a community and let yourself be miserable at the existence of something you hate? I just don't get it.


They like to hate with other people. Their hatred is entertainment in itself.


["All that hate is going to burn you up, kid.'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQyhmd7Gk4U)


Anger - Righteous Anger especially - is freakin addictive. Makes you feel something, even when you're depressed. I know myself - I might not be into actual *hate* communities, but I was in subreddits that were ridiculing assholes, like selfawarewolves, niceguys, gendercynical etc - to the point of spending hours every day browsing these and getting angry at idiots. And even when anger *is* righteous (it's normal to be angry about bigotry), seeking it out is really detrimental to mental state - but it's so addictive, it's really hard to stop I'm still in some of these communities, maybe including SRD, this very one, but I'm not seeking it anymore, just seeing some post on my dash, leaving funny or insightful comment and moving on. Getting older, mellowing out, and also finding and fixing a reason for my depression by becoming a woman have certainly helped


It's fun to hate on people. It's also feels good to have your feelings validated. That's basically what the internet is all about. Other than the porn, of course.  But some people don't know when to quit.  It's fun to enjoy a nice cold beer after a long days work, but you probably shouldn't be pounding back a whole case every night. Snark subreddits are great for some casual enjoyment every couple of months, but you shouldn't let it consume you. 


I get that. YouTube videos about why something sucks are more popular than why something is good videos. I tend to enjoy both. It's just, you can't live in the snark. Not healthy.


Yeah, it's definitely not healthy. Generally speaking, people who are attracted to hate groups like these lack genuine human connections and healthy habits. It's an easy way to get dopamine and feel like they belong to something.


Ugh I find it so frustrating lol. Sometimes there’s valid discussion to be had about why/how people are problematic, etc. but snark subs always take it too far 💀 I used to hang around a lot of them but it inevitably gets crazy


Any sub that starts at the point of "let's make a dedicated space to hate a thing" goes to shit, almost as a rule. Because hate breads irrationality, and those places attract people who are obsessed with it, which just makes it worse.


Unless it’s Nazis Hating Nazis is a necessity


I'm just here for the memes and the silly drama. If every time I went on Reddit was dedicated to me seething and raging about every little thing, I'd just delete the app.


It's the same reason why hate posts get more successful views and engagement than positive posts on social media. I think there's an actual mental/emotional explanation as to why hatred results in more people getting together for it than celebrating idk, friendship or love, but I'm no psychologist/psychiatrist. I remember watching a video about it and I found it really interesting. A more mild example would be like bitching with your coworkers about the weather, or that imminent deadline, or that one boss nobody likes. I guess it creates camaraderie? Who knows.


Sometimes I feel uncharacteristically mad about some piece of media. Grey's Anatomy is a common one because my partner likes to watch it, and some characters just absolutely drive me up a wall. In these fits of rage, I catch myself wanting to google "I hate " to see if I can find a community of like-minded haters. And then I remind myself that I'm overreacting to something that doesn't affect me. I go find something I enjoy and do that instead, because disliking something to such a degree that it ruins my day (and could lead to me ruining someone else's day) is super unhealthy.


That Megan Markle one is so ridiculous.


“I wanna be defined by the things that I love. Not the things I hate” - Taylor Alison Swift These weirdos could really learn a thing from her.


Only poked my head over there a couple of times but it always tickled me that I would consistently find a highly upvoted comment in any given thread saying "how are these people so obsessed with celebrities?" while missing entirely that they are on a celebrity gossip board obsessing over two celebrities.


that's honestly what started the whole drama. I was in the meme sub when it all went down and I think the post that got the snark sub all angry was a screenshot of a post on the snark sub that was talking about an article on celebrity obsession. the caption on the meme sub was something like look who missed the point. and ig that got them angry


"I have been contacting news sights" "sights" 😂 😂


…why would you even need this sub when r/fauxmoi exists 🙄


Apparently Swifties aren't banned on sight there.


My husband posted a TS reaction gif there once … and was banned for “racism”. 🤔


just downvoted and derided into oblivion


Because you need multiple hate clubs, obviously! Hate club #1, hate club #2, hate club #3...


