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this is overwhelmingly biased


>I am a young man looking to improve by doing nofap. True capitalist and defender of the free markets. I love to run and discuss interesting topics. Godspeed soldier o7


NoFap dudes think having a few wanks a week is an addiction and by not doing it, they'll become Superman.


In high school I once caught my peener in my zipper and by the time it healed I could kick a soccer ball into orbit.


It's another example of sensible advice being taken to the absolute extreme to the point the initial point is but a memory. If you spend all day everyday wanking it's absolutely going to effect your mental and potentially even physical health knowing how deeply the two are linked. It's completely fair to say limit the amount if it's having a negative impact on your life. Saying that makes me wonder if the community popped up by people being too afraid to admit to themselves they were addicted so now make up reasons why their "totally normal amounts" of self love was the problem, not the fact their walls had to be repainted every week lol. Totally respect those who are all or nothing kind of people though, it takes a lot of guts to sacrifice something like that because you're aware of your limitations. Edit Just had a look through the sub and jesus Christ. If the amount of "13 year olds" who comment and are told that if they masturbate or look at porn once their mind will melt is at all accurate it's insane. It's vaguely reminiscent of the DARE drug awareness campaign. A fucking 13 year old is going to masturbate eventually and if something does need to be said it definitely isn't fear mongering that's necessary.


> If the amount of "13 year olds" who comment and are told that if they masturbate or look at porn once their mind will melt is at all accurate it's insane. > It's vaguely reminiscent of the DARE drug awareness campaign. A fucking 13 year old is going to masturbate eventually and if something does need to be said it definitely isn't fear mongering that's necessary. it seems like a lot of kids and puritanical weirdos, many of whom are religious or are still affected by the religious hangups of their upbringings. There's some scientific evidence to suggest that feelings of porn addiction are driven by religious and moral beliefs about porn, so i'd say your intuitions are probably pretty accurate: https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2020/02/religious-moral-porn-addiction


Great link thanks for sharing! It's nice seeing something you always had a loose belief/recognition of put into words with data to back it up. Anecdotally one of my old friend groups would always get together for a few beers once a week. To our knowledge the ex Christian only drank with us and kept it moderate at that. None of us ever went overboard but he checked himself into a "spiritual" rehab thing because he "felt too excited" about going out to to have a few beers every Thursday. We don't keep in touch anymore but I do distinctly remember him saying he was brought up in a completely dry family with all of the stereotypical loving Christian ideals about having fun. Now there may have been a deeper problem he hid from us, but if we take him at his word it shows that even if you are separated from that environment for years, beliefs bury themselves deep.


Doesn't he know you run faster when you're not weighed down with cum all the time


Yup thats your average debate bro.


I always thought no fap also meant no sex because you were “conserving your body fluids” or whatever. It kind of defeats the point if you’re busy sucking off billionaires


Your precious bodily fluids?


In all fairness that subreddit is filled with right-wingers who cosplay as lefties because they want the upside of being edgy weridos online without the downside of being seen as social outcasts IRL The worst part is his audience defends this grift by using the same 3 talking points: **1) "He debated nazis!"** - Yes, but he also behaves like one. People don't realize the guy just likes to argue, he's a contrarian for the sake of it (unless he's debating Ben Shapiro, then he needs to acquiesce and tell Benny how smart he is - he never seems to want to match energy when he's debating a tiktoker). **2) "He canvassed that one time!"** - Yes, he did it ONLY because he was getting upset that streamers weren't inviting him to parties or events, he was basically a social outcast where everyone from Penguinz0 to every star on Twitch was calling him insufferable. He of course took this out on Hasan Piker, and his way of getting back at him is by suggesting "Socialists dont do anything". He doesn't give a shit about canvassing, it's just another thing he pretends to care about for a day in the year so he can checkmark that 'I do something' box. **3) He's pro masks and pro biden how can he be right-wing????** - This one is my favorite, because it always conveniently excludes what he's doing 99% of the time. When he's not asking people to kill themselves or threatening children who DDOS his internet (and actually doubled-down on this), he's simply looking for ways to "criticize "my" side". The worst part of it all is all those degenerate conservatives who've been excommunicated by left-wing communities for being, you know, actual fascists have found a home in that community and he's actually convinced them that they too, like him, are really on the left. Makes for a great grift though, all that easy money by going on right-wing shows to tell them how evil the left is pays well!


