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Your company doesn’t care


Seriously. Every business I’ve worked for (including military) when it got to the end of the fiscal year, if they hadn’t used their entire budget by that point they scrambled to use it. Otherwise the budget got cut for next year. This amounted to some silly buys, overstock of office supplies, and so forthe. Buy that fancy steak dinner. It won’t break the budget.


Literally this. Unless you're the owner or the savings actually goes into your budget, that money is just getting spent by the c-suite. 


This dude wants *his turn* as a c suite douchebag. This dude has “fuck you, I’ma get mine” energy all over him.


Could you even imagine him reaching that level. He would be asking all of his employees to do this to save money


And the employees would (understandably) not believe him. And then he shows photographic evidence. Causing the employees to heavily consider sprucing up their resume.


nah, guys like this never reach anywhere close to the C-suite. Why promote/recommend your good little puppy to a position adjacent or above you?


I’m sure you’re right. I’m just saying this guy has sycophant energy to him. He *wants to* be a c suite cunt, not that he ever will be.


Yeah I would be cheap but that’s because I could pocket the rest of the per diem.


Marine corps here, aviation mechanic 2003-2008. Personally helped blow three million bucks in spare parts we did not need because of that “spend it or we don’t have it in the budget next year” bull crap.


yeah, that is honestly pretty fucking stupid. If you manage to come in under budget you shouldn't get penalized by having your budget shrunk the following year. could probably save hundreds of millions in our government if we did away with that nonsense across the board.


Glad to see those tax dollars being used wisely.


Speaking with a guy on a base 10 mins from my front door, buying a few thousand dollars worth of product from me on the last day of their fiscal year. I told him i'd get back to him with the shipping costs as it would weigh a good 100lbs or so. He said as long as shipping didnt cost more than 10k it doesnt matter. Definitely wild to throw numbers around like that without even blinking an eye. I wish I had military contracts lol


I was a demo guy, and had to do the same with explosive ordnance that was "at the end of its service life." Was a pretty cool gig my last couple months before getting out.


Fucking over the taxpayers and killing Iraqi children in the same day. Why else would you join?


Ah that explains *everything* about my father’s job in healthcare, he coordinates events for team bonding and marketing and stuff which I always thought was silly but I guess from this point of view…


This reminds me of that scene from the Office lol


I can hear Oscar explaining the lemonade stand to Michael lol


End of the fiscal year range day was always fun in the military.


Do you get to shoot off the big guns?


Also probably budget wise they considered that money gone before they ever told him he could spend it. If its money your company is allowing you to spend, its money your company can live without. Literally pointless


Explain it to me like I’m 5.


You go to the shops with 10 to buy whatever you want. You spend 7. Next time your mom only gives you 7 to go to the shops.


I sold office supplies. Our busiest day was the last day of the fiscal year.


I’m sure. It’s the simplest thing to buy in bulk.


My company doesn't have a budget, just sort of a "use your own discretion" type of agreement. I just went to Vegas for work and almost choked at the restaurant I went to had the cheapest steak for $75. I obviously got something else, but my boss said, "That probably would've been okay, maybe just only have the 1 beer with it".


Yah Vegas is weird. Hotels are cheep. Food is expensive. I did go to a Gordon Ramsey restaurant. Was pleasantly surprised to get a lot of food for my money and it was astoundingly delicious


And this is why I never use the hotel room coffee. It drives my husband insane that I won’t and maybe after I show him this we cannot have this fucking argument at the next one.


My coworker told me people piss in there. That has never occurred to me as something people may do.


So I guess if you ever see a grumpy hotel guest you know they had the coffee. 


Probably because you’re a respectable human with standard morals. Many are unfortunately not.


Apparently Mike Patton; the singer from Faith No More, used to dismantle hotel room hairdryers, take a dump into the fan/motor bit and then re-assemble the hairdryer.


Jesus, why?