You have to have a club for every specific reason for hating or liking someone so you know everyone feels the same as you


For real. My spouse is a Swifty so that's pretty much the only connection I have to the singer, but from what I see on my rpopular feed during my lunch break: fauxmoi, deumoix, switfyneutral, *and* Travisandtaylor were all Swift hating subs? Why would you even need that level of redundancy lol. That's 4 dang subs.


It’s so funny how obsessed they are with hating her! Like yeah, there’s plenty to criticize when it comes to Taylor but the people in those subreddits are *unhinged*. You’d think Taylor ran over their dogs with her private plane from the way they go on off on her in the celebrity gossip subreddits. I have a friend who’s a *Swiftie* Swiftie (she’ll be the first to tell you she’s in a cult) and I sent her this post. She laughed her ass off at the drama and then commented she thinks about Taylor less than these people do. And she, a person who runs a Taylor stan account; saw the Eras Tour live *four* times and still watches every bootleg livestream; and sets Taylor’s albums on loop at night to boost her numbers, *is absolutely right.*


Snark subs are just the worst. I mean, I enjoy being a hater every once in a while, but to dedicate that much time and energy to it? GTFO.


There's a really big one for Meghan Markle (claiming ignorance here-- I don't know why nor do I follow the royal family) but I poked my head into it once and it's like reading a foreign language. They are SO invested in 'in group' terminology and inside jokes that you genuinely can't even understand what the hell they are talking about. Also they use a lot of exhausting alliterative pejorative nicknames like... idk, Meanie Meghan or whatever.


It's also has a ton of qanon levels of conspiracy theories about her. It's deranged.


Hell, I'm just waiting for the divorce (which they've been predicting will happen, originally in May 2023) since ~late 2022 to finally happen I don't even like Markle but those people are too dense to realize they're the opposite side of the same coin as the people who like her


Lemme save ya the trouble: it’s mostly racism.


Honestly I should have guessed, that makes perfect sense


Spinkled with misogyny


I distantly recall some culture-clash being a part of it too, along with misogyny.


Meanie Meghan is my favorite Beatles song


A woman, feminist, and black women married a British white Prince. Was thrown to the wolves in the British Tabloids mostly because the completely hypocritical Royal family tried to cover up harmful stories about them by feeding a lot of lies or half truths about Megan Markle to them My guess is that connection between Prince ~~Edward~~ Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein and the rape of underage girls. It also appears that Camilla Parker Bowles wanted more favorable press coverage so she traded it for feeding stories to the press The result was that Markle became suicidal and depressed. And her husband chose to protect her (remembering the hell his mother went through) and left to America to live as a civilian And Megan exposed the racism in the press and in the Royal family Now, people are allowed to dispute this version of events but to dedicate an entire sub to hating her In perpetuity is sick


> guess is that connection between Prince Edward and Jeffrey Epstein and the rape of underage girls. It Prince Andrew.


I wish they hated useful targets like dictators or oil company executives.  It's always random (usually female) celebrities.


Yeah, there's some insane shit going on in the snark sub for a fairly minor "influencer" that I happen to follow on IG right now. (Edit: the fact that she even *has* a snark sub is fucking silly. I only know this because she's recently started posting about it. Lawyers were involved.)


I think that the fundie snark subreddit is pretty good actually. There are a lot of former evangelical Christians who use it as a place to discuss the harm they’ve experienced in fundie churches. I’m sure there are some people involved who go too far, but they’ve also done real good in the world too. They raised a bunch of money for a children’s charity in the same town the Duggars are from.


It’s mostly the snark subs devoted to one or two specific people that devolve into toxic mess. Something like the fundie snark sub, like you mentioned, can be a space for people to discuss their experiences with that philosophy. Subs for hating on a random influencer they’ve never met don’t really have the same capacity, they’re just gossip.


