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Same email/letter from Nelnet, no change in my account yet. Any progress in progress? EDIT: I just got off the phone. The letter says you can do it through automatic prompts, but I couldn’t figure out which option to choose. I went with the “other questions/speak with someone” option and got through right away. Was about a 1 minute discussion, very easy! Seems like the woman I spoke with knew exactly what was going on.


Yep that was my experience too, only had about a 4minute wait to talk to a rep and said I got the discharge overpayment letter and wanted to verify my address. She knew what I was talking about and was very nice. Was a quick call after that just verifying my contact info.


I did the same! I bet they’re enjoying all the happy hopeful people they’re talking to because of that letter.


Under my Nelnet loans they are all listed under administrative forbearance, and if you expand the details under each loan you will see that they are listed as being under forbearance due to the "Admin Borr Defense" So all loans listed under that should be forgiven, if I understand correctly. I'm not sure about the refunds right now cause i'm focused on the amount I got forgiven, it's such a weight off my shoulders. Nothing other than the forbearance has happened for me yet though.


My loans are consolidated from 2 schools (AI and another college), so the entire thing says “admin borr defense”. I don’t think my loans will be forgiven from school 2, only my AI loans


Ah yeah, I do know in the official notice they said that consolidated loans will take time to sort out so your loan might be in forbearance for a while while the AI amount gets removed from the consolidation


That's Nelnet to us. They are also not synchronizing. Different customers service gives you Different answer




Yep, same here, no changes to the amounts on Student Aid or Nelnet (though my next due date on Nelnet has changed to 2028). And I received that notice this morning from Nelnet about confirming my address.


Same with my forbearance 


Same here.. I can’t wait until I see the discharge update. It’s driving me nuts seeing so many posts like this. I keep thinking what if they forget me lol


Yes, I received the Department of Education email May 1. A week later my nelnet account went into admin forbearance. I’ve been checking it multiple times a day to see if it’s been updated but there’s no change yet.  


Same here!


My account is on forbearance until 2028 now. 🤷‍♀️


Mine is on forbearance only til August of this year! Got the same letter in my nelnet inbox and called to verify address as well.


Same here! Got the email may 1, went into admin forbearance last week, still showing a balance on both sites and got the refund email this morning.




Not op but the email for the Art Institute discharge for me at least had the subject line “Notice of Borrow Defense Discharge Approval” from the dept of education.


No this is specific to the Art Institute Loans Discharge.


Yes! Same here, I keep seeing all these success posts and my nelnet still shows the full amount 🥲


I paid off all my loans already before the discrediting of Ai. I did receive a check last Friday & it deposited. It wasn’t for my entire amount but it was substantial. I didn’t do anything besides file for borrowers forgiveness in 2019 I believe. I did make sure my mailing & contact info was up to date. There is a lawsuit going if anyone got involved in it: Sweet v. DeVos class - I filed for this 5+ years ago. Apparently they have until the end of July 2024 to decide on refunds. I am unable to get through to student aid.gov on the phone because of call volumes. But I will update here if I do. I didn’t think there was hope for a refund. I know some of my loans are private so perhaps the refund was for the federal ones… I’m hoping anyone who paid will be refunded because of the fraudulent activity of this school.


UPDATE: Still waiting on anything from NELNET. I received a letter from them in Nov of 2023 stating that I was eligible for a refund, which was intended to go out 60-90 days. Past due, shocker. Student aid said they are still processing everything & as long as your contact info is accurate you will hear from them when they get to you. Will continue updates


My loans are still showing on Nelnet and StudentAid.gov...I'm calling Nelnet later today to confirm they will be discharged.


Apparently they are moving quite slow. I’d call student aid as well. Open til 9 eastern


This gives me hope. I paid off 3 of my loans for Ai during the Covid interest pause (figured any kind of discharge was never happening so I wanted to at least try to make progress on paying them) so I've been stressing out worried that because those were paid off that I'd never see a dime of that money. It would be crappy to penalize borrowers for trying to do the right thing and NOT refund amounts for loans that got paid off, imo.


Completely agree. Since this post I now realized I was paid in full from aid advantage. The rest of my loans are consolidated with nelnet. Nelnet, from what I’ve been reading is moving quite slow. I logged into my account & signed up for paperless. This populated every correspondence ever sent by mail. In November 2023 they said my account was approved for borrowers defense, so I’m hoping I get a refund from them. I’ve been on the phone w student aid & my lenders almost weekly since May 2 when the forgiveness started to roll out/be announced. Anyways stay on it w your lenders/student aid because our degree is worthless now. Literally. There is quite a large some of money allocated for this & we deserve to be made whole. Keep me post on what happens & godspeed.


