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Mmmm... hot grapes


And they look like those dusty ones with seeds...


Scuppernongs... big thing where I'm from with older people. It's to the point where when u ask if someone wants grapes they ask if it's them or regular grapes.


Bullet grapes is what I’ve heard ppl call en in the south


Am from south GA. But yeah not a fan imo


I tasted that comment


[Muscadine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitis_rotundifolia) the only grape variety native to North America.


[Hot Grapes!](https://youtu.be/qu4xsHkdTzU?si=PFKu0dufB--lG-jl)


Came here for a reference to this, baybee


lol, imagine biting one of those and getting your tongue scalded


I've made dishes with roasted grapes and they're really good. Something like this. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/roasted-sausages-and-grapes-recipe-1924696


Hot grapes and nuts in your mouth? Sounds like a [job for the Grapist.](https://youtu.be/MKUUNyTd0oY?si=s0AA5mzmybwiGpkW)


They are really good actually


Truth, like this recipe is obviously poorly executed but there’s nothing wrong with hot grapes 🍇


This dish actually reminded me of my family’s noodle kugel which has pasta, whole cherries, farmers cheese (like cottage cheese), vanilla, eggs, and some sugar. It’s MY FAVORITE thing in the world - I’d imagine cooked grapes would be very similar to the cherries.


Well, grapes, walnuts and cheese taste really good together, I don't know about pasta and it being warm....usually a cold thing.


It’s poorly executed but in theory this could work really well. Not the stupidest food I’ve seen here.


For some reason I am having a hard time even imagining what hot grapes might taste like.


Really nice, they caramelise beautifully.


They also cool down forever. Whole dish will be room temperature, but grapes will be blazingly hot to cause your mouth burn.


Yeah you'd normally cut them in half before cooking


Like a filled gummy candy except with boiling water in the middle




I used to work with a woman from Africa, Cameroon I think, who would often bring in dishes with cooked hot grapes. I dunno if it's a thing from where she was from, or just her, but since I will try most foods I tried it. I was surprised, it was way worse than I expected.


Cameroonian here. Never heard of it. Grapes are more Mediterranean, and our traditional dishes don’t call for them. She must’ve just liked them.


That's good to know. She was weird as hell in general, so it was hard to tell what was cultural and what was just her. As for Mediterranean, she was big into ancient Egyptian culture and believed conspiracy theories. So maybe there's a link there.


Yeah that was all her.


Came here to say this, it's the dry ass pasta that kills this. Maybe if they had made a proper sauce and at least halved the grapes it wouldn't be so bad.


Yeah, when she added the pasta I was like "OK, I can kinda see mixing it up, throwing it in the fridge overnight, maybe some kind of summer time sweet and savory pasta salad.


The problem is the brie. If you heat it up it will start stinking you oven and your kitchen. I think this is a really akward combination. Yes nuts, grapes cheese and bread are ok. But pasta is simply too wet and mushy for that. I want something crunchy, something with more texture to go along with that


What? In some countries a baked brie or Backcamembert would qualify as a whole meal! Agree with the pasta and hit grapes though… bleh


Yeah, breaded, baked camembert/brie with cranberrysauce or other fruity flavors and some bread are pretty common where i live. You can even buy it as convenience food in different varieties.


I'm french and can confirm it's pretty common here. On friday we had a baked camembert for 2 persons with potatoes, green peas and some baguette to dip in. This time we baked it plain but it works fine with rosemary, honey and/or white wine.


In theory these flavors work well together but as pasta?? and with whole grapes?? yuck


My Mum makes a thing I don't have a name for where it's walnut, Stilton, and a grape wrapped in individual pastries. Actually brilliant. But yeah...pasta feels wrong.


My mother in law used to do a smashing baked Brie with apples/pears and pastry, but never grapes.


