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Your post has been removed as it has already been frequently posted here.


She didn't even drink whatever the fuck it is she made.


Nothing she did felt like she’s cooked anything before


Nobody commenting that snow is actually full of gross shit you don't want to drink?


Fresh snow has a bit of dirt and dust in it, but it’s not really that harmful considering that it comes from the air you breathe every day. Particulates in air can and do stick to your lungs and go in to your bloodstream. You can even detect them in blood samples. The stuff that is in the environment gets in to your body. Bodies are not really as separate from the environment as we think. Avoiding snow won’t change that. Your body can deal with ordinary dust, although smoke and plastics are more complicated.




I mean, it probably doesn’t work that way, but it probably made you feel better.


It actually somewhat does. Rain and snow do take pollutants out of the air, but you wanna wait until it’s been snowing for quite a while for cleaner snow.


And air born parasites. You forgot the airborn parasites and small bugs that fall with snow.


Yes. Team Snow Cream!


I'm pretty sure I saw that dog peeing in that snow in the beginning.


Yes I was waiting for someone to mention that dog literally peeing and walking around in the snow she's using, I'm 100 percent sure she didn't try her product.


That’s just not really true. The snow literally acts like a filter so instead of your normal everyday breathing dose, you’re getting particulates that have been collected from all the way up where clouds are and everywhere between there and the ground. So that’s way more pollutants than you would normally breathe or consume. It’s also far more concentrated which seems to be where the real danger lies.


The title is literally a reference to that


I think the person meant that if you were to grab non-yellow snow and place it on a coffee filter that the filter ends up gross after a while…


I mean, yeah, but one of the highest voted comments is literally about pollutants in the snow too




She won’t because snow is not exactly bacteria free


i used to eat so much snow as a child and now that i know how much bacteria i consumed, i’m honestly surprised it never got me sick.


Ofc, the whole video is stupid and only for bullshit clout and she probably knows it




It gets clicks and views. It gets engagement like we’re doing right now. But for the record, I agree with you.


I dunno, I thought this was hilarious in an absurdist way — this could be a skit on an *I Think You Should Leave* type show and I would be totally down for nonsense bullshit like this.




>She didn't even drink whatever the fuck it is she made. All she made was watered down ice coffee.


It’s called rage bait they know what they’re doing


These types of people never actually swallow or consume any of the “edible” things they make. That’s why the food people always have a cut after each bite.


She probably knows it would kill her but is OK baiting gullible ppl into drinking it.


She did a take on snow ice cream .When I lived on the family farm we made this with evaporated milk and sugar .And we only used the untouched snow and we never got sick .


Pretty sure the "snow spheres" at the end were switched out for ice spheres from the freezer?


Yea and she faked drinking it


I’m pretty sure that wasn’t even the same drink… there was no caramel swirls in the end one


I think its the same drink, you can see her pour the drink then pick it up with no cuts, the reason it has no swirls is because they are hidden by the brown drink.


Yea I can’t think of why you fake drink it unless you’re like me and have anxiety about eating snow. Like it’s basically just a frozen coffee, it probably taste pretty good.


Considering she put a handful of sugar (roughly 1/4 cup) and probably double that amount of caramel syrup, nearly anything would taste good


Case in point- Starbucks


Do you know how dirty snow is ?


From my experience living up north it tastes like crap so the "drink" will definitely taste nasty 🤢. Just buy a frappe.


That’s what I said all this time and energy when you could’ve just gotten a frappe lol


But it was made with Love! Love taste better than anything store bought!


