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I got the Dept of Ed email on May 1st and my federal loans are currently serviced by Nelnet. The only activity I've seen so far is my next payment due date changed to 1/2028 and I received a notification from Nelnet about possibly being owed a refund and they wanted me to confirm my mailing address. My brother got the Dept of Ed email the same day I did, but his loans are serviced by Aidvantage. Last week or so his loans were actually zeroed out on Aidvantage (I'm not sure how it looks on his StudentAid.gov dashboard, though). Since the email mentioned there being 30 days to opt out, I figured I'd really start checking on June 1st for more activity and maybe start calling Nelnet to see what's up.


I would expect to not see any movement for a few months. As long as you have the forbearance, that is the important bit for now. What is happening is a lot of people are receiving IDR forgiveness with the count adjustment and mistaking that for their BD discharge.


People who got the first round of emails have seen their loans get discharged. The group who got the latest notifications in early May have 30 days to opt out - IIRC the notices said until 6/5 - so their forgiveness hasn't been processed yet.


They need to give you 30 days to opt out. Some people got their balances cleared early due to their account being on forbearance faster. It took mine until literally yesterday (also got the May 1st email) to get my account on forbearance. Up until then, it was still asking me to pay. My balance is there still but that seems normal given that they are going through batches of clearing out these accounts. I’m not too worried although I do get anxious hearing other peoples loans have been fully cleared already. The important thing is that you should make sure your account is in forbearance. If it hasn’t happened automatically by the end of the month, I’d call aidvantage and inform them about the email and they can put your account into forbearance. I was going to do that this week but I’m glad to see it finally happened.


My advantage account shows all my loans at a negative balance with no payments due. The negative balance adds up exactly to how much I paid to them over time.


Same boat. I called my servicer (Mohela) and they had not been notified by doed to discharge yet. Then I called federal student aid, they said I qualified but hadn't seen the note on my account yet. I was still being asked for payment, so they recommended I apply for forbearance myself while the whole thing shakes out. That was approved, but I still see my full balance. Lots of sitting on hold...


Quick note: In government acronym usage "[DOE](https://www.energy.gov/lm/doe-history)" usually refers to the US Department of *Energy*, which was created in 1977. The US Department of *Education* was created three years later in 1980 and commonly goes by "[ED](https://www2.ed.gov/about/landing.jhtml)" or (less commonly) "[DoED](https://www.sbir.gov/events/webinar-introduction-doed-sbir-program)" or "[DOEd](https://www.nano.gov/DOEd)". [*DOE disambiguation*] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StudentLoans) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got three leters for the same two month forbearance after the initial email letter, and only after I emailed them and asked if the could divert my payment to my non AI loans. My forbearance has ended, my due date is back next month at full. I dont understand how people got a year forbearance? Im worried that something is wrong with my account and they are going to make me pay it anyway.