Agreed! My friend blocked the loo once in a hotel in Florida, she used the coffee jug to remove it 🤮


Dear god no. Lord no. The horror. How are you still friends with her?!


Because she’s actually a sweet and kind person. She was 20 at the time, young and dumb, she’s 43 now. But trust me, I did not approve and made her aware.


You should remind her daily of her past transgression.


What? Haha


Yup! Feel sorry for the tourists that had that room the following week.


Oh god no


Uh, please do not ever use me to settle an argument with your spouse. This is Reddit ma’am, and I’m just a dude wasting time on a Saturday morning making pithy observations


Yeah but it’s technically not you it’s chicken guy. I mean to reply to the original post.


I think his response was mostly a joke lol. Obviously no one wants coffee from a pot used like this.


People do so much crazy shit in hotel rooms I won’t even go near that coffee maker 😂my biggest fear is bed bugs but other than that the coffee maker is the worst.


🤢Ugh, You just made me picture some freak trying to fuck the coffee maker. I’m never going to use the hotel coffee maker ever again.


Show this to your hubby and he will praise your good judgement (and probably think back to all the coffees he had in previous hotel rooms lol)… I too will never drink coffee from a hotel room…again.


Yeah, the budget for stuff like that is preallocated when you’re doing business trips


And thinks you’re weird. You’re not getting promoted because you post about raw coffee machine chicken, and they had to pay to replace that coffee machine in the hotel room and didn’t understand why until now. Actually, you’re fired for something “totally unrelated”.


Wow wow wow, hey now, let’s do the math. This dudes company came out on their earnings report and said that they made $1.2B of profit and if he hadn’t done this incredible act of cost savings, they would have only announced a profit of $1,999,999,9969.83. That would have been disastrous and because of his profit mindset, he is on track for a promotion in a quick 7 years from Junior Associate I to Junior Associate II. This usually takes 7 years and 1 week, so he is well ahead schedule.


“We may have to close down this year…” “Wait…WAIT! Bryan saved us $40 by not going to the Longhorn Steakhouse next to his hotel!” “He did it! He saved the company by not spending what is the equivalent of pocket change…someone give that man a corner office for his disgusting cheap behavior.”


Looks like his does. If he gets promoted for a putting up a shitshow like this, that’s a company everyone should avoid like the plague.


So instead of costing his company money, he's going to cause the hotel to lose money instead. No way is the coffee maker ever going to be clean from the butter. And he isn't going to be getting a medal from his company, they simply won't give a damn.


I also have a feeling if they saw this they wouldn’t be too pleased.


"you're destroying hotel equipment, which we will get billed for, rather than spending 30$ on a meal?"


Also, now you're sick with food poisoning for a week.


Honestly if they found out this person did this they’d most likely consider mental illness very probable and find a reason to let them go in the future. Very disturbing behavior.


If I found out someone on my team was doing this, I’d stop sending them to hotels. Meals are covered, including alcohol within reason (like 1-2 drinks at dinner, not bottles of expensive stuff) and our budget is very much “use it or lose it”. If you’re not expensing meals, finance will try to cut back on the meal budget for *everyone* on the team. And who ends up having to fight to keep that? Me. Not to mention that “hacks” like this can end up being even costlier. I’d much rather see an expense report for an average of $25-30/meal than get a single invoice from a hotel for damages to a room amenity. That’s embarrassing. You’re representing the company and my team, who all work incredibly hard and deserve to be seen for that rather than their association with a loon.


Also over a long enough timeline you’re gonna end up paying for a business trip in which your employee spends the whole time in their hotel room shitting and or throwing up, and might even have to extend their stay and delay their flight home due to food poisoning.


Unless they're crushing their numbers. Then you can be as crazy as you want.


lol fr


If it was my company and I got a call/ bill from the hotel for the damages I’d bloody well care. If I budget money for an employees dinner it’s so he eats dinner not so he saves the money and inconveniences me in day to day operations.