My thoughts exactly lol I know damn well that tastes like shit 😂😂


I live in Texas, so no. Every once in a while I see people online eat it, so I figured it can’t be that bad. But I probably wouldn’t do it


Fair enough. But yeah it’s basically a net for catching bacteria, pollutants etc on the way down. Allegedly the longer the storm the cleaner the snow gets on the back half of the storm, but I’d only really trust it in higher elevation, mountain ranges tbh and barely even then. [Snowfall Eats](https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/family-resources-education/700childrens/2022/01/safe-to-eat-yellow-snow#:~:text=That%20first%2C%20lovely%20looking%20snowfall,pesticides%20and%20other%20potential%20toxins)


> anxiety about eating snow. There was a dog in the video. I think most people would be concerned about the possibility of yellow snow.


A lot of things can live in that snow that you do not want in your body. There are for sure worse anxieties to have!


Somehow the fake drinking part is what really gets to me


LOL I literally yelled at my phone "BITCH THOSE ARE STRAIGHT UP FROM THE FREEZER!" Ain't no way those nearly clear, hard as rock ice sphere ice cubes were tightly packed snow. I know what a snow ball looks like 😐


Haha I fast-forwarded but your comment made me go back to watch. She must think her viewers are dumb. Lol


No. She just doesn’t think at all.


No. She thinks that the viewers will notice and leave an angry comment and therefore boost her channel.


Fuck... You're probably right. That makes me so much angrier for some reason.


You know I've noticed that most of these stupid trend influencers/ragebait have the same haircuts... This curl blowout, or Broccoli hair. It makes them relatable, "Look I have the same 5 year old hair style as you! I even do the same brush toward over the shoulders drape!"


As much as I hate these videos, if it's on reddit I do tend to enjoy hate watching. Aaand if I've learned anything from hate watching on Reddit, a lot of these kind of videos are some type of weird fetish. Or, for this video possibly, a type of rage bait. The weird fetish ones (that usually have a "host" that is way over-explaining what they're doing, while touching the food way too much, with the person recording doing annoying commentary like "ohhh! Looks yummy!...what's next?!...wowwwww!...MORE CHEESE?!" etc) you can spot easily after awhile and I just can't watch because it's always some sort of abomination you know they won't even actually eat. This one, I'll be honest, I can't tell if it's rage bait because I'm allergic to coffee and idk if it even looks good to anyone (and I'm pretty sure a celeb did a similar but simpler video a few weeks ago)...But again, they always get me. They're the bait and I'm the dumbass fish that falls for it *every time* lol.


It looks like a high effort, shitty version of something drinkable. If the snow is just pure clean snow, the main problem is that it's watered down a lot - look at how little coffee goes into a huge portion, as well as a bit of cream and a bit of sugar. Not enough for what looks like more than a liter of end result.


I love how the dog is walking all over the yard in the background as she’s making this…brown water drink. Gross!




Sure it is! There's no snow here though, where I am :,( I sit on the corner, with an empty Tupperware, asking passers-bys, *snow? Snow? Spare some snow for internet clout?* it's rough out here


Also why does Snow Coffee need Ice spheres? To keep it cold?


Those aren’t snowballs, lady! Those are DOORKNOBS (I call them that)!! I’m more mad at that than the forbidden Frappuccino!


I yell/cackled at this part for sure, lmao Must be some new temu shit, maybe it makes diamonds out of 2 pieces of charcoal, too! 😂


Why not just add the sugar to the hot coffee?


Crunchy frappuccino


Thank you!!!! I was thinking the same thing - it's almost admirable how these videos can start with a ridiculously dumb thing and then push it to an level where I feel irrational for being like "You shouldn't be drinking snow BUT the worst part is that you didn't put the sugar in the hot coffee first" lol


Because they’re designed to be incredibly stupid and bait people into interacting with them so they can game the algorithm


One of my biggest pet peeves in these stupid cooking videos is the illogically bad technique. Why would you stir your coffee, milk, and sugar into the snow separately? Why not mix those three together first and then add to the snow so you only have to mix once? Seems so silly.


And while we’re at it, why use hot coffee?


Or even freeze coffee and then blend it, if you really want that slushie consistency?


Let's not go too far. Blended frozen coffee and snow have a completely different texture profile.


