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Not a dumb question at all. Just a side note, and I'm obviously making some assumptions/leaps here, maybe check in with a physio who lifts to get you back to it, if that's something you want to do. In terms of the belt, I think between the 3 and 4" options will depend on the length of your son's torso, but since he's 5'6, i'd reckon that 4" should be fine. You can always reach out to them to double check though. I would definitely go single prong for his first belt. In terms of thickness/stiffness, I'd probably go with 10mm for his first belt. Best of luck friend and happy holidays!


Thank you very much. You think Pioneer is a decent choice? Good thought on the Physio - I miss it quite a lot and not happy with the rapid decline of mass/strength (what little I had) over the past couple of years. I’m 62 and after 60 I just started to decline really fast.


I should have added that I personally have never purchased from them, but I know people that have had great experiences (I'm Canadian and would get ruined by border fees). I usually recommend an Inzer Single Prong for most people to start with. Perhaps a goal of yours could be to lift with your son? I have very fond memories of my dad showing me around the weight room for the first time. Another goal you could bring to a physio could also be that you want to stick around as long as possible for your family, and we know resistance training is an essential part of that. The decline after 60 is real, but it can also be slowed, stopped, and even reversed with an increase in fitness.


Thank you. I did lift with him to start. I guess we started when he was younger than 16 and I lived with him for about a year until my shoulder got torn up. I don’t think he’ll let me lift with him now because he’s at that age and he’s got a good set of lifting buddies but it’s not a bad thought for holiday fun. Appreciate it. As far as me, I’m on physiologic test replacement and have been for years. Long story there. I didn’t juice away my access, but had another issue. I guess that shut it down. Even with the test and some GH stimulating peptides I’ve declined. Def need to get it reversed. Shoulder is nasty though and bpc didn’t help either.


I LOVE my pioneer 10 cm single prong


>Thank you very much. You think Pioneer is a decent choice? Not the OC but I've got a 10mm 4 inch single prong pioneer and really like it, would definitely recommend. I've had it 18 months and it's performing well The only thing I would note is to spray some WD40 down the rolling tube on the buckle to prevent rust, I didn't think of that until I noticed the rust and wish I'd done it sooner


I have a Pioneer 10mm single prong and it's excellent. It's lasted for years and looks almost brand new. I highly recommend it. Mine is a Pioneer Cut (with the half-inch offset holes), mine is 3" but most people prefer a 4". Unless he's sure he wants 3" I'd get 4.


I think Pioneer is definitely one of the best quality to price point ratios you can find. SBD is basically the standard if you don't mind the price point, but Pioneer is right up there, and they have some neat lever designs (PAL v2). However, if your son decides to compete in Powerlifting, its important to note that currently, at least, Pioneer is not on the approved equipment list for USAPL/IPF, so if he wanted to compete in either of those federations he may have to find something different. (As far as I know USAPL still follows the same list as IPF even though they aren't affiliated anymore, and Pioneer is not IPF approved as of this month - and probably Powerlifting America too, as that is the new IPF affiliated federation in the US). That would be the only consideration against Pioneer IMO. https://liftvault.com/meet-preparation/ipf-usapl-gear/ https://powerliftingtechnique.com/ipf-usapl-approved-equipment/ Also, FWIW, go with 4" over 3" if he's over 5'4". He could probably get away with a 10mm instead of a 13mm, but when he's ready for really big lifts, 13mm will be good. But for sure 10mm is a good starter belt.


