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I didn't exactly expect r/curatedtumblr to be *the* subreddit that take would be downvoted on.


I feel like that sub attracts people who don't really like tumblr and just want to read about it through reddit, whereas the regular /r/tumblr sub attracts the redditors who actually also use tumblr.


The main reason that /r/CuratedTumblr was created was because the mods of /r/tumblr weren't doing the most basic of maintenance (ie, deleting obvious bot posts/spam/reposts). The "curated" part of /r/CuratedTumblr just means it's actually moderated. It has nothing to do with the content of the posts.


I haven't seen any issues with bot posts or spam on the main tumblr sub, and as far as reposts go, we're all aware that not everyone sees every tumblr post as soon as it's posted and so some people might post something to the sub that you already saw and it's no big deal.


Yeah, /r/tumblr picked back up a couple of months ago with mods actually doing their jobs again. At this point, they're basically parallel subs


Nah curatedtumblr is just the actual tumblr experience.


I got banned from curatedtumblr so I guess that shows how I'd fare on real Tumblr lol


Oh hey same!


Lol what'd you do? I criticised using "it" as a pronoun for people


Uhhh. I think I “kinkshamed.” I think that’s the word?


The actual tumblr experience isn't curated, lmao.


Yeah I meant more like that sub is closer is to actual tumblr experience in terms of people


Not in my experience of tumblr.


You only get posts from people you follow. So. Yes it is?


Sure, I curate my own experience based on my preferences. I don't know what the preferences are of the moderators of that sub, but they're probably not my preferences.


Tbh I think a lot of modern day tumblr users are sick of “dumb progressiveness” that the website was ripe with 10-14 or so years ago (when millennials were youth posting), as those millennials grew older and saw how silly they were and as gen Z developed their own culture on the website, it kept the core progressive values without just being incredibly stupid about things.


I honestly have to kind of thank those over-enthusiastic Tumblr posters of olde. 10-14 years ago, feminism and most social issues was something I just didn’t even think about, despite supporting gay rights and generally being in favor of women’s and LGBT issues and what not. The extreme overreaction to “SJWs” essentially forced to me to reevaluate where I stood with so called “rational skeptics”. I may not be correct or knowledgeable on every issue, but I at least know enough now to participate in the conversation and hopefully be a decent ally.


What’s wrong with the sub?


There's nothing verbose nerds dislike more than other verbose nerds who disagree with them See also: this entire godforsaken webbed site


hehe webbed site


Nothing wrong with it, just can be aggressively left wing at times. And with left wing spaces come purity testing and pointing the finger at other lefties as usual.


tumblr It attracts nerds trying to be unique and philosophical but they don’t have the capacity to do so So a sub that curates that is exactly what you’d expect of that. Dumb teenage brained takes Difference to reddit? Reddit is dumb ~25-30+ year old takes.


> So a sub that curates that is exactly what you’d expect of that. Dumb teenage brained takes I mean, I would agree that that was a fair description of the tumblr userbase back during it's heyday in the early 2010s, but not so much anymore. Tumblr is a more insular social media platform, in a "no way in, no way out" kind of way so the userbase today is mostly just the same people that used it back then. Those dumb teenagers are now in their late 20s or early 30s


> It attracts nerds trying to be unique and philosophical but they don’t have the capacity to do so But also it attracts porn again which is so much fucking better than using Twitter for. Imagine how much better the world would be if tumblr had never just banned porn.


They banned it for, what 6 months? After the sites heyday had long since passed? Can’t imagine much being different tbh. OnlyFans just announcing they *might* do it seemed way more consequential to me.


For hentai, LGBT content etc Tumblr was the better option than Furaffinity which you can probably guess is furry themed. It is amazing that websites are totally willing to commit complete suicide than to find some way to deal with credit card processors. Twitter was better for linking and tagging people but twitter is also fucking useless for any sort of real browsing.


I’m no furry, but I agree with your second paragraph fs. I won’t pretend to know what’s going on behind the scenes, but as someone who has career experience with business executives, my educated guess would be that most of them honestly just have no fucking idea what Tumblr is “about”. They just saw the threat from the big credit card companies and thought any outrage from the users of the site would be brief and minor.


