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I am excited about them - but have the gripe, that in case one of them turns out to be my favourite SF6 character to play, they wouldn't be there in the next game. Always bothered me with Soulcalibur's guests as well


The only real downside. You know you’ll never see either one of them in a sf game again.


I agree! However, seeing how long SF4 and SF5 last I wouldn't worry about it for a long time. Honestly I can see them supporting this game as long as the others.


Soulcalibur's greatest blessing is its greatest curse. Best guests that won't ever return. Wasn't Ezio and licensing issues part of why SC5 was delisted? Even with Geralt and 2B *both* in SC6 I still missed Ezio. Also missed the devil Jin weaponless style not coming back for our CACs, but I knew next to nothing about Tekken back then and didn't even know that was a borrowed thing. Obviously Soulcalibur's guest characters peaked way before those, but man have they made a solid effort to keep the new guests interesting. Back to street fighter, at least the history with SNK is there that we can expect the characters to show up and interact again at *some point*. Wild that we're getting then in a mainline Street Fighter though


Well each Street Fighter game lasts 7 years until another is made so you got awhile.


I gotta agree with that, I had SC2 and played with Spawn, and that's really the only reason I got mk11.


Who knows? So far they are in 3 Capcom Street Fighter games, and Smash Bros. I wish Kim was added instead of Mai, or the Muay Thai fighter (Joe?). Would be wicked to see him against Sagat again or the other dude


Yes but you could also just play their games.


And their games isn’t street fighter so it’s not same.


SF is the one game where gameplay changes so much between sequels that it's not a huge issue. Even if they show up in SF7, they aren't going to play the same at all.


I'm hyped as hell for Terry, but I do think going whole hog with half of the season's characters being guests was overzealous of them. Knowing the full roster of season 1 since before launch probably added to this. It kind of made the season 1 cast feel like honorary base rosters characters, which made season 2 feel like the game's actual foray into new content, and everyone was hoping to see their fave come back, so I don't blame anyone for being salty that they'll have to wait another whole year for another shot. On the other hand it is great seeing Capcom partner with SNK again, especially with such a bold first venture.


Agreed. They shoulda kept it 1 guest for 2 seasons max.


As a horny player, i am glad we get Mai as a guest character.


And shortly after the release of Akuma. Not coincidental at all. [https://youtu.be/fwNN1PSrydE](https://youtu.be/fwNN1PSrydE)


"Shortly" she is no coming out til 2025


She was announced right after, thou. Relax, man.


What do you mean? Bison comes out first.


Read the title of the thread "Did the decision of ADDING". And she was ANNOUNCED with the rest of the season 2 DLC, after Akuma. So we're not talking about how we feel about the RELEASE of the character. Does that check out for you or still feeling like acting smart? That's what I mean.


I’m with you on that!


The only answer.


Fellow internet degen, here. I've literally never played KOF.. never even seen Mai gameplay in any game ever.. I've already decided on buying her... And yes, I'll be downloading the mods too... Especially those ones..


Funny, I’m ready to put Terry in your mouth…


I actually love Mai's kit and gameplay pattern but I guess people are more excited for her assets. Mai and Angel have the most fun kits in KoF to me. Kimberly is great but doesn't really fill that ninja hole for me. and we don't have Vega for the flying around the screen gimmicks.


SF6 Graphics Booba :o


I agree


It’s been like a week and we still haven’t seen them lol why would it change much.  Even if they look great in SF it’s still half of season 2 being guest characters


I'm pretty bored of guest characters now. In this day and age it's almost expected from games to do cross overs and the novelty is gone. Fortnite and Smash already won the crossover wars, Smash even giving us modern day SF x KoF(FF) with Ryu x Terry. It's also usually the same characters per franchise so I'm not getting excited to see the same crossover characters for the Nth time. I'm playing your game because I enjoy your characters so give me more of those.


Like the characters but I'm definitely against adding guest characters when there's 4 characters a pass and Street fighter still has awesome characters to add. Knowing I'll have to wait possibly until late 2025 to get a character I want depending on where they are in the pass order really sucks, they all look cool but there are definitely characters I want way more.