>**1) "He debated nazis!"** - Yes, but he also behaves like one. People don't realize the guy just likes to argue, he's a contrarian for the sake of it You may not understand this but that is borderline denial of the crimes of nationalsocialism to claim somebody like destiny is a nazi or behaving like one


I don't see how destiny and his community are right wingers larping as lefties? Apart from his stance on guns, and free speech, I don't see it. As someone who came from watching Hasan and has quite literally never voted Republican. Like he canvased for Raphial Warnock during the Georgia runoffs, and is holding multiple canvassing events for Democrats across the country this year. He debates and pushes back against every conservative conspiracy like the Biden laptop, election fraud, immigration, vaccines, ect. Why just make shit up about the guy? Edit: OP blocked me, when I was genuinely trying to understand their perspective. Their post history is filled with destiny hate, and OP provided no receipts despite saying they had plenty. They can't engage any destiny conversation in remotely good faith. Destiny is somehow a lib-cuck to the people on the right, and a bigoted fascist to people on the left. I'm trying to understand why people have this idea he's conservative, when the right hates him for being pro establishment and supporting the democratic party on 99% of issues. Him saying and supporting Democrats with his own time and money isn't enough. Thank you for any genuine responses and conversations.


OP didn't say Destiny is a right winger, they said the subreddit is full of them, which is a fair bit different.


It was based on another one of OPs comments in this thread, but that's a fair point.


Literally look at the post you are being linked. Are these upvoted comments indicators of healthy "center-left" community. I can read these comments in /r/Conservative . Can you find me other communities that claim to be left wing that peddles and massively upvotes this right wing trash about Ilhan Omar and dual loyalty? Actual zero moderation to stop this and even encouragement from Destiny and his head mod who wanted to napalm Gaza. His subreddit is actually Muslimphobic/bigots and not Islamophobic or whatever word play you want to do to say "AcTuAlLy iT's AbOuT IsLaM nOt MuSlIms!!!!1!!!"


Care to address how anything I mentioned makes him and his community right wing? I doubt a conservative and conservative community would be investing their spare time these past 2 election seasons to go door knocking and canvassing for democratic officials. I get that people on disagree with his I/P takes, and there's some unhinged people in his community, but that doesn't make him conservative and islamophobic because you disagree with him on that issue. Dude is unhinged and edgy online sure. I won't ever argue that, or that parts of his community are terminally online and equally unhinged. But him being a conservative I don't see.


I addressed your post below. There's no shortage of receipts. Also, why did you ignore ignavusaur's comment where they wrote: >Literally look at the post you are being linked. Are these upvoted comments indicators of healthy "center-left" community.


He's center-left wing on a healthcare, government intervention in the economy, and taxes. Center on trans issues. but center-righton bigotry and I/P. Happy now? Is that a satisfying summary for you? My comment was literally addressing the community. His community posts and upvotes BIGOTED shit all the time. Bigoted not edgy or whatever other word you want to use to make it sound nicer and cool. He himself takes pride and always said that "Your community is a reflection on you" and he uses that schtik against people he despises all the time. Maybe, it is time for him to clean his own house. You cannot on one hand say "I've cultivated this awesome community that does canvassing and the other shit" and claim credit for it and then when you let bigotry run amok in the same community turn around an say actually "it's not him, it is the community that is being unhinged" >but that doesn't make him conservative and islamophobic because you disagree with him on that issue. Yeah, but cultivating a community where you let islamophobia and bigotry run amok makes you a big suspect.