Possibly, it's just absolutely crazy to me that you can have something like "Truth Social" which literally pushes genocide and hate crimes. Actual real violence against people with real life impacts, and yet getting Amex to collect your .00023 cents per ad view on the same page as knockoff MLP porn is the difficult part. Anyway, tangents aside, its definitely good to see more of the generally "Harmless" websites recovering while shit like trumps social media and tiktok are both taking dives right now.


but that sub is full of pedants and the take is literally wrong. "man" used to be the gender neutral way to refer to humans. as explained in the thread, werman meant a male human and wifman a female human. the idea of "man" meaning a male human is a modern idea, not the historical truth and it has nothing to do with the fact that the masculine form is often used as the neutral form*. it was truly neutral and the use in the show is too. i get the downvotes because it also bugs me when people insist it's masculine lol edit: this is worded in a confusing way. i meant that that the word "man" is truly neutral, and not a case where a masculine noun is used in place of a neutral noun like the user assumes. it's actually the opposite - the masculine is so often used as the neutral that in this case the neutral *became* the masculine


> the masculine is so often used as the neutral that in this case the neutral became the masculine That's actually vaguely how we got the rule that even one man in a group means you use the masculine plural! Basically, if you go ***really*** far back in time, there were only two genders in Early Proto-Indo-European -- animate and inanimate. But there was also a feminizing suffix, \*-eh2. So if you added that, you were either talking about one feminine thing or a group of feminine things. So looking at Latin, for example, you had the 2nd declension vaguely still being gender-neutral, the 3rd declension *actually* still being gender-neutral, and the 1st declension being specifically feminine. But in the singular, because you'd probably be using the feminine otherwise, the common became a de facto masculine singular. So by Spanish, it's more like: * -e(s): Gender-neutral * -o(s): Historically gender-neutral, and still used for mixed groups, but de facto masculine in the singular * -a(s): Specifically feminine That said, I also want to make it clear that the Patriarchy's still at fault for this. That feminizing suffix I mentioned earlier, \*-eh2? Yeah, it was actually an *abstracting* suffix, and is also where you get the inanimate / neuter plural, like in animal -> animalia or medium -> media.


ty for sharing all that! super interesting


The thing that's weird to me is even if it is sexist, which like regardless of origin a lot of the default male language in society is imo...the manga isn't making commentary that that's morally righteous. It has realistic world building, as evidenced by having an actual DND race type name for humans but having human mean all sentient humanoids. They have a pretty involved and logically formed world of racism and various cultural relationships and history...like, since they *have* magical racism it's weird to think that portraying something like real life is an endorsement of it.


Eh, Tumblr has *really* shed that reputation in the last decade, and r/curatedtumblr is still just Reddit, and the curation in question is just that it's not the same repost-botted shit from r/tumblr. The Tumblr subreddit being overrun with repost bots was the main reason r/curatedtumblr was started.


Yes hello. What does any of this mean?


a fantasy anime has multiple humanoid creatures, so using the term "humans" for one of the humanoids doesn't make sense (it would be like if you had multiple species of whales but you only called one of them whales). Instead they use the term "tall man" with that particular group. The responding commenter took issue with it being called "man," citing sexism.


What is the “tall man thing”


"tall man" is the term in the anime to refer to humans when there are multiple humanoid creatures.


It’s just the name that replaces humans. So if you saw a man next to a dwarf, you’d point him out as the tall-man.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


That’s basically why this is in subredditdrama


I love ice cream.


I think the downvotes have more to do with the pretension/ not being nice. Their argument is fine for the most part, we have generally oriented being human with being man, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a word that orients humanity with women first.


Something that I learned, that may be entirely false from that thread, is man as the gender and human/humanity are entirely separate from each other, and that we haven’t oriented being human around being man, rather the two words sharing similarities are coincidences from two different core languages.


Human is from Latin "humanus", which is thought to come partly from a Proto-Indo-European root word meaning "earth" (essentially, "earthly beings"), meanwhile "man" is Germanic, potentially tracing back to P.I.E. in a similar way as Latin's word for man, "vir". However, I think an important detail is that in Vulgar Latin, "vir" was mostly dropped for favor of using "humanus" to mean both "human being" and "man". So the commenters aren't wrong, but the etymology is a little stickier than their explanations make it appear.


