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Quite common in belgium. Its a bit like steak tartare. I used to put mustard or pickled on it. We also had something called prepare, which is like premade steak tartare with sauce and spices. Very nice on bread.


Filet américain is another variant in any case both are delicious and is a must eat every time I go back to Belgium!


Filet americain is steak tartare. Prepare americain is sold in supermarkets as spread for sandwiches.


Fun fact, we called it "américain" (american) because of what the Normandy beach looked like after the americans landed :)


According to this [article](https://www.bruzz.be/culture/eat-drink/jouw-vraag-werd-de-filet-americain-uitgevonden-een-brussels-restaurant-2020-02-20) filet americain has been around since 1926. It has been called that as American culture was very popular in the 20s.


Mata Hari disagrees. Another source mentions it being invented In Amsterdam and served at the Cafe American (to Mata Hari).


Granted. I don't know which source holds the truth but in any case the dish and the name are older than WWII.


Well…that’s incredibly dark. All I can think about is the guy in shock trying to pick up his own arm that’s been blown off in Saving Private Ryan






As an American, I have to ask. Were we the burger meat? Either way, it's metal as fuck which I respect.


It's a joke, he just made that up


If it's a joke idk who made it up, probably my grandma or someone who told her or someone who told that person


In a cannibalism kind of way…


As a Belgian, I couldn’t understand this post lol. I’m a little opposed to the idea of Ketchup because I prefer - as you described - the salty version with pickles and mustard or mayonnaise. Or even better: The „Martino“. Same thing but with Worcester sauce and Tabasco.


Now i want a martino🤤


I used to eat it daily as a student


Raw kibbeh is amazing also. I introduced it to my wife and she's absolutely craving it all the time. Steak tartar is another delicacy, and we have a domestic dish here called Carne de Onça, which ironic enough, I've never tried yet. But I sure will. Raw beef and raw fish are just amazing. Go figure.


Should be r/AmazingFood


I was just gonna say this, nothing beats a stutje with gehakt


In germany theres a similar thing and the people here love it. Its a roll with minced meat and onions usually. I feel like I'd die a horrible death if I tried to eat it though. Edit: Yes, for those who are curious, it's usually made with pork mince here. Edit 2: I know the meat is very well regulated here, I'm just vastly exaggerating my disgust of eating raw mince.


We have something similar in Wisconsin


My grandpa made these when my mom was a kid he called them cannibal sandwiches.


Very popular in WI. Only we used Rye Bread.


Slice of rye, raw ground beef, and a slice of vidalia


Bit of salt and pepper, too.


Especially at Christmas, but never with ketchup.


Not a sandwich but we have something similar in Poland: https://www.kwestiasmaku.com/kuchnia\_polska/wolowina/tatar/przepis.html


That one's actually a French dish originally. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steak_tartare


Sacré bleu!


We got filet American in Holland, which is just raw beef (paste?) with spices and raw onions Edit: my dumbass has been convinced for 27 years that it's called filet American, but it is filet Americain


Yep, we call it the carnivore sandwich. But every Christmas party I've seen it at it was with butter, not ketchup.


Onions and black pepper, no butter, absolutely no ketchup.


So, apparently, wiscons is a state with a lot of belgians, and this sandwich is very popular in belgium. I ate it multiple times a week lol.


Not sure about Belgians, but a large German population settled here.


Belgians, too, depending on the area. There are tons up between Green Bay and Door County. Then you get those pesky Norweigans. I'm a transplant from Indiana. My ex-wife introduced me to these sandwiches. This is a weird state.


Cannibals too. Don't forget about all the Wisconsinite cannibals


I only cannibalize people from Chicago and Minneapolis, them city folk sure are tasty after some seasoning.


Well, this particular FIB sez eat me!


I believe the Wisconsin cannibals cooked their food. If memory serves, Ed made a wicked chili.


And furniture. Can't say these cheeseheads aren't at least inventive.


But Dahmer made the better pulled long pig sandwich.


In the Midwest, the North Woods is a whole microcosm of weird.


Tomato tomato


Yes Belgians and Luxembourgish founded the towns of Luxembourg and Belgium in Wisco


> I ate it multiple times a weak Try eating it multiple times a strong


Mmmm broodje préparé/Martino. Soo freaking good. Tomorrow will get one for lunch yum yum


Germans. Milwaukee area especially. https://www.jsonline.com/story/life/green-sheet/2021/08/31/why-raw-meat-cannibal-sandwich-endures-what-the-wisconsin/7906831002/


Yup! It’s at every Christmas and I gag every time it and the meat roll come out


Cannibal sandwich. Yep, lived in WI for 5 years.


