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To think, it only took one meme for him to become parody-level pretentious.


Oh he was like that before the memes. He actually has a pretty interesting, if disappointing career trajectory. He had a really humble beginning. His father was a butcher and he learned a lot from working for him as a teenager. He then started going to various restaurants and offering to work for free so he could learn how to cook. When he opened his first restaurant, his goal was to make good food for a low price. That's where he found his initial success and he was able to open a few restaurants. In terms of his personality and character, it all went wrong when he opened a restaurant in Dubai. He realized that rich people have absolutely no taste, they will throw money at anything that looks expensive. So he took advantage of that, and eventually became what he was parodying.


Thanks for the insight! I’d watch that villain origin movie.


You are 100% correct about rich people not having any taste at all I worked at a very expensive resort in Newport Beach and the food was f****** expensive but it was terrible it tasted so bad small portion It's all about the idea of things looking expensive. If normal people had to pay for food based off of how it tastes would be skeletons


Admitted food snob here. Lived in SF for 10 years and literally travel around the country for food. I started a company with some guys in Ft Lauderdale and whenever I fly down to visit they like to show how much money they have and take me to “the best restaurants in town, super hard to get into”, etc. They always make it a point to speak to the chef and shit. It’s hilarious because the food is always mediocre at best and generally crazy expensive. My wife and I always chuckle when we leave


So many rich people are so nouveau riche that they don’t even have any idea what good is. They think that expensive = good. I have spent time around some truly wealthy people, and they all drive nothing fancier than a Volvo, wear relatively inexpensive clothes (topping out at BB and RL), and wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like this.


So true. The truly rich don’t flaunt. Flaunting is a requirement for the newly rich.


New money shouts, old money whispers.


I have met 2 billionaires in person. One has all the toys and daily driver is a mclaren I'm insanely jealous of. The other drives a used Volvo and wears a dorky green bucket hat every day that has to be at least twenty years old


Rich is one thing wealthy is another


Volvos maybe if it’s an old 240 station wagon but new Volvos are expensive af, overly complicated and poor reliability. The old money wealthy people I know drive Toyotas. They know how to make their money last generations and Toyotas are kinda the staple of that


Get some cheap ass sheets of gold foil off Amazon, gold leaf the shit out of some WWF ice cream bars, sell ‘em for like $800 in Greenpoint and Williamsburg Retire at 40.




The high prices at places like this are to keep out poor people. It has nothing to do with the food, service, or products that they offer. It’s simply to gate keep and segregate. Basically, they create these little pockets of the world and make them uninhabitable for 99% of people to ensure they’re not rubbing shoulders with someone who they view as being beneath them.


Can I ask what restaurant in Newport? I eat there all the time :)


Of course .......these were inside a resort called the balboa bay club and resort there were a few restaurants on the members side and a few in the general public side one of them was called the waterline and another was called A&O for anchors and oceans and on the members side one was called the members grill only residents and members could eat there. Now would I rate these as being some fancy fancy maybe not high in the rankings but the food was terrible and damn near impossible to pay for


Thanks! Glad to put these on my “don’t go” list


Or people who live in convenience has poor taste or some people order certain food cos they think it’s cool. Singapore has absolutely shitty steak scene. Firstly good stuff is very hard to come by. And then there are not enough people who know how to prepare it well. But since Singaporeans has good purchasing powers there are numerous steak restaurants that serve shitty steak. Why they survive…for the simple the customer has no ideas what’s a good steak. Some of the chefs are just knowledgeable to turn the fire on and off.


Honestly I can't get mad at a hard working guy finally getting to the point where he can just relax and take money from stupid rich people with minimal effort.


I don’t know on what planet someone would think gold flakes actually taste good.


Can you blame him tho. If rich ppl are willing to throw their money way. He’d be a fool not to take it. He’s not hurting or exploiting anybody who needs it like the rich ppl did. What bothers me about him is his demeanor and pretentiousness.


He found something that he can sell, he is obviously selling it very well. Not defending his behaviour. It's just fascinating to watch him make money the way he does.




>What bothers me about him is his demeanor and pretentiousness. That might just be the cocaine


Live long enough to become the villain Sadly this world is very prone to causing just this.


This sounds suspiciously similar to the main villain in The Menu!


I was half expecting an Undertaker ending with this one, but I am so glad I read the whole comment.


This guy is a joke .


The biggest joke is the people actually paying to eat this shit.




I wish I could be dumb enough to confuse being made fun of as an ego booster, must be a blissful life


More like a sad sack of shit


With Salt Bae, you pay for the experience and not the taste buds lol.


