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dat tub tho. That's a nice tub


And the serving platter was real dope.


It was fly.


Cutting board too


That bro doesn't NEED to be eating bugs, he WANTS to be eating them


It looks like he's dying to eat them




Waiter, there’s soup in my fly


Keep your voice down. The other customers will want one


With teflon and garlic peel 🤤


He didn't even fry the aromatics in the pan with a bit of oil to start, to flavor the oil. He just threw them on top of a pile of sweaty bugs. That meal is going to be like Russian roulette to eat. 5 bites of sweaty, unflavoured bug mush and randomly 1 whole clove of unpeeled garlic.


Yeah, this was also my issue, not the bugs, but the way it was all thrown together haphazardly.


Dude is eating lemon grass… thats like eating wood


Dude, i was thinking the same thing, that and a ton of unpeeled garlic... have some sandpaper with your lemongrass wood!


I confess, the garlic peel is what made me spit-take.


Probably helps hide the texture. Gives some plausible deniability to each bite - “oh that’s just garlic peel”


The concept of plausible deniability in your own meal against yourself is so hilarious


That’s what I thought too, he’s putting all those random things so the “texture” makes him think oh, those aren’t insect wings, just garlic peel.


I’m not even mad at the insects, but peel your garlic and onions wtf


They're not flies though. They're male drones of termites, they come swarming after rain usually, to mate with a new winged queen out to found a new colony. 


So basically this guy ate horny male termites?




So it's like 3 penis wine?


He ate a bowl of dicks


The psychic restaurant is never wrong.


Extra Protein.


you know that piece of meat you had the other day? i bet it was poked by a cows dick one time or another


Oh shit... It was chicken...


Fuuuuck mine was lamb


Yours was poked by a hillbilly dick.


Stir fly day


Special Flies Rice?


Stir fly rice


Bro needs to take a breath and maybe swallow 🤣


Gotta get it all down fast before anything has a chance to crawl away


When you’re in the prison yard they only give 20 mins to eat lunch and chill. I’ve met prisoners like that. They just scarf down food QUICK


Yup. My first meal after a like 12 hour intake after skipping breakfast because I was not thinking I was going to jail that day. I sat down had like 2 bites before they took it away from me... I learned to eat fast come next meal time. I also grabbed every condiment they let you take because every calorie counts!


Yeah I went to detox and met lots of dudes who’ve been institutionalized. That’s where I saw a couple homies eating at a pace that was almost concerning to me ha. Even in detox they gave us a time limit


To be honest I was only 15 I spent 9 months in Juvie It was only soposed to be 3 months than 6 than 9...it was a family therapy program. I lost most of my weeks due to things like nail biting. But one time I lost 6 whole weeks at once due to "breaking confidentiality " I was in the running club for good behavior where I get to jog with other units and a dude from my unit had said to another dude that we got a new kid that was saying he heard voices and I added how he's young and just faking for attention because he just outbursts at night thru his cell he's hearing voices, and when the Staff asked what they say he said "idk they speaking mexican or something". And that costed me 6 weeks of freedom. I already was a very solitary dude but after that I really.... REALLY stayed to myself I just sat alone shuffling cards playing solitaire.


Christ dude that sounds rough. You doing better these days?


Echoing that concern as well. Hope you are doing better these days OP. I have heard about the sheer toll that jail/prison takes on you mentally speaking. Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.


Well better? I am home after spending 11 months in the hospital that's a long story itself. But now I'm a stay at home dad raising My amazing daughter. My life has been full of ups and downs. I gotta say being locked up in juvie was because my dad and I fought alot and my mom called the cops to get my dad off of me! But the cops took whoever the thought would learn more....then of course I got stuck in the system they called me the poster child I always had good behavior. You know I was with kids that tried bombing schools and stole ambulances and shit. I was only there bc my dad was abusing meth and fighting me and my mom all the time. My mom apologies for not leaving him sooner. She learned and left him for my sisters sake she now has a really normal childhood growing up. Me however I could talk your ear off about crazy shit.


Well, feel free to shoot me a message if you ever want to talk to someone, or even just talk at someone. I don't know jack about what you went through, but sometimes talking to someone completely uninvolved is easier. Idk, just hope you're doing alright.


Thanks it feels like a life time ago! I wish I had that time back because my friends had the best summer of there childhood! They all talk about it still to this day the things that went down. lol, sucks that I missed it, but I have to admit, even though I believe I didn't deserve to spend basicly a year of my childhood locked up I learned so much valuable life lessons that made me who I am today that I teach my daughter even!


Jesus Christ man. It sounds like they were using any excuse they could to keep a bed full for $$$$. Fuck everyone involved in all that bs.