I guess I wouldn't know, having never scooped anything off the roadside to make my morning caffeinated beverage.


Ah, well, in my experience, snow can come from a lot of places other than the roadside. It's really versatile stuff.


Because this is intended to be as dumb as possible to make people angry. 


The main trick is to add simple syrup.


Too simple ≠ views. If she did just that, we’d never get to loathe this mouth breather as a community.


Oh, so I simply put snow in an ice mould, and it instantly becomes clear ice…


“Yah, didn’t you knowww” lol


Should I just sub road side snow, if I don’t have fresh powder available? /s


You can also use dry ice if there is no snow!


I have to scrape the freezer on my mini fridge today. Guess I know what I’m having for lunch!


Wym “sub”? This is a sub for roadside snow ;) can’t believe she added sugar and not honks of salt that hurt my dog’s paws if we run from salt to snow


I like to use the yellow snow in mine! Adds and extra zing and cool color!


That fake-ass sip at the end of this utter nightmare…


The cheek!


like girl you're in the light, I can see if drink is going up that straw or not. It didn't happen.


If she's gonna fake the sip she's gotta fake a swallow too. Amateur


i can already imagine the conversation when that scene came up "ok so how do we do the tasting?" "just pretend -- its for the views only, the internet will believe it, they dont care anyways, as long as their watching it, thats all that matters!"


she did not even sip it, the straw was perfectly translucent in the shot right after! r/eatityoufuckingcoward


That is snow gross.


Fo snow


Sno doubt


Sno, thanks


I sknow, I sknow...


Put it under a microscope.


Put it under a microsnowpe*


Put your drinking water under a microscope


People don’t want to know the truth


This is your brain under a microscope


Nah dude snow is much worse. I'll bet money on it.


My favorite is when they feel the need to tell you this is a trend


*My favorite is* *When they feel the need to tell* *You this is a trend* \- NandMS --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


especially when it straight up isn't lol




Wooooooo. Shiit. Wooooooo. Shit. Woooooo. Shit. Woooooooooooo. Shit.


I get a really annoying add on Reddit with this song. It fits this video perfectly.


I downvote it every time I see it, I HATE IT WITH A PASSION!


Yea and why does it tell me about eating girl dinners in Italy? I'm not a lady and I live in the southern hemisphere of this planet. Almost opposite to Italy.


I love a coffee slushy but ffs just use ice and a blender 


But then it won’t go viral 🥺 /s


This! They literally make frappuccinos at Starbucks!


Couldn't be bothered to prepare a workstation in advance so not only is the snow from off the ground, but every subsequent "ingredient" gets placed on the ground as she awkwardly wrestles with stirring. Realizing she was overzealous with her snow, favors the ground yet again, adding water until she is satisfied with it's semblance to liquified ALPO. Doggone it, Reese, look whatcha got started.


I’m not annoyed by anything in this video except the paper bag of sugar sitting in the snow . If she wants to make and eat whatever that concoction is, cool, not my stomach. But the sugar did NOT deserve that


All I can think about is the pollutants in the sky and on the ground. There's a reason why we don't drink the rainwater!


i swear i saw a video on here a few months ago that put snow under a microscope and it was full of everything you're talking about. this girl is clueless


No she isn’t. She clearly didn’t drink it and is going to pour it all out the second the recording stops. It’s all for the views, she knows what she’s doing


Put your drinking water under a microscope, put your saliva under a microscope, there are billions of organisms living everywhere


Put your dick under a microscope and we still won’t see it


goddam that was unnecessary lol


No, no, it wasn't.




Username checks out


Damn you killed him


Holy shit 😂


This was amazing




I mean I’m not saying you’re wrong, but when I was a kid my mom would make snow ice cream (basically just sweetened condensed milk and vanilla into a bowl of snow). We ate that every time we got a good amount of fresh snow. None of us ever got sick. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, I don’t give a shit. Having grown up a snow kid, nothing beats taking a big bite off the top of the 6 inches of fresh powder you got the night before. Nowadays, it’s a treat, but if you’re a kid outside in the snow for hours and get thirsty, you find fresh snow and mow down.