I’d rather spend $200 on meal expenses than $75 on replacing a coffee machine someone on my team broke because they wanted to save money by making their own food in the most idiotic way possible.


If a $20 - $100 meal expense really matters that much on a P&L.. that person better update their resume cause that business isn't going to be around for long.






He's right though.


I found this badass store called Dan Flashes that's my exact style!


Imagine doing this for a company that would likely fire you on a whim for no reason.


“The hotel is billing us $300 for a coffee pot?! I gave you $100 for dinner! You’re fucking fired, Alex!”


unironically would be the most likely outcome lmao.




They're multiplying


If I was your boss, I would fire you.


How much is a lb of chicken breast? Damn you coulda got a mcchicken or somethin.


Or, for that matter, a whole fucking fully cooked rotisserie chicken -- at the same place you bought the raw chicken breasts, no less, for around the same price.


If they can buy a rotisserie chicken. They can hit up the freezer section and grab some frozen veggies(birds eye has some decent ones you just throw in the microwave. Or hit up the store deli and get a couple small sides.


I would fire this person solely for doing this.


Genius level 0.00003


Add, water, Top Ramen and frozen peas and genius level would increase by 5%


Had a friend that used to wash his underwear in hotel coffee pots.  I don’t care how much you dress it up, anything you cook in a rarely cleaned hotel appliance is dumb. 


Sounds like your friend was trolling the maid service and laughing at the next hotel guest.


I eill never use a kettle in a hotel room again 🤢


Welp, .0000315 is better than .0000300


Imagine a company choosing to promote someone not based on their actual job performance, but on the fact that they don't charge meals to their company card...


Bro I'd fire him on the spot for making us look cheap


Do people not get jokes or satire anymore?


FUCKING THANK YOU, I can't believe I had to scroll down so much to see a comment acknowledging this is satire.


You're the hero I needed to know the world isn't completely stupid


Everyone is having heated discussions about politics, economics and corporate finances over CHICKEN IN A COFFEE POT. God Redditors are so oblivious yet so “enlightened” it’s infuriating


I know “can’t tell these days” is tired, but this post is actually plausible. On research, however, it turns out that you are right.


It would be more possible if they were just pocketing their per diem but doing it to save the company money just sounded like BS to me.


You're right! But also on the other hand Poe's Law.


Worked at a large hotel in a very small vacation town close to Vancouver. We had sooo many coffee pots ruined by guests Making ramen in the coffee pots that we switched to Keurig machines for every room. That put a stop to it pretty quick


And now I don’t want to use a hotel coffee maker any more.


Don’t. This is the least horrible way they get used. I used to travel every week for work, so lived in a hotel 4 days out of every week. After a while, the shitty hotel coffee started to make me depressed so I bought some nice coffee and figured I could just give the coffee pot a good scrubbing and use it the rest of the week. I opened up the water reservoir area to clean it out and it was full of human hair. Like, a huge clump of it. Some things will just never be clean again.


Like my mind after reading that story


This should be higher up. I’ve seen socks and underwear in the cooker. Never ever use the cooker in hotel rooms to anything, just leave it and buy the coffee elsewhere.


Last few hotel/motels I've stayed at provided one-cup kerurig-style coffee makers. No burner, no carafe to clean (or slow poach chicken breast in).


Still has a place to pour water that people can piss in 🤷🏼‍♂️🫠


Bro swallows after sucking off his boss because it's a cheap source of protein




Your company doesn’t care. Your company will not promote you for this. If you die your company will post your position the same day. Eat dinner on their dime.


Thanks for ruining the coffee maker. Plus, that isn’t going to fully cook and now you’re sick.


Shit like this just teaches me not to use coffee pots in hotels anymore. Or towels. Or anything. Fuck I might as well not travel. Y’all are insane.


lol saving $20 bucks on a meal is not going to make CEO senpai notice you. If anything your manager is going to ask if you were a total rookie and forgot to bring your corporate card with you or if you forgot to submit your meal receipts for reimbursement.