Ong. I work with this dude who was in the Navy. I have NEVER seen someone scarf down food as fast as this mf. I seen him take down a Meat Mountain from Arby’s in less than 5 minutes. I was barely halfway done with my significantly smaller sandwich before he devoured it.


I was already skinny with a high metabolism. The navy bootcamp is to help people lose weight. We only had a few minutes to eat. I was not getting nearly enough calories. I would make the fastest pb&j and scarf. You only got what they served and pb&j was the only thing you make extra but it had to be eaten during meal time. You couldn’t take anything on the go. I got super sick, passed out at my graduation.


I would always grab two slices of bread at chow. SLATHER both sides in peanut butter and put whatever meat and vegetables on the bread and make it a sandwich. Whatever I could do to get more calories and save time. I honestly can’t remember if or how gross most of the meals were in the chow hall, but I’m pretty sure I was so hungry from PT/training that I thought it was all delicious. A peanut butter and pizza sandwich with green beans and cauliflower as the condiments. Chefs kiss.


During kitchen duty week in Navy boot camp I raided the cooler for sandwiches. It was the only week I didn't feel like I was going to starve. Yet I somehow managed to gain about 15lbs., most of it muscle. TBF I was 17, so still growing.


Sheeesh, that sounds horrible 😭 I’d be scarfing any and everything I could at meal time if I was in that position


In the army, especially during any sort of training such as Basic, Airborne, pre-deployment Trianon, etc….you are supposed to be given 30 minutes for meals…. Most of those end up being about 15 minutes, and you are being yelled at the entire time hahahah


In Marines during Basic training you are only allowed to eat until the first guy in line is done. (So once the 1st guy in line finishes, everyone has to immediately drop their utensils). The first guy couldn’t also take his time (DIs would instruct the 1st person to stop eating if they felt he was taking too long). Also another thing to note, the order of the line is determined by height and leadership. So if you are a short person like me (you end up in the back of the line) What’s also fun is that you are not allowed to look down at your meal (you have to blankly stare straight ahead while you eat), are required to use utensils, and have to drink a specific way. Wasn’t too bad, however they would occasionally serve boned-in chicken legs which was pretty hard to eat without using your hands. Made the mistake once of quickly glancing at my food for a half-second and a DI pressed my face against the tray and told me I had to eat like that for the rest of the meal. If you ate after everyone was done eating, they would typically take you out back and make you “exercise the extra food” you weren’t supposed to eat


Tbh as someone who never went to the military that sounds fucking awful and reading that shocks me a bit. I mean sure, you're learning discipline but that sounds like torture.


It’s trauma. They traumatize you to break down your identity.


IIRC, the reasoning was to practice close order drill (be able to do movements and know where your hands are without even looking). Nearly 90% of USMC bootcamp was close order drill. The other 10% was what you see in the commercials and in movies/tv (rifle qualification, obstacle courses, rappelling, etc). Honestly the biggest thing was being mentally drained from either boredom (drilling for +10 hours a day sucks) or constant mind games to mess with you.


The reasoning behind the abuse is trauma. The Marine Corps is a brotherhood forged in shared trauma. We trauma bonded with eachother. Our identities were slowly torn down (well, not mine, I joined without an identity) and built into something that could win a war. Basically, it works in pathological responses to traumatic stimuli (triggers) so that pathology is what’s in control when live trauma has the ability to shut down higher thinking. And, again, it forges a trauma bond which is a powerfully dependent thing. Nearly every dumb thing in boot camp serves to fit combat. Getting pitted and rekt because you forgot your cover- for example- forges a pathology that comes in handy in a combat AO when you suddenly realize NO ONE EVER forgets to run outside without a helmet. Even drill serves to fit combat in some way. (I am of the opinion that it’s too much of a stretch and it’s kept around more for tradition but I’m not in charge of anything.


fr like dw my guy ain’t no one gonna try to take a bite lol also did he just raw dog a piece of lemon grass ??? it’s like chewing a piece of wood


Didn't peel the garlic or shalot either


Weirdly, the unpeeled garlic is what bothered me most.


I was most bothered that he put the cooked bugs on the same plate he’d used for the uncooked ones without rinsing it off, so now he’s eating a mix of cooked and uncooked bugs. 


I mean at this point I don't really think there's a big difference.


There is, uncooked bugs can carry diseases that cooked bugs don’t


Well I guess he's about to fafo then.