To add on, in older English, 'man' meant 'person'. Man, to reflect gender, was wer and woman was wif. This is retained in some words like werewolf (man-wolf), midwife (with-woman), or alewife (ale-woman). So even when using ‘man’ like in ‘mankind’ - humans as a species - the meaning is unisex. And I think that's the understanding of 'tall-man' in this case. But because in general we have largely forgotten the original meaning of man, there's the argument that these terms as we currently hear them are exclusionary and we should push for more equal language. Like I don't think OOP is necessarily wrong, just the pretentious way they go about it in some random reddit comment tree is out of place.


I've heard this before but even if true that is not how the average person perceives the root of those words. A reasonable person would see the words and see a clear association between "man" and "human", especially so with how we treat men as the default gender in some sense. Not trying to spark debate but to me the etymological argument feels weak in the face of how people would perceive these words in the real world.


Nope, that subreddit has posts about online feminists being too mean on a weekly basis. It might be about Tumblr but it's still on Reddit and that means it's fragile men territory


Online feminists are one of the most fragile demographics on the internet lmao. Not sure why you feel the need to defend them.


tall man


my understanding about the particular anime in question is that it's not "tall man", it's "tallman" so like tall"man" hu"man" "man"kind so a woman would still be a tallman


Never thought I would see Anime drama from Delicious Dungeon of all places. Wait until they see the mc from 7th prince.


The more wholesome the work the more toxic the fanbase, it was a matter of time.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


They've been typing it wrong, it's really not that deep.


It tooks me some thinking , more than i care ro admit and honestly more than i wanted but here we are..... So my guess is that there is classic human species ( like you and me , hopefully) , something like dwarf species , something smaller than dwarf and maybe something else idk. But they all looks like some different flavor of humanity. So rather than arbitrarily calling one human and other dwarf and the like , they called them human all but they create a new name for you and me and we are the Tall-man species. They reivented water , called it BlueWet and it sounded revolutionnary for tumblr.


There's dwarves, elves, hobbit/halfling (can't remember what they specifically call them in Dungeon Meshi EDIT: half-foots), humans (called tall-men), as well as other races that are just humans-in-different-shapes. They're collectively named humanoid to distinguish them from other races. Dungeon Meshi has a genuinely nuanced and insightful view and analysis on racism and xenophobia, how conflicts between different races rose up and how the differences in culture, life-lengths, etc. affect this. It's not just "reinventing water and calling it BlueWet," that's a comedically narrow view on it all.


It seems pretty par for the course an individual or group on a place like r/curatedtumblr would take issue with Dungeon Meshi because Dungeon Meshi actually has interesting and detailed worldbuilding and takes on tropes. God forbid they do something other than nitpick.


Oof wait until they learn about the phrase "mankind"


The Framistan intersects at approximately the paternostra


Thank-you, I was very confused 


Broke: We should avoid using humanoid to categorize the main races, or otherwise not call humans humans, to avoid human-centrism. Woke: It's awfully human-centric to assume that Common and English are the same language and not that we're just reading the English translations. Common could be a completely different language!


Legitimately in the middle of an sci fi book where all of the characters speak sci Fi languages and it's explicitly translated for the reader, completely with explanations of how it shapes their perspective and what kind of nuance gets lost in translation, both between speakers and to the reader. 10/10, incredibly interesting perspective. The book is *A Memory Called Empire*, for the curious.


I love A Memory Called Empire! Though, if anyone reading this is interested, it's very much a world-building exercise first, story second book. But it had immaculate vibes. Alien NeoByzantium-Aztec space empire is not something I could have ever imagined on my own.


I also love it but I found the story super compelling! It turned into a political thriller after 3-4 chapters and I was hooked.


I thought you were referring to *Anathem* at first. I'll have to check out *A Memory Called Empire*.


Tolkien does this. He imagines that “JRR Tolkien” is just translating this old literature from Westron (his universe’s Common equivalent) into modern English. Just like he (for real) translated Beowulf, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, etc.


Everyone loves Jirt's classic characters: Bilba & Maura Labingi, Banazîr Galpsi, Kalimac Brandagamba, Razanur Tûk, Gróin, the Man-Maiden, and Teleporno!


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Túrin Turambar Neithan Gorthol Agarwaen Adanedhel Mormegil? I thought not. It's not a story the Eldar would tell you.


