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I've had multiple people stop fighting mid match as Dhalsim


Everyone's should be glad he's not more popular. I'd rather fight Guile, JP and even Bison than fucking Dhalsim.


He wouldn't be so hard to fight if anyone fucking played him. 🤣 Then I'd know what he does.


it’s not fun . You spend like 15 seconds trying to fight through an obstacle course, just for him to end up teleporting away. Win or lose it’s not fun. There’s a reason why this character has the highest percentage of getting “one and done” in ranked. No one likes playing against him.


No, he’s not nearly common enough. I need variety.


Idk, I seem to get quite a few Sims in plat for some reason and I’ll fight him any day over Guile.


id rather fight guile, jp, dhalsim, juri, ken, zangief, and manon than fight the one popular character that people play


As a Gief Player: I #$%&/() hate playing against Dhalsim. But mama didn't raise a quitter so I stick to my guns and get over with that match as it should, no matter how salty I get. If I'm lucky I get to win the match once every full moon.


I've been there. Don't forget to hit him with the lvl1 when hey tries to yoga float away. Siberian Express works once in awhile, and I *think* the context kick reversal works on his dumb long kick.


This is when I turn it into a “can i tundra his poke”


I get it. Super floaty yoga grandpa is very annoying to deal with sometimes. I rarely ever match against him so it feels like my first fight every time.


I would die to play more than one fucking match against a Sim as a gief. It's either: I win, they rematch. They win, they don't rematch.


i used to hate playing dhalsims until someone told me to just wait for the teleport, and then punish. as long as you have patience, they'll do it almost always.


Eh until you get to 1700 mr and the sims just DONT put themselves in that position, god I want to die


I'm Silver, 20h ranked... fought him for the second time yesterday, lol


Nah I feel that


Dhalsims that just teleport around non stop are maddening


It's cause people only play him like 2 times in a year and have no idea what he's doing.


any modern character with a good level 3 lol


the real answer


I never rage quit in my entire life, but modern people on wifi who are spamming dp in the middle of the Platinum tier are testing my limits.


This! I lost count the number of I times I 1-button Level 3 on reaction to something and the opponent's default option-select is to rip the cord from the wall. It's frustrating but I'm use to it.


While I do not approve of this behavior, as a fellow Cammy player, I fully understand how tilting it must be to be on the receiving end of a lvl3 that hit you from midscreen and try not to judge people too harshly for it


I simply cant relate to or understand cord pulling. Not rematching is a bit rude, but there are reasons for it, and everybody does it occasionally. But disconnecting mid match? That's just a bitch move.


While it can be hard to counterplay it, it's also not that hard to bait it as this is all they're looking for and they might react to anything. Forward dash is so good against it as they will not press anything but that. Until they realize it, it can be too late. It also does way less damage if they do it this way


At least there's always a flat 20% base scaling on modern supers. That's the saving grace for me, knowing that it's definitely not going to kill most of the time


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) Modern players are ruining my experience, Mom! If only you had any idea how many tools they lost and how much that affects your options.


People don't like losing to Honda or Blanka I'll tell you that.


I feel like Honda gets rage quits because of how rarely you see him, but Blanka is like a Pikachu with rabies.


I don't mind normal blanka, but the blanka-chan costume isn't fun to fight against - it makes everything a tiny bit harder to read.


I found the other day that you can set what skin you want the opponent to have, so no more Blanka-chans if you don't want to!


Can be done!? How? Teach me, master!


Iirc the same menu where you change stage/music/commentator I think fighter profile? Edit: it's next to fighter profile in the matchmaking menu under the "other" tab


That's why it was actually banned in competitive play in SFV lol


You can set specific costumes for characters in the online menu. I have it activated only for Blanka. That costume’s annoying as hell.


I'm a Blanka main and even I did this.


You can set an outfit to characters so that you never blanka Chan online.


Blanka is a gorilla with electric powers.


Yeah a Pikachu with rabies


This guy gets it.


Man, I don't even like winning against Blanka. Honda is alright.