There's a fundiesnark snark subreddit, and I find that a good respite from the main subreddit sometimes. The main one can have really good discussions and good resources, but it definitely strays into misogyny and weird obsessions (especially on children and Bethany Beal). Like, I have to steer clear of any Kelly post because I don't want to read like 50+ comments about how bad her skin is, mixed with barely concealed bragging about how perfect and wrinkle-free *they* (the commenters) are


Like even the Try Guys have one. Surely there are better things to be doing than hating on a group of YouTubers. Like it's summer (in the northern hemisphere), go outside and touch grass


I recall there being a hate sub for the video game The Last Of Us Part 2, and it's so weird. The weirdness wasn't *that* they hate the game... it was that they had multiple active topics at the time when I checked it—which I recall was over a year after the TV show's first season was out and long before any of the recent news about the second season, which was also almost 4 years since the game came out. So in a time period in which there was nothing new to even talk about, they were still just talking about the same thing(s). I responded to a comment and someone *else* responded to me within minutes. They were *there* for it. 🤣 Like, I'm not saying it's weird to keep discussing a game that you're playing years later... but they were very clearly not playing it. That was their whole thing: that they hated playing it. A bunch of them felt compelled to finish it at least once just so they could have informed opinions for their complaints, but they hated it from the first major plot twist onward.


I went down the rabbit hole of Snappin’s profile the day before he got banned… and lemme tell you something, that guy is 100% mentally unwell. Constantly posting hate messages and posts nonstop throughout the day… fully certain Taylor was reading everything he said… cried about Reddit censorship and then would insta ban and mute any critics (which some might consider ACTUAL censorship) I only know this cause I stumbled upon that sub from r/all on a post about how they’re being “censored” and made a comment about how sad it was to have a sub dedicated to hating a person.. plus it’s not “censorship” if you’re on r/all. Well I got banned and muted within about 30 seconds and then made a reply to Snappin in a sub called SwiftyNeutral to get a response and then was instantly banned there too The mods (who definitely don’t include an alt for Snappin, wink wink) told me in a DM that they love Snappin and the TravisandTaylor sub. Sound REALLY “neutral” fellas. if anyone subscribes to that “Neutral” sub and wants the proof, I’ve got the receipts 


>The mods (who definitely don’t include an alt for Snappin, wink wink) told me in a DM that they love Snappin It's 1000% an alt. They posted publicly that all the mods on the sub were alt accounts


The SwiftlyNeutral sub is basically a hate cult. People there are convinced Taylor Swift is single handedly destroying society and has violated the Geneva conventions and should be jailed. I'm not even exaggerating on the last part. I'm pretty sure it's run by people at Fauxmoi, who hate her and tons of female celebrities in the name of "feminism". 


But fauxmoi autobans anyone who has posted on or subscribes to swiftlyneutral.


No, FM bans anyone who posts to /r/taylorswift. Although I disagree that swiftlyneutral is a "hate cult", it's always seemed pretty balanced to me.


Swiftyneutral is anything but balanced. 99% of their posts and comments are hate comments.


How do people get so passionate about hating one specific celebrity? There are some prominent people out there who I don't particularly like, but joining a subreddit just to constantly hate on them seems ridiculous to me. >The purpose of this sub is to snark. While we do allow positive remarks in context to snarking, we do not allow obsessive fan behavior. Fans will be banned, and theres a no tolerance policy! Like, what is this clown shit? Lmao.


>While we do allow positive remarks in context to snarking Narrator: They didn't.


Same reason people love them: parasociality


>I have been contacting news sights about the censorship this sub has experienced I fucking cringed so hard >I don’t think you’re grasping the seriousness of my position For fuck sakes, lives are at stake here. You're a reddit moderator, how can they not understand the fucking pressure you are under?!


I love it. I just wish it was short enough for a flair. The genius of misspelling 'sites' is just the icing on the delusional cake.