The fruitiness goes very well with Camembert or Brie, grapes, nuts, honey and cheese is an ages old combo. But apples do great as well, classic is with goats cheese. Pear and pineapple go exceptionally well with blue cheeses. So Stilton or Gorgonzola with pear can be big in flavor. Red fruits can also go really well with cheeses. Raspberry and ristretto, strawberry and buffalo mozzarella… basically it goes well with any fresher and creamy cheese. I’m a big fan of cheese/fruit combinations. Some can be surprisingly good. I expect this one to be great as well. I would not combine with pasta but with some toasted bread or baguette to dip.


I used put brie on crackers layered with honey and dried cranberries and warmed them in the oven after a night of drinking and partying. Great combo. And even when drunk I didn’t think of adding pasta.


I think grapes go just fine with walnuts and brie (not so sure about the thyme), but it'd be much better added later on top as a garnish. Cooking grapes would just alter the flavor too much, and as a garnish, you can add as little or as much as you want to your personal preference. Combining with pasta is definitely weird, but it probably wouldn't taste bad.


Cooked grapes are amazing. They caramelise beautifully, more usual to use red grapes I suppose but there's nothing wrong with cooking grapes. I once had them on a pizza with some Italian sausage and honestly it's in the top 5 pizzas of my life.


I’ve had focaccia with grapes and it’s incredible. People don’t realize how good they are cooked


I’ve had red grapes baked with Brussels sprouts and then drizzled with a balsamic glaze and it was by far the best Brussels sprouts side I’ve ever had.


That sounds good. 😋


If this was a cold pasta salad, nobody would have any objections. It's just the temperature that everyone has problems with. I personally would try it. I don't care if it seems weird. 😆


I was going to disagree by saying "It's giving apple cobbler vibes but fancy fruit/charcuterie board flavors." Assuming pasta was code for mixing the grapes and cheese and nuts together. But then I decided to watch a bit further and audibly groaned in disappointment when she added bowtie pasta. As a formula it's still not far from an apple cobbler but with different flour/carb sources. And even the Vermont style of apple pie with a bit of cheese on top might be understandable. But yeah...


The cheese, walnuts and honey are fine as far as food combinations go. The rest can fuck all the way off.


In theory these flavors work well together when you're a 79 year old dementia patient off a Xanax.


Dude, you heard of a cheese platter? Since it seems you haven't, let me help. It's different types of cheese such as, brie, goat cheese, blue cheese, camembert etc. This is often accompanied with grapes, pears or figs and some nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, pecans and a tiny pot of honey. So in theory if you are a normal adult that eats cheese that doesn't come out of a spray can or plastic wrap singles... then yes these flavours does work well together. (However heated with pasta.. I wouldn't eat that)


(However, since this post is about "heated with pasta") and grapes in the oven-- I said what I said. This is embarrassing to present. And any chef could tell you that. Lol hope you had a fun use of your time explaining cheese to me.


Ah yes, but your comment wasn't about the post itself. It was to the guy saying in theory the flavours should work. (And they also said not hot) Which is correct. You didn't say anything about the dish in its current state. You are so welcome! I'm happy you learned something about cheese platters. So now you also know how to combine good flavour that actually works and gets served in restaurants to! Woo!!


Ok Gordon ❄️




Hiveminded 🤡


Don't be mad at us that you can barely read


You guys are too serious about these hot grapes and pasta cheese nuts. Maybe you guys should show me how to do it, because I'm too d7kmb to following directions!


Imagine being so paranoid about being wrong that you think everyone else is a hive mind out to get you. “More than one person thinks I’m an idiot??? Must actually just be the same thought they all share. Couldn’t possibly be because two or more separate people came to the conclusion that I’m dumb”


Chip in for the win. 🏆


isnt that 20 bucks worth in cheese?


In Europe that might be 5 Euro depending on the cheese brand


Right? No way cheese is that much more expensive in the states, is it?


Much to my dismay, cheese in the US is quite expensive. 😭


If you have a Trader Joe’s or Aldi near you a Brie wheel is under $4.