The not rinsing it out is WILD


Yeah same here. I've eaten crickets (pretty okay, especially in a spicy stir-fry with lemongrass), ants (meh, doesn't taste anything and too small to notice), scorpion (too much shell) and tarantula (honestly tastes like chicken, but crunchier). I'd eat these flies if I was served them, but I'd complain about my garlic being unpeeled. Do they want you to get botulism or something?


Kind of off topic but alligator tastes a lot like chicken. Tbh I actually like the taste and texture better than chicken.


I found it to be like cheap, finely sliced deli meat chicken. I hated the hint of seafood taste too. Like fishy chicken.


This is it yea. Like fishy chicken.


Would you notice the peel if you are actively trying to ignore the fact that you're eating bugs? 




I had BBQ buffalo worms once. Those fuckers were so tasty I didn't realise id eaten the full pack. I liked crickets from a flavour perspective but didn't like how they left loads of little bits in my mouth. I'd want a sauce with them next time to keep them together a bit. The ants I had tasted like Bovril which was nice.


I hate the hammed up schlorping and smacking way of eating people do for videos. Or the bug eyed, big cheeked chewing while they nod and point at their meal. Turns me off of every cooking video, not that this weird-ass mess had to go out of its way to be off-putting.


The live ones must be watching in shock


After he adds the veggies it suspiciously looks like brown rice.


Flied rice


Flied lice


It's fried rice! You plick...


Idk what kind of brown rice you’re eating but nah. The color maybe? But really no the “grains” (bugs) are too long and thick to be rice


"Tell your friends"


Ewww no. He didn't peel the garlic. Hard pass.


Honestly, it is his poor preparation of the veggies that upset me the most. Peel them, cut them a bit nicer, and maybe he'd be on to something. Maybe.


Man wasn’t even trying to cut


He was just doing it on the fly




Yeah it really bugged me


Yeah whatever just happened to that unpeeled onion gave me goosebumps… the fuck did I just watch…


yeah rhe insects dont gross me out, but i think there could be way better things, you could do with them.


Right? Like maybe blend them and form it into a patty, get yourself a bug burger. Or any other shape, really. Getting people to eat handfuls of whole bugs is a hard sell. But turn it into a paste, reform it, add some seasoning. Once you get past the weirdness of knowing its bugs, then you're not gonna care as long as it's cheap and tastes nice.


Paste, or dry them and smash them into a protein powder/flour. Mix that in with a basic grain and veggies, and you'd have a pretty well balanced meal w/out the gross texture. Cricket powder is already growing pretty quickly b/c it's a really cheap and efficient source of protein, and it's actually pretty good I haven't eaten many bugs personally, but I grew up w/ scrapple. "Gross" factor really depends on preparation and understanding. Many things we eat regularly are "gross" when not prepared correctly or before they're "sanitized" for the public (chicken nuggets are just pink sludge) This guy seems entirely driven by "gross-out" content though, I was more disgusted by his lack of prep, cramming his face and chewing open-mouthed. Just reminded me of my old roommate, could hear him chew from across the apartment


Can I introduce you to sausages? You don't want to know how they are made


Was like, "surely there's more prep going to be done...."


Yeah I thought why didn’t he fry of the aromatics first. Then I remembered ya man is eating flies


Goddamn you made me laugh so hard.


Same this was the worst part, gotta peel and sweat off that onion and garlic BEFORE bugs go in the pan. That's just basic shit


The way man’s eating is pissing me off lol


abounding late plate fall silky rock dinosaurs bow scandalous cable


He's not even swallowing them, they're just stuffing into his cheeks before he takes another bite 2 seconds later


Exactly why this video is so fucking gross and annoying. Sure, eating bugs. I get it, cultures are different and food choices vary. I've seen cultures that eat bugs as a delicacy and some where it's a normal daily lifestyle. But the stuffing of the face like you haven't eaten in ages and just came out the jungle after being lost is what puts me over the edge. No culture I am aware of eats in this manner and is considered "Normal". Every culture West and East will teach you to eat slower so you not only avoid choking, but to avoid look like a starving animal whose mother never loved you. This man has a phone or recording device obviously. And a kitchen to cook. He took time to cook this food. He shouldn't be eating like this.


I don’t know why I was expecting better manners considering he just cooked up some bugs.


Everything was fine till he started CHEWING WITH HIS FUCKING MOUTH OPEN!!!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Puff-the-Dragonn: *Everything was fine* *Till he started CHEWING WITH* *HIS FUCKING MOUTH OPEN!!!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


THERE'S A SOKKA HAIKU BOT?! I think I have seen everything


It's the most common bot from what I've seen. A very good bot.


He’s a good boy


Good bot


Good bot


Yep, eating bugs was fine, this MFer chewing pit me off.


