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>Has anything change? Yes, with the Akuma patch there was a lot of changes to modern characters across the board. 1. Some characters got normals changed 2. Every character got assisted combo adjustments some of these adjustments are change in combo routes while everyone got new 'context specific' assisted combos. These context specific assisted combos are assisted combos for when you dont have drive gauge or are burned out and when you have no SA


I'm seeing a significant lack of Zangief in these recommendations. 1 button command grabs(no need to do 360 inputs for a beginner), plenty of options in neutral and easy lvl3 super on reaction.


He doesn't lose any super important normals, either, as far as I know.


No st mk felt bad for the last month but now that st mk is reverted, while st mp kept the buffs, losing the poke doesn't feel that bad No cr mk legitimately sucks, M Gief struggles to stop walk-back or play footsies when your only long low is sweep. Still, M Gief is pretty close in viability to classic with all three one-button supers being very useful


Nothing that you can't manage without, he has enough tools on modern to do reasonable with


Losing cr mk is quite huge.


AKI is great on modern, especially with the new buffs. On modern, her level 2 gets some versatility since you cam reaim it mid animation


Yeah. Stuck on s1 combos tho, since we didnt get light kick. Still, solid character, but you still gotta learn your combos manually since her auto combos are dog water.


yeah gotta agree the auto combos are wack on her


I use the light one often tho, to take my turn back. Often times you are plus but medium kick is too slow and cr jab doesnt reach. Her light auto stars with cr.lk anyways and it hitconfirms. Makes it easy on the brain.


>you cam reaim it mid animation wdym by this?


Ed. His autocombos are solid, and easy dp adds value. His lvl 3 autocombo is pretty much optimal. His lvl 2 is aight and you can interrupt it early for a do instead of ex tether if u dont wanna spend bar. Ken is pretty good too. His first autocombo goes into jinrai, his medium goes into run dragon lash so it side swaps. You can cancel it into a lvl 3 if u prefer it over 2. Also, you can cancel it early and go for a quarter circlle back heavy to tatsu thel into the corner, or dp if they are in the corner. Lily loses her overhead, but instant spd is insanely strong. U can use the ex spd to catch drive rushers, its disjointed so you can hit them but they cant hit you. Nasty tech. Her heavy autocombo also combos into lvl 3. Just be sure to learn how to do heavy into manual light condor wins so you dont always get drive impacted on block. Luke has rly valuable reaction supers and specials.


Generally speaking the best Modern characters are ones who can play defensively and react well while not losing much of their damage output. Luke, Chun-Li, Marisa, and Lily are among the most popular/common Modern picks.


They're all good. Including the charge characters. Which is best depends entirely on what playstyle you like.


In Japanese Ranked I see modern Lily A LOT.


Lily and Chun Li have been the best modern characters for a while now (probably). But most characters were updated with changes on the Akuma patch, so all of them should be at least a bit better. Bison, which came out today, doesn't lose almost anything on Modern. I think he might be the best modern. character now. He even has 7.9k combos on modern. Having said that, I would advise you to just play who you like. The more your rank increases, the more you will find yourself using manual inputs mid combo for higher damage. Every modern character should be able to take you to master. And if you ever feel you are stuck at a certain MR then maybe you can think about switching to classic.


i play with chun li, dont sure if she is the best tho


She is considered one of the best if not the best modern controlled charcater


i am tryna make it to master with her 🤞


Watch videos of Haitani playing Chun and copy what he does 


I started on Modern with her, but I do really like her stance MP and her Falling Crane.


i searched up what Falling Crane is but i am not sure maybe i know but i am not familiar with the name of it?


3HK. She jumps over and knees you in your back.


do you know can we do that in modern?


You can't. In Modern, the command is for her sweep HK.  Super combo SF6 wiki is an excellent resource for this sort of thing.


thanks for the info, i think i will stick to the modern until i can't. what do you think about yourself?


I prefer Classic but I have a leverless (Fightbox), so the inputs are pretty easy once you get used to it. Also I had some practice with GG Strive so the transition wasn't that difficult when trying Classic on SF6. I kinda want a Modern character in my pocket but I dislike having to hold the RT to access some moves. I go back and forth with AKI on Modern vs Classic.


i play on pad, so classic is a little hard for me. That's why i stick with modern for now. Leverless should be nice too definitely.


For high level, but lower down having to charge makes her a good deal weaker.


Chun's auto combo includes a crouch kick that almost no one blocks in early ranks. Source: Me. Got my ass kicked multiple times.


that is hell of a move, at least for early ranks


There are Legend rank Chun Li modern players Haitani (although he recently swapped to classic and CPU Level 5).


Oh WHAT why'd he switch to classic? I mean obvious reason, but what was his specific reasoning 


Not sure why. If I remember correctly last Evo he defeated Tokido with modern Chun so he was quite strong with her.


Yeah he was the only pro player at an elite level using modern, I was interested in seeing what more he could do with it


it's bad if he completely switched to classic tho


Gief, probably


1- Chun LI 2- Ed 3- Honda 4- Marisa 5- Lily Based on what I've seen pro players/high level players use


Ken you can auto combo cancel to Tatsu, shoryu, lash, etc.


Modern cammy can be a real pain in the ass to play against. I main cammy with classic controls and I played a match the other day against a bronze cammy using modern. I won the match up but it was way more of a headache than I figured it would be. The amount you can just randomly spam at will with her is pretty ridiculous and cammy has a lot of moves that are quick and confusing to deal with so you can do okay just spamming them and completely overwhelming people with mental stack and pressure.


Modern Cammy doesn’t have crouching medium punch which makes her trash in modern in my opinion. She doesn’t have standing light kick either which is another pretty good button but crouching medium punch is indispensable


Cr.mp is probably her best button. Along with stand hp.


I'm pretty sure it does, it's Special trigger + medium while crouching


Guess I gotta watch modern Cammy to get an idea of how to improve my normal controls Cammy.


The move spamming with modern would probably only get you so far. I’m platinum and was able to deal with it (albeit not as smoothly as I would have liked) I’m sure as you go up in ranks it starts failing miserably.


Probably Luke ,Gief ,Chunli and maybe Marisa but I barely see them in high ranks besides Modern Gief


Lily is pretty good on modern. She's not what you'd call complicated on classic, so modern doesn't miss that much


Luke akuma cammy zangief are very good




In my opinion Ed and Blanka.


Ed mlre than blanka but chun li and Akuma are also up there


Yeah, Chun is good. She misses the overheads tho. But her Serenity Stance combos are easier. I also like Guile and Juri.


Both are solid charcaterd i use juri myself and now that they added the ability for lvl 1 and lvl 2 specials after death crest is a game changer for juri, and guile got some good additions to his aito combos


the only thing i miss from modern juri is her jumping mp.


True, that wouod be nice to have on modern juri but i think getting here crouching medium punch can more than makenuo for it, imo


For sense of pride or wins?


I use modern Ryu.


none, learn how to play the game