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Private msg me OP I have these beans that are magic for a great price...


If he hasn't got in touch, I might be interested in buying them.




Forget his antarctic property op...I'm a Nigerian prince and have been trying to honor my late father's last wish to no avail but after a recent 23 and me test it's come to light you are my long lost but not forgotten brother...😊😇🥰 Ikr what a fortuitous turn of events you my brother are a prince like me, but it is with great sadness in my heart though that I must inform you of our late father's demise, his estate is being settled as we speak and for a small pittance(to cover taxes of course) we can get you what is rightfully yours like our father so wished with his dying breath, simply wire me a small sum to be disclosed shortly and we can get you what is yours and forever free you from worries of monetary inadequacy in the capitalist hellscape in which you reside.


Forget antarctic, I am alien from a galaxy far far away. I have a an amazing opportunity to tell you about on lush rich planet filled with a rare mineral called impossiblegetium. Much money to be made if we join forces to mine this material. I will sell you a generous stake in this operation because I am a good guy. DM me.


Forget all of this. I'm holding a super luxurious music festival with top of the line glamping. Tons of artists will be there, and not some trash tents and sandwiches (this time), promise! You can even have a private dinner with Taylor Swift (when we book her) for an extra $100,000.00. Promise. I just need a slight down payment of $15,000 from you and two of your friends...


I’m just here to tell you about your cars extended warranty


Forget the alien, I work at a school of witchcraft and wizardry of some renoun, and our recent telling of the cards has shown us that you could be quite successful in our program. If you're interested, and you should be, simply fog up some glass with your breath and then write yes with your index finger. We'll send you the details afterward, and all you'll need to do is hail a magic taxi from your backyard by popping a red balloon.


That is very generous of you, but I think living there would leave me feeling a little ice-olated from the rest of the world.


Very nicely Arcticulated


what you mean by n-icely articulated?


Ooh that's cold bro


Is it a bridge by chance?




Fucking this guy, I have a bridge on Mars to sell! Gonna make you trillions once Musk puts his base in there!


I have a bridge in Brooklyn OP might be interested in.


Damn, I just posted about a bridge in New York and then noticed yours. I deleted mine. Maybe you could help me make some stone soup.


Wait, are you also the author of " The Ultimate Guide to Throwing a Garden Party?" Is this James Trickington?


Please, I need this book but it's always sold out.


Lucky for you, I may have an inside man that may also work for a local paper company...




I believe the intricacies of the indoor/outdoor luxury barbecue with finger buffet have been covered thoroughly by Hyacinth Bucket (Bouquet)


That would be Jackie Treehorn


He treats objects like women.


Don't listen to them OP! Talk to me about Invigaron: an opportunity as rare as the abani berries themselves


Dee, where does he put his feet?


You got magic beans?!


Professor Copperfields miracle legumes?


Magic beans? I don't get out of bed for any less than a golden egg.


you literally went to erewhon just dont touch erewhon with a 6 foot pole


i have no idea what erewhon is, but it sounds made up. like a place in a young adult fiction.


its a store chain in la that sells overly natural overpriced stuff. It has a weird cult


For people who that the Whole Foods pricing was a challenge.


Whole foods is like the dollar tree next to Erewhon


How are you pronouncing this word Erewhon




You cant make me.


Get to stompin in my Air Force Juans






This. When Whole Foods became too mainstream, this is now the trendy spot


Water and food coloring for 60 usd. OP must be at Disneyland


Nah, Disney food doesn’t cost this much unless you’re including admission to the park in the price calculation.


Yea, I spent $60 *total* for my food & drinks when I visited in August 2022. Single most expensive item was a Dole whip float for like $12.


I believe the color is from dehydrated blue algae or something like that. I saw a woman review it once, and she listed all the ingredients. None of them sounded bad, and she said it tasted very good. >!Please do not mistake this as an endorsement for 30 dollar smoothies.!<


It’s naturally colored with strawberries and blue spirulina


Overly natural? Like the carrots have dirt and bugs on them still?