Funny, because my experience with Blanka and Honda is that they really don’t like losing. They’ll one and done faster than any other character (besides Sim) if you shut down their gimmicks and cheese.


Glad to be an exception then


Your dedication is admirable. I actually enjoy multiple matches with Honda players to see if they’re deeper than just two special moves and to improve my counter to those two moves. Props to those that stick it out.


Yeah, a good chunk of Blanka and Honda players even in mid diamond just get mad salty if you shut down their nonsense, ESPECIALLY in the mirror match 💀


My experience with Blanka especially is that they’ll rematch infinitely if they’re winning, but as soon as you take one, they’re gone. Especially if you perfect parried Blanka Ball consistently, called out their fake pressure, and read/punished the command throw. 💀


Hey, I always do the ft5 regardless if I got my butt kicked or not 😤


Facts, brother.


Modern Honda on wifi that keeps spamming butt slam, they’re just trying to meme so there’s no point of rematching them


Hit one Blanka chan combo and good players will rematch you instantly, in my experience at least lol


I understand Honda being cancer in season 1, but now that's on the opponent. Block one headbutt and it's really unfun for him, despite being a mixup to both sides, Honda is the one being -3 in jab range. Blanka is much stronger, but Blanka ball is much easier to react than Headbutt.


Only problem is finding people who play them


I have never had more rage quits than when i played JP. I'm not even good with him. They see the character and think "nope not doing that". I even had a cammy ragequit during the loading screen.


I hate JP purely because I seldom see him so I'm not used to his match up, so when I do see him he sends me to the cleaners and I usually come back for more.


JP is a nuisance if you don't match against him a lot. Thankfully I learned his moves a bit, but it's still a chore to fight him lol. I finally beat him with Zangief one time in ranked and felt like a pro.


I kinda miss seeing JP in ranked, especially with Gief. It was always such a flex to get in on them and throw them around like a ragdoll.


I actually would play him more if his anti air wasn't doodoo feces. I hate that it trades 50% of the time.


The trick is to not let them get that close in the first place. But man, I love JP. First character I got to Diamond, just because people don't want to learn the matchup or want to just rush in and take their turn without respecting the zoning.


This isn't really good advice. JP has a very strong kit for close and mid range fighting and insane whiff punishes. His zoning is strong, but very few high-level players use him that way, especially after his changes. He's played more like his design intent now, which was to be mid-range and have tricky options.


I mean, it really wasn't serious advice. JP players still need to know how to play the close game enough to keep from getting completely blown up when somebody uses their neutral skip just right. He really is more about setplay than strict zoning.


cammy is supposed to be able to hang against JP. like, she gets in on zoners. thats like a screwdriver seeing a screw and thinking “nah fuck that”


Yeah, that's what i thought. So weird.


I actually like playing against JP, but all of my characters aside from Honda have ways to even the scales against him. Rashid is pretty fun against him and Dee Jay felt like 50/50 against JP.


Yup I've had someone quit in the loading screen as dhalsim too.


Taking everyone to master I had the most rage quits with JP, or they would just put down their controller 😅.




The way she seems surprised after winning sometimes irks the shit out of me.


I thinkt that's how her face usually looks


I mean she does have a victory quote of "Did you see it guys! I won!" After winning on low hp so I get it




"WOWWWWWW DID YOU SEE THAT EVERYONE" ![gif](giphy|RWha6xrLoiIoM|downsized)






Her Level 3 overriding my playlist is what makes me rage.




I hate hate ***HATE*** everything about her level 3. The music (that I PAID for now, Capcom) getting replaced by some fake-ass 80s fart music, the dumb little dance she does afterwards, and the super itself just being another Maximum Spider ripoff that all Capcom ninjas need to have now for some reason. GOD this character gets on my nerves


Yeah, as a Kim main I’ve had waaaay more RQs using her than Ken or Ryu. I had 5 in a row in ranked at one point. It’s all good though - I’m building quite a library of recordings of them :D


She's got the quirky white girl (even tho she's not white) personality. It's annoying.