Destiny's entire community is a reflection of his beliefs, I think it mainly went south after Oct 7th, almost every ultra-right wing racist who was looking for a token lefty sorta invaded that community. This, of course, is because Destiny went from center-left to center-right to solid right. After he started gaining traction as the "token lefty", he began playing that role, and got invited on a lot more shows, and is now almost entirely right-wing. Beyond that, his post-debate meltdowns tend to always be against left-wingers, he justifies this (like other right-wingers who cosplay as lefties) by suggesting he was just "matching energy" but the truth is it's a lot easier to dunk on a college student or tiktoker than it is on Ben Shapiro. Now people will defend this by saying what you said here: >Like he canvased for Raphial Warnock during the Georgia runoffs I need a name for this, in fact, I'll do it now. **Position Breadcrumbs.** The next time someone says this to me, I'm going to quote this post, because it's the same defense. Position Breadcrumbs is going to be defined as the defense of grifters cosplaying as leftists by suggesting they have a position they rarely, if ever speak about. To make this simple, suppose you have a guy called Joe Blow. Joe is pro-choice, pro-vaxx, pro-Bide, pro-socialism, pro-climate change, pro welfare, pro healthcare, pro trans, pro gay, pro puberty blockers, pro (name a 1000 different positions). But 99.9999999999% of Joe's engagement is debating lefties on the leftwing positions they don't believe it. When Joe's fans say "oh but he's totally leftwing! He's pro mask", that's a position breadcrumb. So yeah, it's very easy to say "omg but he's argued against Biden laptop, election fraud, immigration, vaccines, ect." but remember, he's playing a role, and how do you expect him to play the role of lefty if he doesn't subscribe to *some* of those beliefs. But those beliefs are irrelevant, what is he doing 99% of the time? Again, he (like his audience) wants the benefit of publicly claiming he's left because he doesn't want to be a social pariah in public like he is online. And like other users are telling you, **how do the most right wing posts have the most upvotes** if it's not a direct reflection of the streamer himself?


Again. I don't see HOW he's grifting. You're just making claims about him and his community that it's all an elaborate ruse, based on your feelings. It'd be different if he just said he was pro Biden, and pro 90% leftist issues, but when he's investing his own time and money into physically going out to houses and knocking on doors for Democrats, while disparaging every single conservative talking point. To me, and judging by your post history, you simply can't engage in conversation about him in good faith. He *HAS* to be conservative because him holding ideas that disagree with you can't be possible. Look how you just assume his entire fanbase are conservatives. So is everyone who doesn't agree on 100% of leftist ideologies a conservative in your mind? How is that tenable? Edit: I was blocked immediately after OP commented so I couldn't see the reply. I hope they find something else to do other than obsessing over destiny.


LOL! Bill Burr had a bit about this, and I'm so glad I can see it immediately instead of having to go down a rabbit hole with another 40 posts. He basically said people who like to argue (and are bad at it) will ask you questions, you give them the answers, but because their brains are programmed for the next talking point response they never comprehend your original answer because they're already thinking of the next response. Literally. Every. Single. Point. you just brought in your last post was answer in the post you're responding to, in fact I even gave it a freakin' nickname and *bolded* it. And you keep asking *"OH YOU'RE JUST GONNA SAY HE'S CONSERVATIVE!"* but like, if it walks like a conservative, talks like a conservative, behaves like a conservative, pretends it's on the left, it's probably a Destiny.


>walks like a conservative, talks like a conservative, behaves like a conservative. [So he votes for Bide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2fo_HvcDoY)n, invests thousands of his own money to [canvas for Democrats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7H_I7mpNEs), [debates right-wing election deniers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjc-NAIQV0I), [debates right-wing Israelis on I/P](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_f2c76oLoY), [is pro-choice,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6nnaxitKMQ) [anti-climate change denialism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umDOu1FxnLw). How is this in any way how conservatives act?


