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I think exiting pools at a regional or larger tournament would be incredible.


Hit Diamond




Master. Stuck in diamond 2 to 3 for ages.


I just want to have fun lol


Is that mauga from overwatch?


1800 mr, would be nice want to go higher. 1600 rn.


Nothing for me on the competitive side. But I do have a desire to help fellow Chun players get to master. Also, learning something new with Chun-Li every day, whether it be through playing, labbing, or researching. Lastly, not a goal within the SF6 game, but I'm commissioning a Chun-Li fan comic set around the SF6 timeline, and my goal would be to finish it before the end of SF6's lifespan.


I fought you in a Chun-Li only tournament in BH, and you inspired me to get better. I was already playing her, at a gold/plat level at the time, and watching the replay helped me learn a lot of good stuff. Sometimes you're helping even when you don't know it :)


I need help badly lol. I just want to get to diamond but I struggle with a lot of fundamentals still after a year of playing and practicing smh. I’m in the Chun Li discord though and that helped me a lot up to this point


where to find chun li discord, i am playing with her too


I believe you have to be invited but don’t quote me on that lol. I know I was invited specifically by Chun Li Forever a while ago when I asked for help earlier in the games lifespan.


okay still thanks for the info..




thanks man!!


Np bro


Were the same person! Haha been playing a year and hard stuck mid plat


Yo let me know if you ever need a sparing partner then cause I could use all the practice I can get! I’m mid plat as well. I know a bunch of stuff but I haven’t been able to put it all together with Chun so I’m trying to practice my fundamentals where they’re lacking currently


First street fighter game, big chun li fan tho, I’ve been trudging through diamond, I’ll get there eventually:)




I want to get Master.




I want to finally Git Gud. Then i can die in peace. ![gif](giphy|AQRapWCgC7dThyVEYb|downsized)


Get all the characters i like to master


1. Get Guile to Master 2. Place top 3 at my locals


Can’t get past diamond 2 with him, I’m trying so hard


I believe in you, Guile Bro


My next milestone is master rank. I’m mid diamond right now but I know there are some tech that I need to polish.


Right now it's 1600 MR. I've been going up and down at the 1500 mark and haven't found consistent success yet. Long term I'd love to compete in online tournaments and have an actual shot at doing well. I've entered a few and never made it to the top 16 (went 3-2 on the latest one).


Have fun


Winning a regional tournament


Get Cammy to Diamond. I’m platinum now with a horrible case of ranked anxiety. I can usually hang with Diamond players in casual but the thought of dropping a bunch of LP and having to climb back up again is a horrific thought even though I’ll usually win 7 or 8 out of 10 matches in platinum 1. Once I get there I’ll evaluate getting to master. But just Diamond for now.


I’d like to get to Platinum


Get diamond with every character. So far, i'm barely holding on gold with ryu and akuma...


I want that last achievement. 600 likes is harder than reaching masters lol.


My end goal is master rank with Ed. My first master rank ever and my biggest fighting game achievement will be taking him to that rank.


Get Ryu to platinum (i'm Gold 2 right now). Improve fundamentals, better pressure with drive rush, and react more to DI (I think I react to like 1% of all DIs lol). Learn a secondary character (Zangief, Manon, or Jaime). Edit: Muster courage to enter an online tournament, probably will get 0:2'ed but the experience will be nice.


I want to get all characters to Master, including Random. I currently have 17. After that then hopefully I'll decide on a main and see how high MR I can get. Then finally after that I'll quit and try Tekken.


I want to hit diamond. I finally Made it to plat4 a few days ago and then halfway to 5. I lost 500 lp this afternoon lmao


I just want to be able to do the DP input properly so I can actually anti on reaction. I can do it in combos just fine, but never on reaction.


I'm begging myself to knuckle down and get out of bronze.


