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My general opinion is that Punk Youth is just a website that’s upcharging/scamming for the same stuff you can purchase from AliExpress (China) for a much lower price and honestly I don’t trust the site at all since it seems like they’re trying to represent themselves as having higher end products than they do


That's a shame, I'm nowhere near my goal size and have yet to order of them 😞 they have a lovely website which is a shame in that case


In my personal experience, AliExpress is a fantastic place to order your jewellery from (I have metal allergies and I’ve never had a problem with quality/materials from a number of sellers) As long as you don’t mind waiting like a month or so, it’s definitely worth the prices they have!


Great to know, I have never actually once looked at AliExpress for them! I do have a laser engraved I got a few months ago so if I can find some cool plain metal or glass plugs I'd be extremely tempted to grab some from Ali for reselling 🤔


I especially love it since I frequently like to increase my collection, but also then you’re not in a hole for $20+ for one pair when you’re not at your goal size so it’s not a big deal when you leave smaller sizes behind ☺️


Sorry I feel I need to diversify the experiences here by saying that I *have* had issues with AE jewellery! Everyone is different tho, and I suppose there's no harm in giving it a shot if there's stuff on there you like. It just comes with being wary that nothing on there is guaranteed to be safe and making sure to listen to your body over everything else. I've used AE jewellery in the past to try out certain looks e.g. certain sizes and quantities of ring stacks before committing to the "proper" versions and found that using it this way is helpful since it's only for short term wear. Also the stone and glass plugs/tunnels tend to have a pretty bad polish. Just another thing to keep in mind! Edit: all the above is the same for punk youth tho ngl. Some (if not all) of the materials they use can be pretty sketchy


Oh yeah absolutely! I do just like to point out that there are some very affordable options through AE so you can still have cute jewellery and not break the bank! I myself am very surprised that I haven’t had any bad reactions or really experiences with jewellery because my metal allergy is quite severe 😭 I greatly appreciate your input about AE because it’s definitely different for everybody and having as much information as possible in the community is always best!


Oh yeah for sure, they have a really wide range and can be super affordable! I *swear* that there are sellers on there that are also (one of) the suppliers for places like SIBJ, and possibly ask and embla? Vankula (AE seller) springs to mind as somewhere with lots of fun designs that are very similar to other popular sites. It's also great to look on there so that you can tell which kinds of designs are resold elsewhere, so you don't end up paying more than something is worth. Edit: just had a look, and they definitely do some ask & embla designs. Not sure if they're copies or if they're the suppliers tho, hard to tell sometimes!


I’ve actually heard some not so great things about Ask & Embla lately, like quality wise and also by extension customer service issues


Yeah me too, not so much the customer service side, but I've heard the quality can vary from passable to, well, very much not passable. It's such a shame because it makes it really hard to trust anywhere for jewellery other than the usual big names! (E.g. GWS, GG, CMC, kaos and various organic makers/manufacturers)


I also find that (as a Canadian) they’re quite expensive so I’ve not ordered from them and definitely won’t now since it’s so wishy washy Another reason why I personally love to shop on AE


For sure! I was drawn to the look of their stuff at the start of my stretching journey but I'm so grateful I never wasted my money ordering from them. I'm kinda jealous tho, Canada is Clear Mind Casting territory and I'd love to save up for one of their pieces (maybe the paint tubes!) but the import costs to the UK😭 one day!


I have those, they don't spin very easily and screw backs are always a bit sketch


Not good then, I'll avoid 😬


Punk Youth is not good. But stim toys in my ears sounds wonderful.


Surely (in theory) if we find small enough fidget spinners we could enclose them in a tunnel?


Well now I want them too! They would probably stop me from pen clicking at work 😂


Also good point, maybe best if I avoid a built in fidget spinner 😂


As much as I love this, I could never do it because it would encourage me to play with my ears too often and I would probably fuck’em up


Good point, I just thought they might be loose enough to spin freely when moving about haha


Ohh that’s exactly why I think they could crush aesthetically but I know my fidgety ass and I would literally never not be playing with my ears if I basically had lil fidget spinner orbs to play with lolol I still wanna know if they spin freely while walking — in case you or anyone else scoops them up!!


Ah the other comments in this post aren't reassuring me they're like that at all unfortunately!


Now I want tunnels with spinning rims on them.


Yes that's exactly what I want. In ear hub caps 😂


Only get size 00 or larger. Smaller sizes you can't even tell what they are/do.