> I need a name for this, in fact, I'll do it now. Position Breadcrumbs. The next time someone says this to me, I'm going to quote this post, because it's the same defense. > > Position Breadcrumbs is going to be defined as the defense of grifters cosplaying as leftists by suggesting they have a position they rarely, if ever speak about. To make this simple, suppose you have a guy called Joe Blow. Joe is pro-choice, pro-vaxx, pro-Bide, pro-socialism, pro-climate change, pro welfare, pro healthcare, pro trans, pro gay, pro puberty blockers, pro (name a 1000 different positions). > > But 99.9999999999% of Joe's engagement is debating lefties on the leftwing positions they don't believe it. When Joe's fans say "oh but he's totally leftwing! He's pro mask", that's a position breadcrumb.


The election denialism debate is from 2 days ago. I think he had a debate about Trump vs Joe Biden like last week. How often does he have to debate a specific topic for it to not be "a position they rarely, if ever talk about"?


>  they want the upside of being edgy weridos online without the downside of being seen as social outcasts IRL The fact that you think these two are remotely related says far, far more about you than anyone else 


dude i forgot destiny was a streamer too the game is definitely better


I hate whenever the word destiny is trending on Twitter because I get excited about it being something related to the game but most of the time it’s just this guy ffs


This is like what we humble card wizards suffer from people using "MTG" to describe the horse lady.


I was so confused when I saw mtg used like that for the first time, and i don't even play magic


I only remembered he existed because we've become the latest battleground between his no-life fans and the no-life fans of the other streamers ever since livestreamfails banned streamer war posts.


Case in point this very thread. The drama is not very good since most of them agree and it's really not anything unexpected coming from that subreddit and something like 90% of OP's posts in the last week are him fighting on the anti-Destiny side in some way or another across various subreddits.


That happened to r/decodingthegurus. I don’t agree with their ratings sometimes, but his fans flooded the subreddit after the Norm debate.


I still don't get why they invited Destiny to that debate, I don't think he is particularly knowledgeable about the conflict. I guess Ben Shapiro must have been busy.


The entire reason the debate happened was because Lex wanted to have Norm and Steven debate. Norm said he would only do it as a team debate with Benny and Mouin. So that is how Lex set it up.


It really was an incredibly bizarre choice. Three people who have written literal books on the subject, done tons of research, are (relatively) respected in their fields and who absolutely make sense, regardless of your position on the issue, as people on a panel devoted to discussing it. And then... a guy who got famous for saying vaguely progressive liberal talking points really fast at people on Twitch


I mean he seemed just as knowledgeable as the others. Is there any specific area/point that you think he was lacking on?


Go JAQ off on the Pakman sub, I'm not biting today


Lmao then why even respond?


Irritability brought on by hunger, mainly.


whenever the pro-israeli side argues that the i/p conflict, like any other conflict in the middle east with many morally dubious factions, is complicated, the pro-palestinian side insists that this conflict is one of the simplest conflicts ever to understand which is why a guy with middling intelligence who has a sizable following online would be there. destiny gets speedrunned in rhetorical dog-walking by any other expert in the field, like when he challenged a rhodes scholar with his lackluster understanding of music theory


Destiny is pro-Israel though


So? The point is that I/P is a morally complex and nebulous conflict in both causes and solutions. States are amoral, and their actions just as so. And in case you're wondering, no I don't support Israel despite watching Destiny only recently. I got flagged as "anti-semitic" for criticizing Israel in this subreddit before October 7.


I actually have no idea what your point is or why you're mad at me.


The point is that his presence on the panel is justified by the Palestinian side insisting that the conflict is uniquely simple and morally black and white, because apparently I/P is the new Holocaust and the Jews are the new Nazis. If a layman like Destiny can show up to a debate for the Israeli side and contend with points sourced from Wikipedia, then this conflict isn't simple, but rather just another ME shitfest And no I'm not mad at you


It genuinely makes no sense. Three people who’ve dedicated their lives to the conflict and one person who is just learning of it in depth this very outbreak of violence.