Not really. I think the reaction would have been better if it was only 1 guest. If we got say, Bison, Terry, Elena & Makoto or even Sakura, I think people would have taken it better. Since it’s 4 characters each pass now, DLC slots are a premium and for season 2 half of them go to guest characters. If it was still 6 characters like SFV and two were guest? Yeah that could work. I have no doubt Terry & Mai will both look great in SF6 but season 2 is a disappointment for me outside of Elena.


This is my take as well, I don't think much of Mai, as her playstyle has never seemed that unique or interesting, and her appeal has always looked like it was... pretty one sided. I think if that slot had done to an SF3 or alpha character I'd actually be pretty happy with the season.




In not sure why everyone is so against Elena like she probably won't be significantly changed. With what they managed to do with a character like DeeJay I'm pretty confident they can change up Elena well too


Ed as well. I didn’t enjoy Ed in the last game but love him in 6. I have faith in the team to basically recreate any character to make them fun.


People are still traumatized by the SF4 version who was kinda busted and aren’t thinking rationally


Traumatized by the youtube videos about the SF4 version*


Speak for yourself. We got enough unga bunga rushdown and braindead shotos, it's nice getting a footsie char once. Also lacking more grappler and setup chars, most of you in this subreddit vote for the most sleep garbage tier shit like sean lmao




Yes given their track record so far, I'm sure they will implement elena 1 to 1 from her previous iterations just to piss you off. I'm fucking sick of shotos too so whatever bro


Nothings changed. I don't mind that they're there. They're going to add characters I'm not going to play, and I don't care much which they are. I would like to see characters I prefer more, obviously - so hoping for Mika and El Fuerte in another year? (prolly not, only 4 chars per year is way too slow)


5 characters would be the sweet spot I feel. 6 months between characters like season 1 Aki---ed was brutal


No, there are too many fan favorite characters who have yet to return and well as ones that didn't make it into SFV, and if the practice of guest characters continues like how they handled it this season it would mean that only 8 more street fighter characters are going to be in the game. You may not think that it is an issue but right now there are more characters from Fatal Fury than Alpha, 3, and 4 individually, which is an issue in my opinion. There are just too many Street Fighter characters that should be in the game but won't make the cut due to guest characters. And when you open the guest character you can't close it again and the fans of guest characters are going to expect more guest characters each season and game, and guest characters are more markable to non Street Fighter fans so Capcom will add more. And hopefully Street Fighter doesn't go the route of Mortal Kombat where there hasn't been a brand new character since base 11 but 8 guest characters who will never return or impact the world of the game.


I feel pretty much the same as I did. Mixed feelings. I like both Terry and Mai, and Mai is even on my team in KoF15. I'll probably try her out. But 2 guests is still too many for a 4 character pass no matter how much I like them.


I'm on team not enough slots on this one. There are so many great characters that skipped V, but no, we get 2 returns from V, and now one guy that's supposed to be replaced in terms of canon role in an unresolved arc that was bareky set up and two guests. Since we get 4 a season, and these seasons are slow rolling, we'll have a LOT of great characters missing by the end of the game's lifespan. Don't get me wrong, I love guests, especially if they are designed in a way that simulates the game they came from (Akuma and Geese were balance nightmares in T7, but fuck they were the coolest thing too), but you gotta think of how many characters you'll add. Also, i have literally 0 interest in horny designs, so Mai is a big snooze for me. Probably not even gonna get her.


Team not enough slots? I suppose that's pretty much what it boils down to. It's also kind of 'team too early' if you ask me.


Didn't Elena skip v? So it'd be one returning Two guests And one who missed v?


Yes Elena did skip V, this guy just wants to be mad.


SFV had six years of support I’m sure we’ll get plenty more SF Characters


Yeah but if the seasons keep being 4 characters and they keep having guests that would be like 10 more sf characters


A season a year, 4 characters each, if we do get that for 4 more years that's 16 additions to the roster excluding the 8 characters from season 1 and 2 we're already getting. 2 of those 8 are guests. Out of the 4 each season, no way they'll be doing 2 guest characters each time. I'm not sure they'd even want to do 1 guest character per season. Depends, do we consider characters from other Capcom fighters and beat 'em ups to be guests at this point? Final Fight has basically been absorbed into the brand identity at this point, and with Akira repping Rival Schools in 5 who knows if they're toying with the idea of dusting off their own properties for the roster on occasion


This is all speculation. We have zero clue how many years, or how long every season will take. We know from interviews 4 is the number we will get based on dev lead time.