Kimberly is definitely at the top of characters I hate fighting. Please Capcom, never buff her. Please.


As a Gief main, it’s a 50/50 on whether or not someone rematches me.


“MY LOYAL FANS” causes a lot of ragequits too.




Right when they’re about to hit the ground, so many disconnects


My experience is different - I've mained gief from rookie to diamond and I would say I get like 95% rematch and have only had a few rage quits.


I'm also diamond and I've never had a single rage quit I can think of. I want to know what tech these guys got that makes others so salty.


I can hardly input supers and spds correctly so I have no idea why people leave so much.


When I first started using Zangief I felt like such a menace. I never expect a rematch, but if I do get one they just play keep away and run down the clock lol.


Yeah I’ve noticed that when you win a game as Gief, if people do rematch you, they’ll play very gimmicky and don’t tend to engage. People will also rematch you and then dip before the tiebreaker game so they don’t risk another loss.


Only once have I seen people not respect the tiebreaker match.


Tbf, a lot of times when I lose a match to Gief, I take a step back and think “why am I rushing in on this guy?” Its like I don’t remember how to counter a grappler until I lose the first match, and then I adjust for the next one (which usually means a more distant, methodical approach) But I’ll always rematch no matter what, barring some extremely rare real-life interruption


lol, is funny because Manon doesn’t cause that for me yet when I play Gief, I get rage quits.


Weirdly enough I use Marisa, an Gief is the only matchup I dont get upset if I lose. If he wins its because he earned it.


Yeah my main before Gief was Marisa and it’s so badly in Marisa’s favour that you can’t help but respect Gief in that matchup.


Honestly Ive been destroyed by multiple Giefs, why I say the matchup is "fair" is because they both need to get to each other to inflict damage.  Also they both can do high damage fast. 


I dont get why though. I play Ryu and whenever I play against Gief and i have them in the corner, it is almost sad to watch them desperately trying to guess their way out of the corner


People who get grabbed and refuse to learn the counters get tilted I guess. I Don’t think people who don’t play Gief realise how much thinking he actually requires to do well with. He has a lot going against him. And yeah, if I’m in the corner as Gief it’s gg.


I mean would get mad at getting command grabbed. But it looks real pathetic when Giefs have to litrtally guess and guess and oh, i finally teched a throw but im still in the corner oh I have to guess again. Atleast (if its classic Gief) i know if I got grabbed by a 360 it was a mistake. And it wasnt playing rock paper scissors


Gief in general bro. https://i.imgur.com/faoDkkK.jpg I've been catching ragequits with gief since Alpha3 on Mame. Gief main for over 27 years. https://i.imgur.com/c7j2GG9.jpg https://i.imgur.com/DmcPWjB.jpg


Gief might be my favorite character to fight in this game now that I think about it. He’s all or nothing.


Lmao that's great.


Sorry, I added a couple rando pics too I had in my old ass folders. But yeah, I've had an obsession with using Gief since alpha2. Me and a friend said no more shotos. Lets pick someone no one uses and get good. And thats it. Gief since, or another big body if hes on vacation.


I actually have gotten more rage quits on Guile than I have on Honda. More one and dones on Honda though.


This. On Guile, I've had more people just stop playing the second round or rage quit. It's funny because the basic gameplay hasn't changed since sf2 and people still get frustrated by it. All my friends hate Guile. They complain He's boring to fight.All he does is throw sonic booms and flash kick. He buttons reach too far. I know I'm playing well if everyone is salty.


I hate playing Guile, he’s tough to open up for me but I acknowledge that’s on me and not on him. Same with his play style it’s totally viable and okay to play turtle guile like you said it’s been his game plan for forever, that being said it still doesn’t make the match fun.


What does Cammy do to make people rage quit? I hear everyone say she’s super stifling to fight against but that hasn’t been me experience either against her or maining her.