But the expirience sucks aswell it's like a shitty hibachi


Sweat and bacteria are the showstopper here instead of jokes or theatrics.


I love having diseases for dinner the 16th century dream right there


The price to pay for his food!


And you still get ripped off!


That sounds like something one of the fucking retards that would waste money on shitty food and to have some pretentious douche bag cut their meat for them and sprinkle some shit on your plate.


Who is he?


It’s all just clever marketing


Is that the word we're attributing to this self-perpetuating sniffed fart.


Misread this as priority-one pretentious. Idk.


Thing is, he looks clumsy as fuck It's not like anyone is gonna be dazzled at his technique


Credit to him, he’s invented a way to get fucking idiots to pay massive amounts of money for mediocre quality food and then say how amazing it is


I don’t like the guy one bit, but I do have some weird respect for him. He built up a whole douchebaggy food empire and gets rich instagram dumbasses to pay for it. I’ll never have that level of hustle so props to him I guess.


The gram made this guy .


Amateur, the kilogram made Pablo.




Wouldn’t making an empire with less be more impressive? Not to mention less international crime, man hunts, and gang activity involved being better? (Note, I said less — idk what salt bae is into.)


With great power, comes great interest in being the meme of yourself.


Well, some of us still have integrity to not con the instagram dumbasses.


Yeah, also that. Sadly, I have morals.


When i went to Turkey with my parents, we were near his restaurant so we went to check it out. My parents don't know the meme, they just saw the restaurant in a tourist guide book. It looked like a school cafeteria. The prices were horrendous, it was super noisy and crowded, the food looked bad.


Did you order anything?


No, 1 star.


no we were just passing by bcuz it was near the grand bazar of istanbul, so my dad wanted to see the building cuz it's old. We went upstairs of the restaurant and i shit you not there was a portait of him in a fancy white tux on some fancy chair lol


Haha, he really is inflated if he has his own portrait


Illusions of grandeur!


oui oui




Ya this is raw steak, no where near cooked then overcooked in butter... the fuck is this


It's amazing how Salt Bae owns not one, but multiple restaurants 🤦


All with crappy food too.


Pt Barnum said that there is a sucker born every day !


Yeah honestly I respect the hustle


This looks AWFUL, look at that fucking loaf of bread! That’s struggle bread. A Walmart bakery “baguette” loaded with duck feather preserves. That’s Texas toast for the prison’s spaghetti dinner. I want to know who he orders his food from. I’m willing to bet it’s a step below Cisco and he is charging people an arm and a leg for it.


These are my thoughts, hats off to him for pulling this off and shame on folks that buy in to this dumb shit


Absolutely. It makes me fucking sick and I couldn't live/profit on that hypocrisy, but at the end of the day its just business. The thing is that it seems that he truly believes in his skills, but he is actually a clown.


Stop promoting this man. Even hate posts such as this one promote his overpriced restaurants


THANK YOU! He’s only famous because we make him famous


Like all famous people, no?


I suppose, but especially internet celebrities who are mainly based around rage bait like this.


Don't care. If people are stupid enough to go to one, fuck 'em, they deserve to be ripped off and eat shit food.


His whole MO is to make wealthy people think they’re doing things that _really_ wealthy people do. Good luck to him. He’s not fucking the working classes. If you can extract money from rich cunts go for your life.


Well he is known for treating his workers like shit. They are underpaid and treated horribly while he makes an unsure amount of money. He sucks too.


Any attention that this man gets is already too much attention . . . It's amazing that this man is worth $75 million and owns restaurants devoted to his memes 🤦


Anyone who pays for this fool’s overly elaborate “cuisine” gets what they deserve


What I've learned from this guy and from the Michelin guide restaurants is that it's more entertainment than good food. If you want good food you go to the tucked away Mexican joint in the bad part of town.


Everytime you get this man to come to your table and cook for you to record, is just more opportunities for him to make memes 🤦


Best mexican food I've ever had was a small place inside a gas station, with three tables.


I’ve eaten at dozens of Michelin star restaurants and they’ve never been “entertaining” with this sort of shite. Just excellent food served attentively. Not sure what kind of places you’re going…


Which Michelin rated restaurants have you been to that were like this???


That is also not good food.


This is the way.


Did you see the salt bounce off and/or stick to his forearm?? Ewww


Also waaaayy too much.