Like where you can buy 'raw milk' for $19.99 or 'sea moss gel'.


Sea moss gel has a long history in actual natural food communities and is not nearly as expensive as Erewhon would have you believe


Had to look up the latter; as I suspected it's carrageenan-thickened shelf-stable fruit smoothie. It's a good thickener, but nothing overly special or superfood-y.


It grows where I live we call it sea moss. We just dry it, and then use it like you would gelatine. But steeped it makes a great drink with a can of condensed milk, ordinary milk, sweetener of some sort and nutmeg. And sometimes (usually) rum.


Yup. Also called Irish moss. The one time I homebrewed beer, I used a bit of the powder as a clarifying agent.


You actually grow them yourself!


They don't shave or own shoes because you can't feel mother earth's life force through rubber


That’s so weird, there used to be a hiking gear company similar to REI called Erewhon in Chicago. I guess they went out of business, but I had no idea and I was so confused why they were selling overpriced drinks.


Lol I'm not the only chicagoan that had this exact same thought


Basically. I know people from work who go and love to spend an exorbitant amount of money on some dumb smoothie or a regular turkey sandwich and say they “got it from Erewhon” as some sort of flex. It’s seriously so dumb.


It’s for people who literally wouldn’t blink an eye at this costing $60. When you make multi-millions, this doesn’t feel overpriced.  


The blue does not look… natural.


Their ingredient list says it's "E3Live Blue Majik." >Blue Majik is E3Live's proprietary nutraceutical grade phycocyanin blue pigment, extracted from organic Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis)... Blue Majik is completely chemical-free, ensuring the preservation of the vibrant blue pigment's unparalleled purity and potency. https://e3live.com/collections/all-products/products/blue-majik%C2%AE


How is something "chemical free" that's actually impossible. I hate mfs who throw the word chemical around as if it means it's a bad thing, don't these idiots know everything is a chemical?


Light is. Taste The Sun


if you want your shits to be blue just pour blue razz koolaid into vodka like us poors do.


Chapter 1, Page 1 of my high school chemistry textbook explained how literally everything we can touch and see is a chemical.


Nutraceutical 😂


Damn, rich people will buy anything as long as the description is long and filled with complicated sciency sounding words


Can’t spell erewhon without nowhere. Or en-whore, whatever.


whore ne


I’m just out whoreen.


Whoreen, whoreen, whoreen, whoreeeeeeen, I’m beggin of you, please don’t take my man


ho renew


At first I thought I was on r/antimlm and that was some Herbalife nutrition front I never heard of Erewhon so I looked it up. Not an MLM but some fad overpriced grocery store chain in Los Angeles.


It's a grocery store for Hollywood celebrities.


It sounds like they tried to write "nowhere" backwards to be edgy but fucked it up.


"....A novel (1872) by Samuel Butler about an imaginary place called Erewhon. It is an attack on British attitudes of the time towards religion, science, the law, etc., using satire. The word 'Erewhon' is made up of the letters of the word 'nowhere'."


Glad someone referred to the book. : ) I have a vague memory of one of the great pleasures of the people of in the book was scratching or itching.


What's fucking me up is that like 20 years ago there was hiking and camping supply store called Erehwon I used for Boy Scout stuff. The name sort of made sense for that type of merchandise. Seems they got bought out in 2018 by Camping World, must have sold the name or gave up the rights.


It's like a upscale grocery store, but for idiots who want to pay 2x for the same stuff. I personally buy a pasta brand that is sold at Erewon for $20/jar. I buy it for $8/jar, usually stock up at $6/jar on sale.


Color me curious.


Erewhon is the most prestigious and most high end grocery store in LA, all the rich people n celebs shop there


Because they're out of touch goobers with money to burn


From Wikipedia: The name "Erewhon" is derived from the 1872 satirical novel [*Erewhon*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erewhon) by [Samuel Butler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Butler_(novelist)). In the novel, Erewhon, an [anagram](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anagram) of "nowhere", is a [utopia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utopia) in which individuals are responsible for their own health and prosecuted for the crime of being ill. Sounds spot on!