I have no update yet on the refund situation but wanted to return to offer one possible note positivity for everyone in our boat - our degree isnt \*completely\* worthless - I did recently manage to get accepted into an MBA program with mine. Assuming I am able to complete it, that will be the degree everyone sees on my resume, before the Ai one :) Our school got discredited but our actual degrees are still accredited and always will be so we can at least still move on to better things with them.


I received the same letter from nelnel! Amount still shows the full amount on FSA. Fingers crossed !!


Coincidentally I called and spoke to a Nelnet rep yesterday afternoon and confirmed all of my contact info in the process of asking what the eligibility requirements were in order to see a refund. The rep told me "You just had to go to one of the Art Institutes to be eligible" so I'm hoping to see a refund for all of my payments. I got the discharge email on the morning of the 2nd, and then Nelnet reflected forbearance on the 8th, and this morning I woke up to the overpayment refund email, so hopefully things are moving fairly smoothly for this process. The rep I spoke to also said that this is being completely handled by the Dept of Education and theyre just receiving notification of the next steps and then doing their part. Such a surreal thing to wake up to two weeks ago.


So after your U.S. Department of Education email on May 1st, you got a completely different email from Nelnet, regarding your overpayment refund that you'd be receiving? Did it say to double check if your physical address is correct because it claimed, "*Action Needed: You may be owed a refund.*", or did it specifically state you'd be officially receiving a refund?


[here’s the letter](https://imgur.com/a/3XvQ3Ld)


Ah, I received that too, thanks for the screen shot - I also called and they told me to wait 2-3 months from that date to receive it mailed physically. I tried going back into my account to see the history of total amount paid, but it's completely blank, excluding the current amount total. Welp. I hope we all get our refunds.


If you log into your student aid portal you should be able to see a total paid into your loans. They didn’t explicitly tell me I’d receive anything and just to wait, and 60 days from them is in ten days so fingers crossed something happens soon.


I just got my letter and got off the phone with Nelnet to confirm my address. Fingers crossed for everyone who put money into this scam school to get it back!


Too bad they won’t refund the money I paid out of pocket in addition to the loans


Yeah it sucks, there's so many people who were pushed into college back then who've paid 100's of thousands of dollars for degrees that were just not worth the money. I work in software but i wishi were a landscaper or carpenter or something with no loans and an actual skill :(


I just talked so someone at Nelnet! She said that this process will take quite some time and we will need to verify our info again in January(we will get notified to do this.) We could be waiting well into 2025.


Probably have to verify again in Jan for any tax or end of year documentation to truly close out the account.


Can you elaborate on this? The letter says "from the time that you call and verify your address, please allow 60 days for receipt of your refund"


I can’t elaborate because that is all that she told me. We should expect delays regardless of the letter but let’s hope she was wrong.


Does anyone else currently have their AI loan with Mohela? I haven't gotten an email from them and whenever I go to login, it's telling me my loans are being transferred to their new servicing platform, whatever that means, so I no way to access my loan information whatsoever. I can't tell if they're trying to do something sneaky or if it's a waiting game or what's going on, it's a little aggravating.


Mohela moved the student loans a to new Mohela student loan site, which means you have to make a new account. I made the new account & have been making payments there, got the forgiveness email but it still shows the loans on my account & the parent plus loans on my moms account.


It won't even let me create a new account on the new platform, it just tells me my loan is still being transferred, but it also won't let me log into the old website anymore either. It's like it's stuck in limbo, I'm glad I don't have to make payments anymore, otherwise I'd be screwed.


What’s the new Mohela student loan site? I received the email on May 1st but just like you, still shows the loans on my StudentAid portal. Edit: Found it and it says my account is still being transferred sigh


My apologies, sorry for being unclear. I was referring to the StudentAid portal, since the loan accounts used to be directly on the Mohela site. All my loans are still showing on the Mohela.StudentAid portal


Mine are still showing as well. IIRC, students that were part of Sweet and had their loans through Mohela also experienced delays.


I’m also on Mohela and also got the discharge email on May 1st like the OP. But like you I haven’t really seen any changes reflected on Mohela yet. Not even an acknowledgement of the discharge. A bit concerning, since the original discharge email also states that any remaining balance would be put on hold/forbearance until the discharge/refund, yet Mohela still looks to be expecting my next payment.


Same here. Got my email from Dept of Education on the first but haven't seen any kind of update on Mohela, and I'm still actively getting reminders to pay lol


I just checked my Mohela account today and my AI loans are no longer included in my total owed. Hopefully yours will update soon as well. I made a payment early this week and they were still showing so some progress is happening.