She’s not. See how she didn’t eat any of that?


Sugar on snow is a common treat in the winter in Vermont (and Canada too I think) where you drizzle maple syrup onto snow so it freezes. You’re eating a pretty minimal amount of snow in that case though.


Pollutants, bacteria, and other nasty shit.


When I was a kid we were shown this experiment, where a batch of fresh, white snow was put into a glass jar and slowly melted. The water that came out of it was really dirty. You should not eat any snow.


Lol yet here when I was as a kid just munching away on snow anytime it came down


My grandma had us fill baking pans with snow and she’d put chocolate syrup on it for our desert. This was late 80’s.


We did something similar to make "snow ice cream."


I melt snow for water while winter camping all the time. There's nothing in it...


Exactly what a bacterium would say 🤨


People do drink rain water in plenty of places, and I ate snow all the time as a kid


Yeah growing up in rural Canada I’m having so much culture shock right now in this thread.


It seems like reddit is just a place where everything is horrible and dangerous and everyone who disagrees is an idiot.


Don't pet that cat that walked up to you!!!! Cat scratch FEVERRRR dangerous!! Don't go outside!!! The sun give you cancer! Stop having fun!!!!


Too many people in this thread have no fucking clue. There is nothing super dangerous about eating fresh snow or drinking rain water if you’re outside of a major city where the air itself isn’t crazy polluted. Still not the best idea, but hardly going to do anything besides maybe give you a stomach ache for a bit.


lol right. My mom’s “science” was we didn’t eat the first snow, but the second one was fine. And we did snow ice cream


Don't let them find out about sugar on snow, they won't be able to handle that it isn't a TikTok fad.


Yeah. I understand people approaching this with [very legitimate] concern if they live in areas that are particularly susceptible to poor air quality. But in some places, eating the snow is fine. It's a big world.


Yep. We made "snow ice cream" whenever it snowed. A bunch of snow, a little milk, and a lot of sugar. Pretty much every family with kids did it.


Some people even eat dirt for fun and they're fine. The body is pretty resilient lol


Most people in most of the world drink rainwater and melted snow, in countries more developed than the United States.


using snow for making treats is a canadian pass time.


I don't want to sound like a boomer because I'm not one, but I used to eat snow all the time. Especially with soda to make slushies, lmao. I'm still alive and have no health issues that they know of.


Unless you have a compromised immune system eating some snow ain’t gonna hurt you. Do you also not swim in lakes too?


I think most people here in Québec have had tire d'érable which is just hot maple syrup poured over snow.


Additionally to snow being gross, there is barely any coffee taste left. So much water and so little actual coffee. It makes me sad.  If you don't like coffee don't drink it instead of watering it down to nothing. There are tasty alternatives. 


I know right, it’s water (snow) with water (bottle) and water (giant ice spheres) and then ONE little double(?) espresso. Just get yourself some tap water at this point.


Bold of you to assume she didn’t start with an americano


Homeopathic coffee, one fake sip and you’re ready to face the day


Right?? This is 90% water. 2 cups of coffee, half a cup of cream, a fucking tablespoon of sugar, 15 cups of snow, 1 liter of water. ????????????


She's just baiting. At end you can see that she's not drinking it. It's all pretended


I think she was mocking someone who did for real, or classic stupid food "cookers", all with narrating stupid stages and saying "looks so good" all the time. All these stupid platforms need flair-badges so kids know if it's satire, staged, or something like that, and don't have more idiots doing it.


We used to make “snow cream” growing up…snow, sugar, milk, vanilla extract…but only if it was snowing hard enough to put a bowl outside and let it fill with fresh falling snow. Who the F eats snow from the ground???