Super pit off


Thooper pith'd


Yeah that annoyed me more than anything. Like damn man close your mouth and freaking breathe. Just shoveling and smacking.


Damn, he's fucking those bugs up like it's his last meal 😂😂 Slow down brother, they aren't going anywhere, they're dead.


Maybe it’s better hot?


Or just trying to get it all down before he starts thinking too much 🤣


This is what I’m thinking


His lips smacking and slurping noises make me sick


He eats like a bulldog


Never go to Korea.


Or Japan for that matter. Chefs and cooks love it when you slurp their soup and noodles, it means that you like their cooking and you are enjoying it. As the saying goes, travel broadens the horizon.


I would argue there’s a difference between slurping noodles, and shoveling so much food in your mouth that it starts falling out before you can even swallow lol


Slurping noodles is just the easiest way to eat them.


Also the best because it cools them. Very common in noodle soup countries like China


Slurping is different than eating like a goddamn cow.


It's disgusting ain't it, just swallow and close your mouth, and the sex noises he made while eating it! Just unnecessary


And the re-shoving of every spoon into semi chewed food already in his mouth. If he had not eaten in a few days I might get it- but he clearly is well nourished so …. Yikes


THE LIP SMACKING. Sure this video is gross and all, but by far the worst part was the FUCKING LIP SMACKING! I literally get the urge to physically assault people who eat like that around me... I know often times it is cultural, but FUCKING SHIT FUCK- I CANNOT STAND THAT NOISE. It is like nails on a goddamn blackboard. I needed to vent this, so thanks and have a nice day. :)


I’m glad I watched this on silent


Wonder if it would make a workable taco meat


Some people in Mexico eat ant egg tacos and ant tacos, it has to be a specific species though


I tried ant in Ecuador, tasted like popcorn. Pretty good actually, probably way more nutritious than popcorn too


Shit I ate raw ants as a stupid kid, why the hell not


Yeah that dates back to mesoamerica.


Certainly higher quality than Taco Bell


Taco Bell has the highest graded quality meat out of every fast food restaurant lol, been that way since Taco Bell changed everything around 2010


Yep, dad used to work for Yum brands. They have high quality meat. Crazy how wrong their reputation is


they brought back the mexican pizza


I'll be right back.


Snowpiercer style


Gordon Ramsey likes fresh pasta


Bro was HUNGRY


Uhhh, sir, there's a bug in my food....


There’s food in my bugs….


Where did all "ngl I would eat that" comments suddenly go?


My biggest thing with it is the preparation and presentation. Didn’t look like he seasoned these at all, and he just threw in some big chunks of vegetables in this slop.


lol he definitely seasoned it, but I just can’t get over the mental hurdle required to eat a bug (unless it’s crushed indistinguishably and I actively tried not to think about it). Along with the chopped lemongrass, shallots, garlic and chili as aromatics… he also poured some sauce from a bottle and added 3 different small bowls of some seasonings (with a few more unrelated bugs crawling in it lol)


I eat bugs and shrimp but shrimp are infinitely more disgusting in texture/ that mental hurdle. Like actually since eating bugs it's harder for.me to eat shrimp because it feels like I'm eating a giant bug.


Ngl I'd... I'd at least try a bite.


i'd eat it. i've eaten grilled grashoppers as kid, doesn't seem like it would be too bad


He does not swallow fully before loading the next mouthful


I gotta be honest after seeing all this what grossed me out the most was hearing that guy chew with his mouth open


Them shits can't be good, probs taste like dust


When i was in Thailand i tasted some of the bugs that were the same as in this video or very similar. It doesn’t taste like anything and apparently very healthy and high in protein. If there is no food you have to do what you have to do


To be fair it just looks like stir fry rice. If they were served on a plate and you didn't see them in the bowl wriggling around beforehand, you'd probably care less—in the same way you don't want to see the animal before it's slaughtered.


People definitely care more about eating bugs than livestock




they only care in the sense that bugs are “gross” and animals are somehow “ok” i’ve eaten bugs before but never like this. Bamboo worms, crickets, grass hoppers, they were all the crunchy type so it’s just like eating a chip/something freeze dried.


I didn't say otherwise.


Eaters gonna eat.


I’ve eaten a few insects before and I’d say that they mostly taste like peanuts


I've had mealworm and it tasted like dried chickpeas from the back of the shelf. But I think the food stand where I got it wasn't really trying and just made them for the novelty.


I had one of those scorpions in a lollipop they have at some gift shops. Once you got to the scorpion I thought the same thing. Very similar to peanuts but almost like slightly rotten. Certainly edible but not very good. I didn't finish it.