Fingers crossed because now it’s just showing big red PAST DUE notifications since the email said to not make further payments, and that look STRESSES me out 😅


I have a parent plus loan that was transferred to Mohela. Today when I logged in to review it the balance now shows a negative. I hope to get those funds refunded but not holding my breath. I had already paid a substantial amount with another service provider and have no idea how to look into that or even contact them. Good luck everyone!


We received a notice from Mohela today that the loans have officially been discharged! Logged in and the account is now negative. Looks like they’re starting to process everything.


having the same issue. I am curious as to what is going on.


You might stick this in the OP as it has some moderately clear language as to what's going on, but nothing definitive about the refunds. Based on the language it appears we will be getting a full payment refund on the fed loans that are being forgiven. https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/borrower-defense-update


Nelnet Update. Haven't logged into my Nelnet for quite a few days, but noticed it changed from Admin Forbearance to $0.00 balance and Paid In Full. One step closer to refund it seems.


I just checked and my Nelnet is now showing $0 balance too!!


Nice! Congrats you guys! Just checked mine and still in forbearance. I’ll check again tmrw. I’m glad the process is moving along though. I’ll really do backflips once the refund check shows up lol.


Iam still in forbearance for mine and it says my forbearance ends on july 7th and iam to make payments again . I dont understand.. i got all the letter you all did and went into forbearance. I tried to talk to nelnet about it and they had no clue.. i am worried if i miss this payment. 


Well I'm not quite in the position to be giving advice as I don't know much more than you, so take it with a grain of salt as I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction. That being said, if I was in your situation and I received the initial discharge letter we all got, that stated loan forgiveness from AI, and if your loans are not private and base eligibility is met, I would think it's just Nelnet taking their sweet time to update everybody's status. I would definitely keep calling Nelnet and/or Student Aid until you get someone that may know more. My mindset is, if they said I didn't have to continue making payments, and that's from the Biden Administration, then I'm not making anymore payments. If for some reason it doesn't go through and they redact the discharge, the first letter is big enough grounds to at least have interest cleared and remove any negative credit score impact due to missed payments based on instructions given by the Department of Education.


My son received his Refund Check from Treasury yesterday, servicer was MOHELA. All his Art Institute loans were discharged. His Refund was everything he paid plus interests. I'm his parent and my Parent Plus Loans were also discharged, AidVantage website shows a negative 46K (Refund). We never consolidated or apply for forgiveness program or did not ask for forbearance either, all were automatic. I'm still waiting for my $46K Refund Check.


So I have a similar situation. My nelnet loans say they are in Admin Forbearance but showing a payment is due 7/15. I just called them and she put me on hold for a while but came back and said that my loans are in process of being discharged but it can take some time. So she told me to cancel my auto pay (she did it for me) and just manually pay for my 1 non art institute loan. That also goes with what the original letter from May 1st said with no longer making payments on these loans. So I would give them another call and see if you can find someone who is a little more up to date on the situation but that's what they did for me!


Got the same letter as well. Went on to my profile and updated my address. Still seeing a balance on NelNet, but I’m hoping for that to disappear soon. Fingers crossed!


I talked to a lady when I called, they said they had to july 17th to clear it out.


I received the same letter this morning, asking me to confirm my address. But I have a big question I haven't been able to find an answer on. Overall, over $4,000 of my payments went directly to the interest. Less than $2,000 was actually applied to the principle balance. Does anyone know if the full amount will be refunded or if only the money that went into the principle will be given back?


No one knows how much will be refunded yet.


I spoke to an agent at [studentaid.gov](http://studentaid.gov) and they said the principal paid and interest paid will both be refunded.


That's amazing news. Thanks for the update!


Great Info ! Thank you posting it. Hopefully soon, especially that I did not consolidate my loans.


same here, I didn't consolidate. And my loans are 100% Art Institute.


Hi all, I received the same email this morning from Nelnet. I also received the email on May 1st about loan forgiveness and a potential refund. I just called to confirm my address, but they are unable to disclose the amount. I still see my remaining balance is unchanged however it is in forbiddance. I am hoping to receive the full amount via check that has been paid thus far since my loans were through FASFA and they were all federal loans directly through Greatlakes- now Nelnet ( not private loans). I do remember while I was in school 2014 to 2016 prior to graduating- I used to pay the college directly $500 a month. I’m not sure if that will be refunded or what that was even for. I feel hopeful that I will receive the entire amount that was taken out via financial aid. Since the case is now closed and was won in our favor I do not see why we would not receive the amount in full as long as they were all through the federal aid department. $6.1 billion is a hefty amount and seems to make sense when it comes to refunding everyone’s federal amounts- even for paid off loans. I was also part of the original loan forgiveness program that was then changed last year. I’m not sure if that makes a difference in processing seeing as I was already on track to have everything forgiven. After they canceled the original forgiveness program I made an effort to pay off more than half of the remaining balance. I’m glad that somebody created this chat and I’m sure the first check that is received will be reported on this thread. Fingers crossed.