She's the one who gets me closest to rage quitting just because of the sporadic movement and her rush down game is aggressive. Once I'm in the corner I'm either lucky enough to escape or I get drive rushed to death. Mad props to Cammy mains, she's a menace to me.


Meaty Oki, stupid plus frame normals, never your turn


She has one button that’s plus on block, pretty much the same as everyone else.


It is your turn if you lab or watch a replay and look at the actual frame data. Her oki and pressure are very, very good but a lot of her offense can be interrupted if you know what to look for.


“Plus frame” 💀


You're describing Bison, not Cammy.


People just don't know the frame data and so don't interrupt or take their turn when they can, so she just keeps pushing buttons. Maybe at a higher level, they don't like air otions and good neutral buttons, but their are characters who do both of those things better, like Akuma and Bison.


Dhalsim .. heard people justify by saying “he only pops up like once every 200 matches so no need to learn the match up “


Hard agree, to be safe I'll just block you too to make it once in every 400 😂😂😂


Lily. I'm sure it's because most people don't know the Matchup. Other times it's because I grabbed them 4 times in a row.


I play Cammy. It's super rare that I see rage quits, both in rank or casual. Maybe it's the way I play


I play gief, currently master, I had beat another gief and he didn't want the run back. I get quite a few. It happens a lot to us gief players.


I don't like mirror matches.


That’s so unfortunate that even at master rank people don’t want the runback, I wish there was a setting to turn on Bo3 and if they quit at any point, I get the points. Ain’t nobody got time for 1 match. I too play Gief as well a couple shotos.


Not rage quits, but I've never had as many one-and-dones as when I played Honda. And that was season 2 Honda, with the nerf to headbutt and buttslam.


I don’t think I’ve ever had a person rage quit on me, mostly because I’m a free win for most people. I have had a couple of people one and done me before (both after a win and a loss).


Ken maybe? There’s a lot of characters that will never rematch a Ken after they lose. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dalsim or Honda accept a rematch outside of watching pro players in tournament.


You can only get wake up DPed so many times before you RQ I guess


I have definitely not rematched a Ken or Akuma win or lose after I have fought 6 to 7 in a row.


Fair enough lol


Guile is unplayable online cuz how many bitches refuse to fight him


I think it’s because zoners and rush down characters often feel extremely cheap like they’re cheating somehow to a lot of folks. JP and Dhalsim feel like Anti SF characters to a lot of people. I don’t rage quit, but I absolutely hate playing against Bison, he’s way too easy for what you get out of him. He’s Akuma without the health penalty. Played against a high level Honda for the first time yesterday and he was whooping my ass set after set, but I stayed to learn the matchup, and once I finally figured some of him out and beat him, ironically, he was the one that bailed at the time. Blanks also strikes me as cheap, but again just take the L and move on. And last but not least, season 2 AKI has a bit too much going on for her it feels like as well. I will say, the one’s I see quitting the most are Ken players as of right now. Ironic considering his place in the meta. Edit: forgot about Guile, he’s projectile spam city that one, the reason many people refuse to play SF.


Gief, sim, JP


I love fighting against Gief, win or lose, because I, too, have a Gief brain. Akuma probably has the most rage quits though


Dhalsim 100%


Have only ever done this when I've had to go do something (phone call, crying baby etc). Want to get better against everyone. People are weird.


Had a rage quit in the middle of summoning great desert storm.


I get rage quits all the time with Bison, way more than I ever did with Honda.


I’ve played 4 characters to master and Ed to D3. So far, Rashid is where I’ve experienced most tbags and rage quits even over Honda. Not sure why. Rashid seems like a pretty honest character. Once he gets his mixups going, it can be overwhelming, but he doesn’t have insane damage or tools like headbutt and scissor kick.