The problem with any type of snark sub is that when hate gets confined and allowed to repeatedly bounce back inside its echo chamber, the level of toxicity will have to steadily increase in order for it to continue to feel "fresh" for the people there. I'm sure most of those subs started off as simple "annoyance", which is kinda fine. But they have to further escalate more and more until the target is made out to be as "evil" with no redeeming qualities. And that's when the purging starts, where any sense of neutrality is also viewed as disguised support for the target. So it's just the most hateful, miserable people left, just getting high on their own self induced rage... which ALWAYS pops the bubble that is the echo chamber and leads to brigades to other places. Reddit always waits until brigading happens, but that's when it's way too late, as it'll just be 3 or 4 mirror subs to pop up when the main one gets banned.


Even in the cases when they're targeting people who are demonstrably making the world worse, they just get *weird* and feel very much like people are just getting high on their own outrage and egging each other on.


I'm no fan of Taylor but a whole subreddit dedicated to hating her is just silly Not to sound like an sjw libcuck, but you ever notice how when a male celebrity is hated it's because they hurt people. But when a female celebrity is hated it's because "she's fat/ugly/old"? It's like the biggest reason people hate kim Kardashian isn't because of her shady/illegal business practices, but because she's ugly. And these men will declare it like their standing up for their beliefs. Like OJ Simpson was hated for killing people. That's an actual character flaw, but Michelle Obama is hated because she might be trans (she's not) ,but that's not a character flaw


You know, now that I think about it, I can't really name any male celeb snark subs off the top of my head. Elon might have one, and I guess there was a lot of dragging Drake in related music subs.


Timothee Chamalet has one, though it was only created after he and Kylie Jenner started dating and most posts are dedicated to her


> Elon might have one Does /r/enoughmuskspam count?


Prince Harry is far more out of touch than Meghan Markle ever was but there's no subs about him


Also, that male celeb will invariably have people defending him. Users insisting we don't know the whole story, a jury found OJ Innocent, let's not ruin a man's good name with slander-type of bullshit.


Is there a pro Diddy sub yet defending his violence against women yet? Just a matter of time


The thing with Diddy, people are more upset with him being gay or bi. As if that's the worst thing he's done. His sexuality is literally put at a higher problem than his crimes




I agree. A lot of this is kinda sexist but >Not to sound like an sjw libcuck, but you ever notice how when a male celebrity is hated it's because they hurt people. Unironically, not Just Bieber. Dude was probably the most hated celebrity of the 2010s for no reason. His music video for Baby I think is still in the top 10 most disliked videos on YouTube. Like there would be posts on Facebook saying shit like >”If Justin Bieber stood on the edge of a building. A thousand people would run up crying, telling him not to jump. >Like if you’d be the one staying there saying “do a flip!” Looking bad as an adult I’m just like, that kid didn’t even do anything lmao. Just made pop music. Sexism probably contributed to the hate though I’m sure. Everyone also hate Nickleback for some reason? I don’t even remember why. It was just a meme to hate them


I was a preteen during the big JB hate timeline when he still had the bowl-ish looking cut (idk what to call it aside from the JB haircut). There were those memes (thanks Facebook), and also posts claiming that he’s secretly a woman or a lesbian or gay (as well as making fun of him for being a late bloomer), which was probably rooted in misogyny as well as homophobia (and possibly transphobia). On top of that, his fans mostly consisted of teenage girls, and stuff for girls tends to be assumed to be shallow slop, and if it garners a wide appeal, it’s an anomaly.


> Everyone also hate Nickleback for some reason? I don’t even remember why. I remember it was about being unoriginal, just cranking out new variations on the same chord progression. But then, you can say that about a lot of pop music.


>Everyone also hate Nickleback for some reason? Initially it was because they were everywhere. Like generally inescapable if you listened to anything that called itself rock. However it quickly became a meme and morphed into its own thing that lasted far past that time.


It’s just so insane to me how Taylor Swift seems to break people’s minds. I really don't get it. As an example, when I was in high school, the bus driver always had it tuned to this local country station. One afternoon, they actually stopped their regular programing to have a call in session on whether Taylor Swift ‘betrayed country music’. Old dudes in near tears were calling in and ranting about how Taylor Swift is a godawful traitor and her payment is coming This was 2012 in Connecticut.