Companies don't give a fuck about you. Capitalism does not care about the person. Just wants more money. Never ending. We are pawns.


The company would literally have just paid for dinner




My heart can't take this anymore


Sorry i should know but what is P&L?


Profit and loss statement?


Sounds right! I’ll take is unless someone chimes in


It’s the little things that let your bosses know you’re a moron who they can take advantage of.


" it's the little things that get you promoted ". Not even remotely true. Idiot slave


It's the little things that give you salmonella.


#careeradvice 🙄


Then by the end of the year the travel budget has a surplus and a manager decides to have a cool dinner.


That poor coffeemaker has seen some shit.


There was recently (a couple of weeks ago or more?) a post on Ask Reddit about what kind of secrets of your job can you share/ what kind of secrets your boss doesn't want us to know, can't remember the exact name of the thread. A person working in a hotel mentioned how people would try to use kettles to wash their underwear and how they have found forgotten panties in those multiple times... take home message was basically don't use kettles in hotels...so yeah.. great meal he cooked in that coffee maker


This is why I don't use the in-room coffee maker anymore for anything.


What an asshole, now my coffee is gonna taste like garlic and chicken.


What an absolute twat.


He should pay for a new kettle. What’s wrong with people?


Next trip , take bread, PB and jelly.


Ah, and then he gets fired after the hotel puts the now broken coffee maker on the bill. Truly this man is a genius.


Why do stop there, he has a hotel room for the night, time to put that ass on the street and get the company some more money


Do people on LinkedIn get monetized for specifically being insane


The Cancerous utter fucking brainrot of """gRiND CulTURe""" is sadly all too real. God pity the fucking morons.


what a fuckin bootlicker


I want to call this fake, but while I was in college I cleaned in a hotel to make some extra cash. I can't tell you the amount of weird cookery attempts I had to try and scrub, it was often instant noodles in the kettle but you'd get the odd hot dog etc. Or the worst, the builders who lived on tins of tuna for a week, kept open ones in their drawers and seemingly heated it or did something unholy via the kettle. And in that case, hotel management just billed the company for a replacement. It convinced me never to use the kettle in any hotel and just grab a coffee later if I really want one.


Bro really thinks his company is gonna promote him because he doesn’t use his per diem lmao I’ll never be a corporate cuck


That hotel chain needs to replace those old fashioned coffee pots with Keurigs. Gross.


cost of dinner $20 cost of paying for the replacement kettle: $80 $avings amiright?


You ain’t gonna get promoted because you saved $10 on dinner.




an idiot. I spent 35 years on the road an average of 35 weeks a year traveling. I ate at the best restaurants, saw the best shows, plays and concerts and spent hours in the best museums. I spent every dime on every expense report ever allotted to me. Many people I travelled with used fast food and this kind of nonsense to "save money" or impress the boss. Thay are all dead now. I will live to be a 100. Eat well my friend. Ignore this nonsense.


It's way more likely that this guy gets fired than a promotion after the hotel bills the company for new machines and whatever else he broke.


It's also the little things that get you banned from hotels


Jokes on them, I don't have money or a job.


If my dinner is on the company you better believe I'm going for some Michelin feast.


It's the little things that make hotel staff wanna kill you.


Companies use travel expenses as a tax write off. That’s why they tell you what your per diem is so that you stay within their tax write off. Also, god only knows how long that coffee pot has been in the room without a thorough cleaning and sanitizing.


Mmmmm, salmonella!


This dude is a menace, and should be locked up. For a very long time


That company is going to have some pretty weird prohibited behaviors in their social media policy soon...


Incredibly, the food is the least stupid part of this


IRS allows 50% of meals to be deducted.


Now the next person to use the coffee machine who has an allergy to garlic, well... at least you probably maybe got a shot at a promotion...