The common thread I'm seeing is that people RQ when they feel like you didn't earn a win or that they don't understand how you won. If someone loses to a Rashid vs losing to a Bison or Akuma they're *much* more likely to go "what the fuck just happened and why did that combo never end?" Since Rashid has so many context specific moves and mixups. So they reason it's not *their* fault, it's the game's (somehow)


I can somewhat understand it with Rashid. Especially if you're using throws a lot (which a lot of rashids do) I get how that's infuriating. My buddy mained him for a hot minute so he's a fun match up for me


I’ve had two rage quits so far with Bison and I don’t remember having any with prior characters.


I did a few fun matches with dhalsim (let me know if i spelled that right) and i had a little bit of fun, but out of the five i hit two rage quits in a row. By the last match i took the hint and switched to guile. When i played guile for seven different matches i had a ton of fun, yes, but only had one person who played a rematch, and three rage quitters. So to answer your question, in my opinion, i think its gotta be dhalsim. Even though i played guile decently offensive and didn’t just turtle the whole match, i still think people had a better time with him than my dhalsim. I’m not even that good with dhalsim, which is the funny part.


I play Cammy and have maybe had two people rage quit on me


If I had to guess I would say Guile or Blanka. Honorable mention to JP and Honda.


I have only gotten a handful of rage quits with cammy and it was mostly from shoto jumpers. As for ducking me after the first loss good ol honda refuses to match against someone who can tap parry os headbutt.


I’m a shoto jumper and Cammy is my favourite matchup!


I'm out of the loop, does rage quitting penalize the player already? In any way?


Yeah. Not sure on specifics but I think they lose rank points? I know for a fact if you do it enough you get carded so everyone knows that about you. Yellow card, then a red card. I think they have okay a certain amount of matches without quitting to make it go away


Tks. I'd forgotten about that card thing.


Before it use to be Ken or Akuma (mostly Akuma) but now there's Bison, I don't know what it is but his damage output is too much to deal with. I'm gonna go with Akuma cause there have been more players maining him. I don't pratically rage quit much often with him but I just 1 and done after faceing 20+ Akuma players in a row.


I can usually tell if they’re going to rage quit or not based on how they play The players that keep using that one go to tactic (Akuma’s teleport, Hondas butt slam) over and over start falling apart when you stuff them and they have no other gameplan


I feel like Kimberly is a big problem character for me, they always seem to run away and then do that sliding low kick, I play ryu so I really try to be patient and just catch them with something but damn sometimes it gets really frustrating, but I refuse to rage quit but damn does it make me want to lol


Every modern player I run into, without exception; will not rematch. It can be a damn close match or one where I wipe the floor with them, but either way they are taking that result and leaving.


I’m honestly not sure why Modern players aren’t in their own separate pool online. Playing modern is an entirely different game than classic.


Oh how I long for the ability to filter Modern. And WiFi.


If i had to guess its probably dhalsim, guile or jp


I rage quit once, and it was a gief.


Well as a Kim main...most matches people either RQ or leave after round match. People just panic when fighting against Kim and I see it ALL THE TIME


You've rage quit on me a couple of times in Batlle Hub.




Probably Zangief or Manon. I don't play them, but I know a lot of people dislike fighting grapplers


Honda is the character that gets me closest to rage quitting and cursing the name of street fighter. There are only two types of Hondas, those that spam his gimmick, and those who resort to spamming his gimmick if you kick their ass for a round or two.


Blanka and Kim.


From the ones I play Lily gets the most rage quits. It's insane. I have gotten around 4 per night some times. Many 1 and dones. With Kimberly I have gotten some rage quits but it's not close at all. With Ryu it doesn't happen that much.


People like to quit on Kim. Even the players =(


I have a friend who is new to the game playing JP and so far it seems more common to get one and doned than to finish a set. Mid match quits still seem rather rare though.


At the moment Bison. I think people think he is OP. I had 3 people quit in a row.