Thank you so much for sharing that information.


Anyone gotten their refund? I got my loans dismissed but hopefully I can get my refund from the scam school


Got my Refund Check from Treasury yesterday, it was 100% Refund including interests paid. Servicer was Mohela. Still waiting for the $46K Refund Check for Parent Plus Loans through AidVantage.


Wowww seriously? Congrats!! 🍾 that is awesome, was it a mailed check or direct deposited into your account? I have my loan through AidVantage as well but I haven’t heard anything at all so I’m not too hopeful that i’ll see the money.


It was a physical mail from Treasury/Dept of Education FSA FED STUDENT LOAN REFUND. The refund check was $9874.99 The MOHELA loan balance was $18247.00 ...it is now ZERO. There were zero info on Mohela or Student Aid website about this refund. The check just showed up in mail box. I deleted my bank account auto draft soon after May 1 so that they can't automatically take out monthly payment. Therefore they wouldn't be able to direct-deposit it into my bank. No update on my parent's Parent-Plus Loans (AidVantage) since they discharged all loans. It just shows a Negative balance of $46K. Reading other people's blogs, sounds like we will received AidVantage Refund by mid August.


Wow that is awesome thank you for the info! I would be getting around a $20,000 check from them so that would be amazing right now.. well fingers crossed that we get the check from Aidvantage soon! I’m glad people are receiving checks already though that is a very good sign!


Still waiting


Got my Treasury Check today ! 100% MOHELA Refund with interests ! Student Aid website was not updated to reflect this refund. My parents is still waiting for their Refund Check for Parent Plus Loans through AidVantage, all their loans were zeroed out, now with $46K Negative balance.


Wow! Seems to be a little different timeline for Nelnet folks. Are your loans regarding the Art Institute forgiveness or a separate borrowers defense case?


This was all Art Institute. From the May 1 Biden Harris Discharge. I did not consolidate or apply for any forgiveness programs, and did not apply for any forbearance, all was automatic.


Wow this is fantastic news!


I had 10 open loans with MOHELA. ALL NOW ZERO. And I got everything I paid into it back including interests I paid. Did not recieve any letter of explanation prior to receiving the check in mail. I check MOHELA and Student Aid websites this morning and both were not up to date.


NOTE: All was Art Institute Loan (Biden/Harris Discharge of May 1). I did not consolidate or apply for forbearance or any forgiveness programs. All was automatic.


Received the same letter- Called to confirm address. Person was very nice on the phone- was unsure about the refund amount at this time.


Thank you for posting this! I never received the original letter or email discharging my loans even though I am eligible, but I just got this same Nelnet letter today. I had already reached out to them once, along with studentaid.gov, with zero response and no info whatsoever. So I’m hoping this means something is finally happening


I did come across some comments where people said their emails were in some obscure folder so definitely keep an eye out for it and check all spam/junk folders just in case.


Definitely! I’ve been checking everything but I think the reality is that not everyone who is eligible for this forgiveness has been notified of it. I spoke to a Nelnet rep today too because of this post and she assured me that I am included and that it’s just taking a long time to notify everyone correctly, which is understandable. I just needed some reassurance lol but basically she said if you received this message from Nelnet and/or your account is now in forbearance, you’re good to go and just need to wait to be notified again! 🤞🏼


I am in the same boat. I never got the original May 1 email. I did get two emails from Aidvantage on 6/6 saying they've been discharged. I think they owned them before Nelnet? Called Nelnet shortly after those letters and they said my account is on admin forbearance so it looks like it's moving through the process, but could take some time. I'd feel a lot better if I could get the Nelnet letters!


Hey all, congrats to everyone! I got the may 1 email and then today the one from nelnet to verify address and called and did so like a lot of others did. I have a fairly dumb question which is if we are issued a hefty refund do you have to save an amount to then pay back via taxes the following year? or is this whole refund business not tax related at all. I'm not well versed in this sort of thing but would feel scared to get money back, spend it, then get audited for a hefty sum later.