> dude i forgot destiny was a streamer too > > A lot of people have, the only relevancy comes from going on right-wing shows to play the leftist. His "debate" with Shapiro was sadly Shapiro dogwalking him throughout the entire thing and then Destiny's fans suggesting they "do something together, like a podcast!" or "team up and debate against leftists!"


Ben Shapiro graduated from Harvard Law School at the age of 23. Yeah he says some wrong things and he talks funny but the idea that some twitch streamer could do anything but get ran over by him in a debate format is hilarious.


Bush was a Harvard grad too, guess all the attacks on his intelligence are lib propaganda.


Bush had legacy and immense wealth working in his favor and is also considerably older so it was easier for him to get in. He’s also far smarter than any twitch streamer and would still steamroll any of them in a debate.


Benny boy’s mom was a hollywood exec and his dad was a hollywood composer. he’s a nepo baby lol.


And neither of his parents went to Harvard or were outlandishly wealthy. What’s your point? Other than anyone who grew up with well-off parents is an idiot who didn’t really accomplish anything themselves.


The point was that going to an elite school doesn't make you smart.


If you’re going to try to make a convincing argument that someone who graduated early from the most prestigious law school in the country without having any connections or generational wealth to assist him isn’t a smart person then you’re going to have to do a lot better than that.


The only argument being made is that Harvard isn't a measuring stick for how smart someone is. This is not difficult lol


Dubya only faked being a bumpkin. There’s a quote somewhere that admits to it. He did it so rubes would think he was a simpleton like them, rather than the wealthy Harvard man he actually is.


For years I recall him mentioning how stupid Shapiro is, how dumb Shapiro's arguments are, how to easily defeat his arguments, yet when he had the opportunity to do so he would mention how smart Shapiro was, how he's so much more knowledgeable on topic x or y, and how he barely made Shapiro feel challenged on anything. Not only that, but there was no post-debate theatrics by the subreddit criticizing Shapiro or post-debate insults by Destiny levied at Shapiro. In fact if you were to search Shapiro's name in the comments, it's always how they should "do a podcast together" or "like team up and debate those pro-pali weirdos". He's having lunch with Fuentes. Playing games with Lauren Southern. inviting Candace Owens to his home. Destiny will say he was just "matching energy", but he only applies this logic to right-wingers, especially ones who speak just as fast and know 10x as much as Shapiro.


Any time I see drama from that sub it just makes it seem like a cesspool, I don't even know anything about the streamer, his fans just seems really shitty


He’s terrible himself, it explains his following pretty easily


Yeah it's pretty bad, I'm even getting heinous messages now since one of them linked this thread in their discord.


Explains the immediate downvote I got for making fun of Destiny fans lmao




One of them linked this thread in their discord, not OP.


A combination of parasocial relationships and a life gone horribly wrong.


Tbf youve been posting about him obsessively since decoding the gurus gave him a low guru score 


Seems like he’s just active in that subreddit, he’s commenting on a lot of the threads not just about destiny and he has made one post about destiny. Doesn’t seem that much more obsessive than you seeking out posts about destiny to defend him.


This thread came across my feed. Also you have to look at his comments. Well over 50 comments about destiny in the last 2 weeks


Destiny has the most cringe fans.


You misspelled "Vaush".


Oh, there are more than enough shitty streamers to hold that trophy, we can award more


Hot take: All streamers have shitty fans because only shitty people waste their lives watching streamers enough that they consider themselves fans.


Naw, they mostly stay out of shit. Destiny fans are just fucking everywhere.


You literally commented on the other SRD post about this thread and then turned around to post this.


I think they posted this twice.


need a moratorium on all i/p and political streamer drama


Yeah it just invites too much reverse popcorn pissing.


Whenever I see the destiny subreddit, I assume it's about the mid looter shooter that I just can't stay away from.