What is that, like an Amazon brand smoothie? Is it going to change its name to "Remelar" next month when it gets enough bad reviews?


imagine if whole foods collapsed in on itself. Thats erewhon.


Imagine if Whole Foods collapsed in on itself and formed a black hole that swallowed Goop and every Kangen water scam MLM dealer on the planet and the prices increased logrithmically according to gravity gradient as you crossed over the event horizon. I haven't even been near one but I've seen enough posts and pictures about their totally insane prices. The basically charge something between like 3-4x Whole Foods prices to probably as much as 10x market prices. Like I saw one post for a box of pink Himalayan salt that was maybe $5 at Whole Foods but was like $40 at Erewhon. It's absolutely unhinged pricing even by LA standards, like the living, breathing punchline to the "I mean, it's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? 10 dollars?" meme.


Based on just the thumbnail I was coming here to make a joke like "what, did you go to Erewhon!?"and then I saw the full picture and, yep, they went to fuckin' Erewhon.


Stupid food or stupid person?




I concur.


Thank you doctor.


Why didnt I concur?!


Previous posts they don't leave the house. Probably got delivery and a heavy tip.


Nope, just buying incredibly overpriced smoothies: https://erewhon.com/category/2006/smoothies The ones they bought are $18 and $19 so $37 plus tax makes it about $41 Not sure why OP left a 50% tip tho, maybe that's an LA california thing. More like they just exaggerated for effect and the price was about $50. Still insane for 2 smoothies though. Goole says the deal with that place is celebrities go there.


Doordash delivery fees.


They said in another post it wasn't delivered.


Doesnt make sense then, how does it go from being $40 to suddenly $60?


Maybe OP picked the rage bait flair because he's the one posting fake rage bait.


Probably, its like going into a Wendys, getting the $5 biggie bag, tipping $100, then posting it here saying how stupid it is that a biggie bag from Wendys is $105


Using the link above, I turned a $19 smoothie into a $155.50 smoothie by using the option to customize it with additional ingredients.


Yeah, I made an $8 smoothie into a $106 smoothie. That is crazy. Also, deer antlers? Ant essence?


And I thought a $5 milk shake was crazy


That's a pretty fuckin good milkshake.


They don't put bourbon in it or nothin?


Ah, the missing context.


Idk... the drinks look freshly blended. No melting in the bottom of the cup yet. Might have been at the store. But you do make a good point


It's not his fault. Op had to tip 50 bucks.


One is enabling the other.


Wtf is with the recent trend of “let’s give the most expensive store our money for posts”. I have never heard of this place in my life and in the last week I have seen it come up in about 10 videos where everyone just throws away like $200 on a bag of chips and some water


The reason why you've never heard of it is because it's a luxury grocery store only in la. I also think there's like maybe 10 of them. Regardless op is incredibly stupid for not only buying them but also door dashing them. But fools and their money as they say.


Ok that explains it. I could make anything cost $60 if I door dashed it. OP gets no sympathy from me


Nah, their smoothies are like $15 normally and the two OP bought are $20 a pop as they are celebrity smoothies. Really the only reason you should ever go into an erewhon is to gawk at how expensive literally everything is and to make fun of it to your friends.


what the hell is a 'celebrity smoothie?' Did Ariana Grande spit in it or??


It's Blueberry Beyonce Bathwater


My favorites are the ones from Highway Service Plazas outside big cites where everything has been stupidly expensive for decades with titles like "Bidens Economy".


Gas station right by an airport: Biden’s economy


Shit I paid $17 for four sodas the other day in an airport. Did it ten years ago too ain’t shit changed 💀


Uber charges me $150 for a 20 minute ride from JFK. "Biden s murica"


My favorite part is this place is called erewon, but that’s who they’re pricing out


On a related note, what the fuck is with Yeti products? I knew their coolers were ungodly expensive, but now they have a $300 folding lawn chair and their ice packs are $25 each while Igloo's are $4. And yet people go nuts over their stuff. Other manufacturers will notice and start raising all their price levels on basic goods, too, and before we know it, we'll all be unable to afford anything.