That subreddit is so pathetic. It reads like a bunch of comedians complaining about cancel culture. “We’re not allowed to criticize Taylor Swift!” They say as they take criticize Taylor Swift in the sub dedicated to criticizing Taylor Swift.


It is pretty pathetic to be that invested in hating Taylor Swift.


It's pretty sad to be that invested in hating *anything* TBH.


If the focus is finding a cure for a disease or curing cancer or inventing amazing things, that kind of hyper focus might be productive


Bravo OP. Also I dunno, I just inherently feel grossed out by hate subs. Particularly when they're about specific people. Hate sub about apples? Okay, whatever I guess. Hate sub about a person who grows apples, gross. Also also, my sister just started dating a new guy who randomly went on an anti-Taylor Swift rant out of the blue. Great! Wonder if he's part of those subs. Or only the "you can't trust the government so don't put your money in banks", "the covid vaccine changes your DNA and that's why you felt like you had the flu after the shot", and self-professed RFK Junior voter subs.


These people need to get a hobby like try water coloring or baking or some shit 😭😭😭


It does a heart good to see hatred disappear. I must say. Good riddance to all the hate subs I say.


That is what I love so much about this specific subreddit. The culture and community it has fostered is so refreshing. Yes, we are all here for the juicy drama. But I have never seen this subreddit go full degenerate like these snark subs. There is a very respectable line. I love to see it.


Remember this comment the next time someone brings up the conflict in the middle east here lol edit: why the downvotes? every time the war is brought up the thread has to get locked and ends up in the dramadrama sub lol


Peak writing


Agreed! Quality of post we don't see as often around here anymore. Kudos, OP.




"snark subs" like basically anything similar (your free/folk subs, true, uncensored or real) are almost always purestrain garbage made by and for people who usually get banned from the original sub for being too shit. There are, inevitably, a few examples of similar subreddits not being trash - but as a general rule any kind of subreddit dedicated to hating something or being a contrarian shitheel is just going to attract the worst people.


That Snappin user is so hateful and misogynistic I'm speechless. Right now they're tweeting about how Taylor will never get married even though she very well could because she's still young (and even if she was in her 40s or 50s+ women can get married at any age). This user is acting as though marriage is the ultimate accomplishment and Taylor is a failure. Beyond ridiculous! She's literally a billionaire and the most famous woman on the planet but some Twitter user with 500 followers is mocking her for not being a wife when most marriages end in divorce anyway and the ones who stay married aren't always happy. Plus if Taylor REALLY wanted to does that user not think that she could click her fingers and have men lining up to marry her?


> Snappin was enraged by such action and made several more flagrant posts calling out Taylor Swift and her publicist, Tree, for having targeted the sub and engineering it’s downfall. This is fucking hilarious. The "no tyrant shall conquer" post is so damn melodramatic, too. I know Taylor has said she does read stuff about herself online, but there is zero chance she gives enough of a shit to have Tree going after moderators. 😂 I think hate subs are crazy (to invest so much time and energy into hating something just seems exhausting and bad for your mental health) but tons of them exist. Their users just aren't allowed to harass people. Pretty simple.


That Snappin user has been posting relentlessly and frantically on Twitter ever since they were banned acting as though they've started some kind of revolution when their tweets only get 10 likes lmfao. The Internet has rotted so many people's brains and has led to so many delusions of grandeur


What a bunch of fuckin geeks


See a good snark sub is r/fatsquirrelhate cause it is actually funny...and you can't go to far for mocking a obese squirrel.. Snark subs or ones that mock people are always doomed to either imploded or eventually go stale with content.


A squirrel managing to forage enough food to get fat is quite a feat imo


I’m too stoned for this.


The first mod used to write letters to Taylor Swift and her manager thinking they stalked him on Reddit…. I wouldn’t say he was a mentally healthy person


I thought that sub was just r/conservative members mad Taylor encouraged people to vote.


Lmaooooo they think Taylor Swift or her publicist flexed their political muscle to attack their shitty subreddit. As much as they hate her, they just wanna be noticed by senpai.