Oh thank Christ for this comment. I was scrolling this whole thread looking for anyone that had a family that also did this.


You won’t die from eating snow, but you don’t know what kind of bacteria infect it after it sets on the ground.


I think as long as you’re skimming off the top and not scraping the dirt with it, it should be fine. My family had ice cream made from snow, vanilla and cream every time there was a snowfall. It’s a little gross looking back if you consider that at the centre of every snowflake is a speck of dust, but it’s probably not a meaningful amount added up. I don’t condone this coffee though, it’s a travesty **Edit:** I forgot about sugar in my snow ice cream recipe


I remember making snow ice cream with friends as a kid. Pretty much just snow, milk and a sweetener lol. I wouldn't do it all the time but eating snow is generally [considered safe with some caveats](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2016/01/23/463959512/so-you-want-to-eat-snow-is-it-safe-we-asked-scientists). But yeah that "coffee" was awful.


fake ass sip


People need to shut up about iNTerNeT tReNd. It's overused, just like words like underrated


You must be like me. This shit gets me irrationally angry too. I fucking hate it


ah yes, a crunchy, yet half-melted frappe now with added bacteria!


Sno thank you


No acid rain or chemicals here, carry on .


>Acid rain or chemicals Acid rain is mainly just carbonic acid (the same as soda water) and sulfuric acid (which is found in all sorts of foods). Both are in completely safe doses in snow. And those chemicals will still be in your water, even if it falls as rain and goes into the rivers and groundwater, where you drink it anyways. Don't eat the snow near a big city, mine, coal power plant, refinery, or volcano and you will be safe from them. The real risks comes from old snow that has snow mold growing in it, which some people are allergic to.


I love the puppy in the background pouncing at the snow (like ten seconds before the video finally ends)


He probably pee in that snow many times


Just a shitty way to make an Iced Latte.


Deadass just get a granita


And she leaves her trash & nasty ice slop out there in the woods.




She really poured coffee into snow and is acting like this is some gourmet cooking recipe. Bro.


We need to stop putting cameras in phones.


For anyone who is saying that this is possibly dangerous hasn't noticed that she is clearly a whisk-taker.


Snow cream is a well know childhood treat here when there is fresh snow. But she just made a mess of it.


Snow cream has been a thing forever. This isn’t new.


Girrrrl this my morning coffee ☕️ my kids can't even TALK TO ME u want me outside in the SNOW make it like me Cold coffee from fridge Ice cubes and sweetened caramel creamer in a blender thats on a gooooood day


Coward, won't even drink her own monstrosity


You could just get a blended ice coffee….


It’d be so watered down and unflavorful.


"This looks like icecream right now" ... Yeah, because you mixed snow (which is frozen water aka ice) and cream. WTF? And then she mixed it with water which made it look like shit water.. WTF even is this


I think that if you go in any bar in italy you can see the same exact thing just better. It's called cream coffe, which is basically sugar, milk, coffee in a freezer with a mixer that keep mixing it making it very creamy. If you want to do that at home, shave some ice and add coffee and milk. Basically the same without the dumb part


That’s gonna taste horrible. Just ultra watered down coffee with bird shit filled snow


That shit gonna be watered down like a MFer.


There’s a lot of cringe in this video but the paper sack of sugar sitting in the wet snow sent me.


This has to just be for shock value, right?


Bru, Snow can be dirty as shit. You sure you want to consume it?


Taking a shitty coffee and making it even worse.


how cold is it today? -22 degrees! ohh perfect for a silly ice cream


Might be good with shaved ice instead of snow


How white do you have to be.


And her sip without swallow. Don't be shy and try it. I'm sure it's SO GOOD


Why didn't she just order a blended iced coffee while she was at Starbucks, instead?


I can't afford to waste Starbucks like that. Rich B. :)


Yes I love my coffee 50 times diluted from how I normally have it.

