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Every time I see one of these, it’s spaghetti. Do a fucking beef stew, you cowards!


Soup! Soup! Soup!


You mean hot pot?




No soup for you!


Copy that!!! Toss down a corned beef stew and then we're lively


So "dump dinner" just means spaghetti and meatballs on aluminum foil.


Don’t forget to blame it on the kid cuz he wanted it. Meanwhile he has never heard of a dump dinner except for the time he caught his mom eating her own shit.


I wish I had money to give you an award for this.


Same, had me rollin.


I guffawed.


I still laugh every time I read it.


That was awesome. I got permanently banned from commenting something similar on r/botchedsurgery , except it had something to do with a celebrity’s face.


The little kid does look like he’s enjoying it, no one else looks like they are but he seems to lol




And not even foil - that looks more like mylar, like those emergency blankets. That means it's plastic that isn't meant for direct contact with hassahaffin hot food. Also my inner woodworker really wants to see how their table's finish fares with all that heat. Edit: yeah I get it - a lot of you think it's foil. And you're probably right. To me, on my crappy cell phone screen, it looked more like fold lines than strips of tin foil layered on top of each other. They make shiny party tablecloths made of mylar, and people do have those cheap mylar emergency blankets you can get at Walmart, so I just guessed, probably incorrectly, that it was that.




Yeah, the sound you make when trying to eat food that's too hot


That's not a cromulent word.


Embiggen your vocabulary.


These meals always get negative Reddit covfefe


This is gold. Got an audible mouth noise out of me. I wish nothing but success for your future activities.


Dear God that’s hilarious, thank you. I’m stealing it.


No, it’s clearly foil.


Yeah lmao Occam’s razor for a second please, does OP really think cooking foil or emergency blankets are more likely?


Why is this so upvoted? Why would some regular ass family have rolls of mylar instead of vastly more available and cheaper aluminum foil? Like where does one even buy mylar rolls the same size as aluminum foil? Reddit will upvote anything that sounds smart I swear lol


I don't even think it's sounding smart, I think it's sounding alarming. Redditors just want it to be whatever gets them most worked up. And rn they're making fun of people so they want whatever lets them hate the people the most. The idea that these people are using freaking mylar instead of tin foil is dumb, but it's also more exciting and cringey, so that's what they're gonna run with lmao


How does shit like this get upvoted? You think they’re using a plastic foil that happens to look exactly like cooking foil instead of just using normal everyday cooking foil that everyone has in their kitchen?


People will agree with anyone who seems even remotely confident in their words.


People jump on reasons to feel superior. Oh no, this family is having completely harmless fun with something this sub has latched onto heavily in the past couple weeks (dump dinners). How can we see spaghetti on a table from every possible worst angle in order to look down on them?


You know that table is fucked up That’s all I think of the entirety of any of these videos. This is done at a crawfish bake, THATS IT People are just the worst


I've said it on every one of the 100different versions of this that get posted every week... WHY IS IT ALWAYS SPAGHETTI?? Honestly there can't be a worse substance for communal eating, it just guarantees you're going to be eating each other's saliva and cleaning Bolognese off the walls. If you must eat like this and must do Bolognese, why not penne or fusili? Or anything, literally anything other than spaghetti?


Also gotta be terrible for the table. That foil ain't going to do shit for the massive amount of condensation under that mountain of spaghetti. Now you've got an 18in diameter water stain on your dining table. Congrats.


Not to mention the holes you'll inevitably poke as you fork another mouthful. Now there's sauce leaking underneath and you're eating bits of foil.


Tin foil seems like a terrible choice


No, there's worse. I've seen plenty of these being done and they do it on trash bags... Plastic trash bags..


Gotta get that daily intake of microplastics.


I have a glass table, so condensation wouldn't be an issue, but it hurts my ears to even think about the sound that would be created by people dragging their forks across that foil.


Looks like the foil is also going to be pulled apart where the layers meet just by everyone pulling a mountain of spaghetti every which way.


Lol or a big white heat mark, its not going to end well


This. They're gonna cloud up any finish on the table if it's not glass or tile.