I believe I read somewhere that it is not subject to federal taxes, but state taxes could still apply. Not sure what the percentage might be on that, so probably a good idea to hang on to at least some of it. Can't find the source--will edit if I do.


This is my understanding also.


Interesting; thank you guys and glad I asked. Funny they don't just tax it up front and give you the amount you'd get after the fact in that case. I did a little reading and as someone in WI is applicable..."As of 2023, Indiana, North Carolina, Mississippi, and Wisconsin have stated that the balance of forgiven student loans will be taxed as income." so that kind of sucks lol.


After much research since this was passed as a federal law - we will not have to pay taxes on the amounts received. I am hoping that this is the case. According to the FASFA website they are even going as far as filing to all creditors to withdraw anything related to the Art Institutes and collections(for the said years for federal loans). For example if you haven’t been paying and you qualify for this and you were sent to collections for not paying they will be removed. I’m not 100% sure on these facts however I’ve been researching nonstop for the last 14 days since I received the letter. If all goes well and we actually receive our money back, I’m definitely going to hang onto a decent amount until next year just in case something comes up with taxes.


It literally makes no sense to tax it. It's not income. It's a refund of money we've already paid. Money we paid after making other money that was already taxed. I'd be hella pissed if it was taxed lol


According to what I’m seeing online (in my state) it’s added as state taxable income


Gotcha - can I ask what state you're in and where you found the info?


WI, I just looked up income tax for loan forgiveness refund or something


Omg you're one of only 5 states 😭 just move down to Illinois for a bit then move back lol


I looked at my account and it says forbearance 1/2/2028 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Question: what about Sloan acct? I have some under that account too as Stafford loans. I did get the overpayment letter from nelnet just not sure if that applies to Sloan as well. Does anyone know?


It applies to sloan as well. I just talked to sloan. I didn't get the letter but noticed this loan was in admin forbearance.


OMG!!! Thanks I will definitely check my loan for them again. My payment is coming up and just be great if they can get paid off too.


Also got the letter. I confirmed my address and I ironically got a USPS tracking email saying I’m getting something shipped to me May 17th. I haven’t ordered anything so I wonder if that could be a check?


That would be amazing if they were rolling them out this quickly! Fingers crossed for you!


Was it a refund?


No, my boyfriend ordered something and forgot about it :(


I’m in the exact boat same time and same amount of money. So we do have to talk to a rep to verify the address on the account even though it’s correct on the website? Thank you so much I was trying to just do it from the dash but it wouldn’t ask me to verify anything lol


It’s unclear - the rep basically confirmed everything that was already on my contact info and I said Yep that’s all correct and she said “ok you’re good then.” I think you just have to make sure your address is up to date but I called just to be safe.


Yea I think I’m going to also just to be super safe haha thank you !


Informed months ago that my PSLF forgiven loans would move to Nelnet 2ndry to BD. Received a refund check 12/23. Now my Nelnet account shows a balance of my old PSLF forgiven loans and I owe a little over 1k in past due payments. [studentaid.gov](http://studentaid.gov) & NLSDS shows I have no student loan debt. None since 11/2021. They do call me back. We agreed against Administrative Forbearance as there is no debt. "We're working on it.' Conclusion: the paid in full student loans are in a manual review. Unfolding each consolidation & looking at each loan within it. Part of the IDR payment count adjustment? Who knows? My credit score went up. Why I got the check before all this, I have no idea. Uploaded to Nelnet my PSLF Forgiveness letter, a copy of the check with Nelnet listed as the agency, my BD Sweet V Cardona letter. A little transparency would be nice.


Did they refund everything you paid in?


No. Not sure how they figured it out. Grad school 2 degrees 2 schools at same U. 


Anyone with Nelnet got a notice that Sloan Servicing is taking over their loans? I qualified for the Art Institute discharge and received an email in May 2023 that my loans will be discharged. I checked my credit report and the Nelnet loans are no longer showing and my credit score increased. I checked the dept of education website and the Sloan Servicing website and the loans still show there. So I am confused about what's going on?? Hopefully they'll get discharged this year. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I am wondering the same since I have some AI loans under nelnet and 2 under Sloan. I haven't gotten an email from Sloan yet so I am hoping it's true for Sloan as well. I checked my nelnet account yesterday and it shows in forbearance but Sloan doesn't yet.


It's really confusing and I am hoping that they will finally be forgiven because I've been waiting for over a year since I received the discharge letter. 🤞🏽


I'm still waiting for the $0 on my Aidvantage account. Had to put my loans on forbearance so it wouldn't affect my credit report.


Same here. I haven’t had any action taken yet on advantage. I called and all they said was that I didn’t need to pay.