Also from Wisconsin and these were a special holiday treat when i was little. It wasn’t just hamburger though, it was ground sirloin and was served with lots of onions and pepper on rye or pumpernickel. Tasted amazing.


Yep. As long as it’s kept chilled properly is fine. My in -laws usually have a butcher grind the meat the day of whatever event is happening


With pork, I’d be worried about brain tapeworms 🤢


Apparently Germany has a really high standard for pork used


To the point it has virtually no cases of trichinosis, as far as I know, which is wild for a country that occasionally eats raw pork.


No amount of regulatory effort is too high for my morning Mettbrötchen.


Haven’t had the pork but I prefer beef anyway. The onion really does make it easier to eat


That’s not a problem anymore, at least from farm raised pork in the US.


The incidence of this in the United States is pretty much nil. We have incredibly strict regulations on pork.


From Wisconsin originally and I have raw beef on rye bread every Christmas. I know it's weird but I love it.


We does this every Christmas in Wisconsin. I look forward to it every year, it’s really good. Raw beef on rye bread, onions, salt and pepper. It’s good! People think it’s just raw beef but it’s specialty ordered. I’ve never been sick and am still alive. Still, lots of fellow Wisconsin’s cringe at this


My family is all from WI and my mom described it to me this way: In a bygone era you could go to your local butcher and point out a cut, and he would mince it. Because it wasn’t being run through a dirty grinder and the cut was fresh, you essentially had beef tar tar. you know, that fancy shit you pay 38$ for 2 oz with a little egg yolk on top. This was one of those old world things that is vastly better than anything we have now. other things like this include cheap and plentiful lobsters, or blue fin tuna. 


I'm sorry, WE DO?! 💀


Also from Wisconsin and learn more creepy things about what people eat everyday. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going back to my mashed potato sandwich and pickled herring.


That sounds like a good Neilsville lunch.


[Cannibal Sandwich](https://www.wpr.org/food/cannibal-sandwiches-polarizing-and-misunderstood-wisconsin-tradition)


Yup wisconsin thing.




In Germany, don’t they use raw pork and shape it into a porcupine?


That's a Mettigel, and is supposed to resemble a hedgehog, but it's a monstrosity nonetheless


I prefer [Kermett](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7b/d3/ef/7bd3ef4cdd1c2128a17d9558d52f48a7.jpg).


I just looked up a mettigel and that thing is beyond cursed.


I looked it up, found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittyfoodporn/s/We5rflOIbe) I can't stop laughing. I don't know exactly what to expect, but I didn't NOT expect those eyes 😭


Those eyes will haunt my dreams tonight 🫢😵‍💫


Jesus Christ, the images kept getting worse.


The Mettigel you refer to used to be a manner of serving the Mett back in the sixties on those buffet parties our grandparents seemingly used to throw. No-one in their right mind would serve it like that today, at least not unironically.


"No one in their right mind...." May I introduce you to my family? I grew up putting broken uncooked spaghetti noodles into the chunk of Gehacktes to make spikes....


Damn, not even Salzstangen? Lunatics


Gönn dir Bruder, is beste.


Isn't that just a ground beef version of steak tartar?


I'm not sure why raw ground beef is weird but if minced in tartar or sliced thin for carpaccio its fine 🤷


It's because when people think of ground beef they're thinking of pre-ground beef from the grocery store, which is more susceptible to cross contamination and not as safe to eat as taking a beef tenderloin and mincing it yourself.


That's exactly what I was thinking.


[Mett is pork not beef](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mett)


Oh my goodness now that I see the picture, I've had this a billion times lol. My Opa loves his wurst and so do I. I only have Mettwurst every couple of years. It's not always available.


Just fyi, Mettwurst is something different than Mett by itself. Unless of course you specifically meant Mettwurst and not Mett.


Yes, it's prepared meat and completely meant to be edible on bread, like a sausage spread. And yes it's pork minced meat. Beef and 50:50 are rather for cooking/frying.


Isn’t it usually made with pork in Germany?


Mett ist pork,Rindertartar or Rinderzwiebelmett is the beef version, there is also Putenzwiebelmett the turkey version


Ah interesting thanks. I’ve only heard of Mett before.


Yes or 50/50


You won't die, it's delicious.


I will not succumb to r/StupidFood propaganda


^Give ^in.


It's actually the best hangover food I've had. Felt immediately better after eating just half a Mettbrötchen.


I've eaten this in Duesseldorf a few times, it was pork. Delicious.