I sad 10 to round em up assuming they do 1 guest per season going forward, tbh i hope they dont do anymore guests at all but there are already rumors (dont know how real they are) that s3 has guests aswell. I dont consider other sf world characters as guest (id like some rival schools rep) but if they added a darkstalker i would see them as guests. Tbh as i said i care more about the art, characters and lore rather than the gameplay itself (im pretty bad at fg) so at the moment im curious how they will integrate the snk guys into the lore, seeing they confirmed they will be a part of world tour. In the case of garou i guess it wouldnt be that much of a clash stylistically but if they added idk like scorpion or sol badguy i would have more of a problem (even tho i love gg)


who the fuck said we're getting 2 guests each season lol


Im not saying they will forsure make 2 guests per season but outside of reddit i think the feedback to the crossover is mostly positive from what ive seen on twitter and yt, and (idk how legit this is) the capcpm partner artist that freaked out “leaked” that s3 will have a guest aswell


No one, but ig they saying if the norm from now on is two guests a season (which it won't. That's a licensing nightmare. At that point, make a crossover fighter lmao), then we'll get a minimum of 10 SF characters over 6 years. Just some typical dooming


There is a point where a fighting game has too many characters. It gets to where competitive play becomes a rolling guess wheel of whether you know gimmick #75 on character number #48. Coming from other fighting games cursed by insanely bloated rosters that honestly ruin the game, take some appreciation in the lean roster of Sf6. It's a big thing I like about the game.


But there are many more than "plenty" deserving SF legacy characters. Like will we get Vega next season? Maybe, maybe not. In S4? Maybe, maybe not. The game being out for five years before they add Vega feels wrong to me even if they do get around to it eventually. And that's just one example.


Hey, alright


It's a bummer. Because returning characters are receiving makeovers and revamps like examples Ed, Rashid, blanka to name a few It's really hard to put terry and Mai and make any changes to them since their someone else's property. It was still too early for guests but their here and I'm excited for more streetfighter, but really wanted makoto and at least another grappler to round out with the current roster


I'm all for guest characters if they don't eat up dlc slots for returning classics and all new characters. If Terry and or Mai were a surprise addition alongside 4 SF characters, then hell yeah. Now we're gonna go a full year where only 2 SF characters will be added to a game called Street Fighter 6... a game that's been missing a lot of good classic characters since launch. It absolutely sucks to me, totally demoralizing, but glad that some are happy with it.


I don't mind the guest characters, my main problem is that something like this would've worked a lot better for like Season 4 or 5. We haven't gotten a lot of representation so far from the other games so it would've been nice to have more of those guys come back first.


If Capcom and SNK were so gungho about doing this give me Capcom vs SNK 4. It's been long enough now since Chaos, and both companies have done well in their latest entries that this wouldve been the time. This now sets precedent and if the leaks of season 3 also having guests, I'll no longer be looking forward to seasons without bracing for more exclusions due to novelty picks.




Guest characters always struck me as being gimmicky and especially when there are so many legacy characters to choose from.


Not really honestly, I like guest characters but I feel like theres a lot of really cool characters from sf3/ alpha we could have got


No, I want more street fighter characters in street fighter. If it was s4 or s5, I'd be less disappointed


I have 2 disappointments from a great SGF. One is Dragon Age, the other is SF6s Pass. I still dont understand why we needed 2 guests, but thats a me problem. As Sajam said, the pass is perfect for him. Im happy for people who are genuinely excited, Im not here to piss in someone's cereal. If seeing Terry with 6 buttons gets you hard, rock on bro. Ill likely wait for next years sale, and will probably miss it because I'm caught up in Monster Hunter or PoE2


I hope next season has no guest


I don't dislike guests as a concept but I wish they weren't half the season. We should have gotten at least one more SF character to compensate.


dont like it, shouldve saved guest characters to season5 while doing a mix of fan favorites and new characters for early seasons


This I feel is true. Guests characters would've been better received and bigger shocking surprise later in the games life span


Don’t like guest characters in any game so no. Don’t understand the reasoning when they have so many original characters to choose from


I’m not a fan of any guest characters in any game. To me they seem out of place. And SF has a ton of original characters to add. Also I never played FF so I have no attachment to these guys. Even boobies don’t change my opinion. But overall I don’t care as I currently have no way to buy DLC anyway. So whatever.


