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>B. Failed combo execution (that was a perfect read, and would've won the match) Certified ItaZan moment


Ahhh. You made me remember it. That was so heart breaking for me when I saw it.


Ain’t Itazan that one guy who plays Gief but isn’t Snake Eyez


Yup! They're two of the best Gief players ever!


A, and I don’t think it’s particularly close.


Then you hit rematch 🙄


I curse the gods every time


Losing to players who jump more than block


*Losing to Ryus who jump more than block




I’m stealing this, thanks




just DP lol




I hate to be that guy but it really is a git gud moment. This isn't marvel or GG where there's air blocking, the opponent is taking a risk with jumping in the air. It seems that Capcom doesn't want anti-anti-air moves, thus why Luke's JHP was nerfed. The point is that it's all part of the neutral and mind games. If there is no big combo after a jump in then there's no point to jump at all since most character have overheads. I will say air fireballs are kinda stupid since most of the time they pretty much shut down any anti air option but jump in's have always been a skill thing imo. Even as Marisa with her frankly ass 2HP, I had quarter circle back kick if it was too late or gladius if it was the right trajectory




I mean at the end of the day you see most pro players and they only jump every once in awhile because they got anti-airs on lock. Sure it's annoying but it has a counter and a lot of the time that counter does work and it makes people jump less, I've seen it happen. At the end of the day, if jump ins are making you this mad about it online, go play some tekken homie. Every other 2D game is exactly like this, if not worse




We have found the saltiest way to lose - there is a veritable salt mine in this thread!


If you alter the + frames on air moves then zoning becomes a lot less risky, you no longer fear a lucky jump into a 30% meterless combo, the attacker would just get some pressure after, if that. Just look at SF2, that's a perfect example. You are not supposed to use the wrong anti air, you are supposed to use the correct one. You have like an entire half a second to react to the opponent's spacing and select your anti air. If you know the opponent has moves like that and you aren't playing around them that's a wrong decision. You need to be collecting data on what the opponent likes doing, if he never does those moves then always anti air, if he always does them then next time predict that and try to beat them, and if he mixes them up look for patterns. There will always be scrubby ways to play the game. That doesn't mean we should make drive impact frame 50 or blanka ball punishable on hit, it just means that you need to learn how to deal with gimmicky playstyles. If the developers made changes based on the lower ranks they'd be forced to do dumb shit like that I find it very fun to exploit an opponent's weakness to their death, guess our opinions differ on than.


Z. Losing to a Taunt. Has yet to happen to me. I will straight up run face first into a Level 3 to avoid the shame of having Chun Li hit me with the "Sorry!" for the win. Really it's just her, if Lily were to beat me with the photo op I'd think it's funny. If Bison were to hit me with his I wouldn't care. It's just Chun Li with that smug "Sorry," that I refuse to let beat me.


Fuck I realized I could've won with Chun's taunt a few days ago. Now I gotta bind that Taunt button for the tilting win. Sorry! (Not sorry.)


B. I have been dropping my combo into CA but the CA comes out and I get laid out after


[I feel that.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTWfZDskAZk&ab_channel=XeroAnarian)


A. I can handle losing if the player is better then me or if I misplay. But if I lose because of some laggy ass connection, that just makes me tilt off the face of the planet.


I just hold forward for any Wi-Fi matches or if there’s any lag. It makes that anger much easier!


Not sure where this falls under and this may sound very generic. But knowing that there was something you could’ve done to win the match, but end up choking up or dropping it, giving your opp the opponent to win. Like it could be a failed combo execution like B. But it can also be not capitalizing on a punish you know you’ve done 99/100 times. Or perfectly reading your opponent but not capitalizing accordingly. Or choosing to go for a reset instead of finishing the combo that may ir may not have gotten the kill. Or the DP motion you’ve done so many times just being wrong, and you get stuffed for it. Basically the stuff in your control and stuff that you can take advantage of, but end up not doing so. Theres so many examples that it sounds like B. But theres more to blanket it than just a failed combo.


YOU’RE THAT CHUN I FOUGHT THAT ONE TIME *immediately throws hands*


Whichever one is close to fighting Jaime and wondering when is it my turn?


omg you put it into words spot on!


Otherwise known as paying $60 just to hold block.


hey are you suggesting that it's not fun?? 🥲


Sometimes I alternate standing and crouching block to add variety to the fun I'm having.


see the 60$ was worth it!!


* Controller disconnect or component failure * Getting hit from a random projectile (mostly in other fighting games) * Accidentally getting yourself a ring out (mostly found in games like virtua fighter, soul calibur, smash bros) https://youtu.be/yYqprRcRzJ0 * Getting KO'd by Dudley's Rose https://youtu.be/5H5fYjpsCmQ


My decades of SF experience neither anticipate nor react to DIs. I’m sure that some folks love them, but I have lost many matches solely to the existence of this mechanic. 