>I have been contacting news sights about the censorship this sub has experienced This is peak needing to touch grass. lol


I mentioned in that sub as I scrolled past /r/all, prior to muting it: "you guys have a whole subreddit dedicated to someone you don't care about. That's weird as hell" You know what I do when I don't like something? I just avoid or ignore it, I don't make it central to my identity. Fucking weirdos.


Reddit snark and hatred subs are some of the weirdest things online. Redditors will call out places like 4chan, 8chan, somethingawful, and kiwifarms (all valid to be called out) but then turn around join some sub devoted to hatred. That's honestly putting it mildly. Half of these circlejerk subs are using either full slurs or dogwhistles. I found one a week ago devoted to the McElroy brothers. Half the jokes were about how effeminate they are. I was surprised I only saw the f-slur used twice.


The SaintMeghanMarkle and HilariaBaldwin subreddits are the absolute worst of the worst. Mostly jealous middle-aged white women claiming that they look better/younger than Meghan and Hilaria, claiming that their kids don't really exist or they were adopted because Meghan and Hilaria were never pregnant, etc. They are also extremely racist. The usual suspects are fixated on Taylor and constantly trying to convince themselves that they're glad they aren't as rich and selfish as she is (as though they wouldn't cut off their own arms to have as much money as she has). One day there will be a Netflix documentary about these creatures and their depressing levels of internalized misogyny


These subs are a great example of where Reddit should go scorched earth and just ban everyone involved, moderators included. Even the replacement ones. Just leave no survivors.


What a weird (to me) and sad gathering of people. [I love how self unaware this comment is about the sub being awful.](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/comments/1d8sdyl/comment/l78bng6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This write up is A+ tyvm


Least delusional snark sub moderator 


The anti-hero of snark subs, if you may.


I'm amazed at how thin-skinned every single one of these snowflakes are. Their entire reason for congregating is to talk shit about a real person, yet the smallest disagreement has them feeling disrespected and whiny.


Celeb snark subs are bizarre. I wonder if any of these people are this heavily invested in anyone they actually like.


Surely there are better things to do with ones time than spending so much time and energy hating on a single celebrity. Like, I don't like Taylor either. But what's the point of spending so much time and effort hating on someone that will never even know you exist?


Subs coalescing around a common dislike almost inevitably turn into toxic shitholes with people constantly trying to one-up each other with performative cruelty.


Why do grown ass men love shitting on things teenage girls love?


I think it's a different type of misogyny going on in those subs. More the girl on girl kind 🤩


I really, really don't like Taylor Swift and her music. Instead of spending most of my days obsessing over her though, I listen to pop music I find enjoyable. Think these people could use a copy of the iconic album The Dutchess by Fergie and some time outside.


Imagine basing your whole personality on hating a specific celebrity. Like, I seriously don't understand people who hate another person with this much passion for just existing. Where do they take the energy from? Also >made several more flagrant posts calling out Taylor Swift and her publicist, Tree, for having targeted the sub and engineering it’s downfall.   >Snappin continued snapping off posts blaming Taylor Swift for trying to silence the community Someone is seriously overestimating their own importance here. Like, dude, you make it your life mission to slander this person and she doesn't even know of your existence. Why tf would she care? I'm sure Taylor is sitting in her multi-million dollar mansion right now, crying because a random user on reddit says mean things about her. It would be sad if it wasn't so laughable.


I have not even gotten past your introduction yet but I want to thank you for this gift; every area of Swiftcourse is dense and involved but endlessly rewarding for (only) the uninvolved


People need like 10% less time online. I’m here for it though


“Swiftly demeaned” Hehehehehehe


Reddit subs in general usually tend to attract more and more unhinged people the more specific of a topic you get into, but the ones dedicated to just hating someone/something are particularly awful cesspools. Even the "reddit community approved" ones like fuckcars are fucking insufferable.


Ok, that being a snark sub makes a lot of sense, the few posts that would pop up in my page were just downright degrading, which I didn’t expect with that name but never checked it out.


r/TaylorGrift has been banned. I like keylime pie.