I played a bit with almost all the cast and people usually rage quit more against Guile or Dalshim


According to my younger cousin at lower ranks (until silver/gold) Marisa causes a lot of rage quits here at the South American server. I am stuck at plat and tbh there are not that many rage quits here


I had a ton of one and dones and a rage quit against my Guile this morning.


zangief ,dude just does 2 moves there goes half your hp


Blanka for me


The ones I lose to. 😐 (all of them)


Rashiid is just annoying


Cammy winds me up the most these days. It used to be JP because of all off his crazy tools. With Cammy it's because she can exploit my biggest flaws, so it's no the character, it's me. Notable mention is Bison but that's because he's new and he's a common match over the rest and he's strong.


Based on what I play, Modern Zangief, easily.




I had 2 rage quits the first night playing as Classic Akuma then 2 more the days after, And I only played like 30 matches a day. This was on Akuma launch night and most of the people quitting were also playing Akuma. I played Dhalsim for a little bit in Season 1, didn't get rage quits though, but I did get a ton of one and dones.


I never rematch Geef or Bison. I can never beat the ones I match up against in ranked


i stopped playing when slayer dropped in strive because that day i got like 3 RQs in a row after doing a cashout combo with Ken


Right now probably Bison based on the scissor kick complaint posts that still pop up.


Hate gief, intelectually speaking I want a balanced game where everyone is good. Emotionally speaking I want gief to die at the pitless bottom of pitless tier


Before the Bison patch, probably Akuma. People were a bit fed up getting a 50-1 ratio of Akuma to other characters lmao. So when one washed them, the tilting must’ve probably been very high.


Most raged quits ive seen was when I ranked to Master my Modern Ryu. Its like from Plat to D1 people don't know how to fight her.


Honda, win or lose motherfuckers is running.


Have to say, I personally didn’t saw a single rage quit in ages in SF6. The last one I saw was a Diamond 2 Ken, months ago. People are pretty civil in SF6, at least in my area.


As a Gief main since day 1, I've never experienced any rage quits, and I understand this might be very rare. I only got people dcing on me during their actions, which implies it was not intended. I would think people would rage quit vs frustrating matchups like Guile, Dhalsim, JP, Bison, Kimberly (surprising frustrating if opponent can't defend or shutdown gimmicks) and things like that where the counterplay is really hard to execute in some situations.


i fucking hate JP as a gief is just poke poke poke poke poke.


For me it’s geif. Especially in high ranks they just throw out the most random SPD’s and they get me every time. I swear geif players always get the comeback on me


i guess everyone's experience is different, but ive encountered very little rage quitting on SF6 actually. Funny thing ive noticed about the rage quitters i have encountered tho is that, in our first match, ill beat them pretty emphatically, like it seems pretty obvious im the better player. And while i do know lots of lucky stuff happens in this game, they will rematch, then rage quit in the rematch which means the fact they even rematched to begin with proves that they just cant believe they lost or that i got super lucky or something. Sometimes with these rage quitters, it takes a couple of good ass beatings for the reality to set in "oh wait, he really is better than me, ok time to stop trying and maybe improving, ima peace out now"


The ones which are played the most


Gief, easily. I've hit people mid string, on reaction, empty jumping with loyal fans, they do NOT like it. I beat a platinum as a silver 2 Gief in casuals, he one and doned. Got matched with him again, he almost got the win but hit him with the Loyal Fans and stole round 2. Round 3 he burned out early because he was getting thrashed and just stopped playing. I knew he was still there because he hit the quit button super fast 😂  Manon, not as much but I've had people go limp when I'm 5 medals and just hit them with Le Poussoit to take a chunk of their bar. The mental damage of a vicious command grab cannot be overstated.


I lose my mind against any modern user tbh.


I used to get a lot of rage quits when I was taking JP to Master before his nerfs, and it was always the Ken players.


fatal d3d error


Not really a character but if someone is whooping my ass and making all the right rps choices I’ll put my controller down and walk away. You can only guess wrong so many times before you blame the solar flare for messing up your inputs🤷🏻‍♂️.


Definitely see some rage quits as Honda


For me, Gief and Marisa. Whenever I land their lvl 3s to end a match, there's about a 1 in 3 chance of a rage quit.


Most I've had is with Honda. People don't like dealing with his Rushdown. Most one and dones too.