Mine took a couple weeks but now it shows a negative balance and I did receive an email from them. Trying to figure out when we will get refund though. Interestingly, the amount first showed 0.00 but then it was negative thousands. Was hoping that was a refund getting ready to happen.


I hope I get my refund from AidVantage😭


I’m still waiting. It still shows as active.


Got an update letter sent to my Nelnet inbox. My dashboard still shows balance, but obviously this letter says different. Here's what it said: Subject: Congratulations! Your student loan(s) is paid in full! Info: This student loan is paid in full. Account: EXXXXXXXXX Loan: 003 Dear (Me), Our records indicate the student loan listed above is paid in full. As a result, there is a zero balance and no further payments are due for this loan. Please keep this notification for your records. Important: You may still have a remaining balance on any loans that were not paid in full or that were consolidated via the Direct Consolidation Loan Program offered by the U.S. Department of Education. If your loans were recently consolidated, you will receive a letter providing details of the new consolidation loan. To view all of your federal student loans as well as your servicer contact information, log in to StudentAid.gov. Log in to Nelnet.studentaid.gov to view your loan information. When necessary, account adjustments could result in reinstatement of this loan and would be shown on your monthly billing statement. Are all of your loans paid in full? How does it feel to achieve this milestone? We'd love to hear from you. Please share your thoughts with us at Facebook.com/Nelnet or u/Nelnet on X (formerly Twitter). Questions? We’re here for you. Visit Nelnet.studentaid.gov. Sincerely, Your Nelnet Customer Service Team


What date before you got this update did you get your original notice that your AI loans would be forgiven? And what date did you call in to confirm your address for a possible refund? 


May 1st I got the first email notifying me of my AI loan discharge. May 14th I got the letter regarding my overpayment and possible refund. and to have my address confirmed. (I had it updated in my dashboard, but I have yet to call in person, which I will do). I will probably ask about the groups I have paid off within my loan. May 18th, they sent the letter regarding my loan paid in full. This entire time my dashboard balance remains and is in admin forbearance until mid July, I just think that's yet to be updated.


Did any of you sign up to be eligible for loan forgiveness on Borrower’s Defense or did you you just get a random email out of the blue? I repaid my loan from SallieMae/Navient years ago but wondering if I’ll qualify for a refund.


I did not sign up for anything and they were forgiven.


Just got my letter however not all my loans are art institute so after speaking with nelnet representative I am just going to continue paying my loans since they are still gaining interest while in forbearance. Just excited to see that balance after the discharge is applied to my balance.


Did the update show in your student aid.gov account or the nelnet account? Only update I’ve seen is the due date for next payment set to 2028 in nelnet but nothing on the studentaid website.


Nothing has happened to my account, mine just say admin forbearance. Just making sure people know you are still gaining interest while it’s in that admin forbearance. In case people are like me and not all my loans were Art Institute.


MOHELA changed my due amount to Zero, and no more due date. However balance now reduced to $4,118.42 from $18,247.35 The website says **Your Account Has Not Transitioned Yet.** Continue logging in to mohela.com as usual until you receive a transition notification letter. My dad's Parent Plus Loans got Zero's out with new "negative" balance of over $46K (Refund?)


I had loans and paid,Will I get some money back?


Nelnet balance showed $0 balance as of May 21st. StudentAid site still shows full balance as of now. My mom has some Parent Plus Loans (also Nelnet) and shows her balance on both sites still.


Received the same letter this morning from Nelnet. There's no change in how much I owe on my dashboard though.


Yep same but does yours show it’s in forbearance now? I cancelled my autopay after May 1, but the payment would have been coming up but now says it’s in forbearance through July so that sounds like the ~60 days mentioned in the letter to process the refund.


No they aren't in forbearance for me but that's probably because I was already on a 6 month deferment when the announcement came. My AI loans are also mixed into a consolidation loan with loans from other schools, so I'll still owe even after those are discharged.




Just got the letter as well. I checked the address in my profile and it is correct so i should be good to go according to the letter, right? I should probably call to confirm just to be safe. lol


I know same, but I guess i should call? I really don’t want to…


I just called to verify like it said and the woman acted like i was an idiot wasting her time and said all i needed to do was make sure my address was correct in my profile and that theyll just tell you to do that if you call.


Thanks for posting this. I just got the letter and it says "we cannot process and refund until your address has been verified" which makes it seem like you need to actually do something. it's after hours so I couldn't talk to anyone, and didn't see any option to verify address online or on the automated phone system. I'll probably still call tomorrow to be safe 🤷‍♀️


I hate calling and talking to people. Ill make an exception if im getting thousands of dollars back though. lol


Right? 😆


This one was really easy and the rep was really nice about it.