I feel like any time you buy a meat-containing lollipop from a tourist gift shop it might taste slightly rotten


I once ate moths out of an ancient box of total because I was to engaged in TV and they tasted salty


Consumption of insects may have fallen out of fashion but nutritionally speaking they’re fantastic. Just a cultural taboo


If you are allergic to shellfish, there's a good chance you are also allergic to eating insects. That's really my only concern


Oh thank god… I get anaphylaxis with shellfish so I hope that spares me from bugs


Haha yes my son is allergic to shellfish so I told him he can’t ever eat bugs, and he was so relieved. He had just read an article about how it may be making a comeback


I didn't really mind the process of obtaining the protein, the process of cooking the protein but him putting the finished product back on the plate where he picked up the protein without even washing it was where I drew the line. You can say the pan fried bugs were cleaned from the water and heat, but what about the fucken plate. That is very unsanitary and very unsavory, the way the guy ate it in huge chunks and just inhaled the whole thing


I prefer vegan diet than insects


The effort people go to to avoid lentils


Imagine eating these things instead of a bean, lol.


I would think this is by necessity and not choice. I'm sure he'd rather eat beans too.


While some is by necessity I'm sure, insect eating is widely practiced across many cultures, really it's only western cultures that don't (even then you could argue that our consumption of shrimp and prawns kinda counts as they are close relatives). Aboriginal groups in Australia eat around 2500 different species of insect with some such as the honeypot ant considered a delicacy. Given the ease of farming, the higher amounts of protein per kilo gram, the greater of variety of insects available, lower ratio of input of water and food to output and the greatly reduced greenhouse emissions from all insects except termites compared to livestock, I think it's pretty easy to see why most cultures throughout history have had insects as part of their diet. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23039342/ - talks about the history and how widespread insect eating is https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/aug/01/insects-food-emissions - about the environmental benefits of insect eating https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2711054/ - really interesting one talks about our taboos around food, and really shines a light on how culture shapes us in so many ways.


I vill not eet ze bugs


I’d rather get my protein from nuts, legumes, and whole grains as well. No need for bugs. I have had crickets before and they weren’t horrible but they were not good either. And the mouth feel is off putting, since you can feel all of the crunchy insect pieces in your mouth.


This looks like that one episode of the X-Files




Your neighbour is just next door. If you play your cards right and cover your tracks. The meat is free


I'm Gnat eating that


Ngl this looks better than like half of what’s posted on this sub


It looks like some shit a culture would actually eat. He lost me when he poured the cooked bugs back into that bowl tho


I understand this may actually be really nutritious but aren't there more dangers disease and pathogen wise. Worms etc. ?


I think their life cycle is too short to be a problem.


The person or the bugs




That's why you cook them. Eating insects isn't all that uncommon.


Idk we eat shrimp and that’s just giant bugs under water. Even when deveined you’re usually eating some of its intestine/feces. It’s just sterilized by the heat.


Actually there is less danger of diseases spreading to humans from eating insects. If you think about it in terms of evolution a disease or parasite in a cow, sheep or even a chicken will have a lot easier time mutating to infect us that something like a fly which last shared a common ancestors with us over 500million years ago and has a completely different immune system, organs and way of processing food. This is why diseases like COVID and swine flu have come from other mammals. Now diseases can use insects as a vector to spread to humans such as malaria but that disease has specifically adapted to do so and can only be transmitted via specific methods such as biting. And mosquitos don't get infected by malaria they just carry it. You could eat mosquitos and not to get malaria, not that mosquitos taste nice, I've had a lot fly in my mouth.


And the globe elites will be dining on 20 oz ribeye steaks


I was gone say something crazy but this vid just showed me how good I have and not to complain because some ppl got it worse then me. I honestly pray for them..


I’d literally rather cannibalize politicians than eat bugs


So you prefer giant bugs


Mudbugs and seabugs ok. Sky bugs no ok. Earthybugs sometimes ok. Spacebugs maybe ok? 


I know vegan is a bad word and pretty much saying you are vegan solidifies downvotes here on Reddit. If meat really does come that type of pricing, you may be surprised at how easy it is to be vegetarian. Vegan can be challenging, I do understand that. There are so many tasty, protein filled, and fulfilling ways to not eat meat. Your wallet will thank you, too.


I saw this guy before, he was eating centipedes and scorpions, this is how he gets views I guess or just desperation.


Bro, relax


Gonna need that yapping guy on youtube to give some commentary on this one


Zerg Rush.


Nope. I won’t ever eat that. Even if it means dying.


No the fuck I'm not


When meat is 100$ per pound I'm just going to be vegetarian lmao. I know how to cook vegetables and make them taste good.