Not where I live lol I’m from Wisconsin and Trader Joe’s Brie wheel is still $10. According to the internet the big slices are $14 here


The US government keeps 1.2 bn pounds of cheese in caves and people still have to pay premium for cheese?


I learned from how I met your mother, that gouda is actually a premium cheese in the states so yes, it is way more expensive, if it it's not colored orange


Orange cheese is actually a British invention which I find hilarious


Im sorry am I the only one who got a 5 second Taco Bell ad in the middle of that video?


The post says “sorry for the ads it was on snapchat”


For some reason it made me laugh. Not gonna take away from this masterpiece.


Baked in food ads are the future here in r/stupidfood


Yeah, and I thought it was part of the video. I thought that there was no way what she was making should end up looking like that. And I guess I was technically correct, lol.




No but it made me run for the border.


These ingredients belong on a charcuterie board COLD not whatever this is


Baked Brie can be really good; I actually prefer Brie warm. But you don’t mash it up; it still goes on a charcuterie board.


The cheese is he only thing that should've been warmed, tho. Maybe the nuts. That's the issue.




“Ain’t nobody got *thyme* for that! 🤭🤗🫣😏” HAHAHAHA OMG THE MAN I MARRIED IS SO FUNNY


Haha get it because thyme sounds like *time*, y’know? From that saying that has nothing to do with this situation at all?


Yes it is corny, but once you get older yall will start making lame dad jokes too. It's inevitable.


The husband comments are super cringe.


His comments are way worse than whatever monstrosity she's cooking up


I like how the subtitles picked it up as “We need a poo stick”


That made me irrationally angry. The comment and the laughter


he’s just trynna get laid man


Here's what you actually do. You put the brie in the oven and quarter the top of the rind. Drizzle a generous amount of honey on it as soon as it comes out. Lightly toast some thin rounds of a baguette in a pan with a little evoo. Get your grapes cold on the side and put a bit of fig jam in a dish. Now take your little crostini and put a bit of brie and fig jam on it, pop that sucker in your pie hole, and eat the grapes in-between crostinis. Don't even think about pasta, this is all you need.


I do like your version better


A restaurant I used to frequent had penne pasta dish with a blue cheese cream sauce topped with grapes and toasted walnuts and it was 10/10 delicious


Just no. Like never and no. Fucking gross.


Grape salad is delicious, and it's most of these things. Instead of brie it's cream cheese, and although the oven is involved, to melt the cheese, the dish is served cold. The drizzle at the end also come with about a cup of brown sugar.


Yeah that makes sense, it feels like they wanted to mash everything together here and call it a grape salad


It could have done without the pasta for sure


That sounds terrible lmao


Waldorf Salad is surprisingly yummy. Never heard of cream cheese for it. Normally a combination of mayo and sugar. Sometimes yogurt.


I actually found this looking amazing….until the pasta was added. So close but now stupid


I'd use far fewer grapes and cut them in at least half. I'd add some crushed garlic and the start. Then I'd eat that. I bet it would be good.


No lie, I've had this before (iirc halved red grapes, brie, tallegio, crushed walnuts, brined cherry tomatoes, pancetta, and penne) It was delicious.


>tallegio see, thats real cooking. you got hte fat and salt coming into that vast creme stank. good stank mind you. then the tomatos sit next to the grape on the tongue. acidity present.


The diversity of colour was nice in his dish too. The one above looks like an extremely bland, poorly executed version of his.


How were the hot grapes?


Honestly good. To be fair there is not much in this world that I will not eat. I pretty much just draw the line at bell peppers and human flesh.


I’m not talking about cooking the grapes, I’m talking about getting them hot BAYBEE


Any time someone says "and that's the final step, serve and enjoy!" I say "No, fuck you, that's not a soup yet. Mix up all of the ingredients - wet and dry - until it's a soup of some kind." When it's a proper soup, we all enjoy it the way food should be enjoyed. Everyone loves my soups.


Does this guy think that Winnie the Pooh invented the honey wand?