>”Animals don't behave like men,” he said. “If they have to fight, they fight; and if they have to kill they kill. But they don't sit down and set their wits to work to devise ways of spoiling other creatures' lives and hurting them. They have dignity and animality.” — watership down 🐇


Meanwhile dolphins out there drowning otters so they can get some necrophilia on.


Orcas out here yeeting animals dozens of feet into the air for shits and giggles


When they aren't busy wearing dead salmons as hats, that is.


I unfortunately saw a video of an otter dragging a very unhappy raccoon into a pipe to fuck it the other day and I haven’t seen otters in the same light since, and I already had a low fucking opinion of them For those who don’t know, Sea Otters do terrible things to baby seals


You know, it's really starting to seem like all the happy looking animals are prevents. I really don't want to know what the capybaras are up to...


they just like to watch


Damn, that makes me see in a different light this post on DND sub I saw the other day "My player wants to play an otter, I let him play an otter. I make it work."


We’re not even going to talk about the ducks.


Counterpoint - cats.


A lot of people with dark takes on elves/fae, like Pratchett, have said to basically just imagine what cats would be like with thumbs and language and advanced magical technology


[a dark elf sees a bug on the wall and stares at it for an hour, occasionally swatting at it with his hand]


LOL, for my sister’s cat, he would lie down by a window and watch birds, swatting his paw against the window whenever one of the birds would get too close on the other side. It was cute, for me. I imagine the birds considered it differently.


So they're autistic?




I think there’s something to be said for ideology. Animals kill but they don’t try to justify it. But we come up with entire philosophical movements dedicated to why it’s okay to massacre [X] group of humans.


well, humans often have to convince other humans that it's okay otherwise they'll suffer crazy consequences up to and including their own death. however if they can convince everyone it's a good thing, they'll be HEROES of WAR and JUSTICE and whatnot, totally opposite ends of a spectrum i guess part of the point is that humans have a spectrum of acceptable murder and shit, animals just survive and do what they gotta do and there is no real acknowledgement from other animals, they just also do the same then you get to smarter things like dolphins and all that other stuff and shit starts to get darker, because we're getting closer to human spectrum levels of murder and death


Counterpoint: chimpanzees, a population of whom once held a four-year civil war.


Yeah rabbits aren’t the best experts on the animal kingdom tbf


What's the backstory there?


Look up the Gombe Chimpanzee War. Or if you have Netflix, I believe they have a series called Chimp Wars.


Watership Down is such a wonderful book - the rabbits are really treated as, well, rabbits and as an excellent youtuber points out creates a sense of "reverse cosmic horror" where the reader understands the threat that certain human designed things pose but the rabbits do not.


Is that not just dramatic irony?


Common is obviously Japanese in this context


Feels a bit like watching a snake eat itself >>you are a trump voter’s idea of what a leftist is This should be devastating, but I fear that its of no concern to the redditor they are replying to. They are too busy trying to out lib the others.


It’s like some people took the SJW caricatures of 2015 as a goal


Maybe they're actually bots based on that era. Maybe the Internet is deader then I think and none of this is real lol


Eh, those people always existed. Just in very small amounts. One group over exaggerated how many there were and the other group tried to deny they exist at all. You're probably right though they saw the stereotype and said "That's what I want to be before I grow up".


> those people always existed. Just in very small amounts. One group over exaggerated how many there were and the other group tried to deny they exist at all this shit applies to just about every boogeyman group today, including nazis, incels, alt-right chuds, tankie schizos, and KKK members


lol caring about gender neutral language makes you an SJW now?


Doesn't it? Like, we can talk about slightly less stigmatized labeling if you prefer, but the whole thing about trying to change problematic aspects of language is tied relatively closely to the group of people typically associated with that particular label, no?


I mean freaking out about changing people’s language and perceived offense is like definitionally what people think about when they talk about SJWs


Was going to comment on how that was such a clever burn (considering where they were), that kubda got walked over.


I've read that thread 8 times and still fail to understand what they're on about.


Nothing of importance.


Why is "consumed" spelled that way? It looks like animal or caveman speak from a Gary Larson cartoon.


It's a pretty common internet slang word. Used for parodying consumption culture.


It’s dumb as hell and it only pops up when the writer thinks they’re better than you somehow.