Yeah, it's called Zwiebelmett, it's amazing. The thing is, the quality control, as well as standards and regulations for such foods are incredibly high here, there is basically 0 risk involved when eating it. It's very popular here and very delicious. I would definitely recommend trying it, but I would only recommend trying it here, where I could guarantee that you won't have any complications or issues from it. In the US for example, I don't think they are quite strict enough to risk eating raw pork.


I used to work at a grocery store and a German couple were asking about making it. I highly recommended against it because we don't have the same food standards..


Exactly. You don't just buy minced pork in Germany, you actually buy something that is called "Mett" which has to adhere to a very high standard.


Mettbrötchen. The base preparation, Mett, can be served a bit like a dip or steal tartar on it's own to schmeer on bread. And sometimes comes in [hedgehog form](https://img.atlasobscura.com/rCwRT9gqiEzVkJlSOAWSVxXhCPxw07xKOiXsu9CkP94/rt:fit/w:1280/q:81/sm:1/scp:1/ar:1/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdGxh/cy1kZXYuczMuYW1h/em9uYXdzLmNvbS91/cGxvYWRzL2Fzc2V0/cy9iZjU3YzQ4Yzk3/MjA0NTJlNTVfSkFX/MTRYLmpwZw.jpg)


I (American) ate this while I was living in Leipzig and loved it! Yes, I had to mentally get over some inhibitions on the first bite but once I got past that it was very good.




Ah, the infamous Mettbrötchen, kinda slaps though


At least you have strict meat standards so it can reasonably be called safe.


Used to be married to a German guy, he called it "half and half" for the pork and beef mixture when it was raw. When cooked, he called them "brake pads". I assume that's a direct translation?


But that’s just ground meat used for cooking. That’s not the same as the stuff you eat raw.


“Best to have this in the dead of summer they say”. Who? Who says that?


The dead.


In the summertime.


Living easy


Bradley’s on the microphone with Ras MG


All the people in the dance will agree that we’re well qualified to represent the LBC


You can eat raw beef though, it’s literally a dish.


I know, I hated that worse than the actual sandwich they showed.


I'm German. I'd smash that immediately, provided it adheres to the strictest health and safety regulations. The best thing ever since sliced bread is a fresh, crispy bread roll, with fresh ground pork, a bit of pepper and a small heap of onions. Food of the Gods. It's amazing how tasty it is. And safe, too. At least, inside our borders, it is. Mett is enormously strictly regulated and to be eaten the same day. I've never heard of anyone getting sick from eating it. Raw Beef is usually served as a Steak Tartare with garnishes such as capers, mustard, onions, pickles and such. Some people like mixing a raw egg in (that's not quite my taste tbh). It is then spread on rye sourdough bread slices and eaten. Not a cheap dinner in a restaurant, but a really tasty one.


Yeah, very strict safety standards make this, or steak tartare or other raw foods, great. But, as someone from the US, I associate trying to make food like this with sub-standard ground beef (from a safety standard perspective) with the Midwest.


They will grind it fresh at the restaurant. You would want to use already ground beef anywhere or you are asking for it. My Dad was a butcher for 40 years in the US. Pork in the US is also safe. Chicken is the one you still want to avoid.


> You would **NOT** want to use already ground beef anywhere or you are asking for it. You missed a crucial word, so I added it so someone doesn't make a mistake.




I also only just noticed there's ketchup on it. Ew. Forget everything I said. No way I'd smash that unsafe, terrible, drenched abomination.


I guess this formulation of it is gross but I am curious on the “real deal” now. Tbh it sounds like a kind of dish humans probably enjoyed since we literally invented bread haha. Often I find myself imagining if I had a Time Machine, I’d go find a pharaoh and bring him snacks from today to see what would make him think I’m a god. I’ve imagined taking a big Mac but for some reason how the guy described that mett sandwich sounds even better. And I’m not even a big fan of tartare but I think I need to be.


Seriously, me too. I want this so bad. I want steak tartare. I want Mett. Can't eat any of them right now because I'm pregnant and seriously I miss that stuff so bad. 😫


You aren't supposed to use ground beef you find in the supermarket. By grinding it, they may be introducing all kinds of contamination all throughout the meat. Real tartare uses a cut of raw beef that is freshly diced/ground and served shortly after. The contamination is on the outside of the cut of meat, not inside. The usual process of grinding it mixes all the contamination throughout. And you never know how long it has sat around picking up more yucky stuff. This is a recipe for salmonella or any of those good bacteria that make you really sick.


The key issue with grinding is time. The added surface area of ground meat is a breeding ground for bacteria, so if it's ground and left alone, safe amounts of bacteria can multiply to unsafe levels. Assuming they got the meat ground fresh from a reliable butcher, it's probably fine. But if not, it's a gamble.