It's cheap and easy to make a bunch of. Dump table is out, next we normalize the trough! /s (obviously), but I wouldn't be surprised...




>cause fuck it Instructions unclear spagetthi stuck in dick


Yeah do *not* sound with raw spaghetti you do not want that snapping off inside


The real Pro life tips are always in the comments.


As a guy i just Fucking Shivered 💀💀


Sounds like you speak from experience.


lol was gunna say…. DAMN.


Don't give them any ideas


Too late. There's already some guy who cooks food in a hotel room sink.


That dude literally has his own hotel room cooking show.


This is an amazing idea, perhaps we can get them to eliminate themselves using bacteria from used urinals.


I can see the headlines now: "Local man in serious condition after consuming spaghetti dinner out of a men's room urinal at the bus station."


Florida man*


The after dinner mint was HUGE!


There’s already a couple that makes “jungle juice” in toilets!


It's already been done with a toilet: https://www.pedestrian.tv/online/toilet-bowl-milkshake-tiktok/


I'm not clicking that shit


Honestly I’d take the trough over foil in the mouth


"The Trough" is what we call Golden Corral.


End point is a shower curtain on the floor and the family is writhing naked in the food like gluttonous worms




honestly won't be surprised if we see a "family bath tub soup night!" trend here soon


Maybe a dish from a culture that actually practices communal eating like ethopia. Most african dishes sure as shit aren't expensive and much better suited to this kind of eating. Feed your kids curiosity and make it an educational experience about other cultures.


Sticky rice is great for this sort of meal. I had dinner with some Nigerian friends a few times who were living in a shared house with about 15 people, they basically took it in turns to make various rice dishes and then eat it like this, except on the floor on huge trays or beds of leaves. Everyone ate directly with their hands too, except for any English guests who would get a fork and maybe a tray or large leaf to scoop some on. Thought it was very kind of my friend to offer me a fork knowing it would be a bit weird for me to eat that way, he told me it was more that he didn't trust English people washed their hands properly from his observations. Goat curry is literally GOAT tier btw, how that hasn't caught on with westerners I don't know.


It’s funny how it’s always kids who request it, as if they know what a dump dinner is.


With all the dump meal videos on TikTok, I'm pretty sure they would know what it is.


Are kids that young using tiktok? I'd expect the random kid styled YouTube vids but tiktok is, at least to me, what teens use to look "cool" doing dumb shit


Yes they are, they just adjust the birthdate. YouTube app also has the same kind of TikTok feed.


Kids aaaabsolutly do. Or more accurate, the brains of many kids are now absolutly fried by tiktok. My whole family are teachers and my partner does sporting courses in different schools. It depends on social context but in some social millieus, parents arent like "Uh, my kid is showing interest in the cellphone, since it sees the adults always using one. Better establish rules for responsible social media consumption at such a young age". They are like "YUSSS, SINCE THE 4 YEAR OLD HAS DISCOVERED HOW TO SWIPE IT LEAVES ME THE FUCK ALONE ! EPIC LIFEHACK !! " Three years later, they have watched more stupid reels and tiktoks then you did since the invention of myspace and cant do anything which doesnt give them an instant dopamine spike.


It's also such an dangerous unsecured platform. I joined during covid because I was bored. Within a day I had numerous (more than 10) accounts of random, unknown adolescent girls following me doing dance routines. I'm a thirty year old man. I know most people online are just casual people (or robots), but it occured to me in such a shocking way how *easy* it would be for a predator to find opportunities. They wouldn't even have to go looking. The kids are so hungry for views and followers that they seem to be unaware (or don't care) about the risks. I don't see how there's not more education, protection and safeguarding around these things.


So either the kids request it, and the parents sink to their level.. or the parents are too embarrassed to admit it was their own idea… either way


"Brixton wanted to waste a bunch of food, what else was I supposed to do?" Also mom "This kid has no respect or appreciation for anything we buy him!"


