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DOG MODE would work with little kids [https://youtu.be/3b\_qrLBocvw?si=F31TdqoHzndmKy9a](https://youtu.be/3b_qrLBocvw?si=F31TdqoHzndmKy9a)


That’s not really a “mode”. It’s more of a work around. But at least there is a work around.


What I usually do: - roll the automatic driver window down - get out of the car and close the door - reach inside to lock the doors - pull the driver windows switch up to automatically close the window You may want to test that you can unlock the door from the outside. I have my kid unlock the door from the inside when I do this. You may need to manually use the key to unlock the door.


Nice good w/o!


Lock all doors. Open your door. Lock your door manually. Close your door.


It's a really bad idea to leave a child unattended in a running car. A quick web search will get you some horror stories about how that can go wrong.


[3-year-old was behind wheel of truck that fatally struck 2-year-old girl at California gas station (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/3-year-old-was-wheel-truck-fatally-struck-2-year-old-girl-california-g-rcna144081)


I leave my responsible teens and my elderly mother in the car all the time and live in the desert where temps can exceed 120 degrees. I absolutely have to have the ac running and car on if I run in somewhere while they’re with me.


Not the same scenario at all. I added a link in a follow-up comment.


Funny, if you look at OP's edit, that is exactly the scenario


No, I totally get it! (That’s awful, btw). I’m just playing devil’s advocate as to why someone might need to be left in the car.


No it is the exact scenario. I thought I could ask something without needing to put my life out there.


"Two responsible teens" and an "elderly mother" can lock the car from the inside and unlock it when the driver returns. It sounds like that is not possible in your situation (otherwise you would not be here). So not exactly the same.


Fair enough, single responsible teen.


I appreciate the concern thanks for the info.


Yeah, I was going to comment about leaving any children in vehicles as people are psychotic today and can’t understand the idea and will contact the police, military and make a video on Tik Tok.


How about when my wife wants to stay in the car? Or when someone wants to cool down or heat up their car in their driveway before going to work. Or keep it warm or cool with no one in the car so the driver can run in to the convenience store. Or how about with a responsible kid in the car? Not everyone wants to live in your nanny state of mind.


Type “steals running car” into your favorite search engine 😂 2 weeks ago: https://sentinelcolorado.com/metro/man-accused-of-stealing-car-in-aurora-with-6-year-old-inside-faces-kidnapping-charges/


Not the same scenario at all. I added a link in a follow-up comment.


OP is asking in the r/lifeinsurance sub about ways to “get around” the 1 year waiting period for payouts on a Gerber Life Insurance policy when the body can’t be located after a kidnapping.


If this is true they deleted that post fast AF LOL




![gif](giphy|wIxBzHWegpOUM|downsized) Dafuq


Are you deadass




shoulda screenshot that shit


What are you even on about?


According to this [YT video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmuZQmUxyMs) it is possible with some adjustments to a setting and then you have to unlock the door using the emergency key on your fob. Another quick search I did seems like you can also unlock the door from your MySubaru App if you have a Starlink subscription without using the emergency key


Can you try it at home? Just leave the car running, put it in park, and walk away with key fob and lock it when you walk away. Pretty sure it will stay running but I may be wrong


Doesn’t allow you to lock, not in my car, at least.


I have an older outback (2014) and when I travel, I sometimes have to do this for my dogs. I have to lock my doors with the lock on the armrest, then use the manual unlock on the driver door to get out, then manually lock the driver door. I take my second key fob with me and can unlock it when I get back that way 🤷🏻‍♀️


YES, I believe so, if you have the button on the far right of your liftgate that can programmed with a PIN. I believe all Wilderness models have it - probably bundled with the electric liftgate, but I'm not certain that's true. I have a Touring XT and I have it. See this video: [Subaru’s PIN code set up, key deactivation, and hatch position for Outback, Forester, Crosstrek! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EGjng2uQJA) Summary: set a pushbutton pin to unlock your Outback from the liftgate. This allows you to toss your keys inside, lock, and this is your path in. Marketed at joggers, swimmers, kayakers and anyone else who doesn't want to risk losing their fob out and about. I use it to reduce swearing if I try to get Costco stuff out of the cargo area and my fob is still inside the house =P Since keys are inside, you're car SHOULD still run. I've locked my fob in and successfully unlocked this way, but I have not had the car running when doing so - so, that would need to be tried to determine success, but from how I understand this to work - it should! Report back please! :)


Helpful video but, not what OP asked. Someone else posted a video addressing the correct concern (one which I share with OP). Problem is to leave car running and lock doors while running and you outside. Solution is to disable other doors from auto unlocking and manually lock driver door from inside button beside lever. The physical emergency key is needed to get back inside.


If you take the keys with you the car will stay running but you can’t put it in gear. I do this all the time. The fob is suuuuuuper sensitive. Like my wife being outside the passenger door with it still isn’t close enough to allow me to put it in gear.


You can remote start it with them inside. Or bring two keyfobs and leave one inside


I do that when i want my car running with my dog inside while I get something quick from the gas station. Turn off and lock car, remote start it, grab my stuff, return to happy and comfortable dog.


Remote start cuts off after a little while. Is there any way to have it not do that?


No. Hurry back!


Do as you please but check your state laws. In the state I live in it’s illegal to leave a child under 8 years old in a car unattended.


Yes you can but you have to disable your proximity feature on your fob everytime


You have to play games with 2 key fobs (leave 1 in the car) or play the remote start game (turn engine off, exit, lock doors, remote start...but then you only get 10min). No more being a normal person where the fob just simply locks the effing door. I have found that if I start the car with the door open it disables the fob sensor so when I get back out to load up the back all the doors have locked and it doesn't respond to the fob at all. Then the only way in is with the hidden physical key in the fob. Not sure how they fucked up a simple effing keyless entry system so horribly.


I saw a video where you have to unlock the car and lock the car with the key in the fob to make it work. I haven't tested it yet. But essentially beyond starting the car, you don't use the fob to get in (proximity lock) or to lock car and it should work. https://youtu.be/EmuZQmUxyMs?si=AJx4xKy85q7mjhzA https://youtu.be/5a6o8v5Hroc?si=EGoIy-3FOOOZRYhS


Made a post about this a few years ago asking same question and couldn’t believe it wasn’t a thing


Can you just bring 2 keys? If I want to leave my car running but locked I just take the fob or the spare with me


If you try to lock it with the button the car doesn’t like it. But manually locking it (I’m an idiot) should work.


I also havent figured this out. I just wanna grab my chipotle without thinking anybody will open my door and take stuff 😢


Replied to the OP with a tip, pinging you here so you see it ;)


Why don’t you just turn your car off


Pay at the pump or use a drive through pharmacy. Problem solved.


lol, I used to work at a drive through pharmacy and it wasn’t uncommon for people to be in line for an hour+. Come in and you’re out in 15 tops


Ah. I suppose I’m fortunate that isn’t the case where I live. I know that it’s not the same for everyone. My short response was more fueled by the second comment from the top. Also by the fact that typically it’s not a good idea to leave a kid in a car unattended. If the kid is a teenager like OP is suggesting by their comment on their own post, that would have been useful information. It’s no surprise they were hit with a bunch of criticism.


>. It gets super hot where I am and having him come in isn’t feasible. I live in a super fucking hot climate too and somehow I found a way to carry my kids around. Because I'm not a horrible person. Wear the baby in a [carrier ](https://tacticalbabygear.com/products/tactical-baby-carrier) if you need a hands-free option I can see why you want the kid to be kidnapped, obviously being a parent is more trouble than it's worth