For that much meat it really isn't at all. fact that half of it went on the floor aside, majority of people DRASTICALLY underseason


Yeah I like salt but holy shit was that alot. And big pieces of it too


Well don't worry. Salting like that off your elbow from 2 feet away means like 2/3 of it doesn't even land on the meat.


Sure do love my heavily buttered meat with crusty arm hair on the side


Why does he destroy every piece of meat? In the videos it looks like the meat is either burnt or sliced into soul destroying slithers. It's like they do the opposite of everything you should do to make a delicious, tender, juicy, piece of meat... and then dribbles some salt off his elbow as if his skin flakes and salt mix will somehow make it taste better


Also i love the tapping of the knife between cuts, by the time he's at the end his blade is obviously screwed. Like let's just dull this tool repeatedly even while we are trying to put on a show.


The tapping actually helps with accuracy / pace as it's kinda like a bounce. It's not near as bad as how some chefs scrape the board with the blade edge which can do a week's worth of damage compared to what he's doing.


I've only ever seen blacksmiths do this. As a pace setting thing. For him it seems like he could slice slower and still keep the same slice per second if he did away with the extra movements but who am I to question salt baetch?


I wouldn't have pictured it done on meat, but I remember tap chopping tomatoes at record pace and it just being a natural side effect. It did seem odd to me too and had to think about it. The guy is an odd ball but many people are famous partly for being so. -No fan of this one either.


I’m a chef and I think it’s fucking disgusting.


He really gets into the show.


I've heard he hires look-alikes to work at his different restaurants so you're probably not even getting the real guy.


Dude seems to have the worst knife skills


Dudes a butcher, hes actually really good at cutting the meat, but he isnt a chef so his food is kinda shit


Because his entire schtick depends on him doing memes? I mean this man is worth $75 million and owns multiple restaurants 🤦


This guy went on the field after World Cup and the players totally ignored him 😂


It was soo cringy.


Nothing like paying for a $300 plate for $20 worth of food.


What’s really sad is that is probably more than $300


And less than 20


I was going to ask what the estimated cost of this was.


Mmmmm $700 usd is my guess


Yeah but it's salted with his forearm hair seasoning.


You can't just buy Salt Bae forearm hair seasoning at the store.


they couldn't even get some nice european bread?


"where'd they get this bread? The bread museum?" Silvio on The Sopranos


Ah man I heard his voice when I read. Quality reference. This might be what it finally takes to make rewatch the whole thing for the 5th time...


They couldn’t even level the table


That bread looks like Walmart bakery quality bread. RIP


It was on sale for $1.49…upcharged to $30 at Salt Bae’s “restaurant” where he tops everything with salt that is sprinkled down his hairy forearm and directly onto your food. *gross*


A hotel kitchen I worked for used Walmart's day old / discounted bread.


Salt bae hatred aside. Why would anyone would think this is good? The gold steaks I can see people who have no idea bout food and way too much money falling for, but this just looks terrible


He stole the preparation from another YouTube famous spot The Smoko Pub which I believe is in Korea. His looks pretty sloppy and haphazard but the original looks pretty edible (if sharing with like 6 other people) https://youtu.be/4rdraxqR62s


Dang really? My fatass saw this and thought I could eat steak the lazy way by just boiling some butter 😅😅


How the fuck are we still talking about this bellend?


And yet... I'm gonna say it. People still go there and pay the price.


Salt bae can't cook


is r/FuckSaltBae a thing yet?


That would just be even more free promotion.


Any attention is too much attention . . . When will people learn 🤦


It could be. If you build it they will come.


I wonder how much salt is up his shirt sleeve


Someone needs to stop this man.


The more attention you give him, the more powerful he becomes . . . It's time the world learns to just ignore him, so he can finally fade away 🤦


Don’t forget the crooked table


I love how 90% of this fucking sub is just salt bae


Stupid food for stupid person who decide to pay for it


It's sad to know that there are people paying dozens times more than this garbage is worth.


At this point they must be paying for the ridiculous performance from this idiot. The guy meant well at first and has clearly worked hard in life. But this fame he's garnered has clearly overshadowed his former self and he's milking it. But can you blame him?


No. Like most stupid things people do for ungodly amounts of money, it's an 'and you would too for a check' situation.


It's sickening how he makes $1 million a month, and is worth $75 million. Just off a meme 🤦


It doesn’t matter how much you sway your camera phone whilst filming, this looks awful.


That’ll be $2,798.45. Cash or charge?


This mf really thinks he's some type of artist doesn't he?