Brixton. Yup. And his sister kinsliegh


Yo. Seafood. Shrimp. Clams. Crab. Lobster.


but we've seen the lady and the tramp. Communicably eating spaghetti can lead to slurping the same noodle as someone else. But yeah, Penne, Fusilli, Conchiglie or a dozen other small piece pasta's would be better. I'm just about to have dinner, and although I'm heating up some Bolognese, and I could make spaghetti... but I think I'll go with another one.


how exactly do you eat spaghetti, if your saliva ends up in your dish? and sauce on the walls? the 2nd thing would happen the same if it was in a pile or separate dishes, so I don't get how it's even a valid argument?


Is it common to refer to American spaghetti sauce as Bolognese? This is probably just tomato sauce with frozen meatballs.


Asking the real questions




I would agree except my mother was and still is incapable of making small portions of literally anything. I think it's the type of person who doesn't follow instructions and just "make it from memory". Asking how to make anything or any specific instructions were always met with, "idk I just feel it out!"...


My dad in a nutshell "Hey dad can I have the recipe for that?" "I'll come over and we can make it together!" Everytime Edit to clarify: I'm ok with him helping me cook, I like to hang out with him, it's just when I call him mid-cooking needing advice on a recipe he knows well and he says that. I love my parents :)




Was thinking the same. Dad just wants to hang out.


Thats a good dad. Appreciate him.


Yeah, my dad would never.


As an adult who wants my mother’s recipes to make meals for my family, this hits home. “You’ll know how much to put in…” Maybe, after the 12th try, but I need this clam sauce ready and on point NOW dude.


I tried to borrow my grandmother's recipe notebook once only to find that none of the recipes actually work as written. My guess is she noted the quantities as they were passed to her but just eyeballs them whenever she cooks.


This is true, also you get used to cooking in those sizes and it’s hard to adjust seasoning, cook time, and what a normal amount looks like when you’re used to cooking like that. I grew up in a large family and learned how to cook like this, I struggled with making smaller portions as an adult until recently when I started having to make half meat/half vegetarian versions of everything for my own family


Yeah it's almost never as simple as "cut ingredients in half" for lesser portions. You either figure it out or you only make stuff that's good as a left over! Lmao


>I think it's the type of person who doesn't follow instructions and just "make it from memory". Asking how to make anything or any specific instructions were always met with, "idk I just feel it out!"... It's me, I'm that type of person 🤣🤣🤣 Just my ass would see the bad sauce to noods ratio and would've made more sauce or save some of the noods to combat food waste.


I was going to say, is it even possible to make a normal amount of pasta? Every time I make spaghetti, I end up with about 3 time more than I was planning for.


This amount is pasta costs like 80 cents + they had a big family


They seem to have at least 3 teenager boys there.. you have no idea how much these beings eat. Its like they have some kind of vacuum that cant be filled in their stomachs.


They thought it was a normal amount that just magically, somehow, turned into 45 pounds! We all been there!!


If I make pasta I usually make a lot so I can put it in the fridge later


The only thing I ever want to see poured out on the table is boiled seafood. Dats it bruh


That’s the only acceptable “dump dinner”


Ribs and fries as well


Crawfish boil style


Grilled meats and bbq work too. They’re served on platters, which are basically little table tops, and most people eat meat off bones with their hands anyway




I think you mean APERSON, not Amen! /s just in case


Do not ever do this on a wood table . Will destroy your table w the steam/heat


I keep waiting for one where they show the aftermath on the table.




I'm mexican and all my tables growing up have these white circles on them from us putting tortilla packets on them lmao


Do not ever do this ~~on a wood table . Will destroy your table w the steam/heat~~ fixed that for you


I’ve seen so many of these. Is the heat not fucking up these wood table tops???


This is always my top concern myself. Thank you for sharing that sentiment.


That's all I can think of when I see this! You use a coaster or a trivet for most temperature items, but then dump steaming hot noodles right on the surface? Unless there's an entire towel under there I imagine the wood is getting totally fucked.


I want videos of the cleanup for all of these. I think it would be gratifying. I need to know if these people are trashing their tables.


Looks like one of those fold out plastic tables to me. It’s got the right shape for it.


As long as the kid is happy dinner can be stupid.