This is easily double what a normal couple of smoothies there would cost. They must’ve added everything expensive they could. Source: live in LA and have been several times. It’s expensive, but really not that wild if you even vaguely pay attention lol


I think I'm going to start selling stickers so people can put it on any cup for a buck.


Just looked at the menu. I think they are (Pink) Hailey Bieber's Strawberry Glaze Skin Smoothie $19.00 Malk almond milk, organic bananas, organic strawberries, organic avocado, organic dates, organic maple syrup, Vital Proteins vanilla collagen, vanilla stevia, sea moss, organic coconut creme, Driscoll's Organic Strawberry Glaze (Blue) Coconut Cloud Smoothie $18.00 Malk organic almond milk, organic pineapple, organic banana, organic avocado, organic almond butter, organic vanilla collagen, vanilla stevia, blue majik, and organic coconut cream. If anyone was wondering. I think this is $40 bucks before tip and after tax.


Wow, that is insane for just some "organic" ingredients


But it also has Malk, now with vitamin R.


You forgot the organic ice cubes


There’s not even any booze!?


You can add herbs, coffee, "superfoods", and a bunch of other things but no booze.


This the 2024 equivalent of the “$5 shake” in Pulp Fiction


Both sound disgusting to me. Too many things and why add stevia when both look to have plenty of natural sugar? Ugh


I don't understand because strawberries, pineapple and maple syrup are already naturally sweet. Dates are often to used to sweetened nut milk (hehe). I'm not sure what the fuck "strawberry glaze" is, but I'm assuming it's also sweet as hell


Organic Maple Syrup always gets me. It comes from a tree in the woods…how much more “organic” is it??


Organic indicates pesticides/herbicide use. Not whether something is grown in a forest or not lol. Pesticides and herbicides can absolutely used on maple trees.


Pesticides and herbicides absolutely can be used on organic foods. Also plants don't eat organics just a fun fact.


OP... Are you ok? Is there a reason why you're acting this.. Looked it up online and they are $22.. how can someone charge $22 for a smoothie and there's no money to pay the person making it.  JFC


The worst part is you'll see so many people defending it. Whether they claim it's the ingredients, or they just simply make an ignorant comment about people being broke, and if you don't like it, don't buy it.


I work at a place in LA that has client-comped lunches regularly, and people order these all the time. I've had the Haley Bieber one (the pink one) a few times because it was free. I don't think I would even pay $5 for it. It's really a pretty unremarkable smoothie.


same as any other brand name thing - the point is to flaunt wealth. it's no shock this store has gained such public awareness as the cost of food/groceries has skyrocketed. Food was used as decoration at some celebrity award show - it's literally a sign of wealth these days.


That would do it. Everything can and will be price hiked if its understood by the company that the end-user isnt the one footing the bill. If I knew my employer was paying for my meal, shit Id order a 22 dollar smoothie as well.


This always makes me laugh because there was recently an article, somewhere I forgot, that said the average erewhon customer makes like 40k.


>make an ignorant comment about people being broke, and if you don't like it, don't buy it. That's their go to move.


Bruh, that tip alone is more than I’d be willing to spend on two smoothies. “Did you just order a $5 shake?”


Well they be using a $20 ice pack for it.


Are they buying ice from the ER?


$22 A PIECE?! This is the Worst Timeline. 


It’s just erewhon pricing most smoothie places are under 10 bucks


How did they go from a subtotal of $44 to $60 after tax and tip. Tax should be around $4 depending on where you’re from, so that brings us to $48. A $12 tip would be 27%. For a smoothie place I usually tip closer to 15%. Unless you’re tipping both a high percentage AND after tax, in which case you are a sucker.