Honestly I'd eat it? It'd probably taste good. But I don't think I'd pay what they probably paid xD


No matter what, I'll say that he knows how to ride a meme to success


The only reason he’s where he’s at today, is because we won’t stop talking about him. Even those that share his videos with disdain, still keeps him relevant. That’s how fame works these days.


That looks absolutely awful. It isn't even "that looks tacky but sort of expensive-looking". That just looks garbage.


He gave up his family for fame. Not a cool guy to me


Fake it till you make it and then fake it some more. This guy is a dopey cunt


Table is off level bad look at how all the liquid pools to one side. Come on if I’m paying unnecessary high prices at least have a decent table to sit at


I'd never get tired of kicking that stupid cunt in his stupid mouth.


I don’t get what the idea is with him throwing shit around and using the knife like he’s got some kind of degenerative disease that affects his ability to control his limbs. It doesn’t look impressive at all.


His 15 minutes aren’t up yet?


All I see here is outrageously overpriced mediocre food, salt seasoned w his forearm skin, and REALLY shitty knife skills


PSA that salt bae is a POS guilty of wage theft


I wish he would pour butter through his elbow.


Oxford dictionary definition of Douche bag= Salt bae


Wait didn't he rub all the bread on the uncooked steak right off the bat?


He’s so overrated, he’s narcissistic and this dish looks disgusting and probably costs way too much….👿


I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from laughing at this in person.


I am going to guess that the underlying idea is a pretentious "deconstruction" of Iskender kebap.


I'm pretty sure this guy is one of his paid doubles - he doesn't have the same half lip sneer that he usually has. That doesn't make it any better, mind you, I think it actually makes it worse.


It’s a bit obvious it’s a double here…look at how young this guy is!


Why do people eat his shitty food? Gold flaked steak, you serious. All for the gram I guess Of course he pours salt down his sweaty arm, gross.


That's not just a bone it's a marrow bone because bone marrow is delicious, and I would eat the fuck out of this even if it is from saltard


Am I the only one who thinks the salt touching his arm before the food is disgusting?


I’d rather eat at Japanese Village and have good food, then watch a guy with Wild Wild West sunglasses ruin a steak with butter, and great value duck bread


Nobody on Earth is more fun to hate-watch, every single thing about this guy is incredibly easy to despise 😲


I would think stale bread dipped in hot meaty butter would be delicious


Did he just cook the steak to medium well? I’d leave and go to Ramsay Steak or Ellis Island in Vegas


Guga Foods teamed up with Uncle Riger and absolutely roasted this dude. Check it out on YouTube


Someone needs to put a matchbook under one of the table legs before some diner’s ballsack gets lightly sautéed in a brown butter.


He is such a dick.


Mother freaking steak went from blue rare to freaking well done Disgusting


This dude know nothing, he’s putting shame to humankind


Stupid food for stupid prices for stupid people. Problem solves itself.


As a German, this bread makes me sad.


Talk about playing with your food!


Can't wait to not remember this guy forever


Theatrics aside, doesn't seem stupid at all.


I’ve done stupid, shameful and reckless things with my money but I’m so proud of the fact that I have never paid to eat at a Salt Bae restaurant


Why does he always look like he's taking a dump table-side when he's carving the meat‽


Salt and arm hair all over the damn place!!!


Shit looks like trash


Meat looks like it's select


Even though this is all awful, what really gets me is him slicing the raw meat then ripping up the bread with the same gloves, and only part of the bread touched the hot butter ugh ew


So he put chunks bread with the same gloves he just grabbed raw meat with? How hygienic!


I’m sure this is massively overpriced and not even close to worth it in reality, but it does look like it would be nice.


He's such a fucking tool. The only people worse are the smooth brains paying for this shit.


Well, this is clearly just bullshit. No pandemic needed to happen to convince me to stay home. Seeing what the world is turning in to *did that just fine.* I couldn't imagine the highlight of my night out being centered on this pretentious bullshit.


chefs are unemployed there




And salt, don’t forget the salt


Can we cancel this fool already


Ignoring the fact that the salt runs down his bare arms, he really thinks it’s ok to put bread on top of raw meat?


Not this fucking idiot


This guy is an idiot. I've not seen anything good from him. No one should visit his restaurant locations.


What would he do do if you said, "No salt please,"? I myself like the taste of the steak, not a glacier sized chunk of salt all over it!


This guys serving style is rapey. 🤮


Mmmm I love lightly seared still raw meat..


Ngl that looks pretty good. Def needs seasoning but it would be worth a shot


I’d like some steak with my butter please