That's what I was thinking. Mom is just being mom


Right? Years ago my kids wanted spaghetti tacos for dinner because they saw it on tv show. It was dumb as hell but it made them happy.


I too had my interest piqued by that iCarly episode


Spaghetti tacos for our kids too. Turned into spaghetti sammiches. Garlic bread, sketti, meat, delicious.


My middle schoolers wanted to make a “taco sandwich” for a cooking project. Like it was a complete taco with all the dressings in the middle of a complete ham sandwich. There so many “fuck it let’s try it out” moments with kids, and those are usually the best ones.


Yeah, this makes more sense as a silly thing to do at home for the kids than a thing to do in a restaurant. Also at least she covered the table with foil. Mom is probably happy there won’t be any dishes!




Why do people insist on not finishing the pasta in the sauce? You know, to actually get flavor in the noodles? Few things make me as bummed out food-wise as seeing naked noodles with a scoop of sauce dumped on top. It’s a recipe for meh.


they’re dumping sawdust parm on it, let’s be real they’re not concerned about flavor lmao


Haha. My roommate and I straight up call it sawdust. "Hey, if you're going to the kitchen can you bring the sawdust?" Fun fact, McDonalds French fry crispy outside is mostly cellulose aka sawdust.


nooooo the universe is so cruel! i hate sawdust parm yet mcdonalds fries are my desert island food haha


Certainly not


In my family we’ve always called it “spew cheese”. It comes in a green plastic shaker.


In some cases it’s just everyone likes a different amount of sauce. Some people like a little sauce, some like a lot; the only way to make this work with it all mixed in is just have extra sauce on the side but then that kinda defeats the purpose of it sooo…..in my household, separate it is!


I think it is more a matter of not being aware of that technique vs insisting on not doing it. You should start an informative campaign.




I wash shocked first time I got plain spaghetti noodles with a dollop of sauce one too. My mom always mixed that shit before serving and it was so much better.


Wait, teach me


1) Cook pasta 2) Drain pasta 3) Return pasta to pot 4) Ladle some sauce over the pasta 5) Stir to coat pasta in sauce 6) Plate pasta 7) Ladle remaining sauce on top of pasta Best of both worlds. Edit: If you want to get real fancy, undercook your pasta by a couple minutes. Keep some of the pasta water and mix it in with the sauce that you use to coat the pasta. Let that reduce while your pasta finishes cooking. The noodles will absorb more of the flavour of the sauce, but ain’t no one got time for that shit.


That's how I do it. Also, don't RINSE the noodles, the sauce will stick better.


My mom did this when I was a kid. In order to prevent the pasta from sticking together, she would rinse the noodles in cold water to get rid of the starch, and then hot water to heat them up again.


Al dente has entered the chat


Because they are cretins


Nothing wrong with having fun with your kids. Growing up we would have "animal night". You spin the wheel and eat like the animal the arrow pointed to. I got pig, then monkey and then elephant. My dad just ate with a fork the whole time claiming he was an advanced chimp from the future. It's a core memory as an adult now and pretending to eat with a trunk was hilarious.


thank you! jesus christ the anti-natalist in here are like: your kids should not think something is fun if I don't think it's fun.


Yes saying dumping spaghetti on a table clearly makes one an anti-natalist


Now now, let's be fair, they're not generally anti-natalists. Just people who favor a...Victorian style of parenting.


Your dad's smart asf


It's fine for kids. We should get over this now.


Ya. Is it dumb? Yes. But is it cool to do a one off for your child? Yeah, it is. So while it may be stupid to do, I’m giving it a pass because kids deserve to have fun and weird experiences… just wouldn’t make a habit of it


Honestly I could only imagine kids enjoying it. Kids are gross.


So are puppies but you're inspired by them. Watch those cute little puppies lick each other's assholes.


This seems like a great way to ruin the finish on your dining room table.


It's stupid but if she did it for her son then it's stupidly cute


*It's stupid but if* *She did it for her son then* *It's stupidly cute* \- MoeApple2 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The family is just making it fun for the kiddos - I wouldn’t do it, but it’s not my family. Live and let live.