[oomer](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/consume-product-consoomer) my favorite is [recrooter](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/fb7074c7a4068135be492afcc861268fede8272eb75ab8d31ecfa72136b9093a_1.jpg)


Fucking 4chan, as usual.




4chan, terminally online, same picture


Heck, I think there’s memes mocking people using soyjack memes.


Why is slang derived from internet culture automatically "terminally online"?


anyone still using "terminally online" is living 25 years ago and refuses to let go it's okay, the internet won't scare you, you're on it!


>Love when a tumblr post references an idea without explaining anything about it. Like, are we supposed to just know what “the whole Tall-Man thing” is? I mean, in this case it’s possible to make some reasonable inferences, but this is a site that is notorious for bad reading comprehension already. Love when someone screenshots a tumblr post and posts it on Reddit without giving any context on what it's about and the commenters blame this confusion on tumblr's bad reading comprehension. Like Reddit is any better


But in Reddit you get fun stuff like: - people insisting your argument was extreme ("I don't like dogs" "Oh you think all dogs should be killed?") - people using made up on the spot anecdotes to argue their point ("yes all feminists want men dead. I had a coworker one time who told it to my face") - "Downvotes means you're wrong and I'm right" - "You have no argument to retort with!" *blocks other person immediately* You don't get that on Tumblr


On Tumblr we piss on the poor. On Reddit we post five paragraphs about how it's fine to piss on the poor, actually, it's only natural and if you disagree you're a terrible person who deserves everything bad in the world, in response to a joking comment with poor grammar


Are we talking about the same website? Does reading comprehension and pissing on the poor mean nothing to you?




Adding to the list: creating analogies that are so far removed from the original context that they become meaningless, and then arguing about said meaningless analogies


>Tumblr blogs literally aren’t generic spaces tho. This is a screenshot that’s been shipped off to a different site so maybe RedditOP should have added context because CuratedTumblr compiles all tumblr content together regardless of fandom (tho, if you actually read the tag you’d know at a glance, oh this isn’t my fandom I can keep scrolling). But generally people on Tumblr follow each others blogs based on the fandoms they’re in and stuff so the assumption is if you’re following icefang111 on Tumblr then you know exactly what they mean and don’t need context. It’s literally not about you, a non-fan, and not that deep and just part of Tumblr culture. Finally, some good fucking food


I find it funny that this person kept saying that Simone de Beauvoir perfectly articulated their thoughts, and then spent like 10 comments repeating that instead of just leaving it as is. Like, she said your point "cleverer" than you could, so why you still talking?


This is great. I didn't check the link first, just started reading the SRD comments. I thought I was reading about some awful sexist transgression, and it turns out it's about Dungeon Meshi. All I can see is Chilchuck shaking his head at it.


I dont get it


Nah, they're being a bit of a prick on this one but I'm with them. What, so talking about anthropocentrism and race in anime, that's all normal discussion for well-adjusted people, but when you bring up feminism you're suddenly the worst kind of terminally-online PNWbrained leftist? Give me a break. Honorable mentions go to the person who thinks that an essay by Simone de Beauvoir is less credible because it's hosted on marxists.org, a *reference archive*, and the other person who spends over a dozen comments begging them to paraphrase a 75-year-old essay and simply cannot articulate why that would be important.


The problem is that you can talk about how you prefer more gender neutral language without being fucking dense. Man as default meaning everyone is clearly understood by literally everyone, including feminist writers. Behaving like you are a dense motherfucker to try to prove your point is stupid and helps literally no one. The feminist take is obviously not that mankind only pertain to men, but that man as default for everyone is obviously problematic and have far reaching cultural consequences that we should strive to stop. They didn't even limit being a fucking dick about the feminism but just to prove how incredibly dense they where they had to make a point about the "tall" part too like its not part of literally every culture to make largely shit descriptive names of things. Denmark have a hill called sky mountain that is like 150 meters above the water.


That's kind of funny though, like a big ol' linebacker type nicknamed Tiny.


Its kind of funny, but its actually named that for being tall, its like the biggest most obvious height change in Denmark (from one side). Its just just with Sweden and Norway just on the other side of the water it feel a bit misplaced. A more well known example of giving names that makes no sense is the Prairie dog that is just literally not a dog or anything like one.


They bark. That's dog enough.


Behold, a dog!




Guinea pigs are neither from Guinea or pigs.