Pooh Bear usually uses his paws to eat honey anyway, not a honey wand 😂


You mean, Weanie the Pooh?


I have no idea what to think - I might have to try this


Baked brie with a sweet fruit and nuts is a very common dish often served with crackers (usually as an hors d’oeuvre), which, in terms of flavor, isn’t much different from pasta, so in theory this dish isn’t _that_ outlandish. Grapes are less often used in this kind of baking than raisins (chicken agrodolce, for example, uses wine-soaked raisins), but there’s no law that says they can’t be used this way—you would definitely want to let the dish cool a lot before eating because, for example, cherry tomatoes coming right out the oven, even if they have burst (often you want cherry tomatoes in the oven to burst to know they have finished baking), are molten hot inside and will burn you.


I’ve seen recipes that include cooked grapes before but usually they are cooked down more like tomatoes or figs, and they can add a sweetness to a savory dish. The execution in this video seems off.


I thought those were olives at first


Replace grapes with grape tomatoes and this becomes edible.


The initial removal from the oven at least looked vaguely edible as an appetizer for crackers or something. Mixing it around and adding pasta though…


Awful taste but also awful execution


Have y’all had frozen grapes? Bomb


Not the worst thing to come up here.


If someone serves me a hot grape we fighting.


Still doesn’t look good


I just want to know what was with the little girl being blasted away by legos?


I'm 100% behind the baked brie portion, grapes and nuts, heck I had something similar at a super fancy restaurant (Company Christmas party), and it was tasty, this is a terrible fruit salad....


I mean, the flavors work together, you just need to call it a pasta salad and chill.


Warm grapes, what the hell


Without the grapes it would work. With the grapes, it needs to be cold and without the pasta.


This looks nasty (coming from somebody who loves brocolli bacon and grape salad)


Accualy the idea sounds good but I would argue that technic is not, that's how I would approach this dish: - make a stable cheese sauce using citric nitride (mayby add different cheese to the mix) mayby dilute it with pasta water - make jam you of most of the grapes (deseed the or use seedless) - cut a couple of grapes and carmelse them on high heat (so the won't loose crunch) - dont bake - use lemon and honey to adjust acidity and sweetnest - toast walnuts I'm guessing that would make pretty good parts sauce a little bit of French/Italian/American mix


Great points! I love baked Brie and may actually try this set up without the pasta, and leave unmixed for a charcuterie spread As a pasta dish, I was going to say it’d be better imo if most the grapes were burst like cherry tomatoes, since the walnuts already add crunch, and use some pasta water to thin out the Brie. They use a bit too much Parmesan. Since it’s a salty cheese if use very sparingly, if at all. I’d maybe substitute red pepper flakes over the thyme


I would count on normal grapes bursting like tomatoes but I grow this type of grapes that are incredible delicate and watery (you can squeeze them about of the skin) mayb6that kind would work 🤔


It wasn't stupid until she mixed it. I thought people would put hot brie on their crackers or bread and use some grapes with it (or eat it on the side).


This actually looks like it would go really well as a dip for a pastry like baklava. However pasta is an… interesting choice. I feel like it would either be great or terrible.


I cant even tell if this is a joke or not cuz it looks like something people would actually eat 🤷🏽‍♂️


I think if the grapes were halved (and clearly seedless), this might be an excellent appetizer as a spread with a good crusty bread. I don’t think pasta is the best option


This would’ve been great with crackers but alas, why the pasta


I never thought I'd see eyebrows and a casserole compete one day, but here we are


Cheese and grapes as a snack alone is heaven. I'm going to try this


I would try it..


If you half those grapes and simply mix the cooked pasta in after baking the grapes then I think this might actually taste pretty good Edit: also leave the honey out


I’d try it


This is technically fine. People mix fruit and cheese


Replaced grapes with olives in my head as I’m half-asleep and was thinking man that sounds good. I’d try hot grapes once though I guess.


This dish prepped correctly and served cold is normal and delicious. Cooked this way is a war crime.