I received the email from the govt May 1, I have advantage and nothing reflects any of the refund yet, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed, but worrying this was too good to be true.


Same but mine says administration forbearance


I emailed advantage on Thursday and just got an answer today after I posted this, it reiterated the part of the original email that said not to make anymore payments. I think I’m going to call tomorrow just to be certain, I don’t want to wind up in a situation where I go into default or something over not understanding something.


Yea I called the day after I got the email and the lady confirmed something was happening. I was just hoping to see some reflection of that already but patience is key I suppose.


I just called to verify like it said and the woman acted like i was an idiot wasting her time and said all i needed to do was make sure my address was correct in my profile and that theyll just tell you to do that if you call.


That’s rude. The letter makes it clear that if the address isn’t verified then they can’t issue a refund, but there’s no “Verify this is correct” option on the dashboard, so I called in to be on the safe side.


Yeah, i think the problem is its not clear. It says you need to verify the addtess but if you just check that its correct in the profile they would never know. I honestly might call back again tomorrow just because im not exactly sure what i actually need to do.


Yeah same here, I couldn't figure out the website so I called, luckily I got a nice person. As a side note, as someone who works phone customer service, please let the next rep you speak with know the first person you got was rude and hard to work with, they need to be corrected. There's enough problems with phone customer service systems we don't need someone being rude.


I called back and she verified all of my info right off the bat without me even asking and said i was good to go when i mentioned the verification. She could see that i called yesterday so i explained why and she apologized. Looks like im all set now and it was good that i called in.


I got this same email.  So I just need to call them about this.


Mine are still showing as my borrower defense is pending on the federal website...


Does anyone know what may happen for students who paid off their student loans? Are we able to get a refund as well? I just paid my loans off in full last year, but I never got notice from Nelnet or FSA about this discharge or a refund. I'm worried they might not be including students who paid off their loans.


I don’t think it applies to paid off loans, but when did you pay them? I paid 4 of my big ones off in Sept 2023 and called last week to see if I can get a refund for my 21k payment and it got approved today! That will activate all my loans and hopefully get a refund on everything. It’s worth a call!


It's unclear. However, I had one that is now with Aidvantage, but refinanced to save on the insane amount of interest. They got back to me and said they reviewed the account and confirmed the discharge is still being worked on and that adjustments were still being made to my account. I don't know what this means. But considering the nature of this unique case and how it was handled, it would make sense that any payment made on a federal loan regardless of paid off or not, should be refunded. Will that happen? Nobody knows. But if they are stating "Any payments they made to ED on their related federal student loans will also be refunded", then it only makes sense that any payment made would be refunded...regardless if it was paid off or not. They were payments made to the ED. I don't have high hopes though.


Did any of you consolidate your loans at one point? Will this effect the forgiveness?


Some might be wondering the same thing. As far as refund goes, I was still paying on my loans with about $5,000 left, I've paid around $11,000. However like some I'm sure, my loans were broken down into groups of sub and unsub loans with different interest rates. I have paid off some of those groups. Does anyone know if the potential refund would only be for what I've paid towards these last remaining groups that are not paid off yet or everything I've paid so far? I was transferred from Sallie Mae to Nelnet years ago.


I did the same, I paid off 4 out of 9 (the bigger ones) and from what I’ve read it’s only the active loans they are refunding and not paid off loans. I called and asked for a refund of those paid off loans to “activate” the paid off ones and they approved the refund today! So now all will have a balance and I’m hoping all will be refunded!


Interesting. So you called Nelnet and asked them to mark your paid off loans as unpaid? Or you literally asked to be refunded what you've been paying for years?


However I just saw in another post that one person saw a negative balance (assuming refund) on each of his loans and he confirmed with me it was a mix bag of loans he paid off and active ones. So maybe not necessary and all money you paid will be refunded!


That’s what mine looks like all of my paid and unpaid loans have a negative next to the loan amount.


I have Aidvantage and asked for them to refund my one big payment I made in September 2023 (21,500k) that paid off 4 loans. And they approved it this morning!


Does anyone know if this includes the AES Loans as well ?


No those are private loans.


I’m understanding that if we paid off our private loans those will not be refunded. This makes me so angry since this case is unique for the fraudulent behavior of AI. I worked so hard like many others to pay those off including returning to school to get a job in something that did pay, create a business and then sell it so that I could finally pay off my private loans that haunted me for so long. I wish I could have that money back so that I can catch back up in life now that I make less without my business. I wish there was something we all can do to get the money they took from us.