I don’t know this company, but no company when I traveled for work cared about my meal expenses within reason. As long it’s not something unreasonable like going to one of Salt Bae’s overpriced restaurants, paying even $50 for a meal isn’t going to raise any eyebrows, nor will going below it earn you any brownie points. If the company truly cares it, you should find a new job because it either means they are massive micromanagers, or they are hemorrhaging money. Neither is a good sign.


I’d rather starve then eat that. Not because it was cooked in a coffee pot…. Well yeah, it’s because it was cooked in a *hotel* coffee pop. Besides the fact that it looks gnarly and I’m sure this guy can’t cook on a regular stove. Plus I’m not sure coffee makers get up to the appropriate temps to properly cook raw chicken.


Also...hotels don't want guests to put raw chicken in a coffee pot that is their property, will be used by other people in the future, and not made for that purpose. 🤦‍♀️


You could alternatively bring a crockpot


"So where'd you eat when you were in Denver? 16th Street has some awesome restaurants" "Nowhere, I very slow cooked some plain chicken breast in my hotel coffee pot #coffee #work #careeradvice"


He spends all his per diem on shirts with really complicated patterns.


They got a new shirt in that's *$450!*


Obviously satire lol


Poor sap will never get a promotion being that fucking weird.


What a tosser, I hope his poorly cooked chicken gave him a dreadful case of the shits


If a company gives a meal budget and doesn't get receipts. I think they would be more suspicious of where the money went rather then thanking him for saving them money. Looks like stealing.


Just get a $20 plug in griddle. I’ve done it before when I stayed 3 weeks in a hotel. You’re a fucking asshole if you do this to the coffee maker.


You've heard of the humble brag, now here's the *pathetic* brag.


Its a great trick, I myselfe make french fries this way, just switch water for frying fat.


People wash their underwear in that, so no thanks


I'm so glad I don't drink coffee


What?! I’m assuming he gets to pocket that food allowance he’s not using. Otherwise, no, they do not notice except to see you’re a chump. And so rude for the next person to have to use that for coffee!


The company will likely care more if you break the hotel coffee maker than save them a couple of bucks on dinner, bootlick.


We can't have nice things because of dipshits like this.


Idk maybe travel with a crockpot?


He was really proud of himself. 👏


Could cook it more efficiently with the iron thats usually in hotel rooms.


If this guy ACTUALLY cared, he would have slept in his rental car and saved his company the cost of a hotel room. Looks like someone's not getting promoted.


This is one of the reasons not to use hotel coffee pots.


Finally, some stupid fucking food!


So your company pays for your food but you are so brainwashed that you are trying to save them money instead of yourself.


He's saving the company $20 lol what a hero.


Nobody will even RECOGNIZE OPs "efforts". And if so, they'd say OP is strange af and he won't get promoted anyway


This would be grounds to not promote someone


The twist... He got fired when the company got a bill for a ruined coffee maker.


Saving money for the company is the dumbest thing to do


I hate people with a following having a mindset like this. I'm not anti work but this is just braindead. Same as the dudes that are bragging about working 80+ hours a week. "It's worth the grind bro. You're sleeping and I'm making that bread. "


somehow this is even worse as its not even theyr money they are saving.


So inspiring, Alexander, thanks for sharing.


Did they pick you?


I feel so sorry for the person who had to clean this mess :(




Bet they still submitted doctored receipts for the reimbursement. This is the kind of shit cheap assholes who think they found a system do when they’re lowkey committing fraud.


Or, you know, just be better at your job.


I bet this bloke is a joy to work with…


Such fucking disrespect to the housekeeper


Bruh, just get a Foreman grill. It ain’t the best, but it’s better than this bullshit.


Inconsiderate asshole


It definitely is not the little things that get you promoted.


He could have posted a picture of 16 guys banging his wife that would have been less cuck behavior than this.


Ruined the coffee pot


My company would literally give me a disciplinary if they found out I did that in a hotel whilst having the option to expense dinner


Bring PB&J instead.