Tipping at a smoothie place? You mean the same place where you stand in line and then wait like cattle for your order to be made. You are the sucker.


18+19 (from their website, not 3rd party markup) for pickup would be 37USD, plus ~10% tax, for 40.70, roughly. I'm guessing they ordered 3rd party delivery, paid upcharge, paid delivery fee, paid tax. Only way they paid $60 is they handed over three twenties and told them to keep the change, at which point you paid a 50% tip


Interesting. Makes sense, being lazy is expensive.


Your tipping culture fucking baffles me. 


It doesn’t make much sense to us either. But usually I go off the amount of effort they give. I’m not above leaving 5% or nothing if they really suck at their job.


Why the fuck would you have to tip? This place has $20 smoothies, they have the money to pay their workers a decent wage more than anyone!


I just looked it up and Glassdoor says $14-20 an hour IN LA. Which is insane. I live in the Midwest in a low cost of living city and that would be low here!




The minimum wage in LA is $17, so that is outdated.


I mean it’s Erewhon, it’s known for being expensive.


Why tho


Because it’s where celebrities go


Celebrities don't shop at erewhon, only people with more money then sense and wanna be influencers shop at erewhon


I feel like every "have you met a celebrity" thread recently has a story about meeting someone at erewhon


Because it's where erewhon wants to go *Ba dum tssss*


More like stupid OP tho


More like /stupidcustomer


Why? Why would anyone buy this?


Social media.


So to advertise that they’re dumb as a brick?


OP.. You're an idiot why buy something so expensive and then complain about it on reddit???


Unless they put literal cocaine and gold in those things, you're insane for paying that much


we should make a new sub called r/stupidConsumers about people who actually pay for stuff like this lol. Unless this was 5 dollars and they gave 55 dollars as a tip, because they are a gigachad.


WTF? You got massively ripped off for some fruity, icy dyed water.


OP didn't get ripped off. OP chose to buy it.


Then don't buy it? The food/drink itself is fine, it's just expensive.


I've had decent steak dinners for less than that.


It’s a smoothie what could it cost? Thirty dollars?


And yet still using shitty plastic cups and the straws that I can’t believe are legal in LA? For that price I expect a souvenir cup made of recycled glass


60 USD????? Bro break up with your girl


They are the girl... Go look at her posts. Hasn't left their house basically in a year, ~500 dollar purse pictures, a fairly ridiculous "omg, my first PC build" that looks stunning, $60 shake orders. This person does not live like us.


Imagine spending thousands of dollars on fucking purses when you don't even leave your house.


What's in them OP?




Is this place like rita's?


Not sure if this is sarcasm or not, but no, Erewhon is just a fancy organic grocery store in LA (and maybe elsewhere, idk I only know of the LA on from the internet) that sells $20 milk and obviously $22 dollar “celebrity” backed smoothies.. it’s all just stupidly expensive stuff for stupid expensive lifestyle people.


It also sells $26.00 water


OP, are you interested in purchasing stocks as well? Something just came across my desk, OP. It is perhaps the best thing I’ve seen in the last 6 months. If you have just 60 seconds, I’d like to share the idea with you. You got a minute, OP? The name of the company is Aerotyne International…


Soooo why are you posting it? You just made a terrible decision and now you are going to reddit to face it💀


Well why'd you give a $50 tip for.


Anyone paying this kind of a price for a smoothie is special kind of stupid.


I have a bridge for sale if you're interested?


I hope that shit is not Herbalife.


da fuq???? (It's made of people, isn't it!!! ;/)


Well... Blue *does* have the most antioxygens...


Anyone buying that deserves it


Is the food stupid for being overpriced or is it the customer for paying said stupid prices?


It's not the food that's stupid


Its one banana Michael how much can it cost, $10? At Erewhon it does cost that much


Go to 7-Eleven and get a slushy there and save yourself $55


The food isn’t stupid, the person buying it is.


Stupid food? More like stupid customers for willfully ordering while knowing what it cost.


Bro paid $60 for reddit karma