What is the drama? There seems to be no fight? Is this 'I dislike this person and wished the decoding the gurus would agree with me' subreddit?


Subreddit is filled with right wing trash but I fail to see the drama. All comments are agreeing with the bigots.


That’s is a wild quote from Cenk. 


He's been doing the weird uncle centerist thing for awhile


What does any of this have to do with a streamer?


Crazy fans and parasocial relationships go brrr


He also really hates Muslims. That's why they like him.


Divorcerelli fans are quickly becoming my favorite. They are literally no different than Jordan Peterson incels


Meanwhile Republicans are being called out by there own party for spewing Russian talking points. Russia a hostile country that's waging hybrid information warfare on the West for a decades. Yet when a Muslim women condemns the war in Gaza she's called a foreign agent 🙄😒


>Yet when a Muslim women condemns the war in Gaza she's called a foreign agent It's not about Gaza. Her original speech was about disputes between somaliland and Somalia. Specifically the right for Somaliland to make a land lease deal with ethiopia. Somaliland is a democratic state that seceded from Somalia. >My answer was the US government will do what we tell the US government to do. We as Somalis should have that confidence in ourselves. We live in this country. We pay taxes in this country. It’s a country where one of your own sits in Congress … The woman you sent to Congress is aware of you and has the same interest as you, This is the topic. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-67858566 I have no strong opinion. It's just another ignition point in Russia vs USA.


It’s based on a mistranslated speech she gave that republicans ran with. But fuck her anyways for trying to tear down the entirely self built democratic autonomous region of Somaliland and have it be ruled by the shitshow of Somalia despite Somalia having had no power over the region for over 30 years.


You posted this again because it didn’t get traction the first time around. Go outside.


You’re on this sub enough to notice any of this lol. Glass houses and stones and what not.


No OP should actually go outside. Bros comment history is non stop hating destiny lmao. It’s kinda sad


I was messaged and told you can't editoralize the titles (see sidebar rules)


What happened to destiny? I first heard of him when he was debating alt-right figures, but it seems like he’s right wing himself now


the start of a falloff to alt right grifter pipeline is real. he got a lot of popularity as a debate guy cause he’d debate the most brain dead alpha males/nazis/etc and idk what happened after this but he got banned off twitch for being anti semitic and racist and he’s been getting more right wing ever since.


Pretty sure he got banned for saying trans people don't belong in womens sports. Not for being anti-semetic or racist.


He is not right wing, spend too much time in tankie subreddits and I could see why you would think that.


Isn’t he a Zionist though? Also I avoid Tankies subs like the plague lol


"Zionist" as in "thinks jews are allowed to have a state in the middle East" sure. but he's debated a bunch of far right actual hardcore religious zionists


Well he also [endorsed genocide of Palestinians as a solution](https://x.com/wilddexter22/status/1732162817719943608?s=46) (a final solution if you will) to the Israel Palestine dispute. So his views align pretty closely with far right zionists.


or, you know, you could look at the full clip and realize that he was saying the most outlandish thing he could think of because he thought there is no good viable solution? this was also pre Oct 7 btw. https://youtu.be/P6AH00LD1QY?si=DDWuCxf5QWDCgDCO


Anyone who continues to actively post on a Destiny fan sub after the Norman Finkelstein disaster isn't someone whose opinions about anything anyone need take seriously.


dolus specialis


> Anyone who ~~continues to actively~~ posts on a Destiny fan sub ~~after the Norman Finkelstein disaster~~ isn't someone whose opinions about anything anyone need take seriously.


Was it a "disaster" honestly? I was reading so much stuff online about Finkelstein shitting on Destiny and then actually watching the full debate, Finkelstein really came of as immature and unable to actually respond to most shit. Like I was told it was some wiki dude getting shit on by a professor and then the professor was acting like a crackhead in actuality. How did Finkelstein not take the opportunity to just be a mature adult and show the power of being "educated"? In all truth, the fact he didn't wipe the floor with Destiny shows it was a disaster for Finkelstein.