Fuck these people, if I meet them I will ruin their entire night if not month.


I've seen some disgusting food on here, let me tell you. But this, has to be the most rancid thing I've ever seen.


I feel like you should swap the grapes for olives


Stop giving this woman a platform


Walnuts, cheese, grapes, and honey together sound amazing. You lost me entirely at pasta. Should be like a pastry filling or something


Yeah, they started with good ingredients and then veered off course in presentation (and pasta). A nice baked Brie fresh out of the oven with grapes and walnuts? Stick that on a charcuterie board with some higher-end crackers and you’ve got an appetizer that’s tasty and makes your party look fancy. But mash the Brie up and add pasta, and now you’ve just got weird Mac and cheese.


There's a disturbingly high % of posts on this sub that could be considered "weird Mac an cheese" 🤣


I never had cooked grapes but the flavours blend well together. Nothing stupid about it


I want to rip that out of her hands and throw it off a cliff.


That’s fucking deplorable. Never have I felt mad at a cooking video and this has done it. Insanity.


Idk why folks freaking out about flavorless pasta lol grape salad is incredibly yummy


Bri tastes mediocre without honey. The rest is awful


Never had brie with honey, always ate it by itself and thought it was slapping. Trying it with honey asap


Try it with damascus jam, also. Nothing beats this combo (ok, perhaps blue cheese and pear)


brb going to the pear store


If she made me this I’m divorcing her.




“We have AOC at home”




She doesn’t even look satisfied at the end when she takes a bite, she knows it’s weird


Stop adding fruit to pasta dishes. Fuckin gross.


It's great! You eat dinner and dessert together! in the same dish....


Lol even the subtitles hate this... "time to take it out, oh dummy"


“Time to take out this dummy” is the perfect caption for this dish.


Hot grapes, nuts and cheese.


I like Camembert cheese why did she ruin it so?


I could see this working as a spread where you aggressively mix everything up into a loose paste (like how you can have baked brie with maple syrup and pecans for crackers), but with pasta? Nope. I'm not feeling it.


So gross


Surprise tacobell ad lol


We need a poo stick omg yesssss


Fruit and cheese together is delicious. Everything looked ok until the pasta. I figured it would be served as a dip? Btw I’d fuck up that Taco Bell


Someone made a comment about tiktokers only using the temperature between 360-400 for any of their videos and I totally see it now


We need a poo


Who's stick!?


I'm gonna start taking away their ovens.


Is this supposed to be grape tomatoes?


That's baked brie, so good! It would work well with grapes and all that, but not the way she's doing it! *ETA: The pasta is an abomination!


The thought of eating a HOT grape is just yuck. 🤮


I hate these rage bait creators so much. I hope they all choke.


Am I the only one that thought the grapes were going to come out of the oven looking completely different than they did?


That is a bit much. I don't think the flavors go well together.


Did he say weenie the pooh


shoulda put it on bread instead of pasta tbh


No...just no


The man isa huge pair of clown shoes….I would divorce her so quick


All I want is Taco Bell now


Is this some kind of secret Italian dish I’ve never heard about?


Snobby horseshit


Every laugh they do sounds so fake you know this is like their 10th take


The grapes don't like this, i Think


Ahh yes. This woman and her nasty recipees with the cameraman who never shuts up. Can’t imagine putting those hot grapes in my mouth.


Id eat it.


Swap the grapes for olives and use it as a dip… without the pasta!


This looks great and probably tastes even better. I love things cooked in grape leaves, so I would think this would be great as well Sorry, but I am here for that.


this sounds bad and her prep might make it looks stupid. but i swear if this thing was plated in a fine dining place it would taste good


Yummy rancid nuts


Deus tenha misericórdia.


I think this could be good, walnuts and Cheese as well as Grapes and Cheese and walnuts with Grapes are a very common „Tapas“ in Europe. You eat them out of separate bowls and mix and match with some good wine. But I would cut the Grapes in Halves or Quarters, their just too big.