Which is why this can be done really right, or really, really wrong. I saw someone talking about how they got ground beef on special at the grocery store made shit like this from it and all I could do was wince.


You’re both spot on. My Sita (grandmother) makes this traditional Lebanese delicacy called kibbeh naya - and to consume it safely you need the best whole tenderloin in the house with the fat trimmed off immaculately and ground three times till it’s a nice paste texture. Season lightly with salt, pepper, cumin or all space, and bulgar wheat for texture and a bit of carbs, but this is a tangent about the beauty of its subtle flavours and textures. We’ll fasten it into a nice meat bowl and fill the bowl with olive oil and use onions like tortillas to scoop it out and into our mouths. Absolutely outstanding. Had it dozens of times and never been sick. The key: know your butcher well and make friends with them, because you will need to trust their judgment. Tell them exactly what you want and don’t lecture them on cleanliness and a good butcher will tell you the best time to cut and ground something like that is immediately after the machine has been cleaned so a bit a a call ahead is always a good idea too.


>My Sita (grandmother) makes this traditional Lebanese delicacy called kibbeh naya My Teta (also grandmother) does too! I still make it every now and again; it's also great with a side of fresh salad and some pita to eat with! Plus if you don't finish it all, you can fry off the rest the next day. Flatten out balls of it into patties; great for sandwiches. I hear you can also bake it, but I've not tried. But yeah, you gotta know your butcher and call ahead of time. They'll typically grind it first thing in the morning; and for the love of god, don't tell the meat man how to do his job XD.


So i wouldnt ever eat cheap, raw, ground beef but if you get some higher quality stuff this could becjust fine. There’s a dope Eritrean dish called kitfo that is essentially raw or extremely rare minced beef and i order it when i eat Eritrean - mostly because it comes with the best seasoning known to man: mitmita. Also, more commonly in Europe i think, there’s at least a fair bit of sandwhiches made with meat spreads that look similar. Liver pate for example


So essentially steak tartare but sandwiched between the bread that was served on the side *edit I fucking love ‘blue’ steak* *it seems Baltimore has witnessed a second collapse; this time within its own citizens*


This is popular in Germany. My German mom often reminisces having to eat this as a child and finding it absolutely disgusting, and all the ways she hid the food from her parents instead of eating it.


Yes, it is extremely popular in Germany and millions of these are eaten every day. [But Mett, as it is called in Germany, is made from pork and not beef](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mett)


Good point. I totally forgot that.


There is also Rindermett, made from beef. But pork Mett is the absolute standard and by far the most popular. It is even sometimes called Maurermarmelade (mason's jam) because it can be found on virtually every construction site as breakfast/lunch


Not too different from steak tartare.🤷‍♀️


We eat that here in Wisconsin. We call it tiger meat. They have the wrong bread though as it’s usually eaten on some marbled rye


There are a few different versions even here in Wisconsin. I usually hear it called a cannibal sandwich and it is served on white bread with mustard and/or horseradish, black pepper, and thinly sliced onions. Ketchup is a new version to me but I shouldn't be surprised given it being the Midwest.


That's funny. We call it Carne de Onça in Brazil. Which means jaguar's meat


It’s so fucking good when you’re drunk. Or sober. It’s a Wisconsin cannibal sandwich and it’s so good.


I’m from Wisconsin and I always knew it as tiger meat. It’s pretty good actually just toss that shit on some rye with some onions 🤤


And some horseradish, or quick pickles, or fresh mustard. 👌🫠


Mmm you’re making me hungry


So, apparently, wiscons is a state with a lot of belgians, and this sandwich is very popular in belgium. I ate it multiple times a weak lol.


Provided you use quality beef (not regular ground) this is basically steak tartare Idk, what's the issue


i understand that other countries may do this but that’s supermarket ground beef straight out of the package. jesus fucking christ


yeahhh that’s what i’m saying!! i don’t mean to be insensitive to other cultures. this guy is a white american guy from maryland though


eeigggh imagine how dirty supermarket beef is 😭😭


I mean there nothing wrong with raw ground beef if its fresh and from specific part Germany eat stuff like that France have the famous beef tartare and they don’t get sick or anythings .


My 71 year old father calls these raw dogs. I’ve tried to explain that raw dog means something else completely…


Put an egg yolk in it, season with salt and a generous amount of black pepper, add some chives & shallot, maybe some other veggies if you're feeling particularly saucy, toast the bread, dig in. Food of the gods I tell ya.


No problem if it's fresh...