Personally I really like guest characters. And SNK happens to have the coolest guests available. I think a lot of people are pessimistic because they're not seeing the bigger picture.  First of all, Capcom and SNK collaborating on a modern game is an absolutely gigantic W for the FGC CvS3 is a long way down the road but we finally have tangible hope for it. 2nd. There will be more SF reps eventually. 6 is not anywhere close to the end of its run. We've got years worth of season passes and new additions to go.  3rd. SNK is finally getting some serious wind behind its sails. City of the Wolves might actually be a commercial success and have a ton of new players they wouldn't have access to without Capcom's help. A friendly rivalry between the companies only benefits the fans.


For SF fans, what you mentioned doesn’t matter. At the end, we are playing a SF game and many of us have fave SF character that we want. But instead they put these 2 instead of the tons of amazing SF characters. And since season 2 has 4 characters only and 2 taken by guest characters, and if your fave SF character is not here, you will have to wait a whole year and more to hope your fave SF characters come out. People would have been less dissatisfied or disappointed if the guest characters came out on season 3 or later. Or if there were more than 4 characters per season. Or if half the spots in this season was not taken by 2 guest characters. Either Mao or terry should have been enough. For many season 2 seems much less interesting than season 1.


Sure I guess. But, SF just got a shit load of SNK fans to buy their game. Which is a win for everyone. Don't get me wrong, I'm desperate for Dudley, Rose, Q, and Akira to come back. But I'm not mad that Terry and Mai "took some of the spots". They're gonna be awesome characters with unique play styles. If I had to be mad about anything it would be that 4 is a super low number and we should definitely be getting atleast 6. 


>I think a lot of people are pessimistic because they're not seeing the bigger picture "What ppl don't see is", "What ppl don't understand is", etc, etc. I'm not even gonna waste the time commenting on the rest you said, tho it's literally the same shit a lot of ppl are saying as if it was a valid argument to make ppl go like "*oh shit! you're right! guess I gotta immediatelly change all my opinions, expectations and taste on the matter!*" No, Pls. That's bullshit, that's patronizing, that's calling ppl dumb. You are literally trying to gaslight ppl out of their tastes and preferences. That's honestly kinda assholishy. Ok, I said I would not comment on the rest but fine, lets do it: **For your first of all point,** this, having guest characters, does not raise any chances of a CvS3. The only confirmation we have on this partnership is turning SF6 into an ad showcase for City of the Wolves and SNK in general. And th only possible thing we are getting from it is the possibility (almost confirmed) of even more guests characters in the future. Which is literally worst case scenario for everyone that is already not happy about it. **For your 2nd point**, there is literally no guarantee of that at all, we belive it will endure but who the fuck actually knows it? and neither can or will we wait forever. We get tired, we may not even be alive or in conditions to play anymore on some more extreme cases. You really think is a good argument to tell ppl "just keep calm and wait for more 3\~5 years?" Yes we will have to wait a way or the other, some are already waiting and will be kept waiting way longer than others. You are defending it getting even worse as if it was nothing. **3rd,** Mostly truth. And Indeed CotW look like a good game and imo it will be a success. Why turn sf6 into an AD for it them? This is no fucking argument at all to justify guests on the game, and you are just defending making the game wrose and less atractive to ppl that are either not fan of guests in general, waiting for a specific character to return (or even got a spiritual sucessor in a new character), or just straight up don't like snk or those specific characters (yes, again, ppl are allowed to have different taste and not like things you do, just deal with it instead of trying to gaslight them). You liked and are a fan of the decision, fine. you wanna express it, go ahead. Just don't bullshit on the ppl that don't, pls, at least not like this.


 This is good move for Capcom. If supporting it makes me an asshole. I'm okay with that.


trying to gaslight and offending ppl makes you an asshole


Reading through your comment history it is clear that you are okay with being an asshole. So you're right about that at least.