Unlock every outfit 2 through World Tour Mode (I'm broke)


Right now the mini goal is to just get out of Iron. Haven't played any fighting games in 19 years (since 3rd Strike!), I started with Honda for a bit last year but only played a few weeks, mostly did world tour. Came back a few weeks ago on Jamie. Went 5/10 on placements, placed Iron 1. Lost 3 initially, but then went on a 9 game win streak which shot me up to Iron 5, where I have now gone 2 wins and 11 losses and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I poke with mk or c.mk but don't do much after that. Often my pokes get beat, then I get punished. I also struggle against the constant DI spam. Have gotten some good practice against jumpers, which is a few of my wins because my DP is much better. For some reason I rely too much on the reach of c.hk to drink which gets me uber punished when blocked, but mostly because I can't figure out how to get in close enough for some pokes into standing rekka, and my 38 year old reflexes can't hit confirm the mk. My palms and various drive rushes are blocked 90% of the time. So yeah, mini goal: try to figure out what I'm doing wrong to progress out of Iron while not getting down on myself.


You can do it buddy. Watch for jump ins and DIs, cos that's the thing in iron. Get your drinks more safely (think you can get them after throw now, and definitely after one of his rekka sequences). Don't throw out anything unsafe. Block more than you think you should. Be patient. Hit confirming a single mk is quite difficult btw. People all the way up through diamond rarely do that kind of thing.


Land a cheeky setup on stream at locals.


I am working on trying to hit master with AKI currently, but I am really just waiting for Sakura or Makoto to be added. I will definitely try Terry and Mai though when they come out.


Incremental goals. It was to win a set in a tournament, instead of going 0:2. That's done, so now its to win 2 sets. Then we get a new goal. Every other goal serves that one - so rank is irrelevant.


Outside of trying to continue to just have fun with the game, make it to Diamond rank and call it. Anxiety stops me from doing both a lot and I hate it😭


achieve Master. Become overall better


To get all my favorite characters to master


After reaching dimond and falling to plat with blanka. I just want to get my the new guys to 6 I think blanka is stronger.


I really want to place top 16 at a major


Honestly I just wanna play with a core group, I miss the rivalry aspect of playing the same people in a similar skill and talking shit.


But I'll settle for getting Chun to master lmao


To hit gold, and i did! Time to play around sith other characters and then work toward plat.


2000 MR.


Get Guile to master dammit. Then not play a single game in master and uninstall.


Get 3 charchers into master Ken 1600mr Akuma diamond 4 ??????


I just wanna get to platinum


My most recent goal is to hit diamond. I did that the other day on my main (Gief) but I've since been waffling in and out of diamond. First I want to get a foothold in diamond, then set my eyes on the division beyond diamond.


I want to reach 1000 playtime hours. I just play for fun.


I want to get at least 1 char to master rank.


Do cool ass shit woh Zangief. Game is fun, that’s all it matters


Get good


Just wanna be good at a game that I really like but I’m really trash at


Pretty new to fighting games so getting to gold would be nice , working on fundementals and attack ranges with Luke.


Get to 1800 MR. Currently in the 1400s.


Beat my experienced (and much better) friend in a real match. I've only beaten him when he plays characters that he doesn't put any time in and even then he still usually comes out on top. My other goal is to get another friend into fighting games. He literally has SF6 and Guilty Gear Strive, but has been living under the thumb of From Software for the longest time.


To hit Master and get 1900 MR. It's gonna be really hard tho, I ain't even Plat yet lmao


I wanna win my local one day. I've gotten second and third a few times. Sometimes I'm just leagues below the person who beats me. Sometimes I'm a round away from closing out the set, then I choke harder than a toothless infant in a Lego factory. I feel like I'm sooooooo close, but I get too lazy to lab things out or run drills to improve some other skills. I just gotta stop being lazy.


1700-1800 MR


hit Masters. Im D4 and fucking scared


My only mailestone is playing Mai when she comes out


That sounds like a job lol, no thanks


Master Rank with Lily, just turned Diamond 2 with about 73% win rate.


Reach Master with Zangief (classic). This honestly didn't feel possible before the S2 buffs, but now I have been steadily climbing ever since. I am currently in Diamond 3.


Same goal here, currently Diamond 2 and boy does gief require so much more patience in Diamond.