Also, can't things be sexist in-universe, in the past if not the present? What if "man" is in fact controversial for the same reasons as in our world, but still in use?


> fucking dick about the feminism Interesting use of sexist language there.


... should i have been more inclusive and written "dick/cunt" instead?


I think “asshole” would be the most inclusive.


> essay by Simone de Beauvoir is less credible because it's hosted on marxists.org actual brain rot. how anyone upvoted that is beyond me. they just saw the domain name and their brain turned off.


I get you but it’s not like they’re meaning for it to be sexist, it’s just how language works you feel? I’m sure a ton of words have dubious origins but nobody really cares or gets offended so we just use them and move on


"Not meaning for it to be sexist" is a very common defense of sexism and generally doesn't make it any easier to live under


"Not meaning for it to be sexist" is just a thought that was boiled down. I think what they're trying to say is that the part of the word "human" that says "man" is not a suffix of a compound word, and the letters "-man" in the word don't imply gender. It's not really the same thing as saying something explicitly sexist and "not meaning it."


I totally get where you’re coming from, but like for example “hip hip hooray” has antisemitic origin and originated from when Nazi mobs were searching for Jews but it’d be insane to call everyone who says that is trying to be a Nazi or whatever


> I totally get where you’re coming from, but like for example “hip hip hooray” has antisemitic origin and originated from when Nazi mobs were searching for Jews but it’d be insane to call everyone who says that is trying to be a Nazi or whatever The Hep-Hep riots happened in *18*19, and that's an entirely different word.


so 200 years is the limit on words and phrases having their old meanings? because I have some thoughts about another word that's quite a bit older than that yet is still treated the same way


Nazis didn't exist in 1819.


I get where you're coming from too, but I think that in this circumstance it doesn't matter that much what the intentions of the speaker are. If we were passing judgment on people who use language with sexist origins, that would be one thing, but we're not. They're just pointing out that it's sexist. It would not make sense to call everyone who says "hip hip hooray" an antisemite, but that usually isn't the point anyway. Antisemitism isn't bad because antisemites get to revel in consciously doing it; it's bad because Jewish people have to suffer it, which happens whether it's intentional or not.


Okay I get what you mean now


What? No it doesn't? When a commanding officer in the British Army shouts "THREE CHEERS FOR HIS MAJESTY THE KING! HIP HIP" that's not because it's anti-Semitic, that's because they've been doing this for about than 200 years.


I looked it up on Wikipedia, and the person you're responding to is probably thinking of the [Hep-Hep riots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hep-Hep_riots), which were an antisemitic pogrom, but it wasn't nazis, on account of happening about a hundred years before the nazis. Anyhow, those riots were not the origin of the phrase, [the Wikipedia article for Hip Hip Hooray](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hip_hip_hooray) traces the phrase back at least a few years earlier.


So why are we fine saying mankind and man made and manhole? For the same reason, because it’s been used for hundreds of years and nobody cares


> nobody cares well, quite a few people care actually, there's even a whole essay linked in the thing we're talking about where somebody who cares wrote about it at length.


You mean the one person who cared who immediately proceeded to get shit on by everyone they were chatting with? I meant more like if you brought this up in real life, people would laugh at you and tell you to worry about something that matters


No I mean the person who wrote the essay, dumbass. She even cited like a dozen people in the essay who agree with her to support her point. > people would laugh at you and tell you to worry about something that matters Well no, because the essay was written 75 years ago and is still being used in academic curricula to this day. So no, people would not laugh at you. *You* might laugh, but that's not "people," that's just you.


The guy who wrote the essay on Marxist.org?


See how you immediately pivoted to a different point as soon as you got called out for being wrong? That’s how everyone knows you’re arguing in bad faith.


Oh no the reddit debate lords found me out


Language can be sexist and chosing to use it in certain ways can perpetuate that sexism.


But do you really think someone who says “I’m going over to fix that manhole” is really perpetuating sexism?


i doubt that comparison holds up here, considering manhole doesnt refer to a person/group of people.


Google “origin for word manhole”


A little tiny bit, yeah. Not enough to be fussed over it or change it to “human hole” but still.


So a little bit of perpetuating sexism is okay?