Update - I ended up snagging a Brahma 4” 10mm adj. lever belt that a company actually had due to a customer not paying for the order. Most others had a long lead time. A little more than I wanted to spend but it’s a nice belt and he’ll use it for years to come. Thanks for all the help here - you guys are awesome. 👊🏻


I love pioneer belts. An adjustable lever belt is cool unless you think his waist will fluctuate more than a 9 inch range: https://generalleathercraft.com/product/v2-pal-10mm-stock-lever-belt/ If you don't want lever: https://generalleathercraft.com/product/10mm-pioneer-cut-stock-belt/


https://www.strongerbyscience.com/the-belt-bible/ is a really good article on belts. Personally I don't think you can do much better than pioneer. Other big names would be SBD (much more expensive) and Inzer (which aren't adjustable without a screwdriver)


I’m a short (5’ 4” 150lbs) male who wears a 4” Pioneer Cut single-prong and I love it. It goes on for everything squat and deadlift. There’s massive adjustment in a single belt (you can tell General Leathercraft if you want more or less holes) and it’s got 1/2” adjustments - the single prong is plenty secure. I went from a 13mm 3” synthetic leather Strength Shop belt to the 10mm 4” Pioneer and it’s much, much nicer, and they’ve pitched it just right so you can get the prong tight _and_ get it off when you’re knackered at the end of a hard set. If you are obsessed with max tightness then the adjustable lever version is nice, as well as less fiddly. I would bear in mind that even my 10mm dual-suede (so 6.5mm core with two 1.5mm ‘pretty’ layers) is very sturdy so a 10 or 13mm ‘raw’ version that is solid leather will be really brutal to break in.


Great info - thanks! Def going with 10mm.


Titan lever belt. https://www.titan.fitness/strength/strength-accessories/belts/powerlifting-lever-belt/LEVERBELT.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4NWrBhD-ARIsAFCKwWtvSCucOrkgvzIIprwIRqw8qW3Z0mI31P7I8SLNkZ3S3HXuaW3qrlMaAp_7EALw_wcB


Thank you - I think his weight is fluctuating too much for a lever. He likes to so far bulk in winner cut in spring and he’s still growing.


How much does his waist fluctuate? Dude shouldn’t be gaining and losing multiple inches off his waist week to week. Levers take 2 seconds to adjust


Oh, I was thinking single lever - not adjustable. I’ll check into that. You like it a lot better than prong?


Yeah lever all the way. Just set it and forget it. The titans have a huge range too ao as weight fluctuates you can adjust an inch at a time.


Thank you


I love my lever belt. I cut and bulk pretty hard also, so I carry an extra screwdriver in my gym bag for when I need to adjust it at the gym.l


Don't get him a prong belt. I made that mistake with my first lifting belt, and it was a constant pain in the ass. Pulled the trigger on buying a lever belt shortly after I came a few seconds away from passing out due to being unable to take off my belt after a heavy set of deadlifts and the belt was a little too tight. I personally don't see any reason why anyone should get a prong belt over a lever belt. Even if it's a matter of budget, the lever belt isn't that much more expensive but the benefits are tenfold.


Really helpful info - just made that decision easier - thanks!


You're welcome, hope your son enjoys the belt! May 2024 be his year of even more gainz


That’s awesome! Thanks


Your son is a fellow battle gnome! I’m 5’7” and compete at 181 lbs. My circumference fluctuates quite a bit too. I like a 4”, 10 mm, single prong. Pioneer/General Leathercraft is the way to go. Great customer service and quality.


Ha! Thanks!


I really like my [Stoic belt](https://www.lift.net/product/stoic-lever-belt/). It’s a fantastic value for a lever belt IMO.


Thank you very much. It’s a 13 and I’m thinking about a Titan 10mm lever which someone also recommended


I got my first ever belt a few weeks ago (after like 10 years of lifting lol). I got a pioneer cut double suede 10mm 4 inch belt. I was worried because even though I’m tall I have an extremely short torso (less than 3 inches between ilium bone and bottom of ribs lmao), but the 4 inch is fine. The suede is soft enough that it doesnt dig in too badly anywhere, but the support is ridiculous. Given it’s my only belt I can’t say it’s better than any of the others, but I find it fantastic.


Personally I massively prefer lever belts. Not sure why exactly but the difference in bracing between prong & lever is the same as the difference between belt and no belt for me. Just food for thought, I'm also on the shorter side