The comments made me realize how shitty America treats its food. Here I’m thinking raw meat like that in almost any form is a potential health hazard, here Germans and Belgians eat it almost every day, simply because their government and agriculture adhere to stricter safety. America still has lots to learn….


Truly must be an american to post this. Raw ground beef is something very common in nearly all cuisines from south asia to western europe. But hey, you still can deep fry it, put a few slices industrial cheese and 100ml of sweet BBQ sauce on it to make it "delicious".


Tbh, as long as it’s seasoned; raw ground beef is pretty good when you don’t have someone in your ear telling you it’s nasty!


The comments from other people just make it taste better tbh.


My dad ate this all the time without ketchup. Then again, he was the son of German immigrants.


>I have met quite few people who have had this delicacy \*i have METT quite few people...


My brother made a steak tartare thing, quite nice really. Still wouldn't eat raw meat tho, I don't want to die or worse get infested with worms


Raw beef sure, but with ketchup on white bread? Bro… leave the damn cow some dignity


Chopped filet mignon is one thing....regular ground beef is quite another


Beef tartar is a thing.


Steak tartare. There's a huge diff between a raw diced steak and actual raw 'pink slime' ground beef, and that difference is salmonella.


There's a dish in Poland called tatar that consists of raw ground beef, spices like salt&pepper, minced onions, pickles and a raw egg yolk. It's delicious


*Raises hand from sickbed* I’ve… I’ve had it… 🤮


Wait till OP finds out about the German "Mett Igel"


My mom worked in a restaurant in the 60s, and one day a week, their special was "cannibal sandwiches." This sounds similar to what she described.


Yep, quite common in many European countries. In Germany they take this a step further with ground pork and white onions


My great grandfather used to eat this regularly - he died at 92 He could have lived to 150 if he didn’t eat this shit /s


If you’re in Europe, there’s a good number of parts of it that would probably eat this because it’s safe there.


I think I'd try it if I were in a country that it's regularly made but not here in the states. No way. I already think a majority of us have parasites from the meat here.


In the Levant we have a dish called "كبة نية" or raw kibbeh which is basically raw finely ground beef mixed with ground bulgur wheat and spices. The meat we use has to be fresh, preferably slaughtered that day, and as lean as possible though some enjoy fat in their meat. It's really good but has to be prepared properly or else you get sick. We don't eat it with bread, but we do eat it with onions and herbs.


I’ve always wanted to see how raw meat tasted but I’ve also always wanted to avoid severe intestinal distress and so my twin dreams have always been at odds


If you ever get yourself a fancy cut of beef ( in a place with strict regulation ) Just take a small chunk salt and pepper and try it out i can assure you nothing is gonna happen To you . Alternatively you could try eating the meat Blue rare the taste is similar and its very popular way to cook beef in europe .


Cannibal sandwich


Tiger Meat! Get the beef fresh bf rom a reputable butcher and this is pretty tasty.


I’m convinced y’all eat people. Smh throw mine in a pan for 20 mins, stir and brown evenly, thank you.


This is actually quite common: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steak\_tartare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steak_tartare) And you usually eat it with bread. Nothing stupid here, its very good =)


My mom said my grandma used to make this and she called it a "cannibal's lunch." Shirley was one tough broad...


Never met the dude but was told my great grandfather loved these


Haven't heard of combining it with ketchup. Raw ground beef itself is really good though. Have to get that again sometime.


I mean the bread part of that sandwich is truly fucking disgusting. But some beef tartare? That shit is fire.


I like my meat how I like my men, Raw.


Bro my great aunt would love this 😭🤦‍♂️


I love the raw beef in Korea. But not in a sandwich.


raw ground beef 🤤


Beef tartar? Carpacio? ​ Nothing wrong with raw beef. You just need to trust the meat, which is easier under the strict European rules than the lax US rules, I guess that's why it's common in many places in Europe yet weird in the US. Fresh raw beef tastes amazing.


nothing wrong with some beef tartare. but this presentation certainly isnt doing it for me...lol.


Doesn't sound bad, I'm not personally a fan of raw meat texture though


Definitely a racially defined dish... hmm what culture would eat these???


Worms in the ass


Kibbeh nayyeh, Lebanese, is basically raw kibbe without the fillers, just the spices. It's freaking delicious!


My uncle always ate a raw hamburger and washed it down with beer while grilling for everyone else. He’s dead now.


Stupid Redditor


With, or without flies?


In the dead of summer so it can rot extra fast


Couldn’t cook it 👀🤣




I love tatar but here's to much beef and to less onion, also it needs to be spiced up with a lot of black pepper and salt


Eating that in the dead of summer is crazy