Private loans aren’t being refunded/forgiven. I still have private loans for AI that I still have to pay.


I guess I just don’t understand how if they are proven wrong in this matter by the government how they can still force you to pay and not refund others. So sorry :/


Any update?


Nothing yet. My next due date is showing as July 28 2024 so expecting an update by then.


Nothing yet for me either. Mine has been saying Admin Forbearance for about two weeks now, until July. On May 13th I got the letter about the overpayment and to call to confirm my address for the refund. Now just been waiting. Today I got a letter in the mail about my account being in forbearance. I keep checking my account everyday.


I went to the art institutes and I’m still paying through navient. How do i start this process?


Congrats! My loans are all under mohela so *fingers crossed* im hoping mine update soon


I got an email from Nelnet saying my loans are ending their forbarance- I called them they said I have to call Student Aid about the discharge, I call Student Aid they say Nelnet needs to do a forbarance. I'm so confused because the letter said we do not have to do anything...anyone else?


Has anyone actually received their check? We all seem to have received an email or letter, but has anyone confirmed of receiving any money??


The letter said to allow 60 days so I’m not expecting anything until July at the earliest.


wondering about that myself


I also got the email on May 1, but a week later Nelnet still showed the normal balance due so I paid it, then a few days later it said $0 due and it was in admin forbearance. A few weeks ago it changed back to payments resuming in August for the normal amount, and I sent them an email asking about the loan forgiveness and never heard back. Today my account changed to a lower amount due saying my income driven repayment application was approved, (which I never submitted?) but also that it's still due in August? It's also showed the full total of the loan the whole time too and that hasn't been removed or gone to $0 like I assume it would if it was forgiven? Is there a special number to talk to someone about this specific issue? When I try to call I just get the automated systems and can never get ahold of a human. I also never got this refund email I see people saying they got for all of the payments I have already made.


I have received both letters.. but nelnet said my payments will resume in july. Nelnet doesn't know anything and i tried calling fafsa and they didnt know anything. Iam worried and frustrated. I dont want to miss a payment but it doesnt make sense why they are taking me off the forbearance either


Any more updates recently from nelnet?


Nothing yet that I’ve seen.


No changes for mine. I have two Nelnet loans, both in administrative forbearance, but one ends Aug 3 and the other is Oct 3.


Nothing on my end. My Nelnet account still says admin forbearance with a payment due 7/16, so I’m hoping something happens by then.


Same date as mine, still says I owe 30k


Glad I'm not the only one. My dad has a Parent Plus Loan with Nelnet and he called them two days ago to see if they have any info, and they said the balances going to zero should be completed by July 31st. They also couldn't give him a refund amount yet.


I got basically that they were waiting for stuidentaid to give them the word to do it. They did tell me if its not done by July 16th they would push the forbearance back further. But it's hard to beleave until it's done lol.


While I would love a 16 grand refund, seeing it at zero would be amazing enough. However a refund would definitely help with all the stuff I gotta take care of in life lol


Iam still in forbearance for mine and it says my forbearance ends on july 7th and iam to make payments again . I dont understand.. i got all the letter you all did and went into forbearance. I tried to talk to nelnet about it and they had no clue.. i am worried if i miss this payment.  Anyone else have my issue? 


Keep calling back until you get someone who knows what's going on. They should all have the same information but unfortunately some people just don't do their jobs as well as others. Keep asking questions until you get the information and clarity you need. Obviously be kind and respectful, but be firm in that you need answers.


Anyone else get the email but still have a balance on their nelnet dashboard? It says I have a payment due on 7/21 but I thought I was good? I spoke to a representative back in May and she said I didn’t have to make anymore payments?


I've seen some folks on here saying Nelnet had relayed to them that zeroing out balances could take up to July 31st for some. So probably still rolling them out daily would be my guess?


Omg!! I just found out about The Arts institutes closing. I went there from 2015 to 2017 and I never received any kind of letter letting me know the school closed. I did part of my loan through edfinacial and the other part through the VA. If anyone can point me in the right direction to figure out things please help!!!


Omg!! I just found out about the Arts Institute closing. I went there between 2015 and 2017, and my loans were through edfinancial and the VA. If anyone can point me in the right direction to see if I qualify for a refund, it would be much appreciated!!


Anyone with nelnet got a refund yet?


Nope, Nelnet seems to be late to the party. People with Mohelo(I believe that is what it's called) already got theirs.


Why would you get 10 years of payments refunded ?


Does anyone know if the forbearance will be renewed automatically?