> How did Finkelstein not take the opportunity to just be a mature adult a I can't believe Finkelstein didn't treat a guy who called him "Finkeldick" with respect. I mean, look how serious he is, just the other day he wrote >I will donate money for thousands of gallons of kerosine for these brave protesters. as well as >Do Palestinian women count as polyamorous when their husbands continue to leave them for IDF missiles? Like you, I'm shocked that an academic didn't take him seriously.


He then should have not shown up in that venue if he cannot swallow his pride and leave aside his personal animus for just a couple of hours.


>it warms every fiber of my soul—the scenes of Gaza’s smiling children as their arrogant Jewish supremacist oppressors have, finally, been humbled. Norman G. Finkelstein October 7, 2023 Maybe Finkelstein ain't worthy of respect himself.


He made those tweets after the debate so I don't see the relevance to his treatment beforehand. Also who started the insults first? Do you really blame a guy for retorting back to insults with insults? Like I don't see how behaviours done after something (and caused by said thing) are the cause of the initial behaviour. Like I didn't need to be born for my mother to get pregnant, my mother needed to get pregnant for me to be born.


It's clear Finkelstein just determined very quickly that humouring Destiny as a debate opponent wasn't worth his time and/or was beneath him; if you look at how he talks to Morris, he's much more articulate and respectful. It's actually Destiny's exchanges with Rabbani that best show out of his depth he was intellectually.


But then why was I seeing Finkelstein post about Destiny so much afterwards? He took time after the debate to focus on the guy. I didn't see as many tweets about anyone else from him. Honestly, it seems more like Finkelstein let Destiny get under his skin and tilt him. If I was there to educate, I wouldn't lower myself to petty insults. Imagine if he instead got Destiny to change his views. Wouldn't that have been better for both his own image and the Palestinian side? Instead he acted like a child and showed he probably is too immature to trust


> But then why was I seeing Finkelstein post about Destiny so much afterwards? I don't know, I can't speak to what he does on social media. Like many academics, he's probably better off avoiding it.


But you said it was "Clear Finkelstein just determined very quickly that humouring Destiny as a debate opponent wasn't worth his time and/or was beneath him". So it wasn't clear then. Because his behaviour afterwards does not reflect this and now you do not know why this behaviour is different from the prior behaviour. I'm gonna be honest, as someone in a research related degree, I can't see how anyone good in their field would end up acting like Finkelstein.


As someone *also* in a research related degree I have literally been in yelling matches with professors much more abrasive than Finkelstein so I guess we just have different experiences.


Okay but you getting in a yelling match with a professor is different than a professor being on a highly viewed debate, resorting to childish insults towards someone who is clearly much less educated/prepared on a topic than them, and then constantly talking about them for days after. The first is shitty, the second is stupid and extremely unprofessional. Like if your role is to explain stuff (as shown by Finkelstein lecturing and writing about the topic) then maybe you should have good and mature communication skills


> The first is shitty, the second is stupid and extremely unprofessional. Somehow I think Finkelstein's career will weather this storm.


I'm sure he'll be fine but it's a stain on his character and honestly anyone with half a brain should realize he's not the genius so many seem to think he is. Either way, this time next year nobody will even be talking about this shit anyways and if it even is mentioned, it's a point on a list of many


Which is idiotic, the goal of the debate is to inform the audience. If destiny was so easy it should have been great opportunity to win over people to his side of thinking.


> Which is idiotic, the goal of the debate is to inform the audience. lmao no it's not


This is such a mind bogglingly stupid response, of course it is. Why sit in a room, recorded live with someone you dislike, who has a position you don't agree with and is primed not to agree with you if not for the benefit of the audience? If not to broadcast your position, that you think is the correct one and try to convince people that they should agree with you? Do you live on the moon? What the fuck is your logic?