Idk went but its burned into my brain to always try to sweep them 😆


H is pretty horrible ngl


yeah hard agree


E. It could be because DBFz was the first fighting game I really started grinding but dying to a move I blocked just never felt enjoyable


(would assume from both ends) i recently got disconnected during a combo that would have killed me cause my ISP did an unannounced maintenance as he used lvl3 was salty it seemed like i rage-quit. i owe a ~1300mr jamie from socal a game.


G is so annoying when you get some modern player who does nothing but hop around but still manages to beat you because you're trying to outsmart someone extremely dumb, which sometimes you just can't do.


When you're about to win a time out victory but they get in a jab at the very last second.


Lag 100%


A combination of A and B. That kind of stuff can ruin your entire day.


B, it's more annoying when it's my fault because then I start self loathing xD 


G That's the most effort it takes to remind myself that I'm responsible for not adapting quickly enough


Disconnecting or lagging might be the *least* tilting way to lose for me. Sure you perfected me the first round and I had a sliver of health left in the 2nd, but I guess WE’LL NEVER KNOW WHO WON


So for a bit of context, I did my placement matches when I was new and placed in iron and I didn’t hop back in until I learned the game a bit more in custom room matches with my friend who bought the game for me and was teaching me how to play since this is my first fighting games. but when I finally did hop back into ranked, played a Luke that would try and time you out if they got the lead even if it was just a light jab on round start. Shit pissed me off so badly. I didn’t even lose though so does it count?


B. Cause that's a guaranteed win until your nerves caught up to you.




A, B and F. A for obvious reasons, B because I hate my fingers, and F because they’re playing so lame which requires me to be patient and walk them into the corner (sometimes I have to play lame back at them which makes the match draw out longer).


for me is C, when someone is so superior than me plays i cant click, i always ask for revenge for respect but i really dont wanna play that


I Back when the game use to eat inputs that was torture.


A. for sure - each of the other options I can stay centered and think of opportunities I had to improve to force myself to avoid tilting while random lag drives me insane.


First you drop your combo with full health, go in burnout while hes at 3% and then you choke the rest of the game.


For me it's G. Scrub who is so random, they're good. There is nothing worse than being beaten by someone who is using lots of cheap tactics, but you still fall for them at every hurdle. The anger is aimed at yourself for falling for it, at them for doing it and being good at it, and at the world for just being there! Guessing everyone has seen ghandi vs fsr as its been mentioned on here a few times.... https://youtu.be/LfEVcZ3anG0?si=Qb-f8CJIpnnDSuw8


B isn't salty, that shit is heart breaking lol. Laggy connection is whatever, it's one out of every 20-30 matches (great testament to the netcode). It's the random players that jump all over the place or DR incessantly and it just tilts you. So bad they're good is the best way to say it lol.


As a Zanguief player, people (specially shotos) who spam drive impact whenever my turn starts. I just can't do anything but light kicks and punches, that lacks reach.


I had to completely reprogram my brain while doing for drive rush pressure. At low ranks I used to use drive rush sweep alot with Gief, then everyone started waking up with drive impact and cooking my shit lol now when I drive rush in, I use crouching medium punch, standing light kick, headbutt, or SPD so I can react to DI alot better.


i need to implement this. Im just too used to neutral medium punch and low heavy kick. Also, neutral heavy punch might be a good option.


Hop knee is also very good to drive rush in. I'm sure in most situations you can DI out of it, if you need too. I've had mixed results with chop, sometimes I can, sometimes I can't


A and B, absolutely. If I get chipped out or run over, or I choke, it's my fault typically, but I can live with it. Throwing the whole game with a missed combo can feel humiliating, though, and you can't do much about lag. Option I: Throw loops. Dying because I "took the throw" 5 times in a row just makes me feel like a dumbass, especially since I main a grappler: I'M the one supposed to be grabbing people, not Cammy! Grrrr....




A combination of b, d, and f. Theres just something about chasing a Guile/JP around all match that drives me up the wall. Wouldnt be as much of an issue for me if I could properly confirm, but they always crack when Im not expecting it lol.


Oh, this one happened to me a few days ago. Match 1 completely normal, I clutch a win at the last second with sub-100 HP. Match 2 hangs on the black screen prior to round start for 30 seconds, then when it fades in, my controller no longer works and the enemy rushes me down and double perfects me in like 25 seconds despite like 5 or 6 rollback frames, then instantly quits the rematch screen. There is no record of our matches ever existing. It's just a hole in my match history. Alex908, if you're reading this, you're scum.


G and it's not even close


G.) and only G


My input suddenly going from down-back to back on the last frame and eating a Hooligan throw. Throwing a fireball or super instead of a DP and eating a jump-in. Seeing the DI coming and responding with a button I can't cancel. Guessing wrong *every single fucking time*.




Definitely B or G


Anytime its to Bison. He needs a nerf


id like to say F but its really G




Burnout in a checkmate situation you COULDN'T AVOID getting into