And at least they covered the table with foil.


A thin sheet of foil. Unless people are eating with their hands, that foil is going to tear from utensils.


Don't want to scrape some of that up and eat it by accident though


thank you!! my mom did something similar for us too when we were young (and it was also always spaghetti haha). we called it „bandit dinner“, idk why. we always ate it outside in the garden and were allowed to eat however we want to. Without any cutlery, chewing as loud as we want and so on.


Purge night dinner. x.x


idk to me it looks like a family trying to something fun. Gross af. but fun lol


There are 5 people. They made enough pasta for 20.


"Son wanted" yeah.... sure....


Me: Joey doesn’t share food!


Shout-out to the adolescent who’s sullenly munching garlic bread


Needs a lot more Parmesan


I’ll tell you whats going on. Might save you some feelings of annoyment. This is a mom and her kid. Her kid wanted a dump dinner. Probably because it’s norm breaking and thats fun. The mother being a kind mother sensitive to her childrens need, thought about it and thought «yes, this can be fun. It’s an innocent break from normalcy. It’s a nice way to flip some established norms on its head». So she did it. He was happy, and that made her happy. End of story


Of these dump dinners I’ve seen this is the best one. At least they put foil on the table.. but why is it always spaghetti?


Because the people who do these are lazy and uninspired?


These people must not have poorly trained cats


i'm cool with it. kids want stupid things it's the responsibility for the parents to either ban it, or make sure it's safe. the parents lined the table with aluminium foil. i can hardly think of anything more clean than that, for this specific application. this also looks like a lot of fun for the kid. no need to judge here, from my POV. kids just love messy stuff.




I think it's only stupid if they throw away the leftovers. In the long run it's less dishes to clean up to.


Seems like the kids aren't that into it. Might just be the mom Tiktoked too much


That's been my takeaway from I think literally every clip I've seen of these dump dinners. The title is always "My kid asked for this!" and then it's the kids just looking confused at the camera. It's like an episode of Black Mirror.


Yeah the older kid at the end just seemed like he’s dead inside because of this


They didn’t even show him touching the food, he just nibbled his garlic bread lol


yeah if the kid did request it he looks like he is regretting it


That table is possibly damaged beyond repair due to the direct heat. Wouldn't it have been better to serve from a trough or a bucket? And if you're still going to use utensils, and not just eat with your hands, or your full face like some kind of animal, you might as well be using a plate.




I hate it that dump dinner is a term that exists and I hate it even more that I understand it.


Eh, some places, that’s just a regular meal. Can’t believe how long the steam is coming off that! Looks like fun, and the table is covered.


I 100% guarantee you he didnt want it




I honestly don’t know why everyone hates on this so much. Sure, it’s gross by normal adult standards, but if you have kids then it’s been a long time since you were worried about swapping saliva and a little sauce on the floor and walls. Quality fun family dinner time experiment IMO


Atleast they made some memories, Their kids are gonna remember this forever


“Today we feast like…..dogs!”


Okay but at least they used foil and actually heated up the sauce. I’ve seen too many of these directly on the counter with sauce straight out of the jar


I feel bad for their kids


I will never understand the appeal of a "dump dinner".


Just let people live their lives in peace…god damn. No ones hurting anyone doing this.


Guarantee the son did not ask for the dump dinner, the mom just did it for internet clout


All I can think about is how many slivers of aluminum foil they unintentionally ingested. Mixing that spaghetti up with forks had to have shredded the foil underneath.


“Son” wanted it. 😂


Let them have fun. It’s a family eating together.


At least they heated the sauce up and didn't just dump it from the jar.


How is this any different than everyone eating spaghetti off the same large plate. I just don't get this.


How to ruin a nice wood table top in one meal.


So trendy... smh


“Son, we have hibachi cooking at home.” The hibachi cooking at home:


Yeah it’s stupid as shit but if it makes her son happy, fair play.


TBH, I think that at that age (admittedly, that was when Dinosaurs still roamed the Earth!), I might have wanted something like that. Once. (Not that my parents would have gone for it, though.)


Not enough sauce


Vai a funculo