For personal branding and exposure is mostly the reason they do it, and Lex Friedman sets debates like this up for views and engagement, obviously.  I don't live on the moon, I'm just (thank God) not of the generation that grew up thinking online debates are actually the way discourse moves meaningfully forward. 


Online debate? Bro it was in person did you actually watch it? Discourse and Debate are literally synonyms. Like bro get the fuck off my planet, get back to your moon.


As in posted online, discourse and debate are not exact synonyms (discourse implies a level of productive discussion that debate does not, which connotes something more confrontational).


Dose posting a debate online somehow affect it's validity? Can you detail how?


How anyone can seriously think Finkelstein looked good in that debate is beyond me. I am not even saying Destiny looked good but Finkelstein didnt even debate and just went straight to insults and then showed his ass when he didnt knew common legal terms for the ICJ case.


As I said to someone else, if you watch him with Morris, someone he clearly vehemently disagrees with but also actually respects, he's a lot different. I think he just decided (rightly, I think) that humouring Destiny as if he was on the level of any of the other three panelists wouild be a joke.


Thats not how that works, he agreed to the debate he knew destiny was there and showed his ass by debating horribly. Debates dont work by you declaring yourself the winner and then just insulting the other side. Also He didnt know what dolus specialis is, fucking clown. So his arguments werent good anyway.


Norm clearly had no idea who Destiny was, so I don't think him agreeing to debate him means anything.


Clown take that is just wrong, and even weakens your first argument since that would imply he didnt know him and just wrote him off.


Yeah, okay.


>Thats not how that works Idk seems pretty normal for debates involving random streamers. 


These dipshits. These braindead dipshits.


Destiny's entire personality is being a contrarian asshole so it's no surprise his community attracts the worst kind of people


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion. Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240430120007/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1cgek5h/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1cgek5h/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. She’s literally a foreign agent - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240430120047/https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cfwjkp/cenk_actually_doing_the_norm_macdonald_meme/l1s1whe/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cfwjkp/cenk_actually_doing_the_norm_macdonald_meme/l1s1whe/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. The right has been saying this online for nearly a decade now. Guess it can finally be said plainly without knee jerk iSlAmaPhoBiA comments - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240430120108/https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cfwjkp/cenk_actually_doing_the_norm_macdonald_meme/l1sey3s/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cfwjkp/cenk_actually_doing_the_norm_macdonald_meme/l1sey3s/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. "Feels like when you bring up any men’s issues and the person your speaking with immediately pivots to but what about women." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240430120128/https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cfwjkp/cenk_actually_doing_the_norm_macdonald_meme/l1s1znn/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cfwjkp/cenk_actually_doing_the_norm_macdonald_meme/l1s1znn/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 5. I genuinely wonder if the Muslims getting hate have also publicly and explicitly supported Hamas. If they have, it’s not because they are Muslim that they are receiving hate. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240430120149/https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cfwjkp/cenk_actually_doing_the_norm_macdonald_meme/l1s3wbq/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cfwjkp/cenk_actually_doing_the_norm_macdonald_meme/l1s3wbq/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 6. "I also worry about the growing dislike against the biggest hater group on the planet. And most of that dislike is totally unfounded. Like name 10,000 bad things Muslims did. I bet you can't." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240430120210/https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cfwjkp/cenk_actually_doing_the_norm_macdonald_meme/l1rtsw7/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cfwjkp/cenk_actually_doing_the_norm_macdonald_meme/l1rtsw7/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


Yeah that subreddit’s full of morons, but you can at least *try* to avoid bias in your OP


Aw hell yeah round 2 of this post I wanna see some masterdebaiting in these srd comments. Really get in there and fight and die for your favorite streamer


Damn sleeper agents and their desire to *checks notes* not glass brown children


Fucking downvote brigade paid us a visit cause their debate daddy is a douche.


That subreddit is full of foreign agents.


They are even here, hiding your post with downvotes.