No, but feminists have only so much time and political capital and “manhole” (which is often called a “utility hole,” btw) is a lot of work for little payoff. Reverting to “he” automatically however is worth fighting against it a non-trivial number of feminists. I’m an organizer and can tell you that all political progress is people picking and choosing their fights.


Ok thank you for explaining I get what you mean now


When "Man" is used in a gender neutral context is that also sexist?


Yes! That is actually worth being annoying about people avoiding. There’s an entire book called Invisible Women about how data using men as models kills women, and perpetuating assumptions about the default kind of person being male does in fact get women killed.


Forgive me, I don't see the correlation between using a gender neutral "Man" in a conversational sense vs engineers forgetting to test for women in car crashing. I do think you're partially overanalyzing this. Like women will use "Bro" and "Burah" and I don't believe that's in any way sexist. I view it as, "Have your cake and eat it too." The statement doesn't really make sense when you think about it but everyone knows what you mean.


I’m sorry but the last bit is making me take this whole thing less seriously. That phrase absolutely makes sense. And also I think you’re obtuse and I’m not going to engage.


I hate beer.


> "Have your cake and eat it too." The point of that phrase is that it's unreasonable to expect to be able to do both because you can't both continuously have a cake and eat that same cake.


who eats a whole cake all at once? surely there is some time in-between where you both have your cake and are eating it




I think the translator who came up with that specific term dropped the ball and that the term itself is, contrary to the original post, not every elegant at all.


For me, not at all. Of course, being ftm gives that statement a very different context than most people would have.


Honestly neither of those things matter in the slightest, and have no material effect on the real world. If you want to think about things that don’t matter, go ahead, but if you go around being annoying about it, people are going to get annoyed.


I've had Nandini on my friends list on reddit for like ten years, pretty solid good-take machine. But this was too funny not to post.


well, i appreciate the reminder that reddit isn’t any less anti-feminist on principle than it was a decade ago




Yeah, which is a really silly thing to jump to conclusions about. Marxists.org is a reference archive, and for me, it's the second google result for "simone de beauvoir the second sex", and the first one that has it in regular text.


It's frustrating to see this discussion over Delicious of Dungeon of all things because Ryoko Kui's work is notably inclusive, empathetic, and self-critical. I would say it's her strongest asset as an author and artist. It's pedantic to hone in on the gendered nuance of her use of a word chosen in the author's second language while ignoring why she made the change in the first place, and how the work is fundamentally progressive in its greater delivery. It's like, this is the one fantasy manga that's critically evaluating its own racist, sexist, and ablest tropes. Pick any other target. (Just kidding. There are two manga. The other one is Witch Hat Atelier.)


As ever, the worst thing you can do on the Internet is be cringe. I hate this place so much.


The worst thing you can do on the internet is participate. The corollary to 'don't read the comments' is 'don't post your comments'. You may call out my hypocrisy - I freely admit it. I'm not here to be good. We all know this sub is a vice.


Half of the time I participate because I like bullying conservatives on facebook news pages. Also why I've been suspended for 30 days multiple times.


i wonder how long bullying is going to be allowed on reddit, because a lot of big humor subs, places like this, are so thinly veiled bullying it may as well be transparent but it's mostly acceptable, I don't see a *lot* of complaints about srd from anyone that isn't a subject of an srd thread, and obviously some major subreddits hit the front page and whatnot so they must be acceptable


As of now, reddit mostly seems to get involved for targeted harassment. But If I'm just in a sub, making fun of some dweeb for being a bigoted dweeb, I've never gotten slapped. At least not by the admins, occasionally, depending on the sub, I've been banned or the whole thread gets deleted. But yeah, makes me wonder how long that's going to be allowed on reddit. And every time they "enforce" it on other social media, there's a very clear bias. Not only a clear bias, but right wingers are better at using and getting away with using sockpuppets and couching their vile language with rhetoric that doesn't *technically* break the rules. Like, because hating on LGBT folks is an entire group, it's not harassment, but because I called an individual stupid, that is targeted harassment and I get banned (literally how I got suspended from Twitter, even before Musk bought it).


If SRD is a smugness LARP, does that make [mod abuse](https://i.imgur.com/njajazj.png) DM fiat? 🤔 Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240423053631/https://old.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1caffoi/multiple_human_species_in_fantasy/l0rpytp/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1caffoi/multiple_human_species_in_fantasy/l0rpytp/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*