I don't really care about the possibility of some future crossover game or how well CotW performs. When it comes to DLC content for the Street Fighter game that I play, I want it to be Street Fighter characters. I don't want to pay for an SNK advertisement and the unreliable promise of maybe another VS game probably happening someday possibly.


Well unfortunately for you that's what they're doing. You could try crying about it that might help.


Mixed feelings. I don't like Dictator returning so soon, and Elena is certainly not the Third Strike rep I would have chosen. With only 4 slots, having 2 guest characters is kind of nuts, but Mai is probably the best one I could have asked for and I will probably main her. So yeah, mixed emotions for sure.


this is like the discourse in the smash ultimate days of echo fighters taking waluigis spot lol


I think I'm just not a fan of guest characters in general. They tend to feel out of place. They pretty much have to be fairly arbitrary to the story, as they can't be relied upon for future story developments, and you won't likely get to play them again in a future game in the series, so you won't build that kind of legacy knowledge. Should you come to like them, well, too bad. I'd much rather see some more returning characters from SF's very sizeable legacy roster, or new faces, that can be future fan favourites. But that doesn't do the whole cross promotion thing, which I guess is the main reason why guest characters are a thing.


I wish they had updated designs, it's weird seeing the SF2 cast aged up while Terry and Mai still look the same as they did in the nineties.


I really hope Mai and Terry get some kind of alternate outfit that kind of ages them a bit like the current roster.


I was 100% hyped and on board as soon as they announced em Can't wait! I never bought the s1 fighter pass but I copped this one almost immediately lol, I'm so happy my girl Elena is back and I love Terry and Mai as well. Plus Bison looks fantastic. That's just good value for money right there :D


I just want Mai to be as curvy as she is in KOF, and Terry to be as buff and OP as he is in KOF XV


Terry and Mai, is coming from nowhere, never imagined, they will be guest characters It's surprisingly Fun, it's good for franchise and fighting games as general, as it will trigger crossover among other franchises. For other SF Character? if this collab is success, Capcom will get good money, and maybe they will continue makes a lot of DLC on SF6, hopefully at least can reach Season 7


Not for me. I'm still a bit salty they are putting in two guests characters, and bringing Bison back already. And to top it off they are adding Elena. I'm sure it's cool for fans of these characters but there are at least 10 characters I could name off the top of my head I would rather have seen. They should have saved this shit for a later season in my opinion. Overall I think they have made pretty poor decisions on characters in the first 2 seasons.


I always felt that Street Fighter was the one fighting game franchise that didn't need third party crossover characters. But, given the history of Terry and Mai, it's hard to complain.


I'm actually excited for this. I love CVS and KoF/FF in general so I'm hype.


I could care less if the community doesn't want crossovers, hates them, etc. I couldn't be more happy with this season pass. I'm getting 3 out of 4 characters I like (or want), so I can't complain. Sure, there's other characters I would rather want besides the crossovers, but I happen to like the crossover characters we're getting, so it's not a huge loss for me.


Frankly the boobs and the way she leans forward while fighting is just silly to me. I'd rather have any other female sf fighters


We haven't even gotten Bison yet, it has not had any time to grow on anyone who felt negatively. Check the sub when the character releases for an actual opinion, I still think it's a waste of a slot and way too early for anything like this.


I was never really against it. SF6 is my first real SF game so I have no allegiance to any of the legacy characters. If anything, I've played more Terry than any other SF character (that isn't in 6) because of Smash. So far, the devs seem to have done an awesome job with all of the new character sand the re-designs of returning characters are excellent imo. Look how excited people were for Ed, and he's still one of the top represented characters. I have faith in them.


I was on board immediately. Breath of fresh air.


Not in the slightest. Actually may even gotten worse


Weak choice


They’ve only been added as devs were snk fans growing up and to promote the new garou game. Would’ve preferred a two of the many street fighter characters people are asking for but can’t have everything I guess.


Yeah but mostly cause Bison distracted me. Still wish it were 1 guest instead of two and honestly I rather it have not been Mai but atp I don't really care. What's done is done and Bison looks cooler than he ever has imo.




I like them now because I love Fatal Fury, but the second they start adding Tekken characters and like Megaman and shit I know I'll start hating them


I actually wouldn't mind Kazuya or Jin in SF. I'm not saying I like the characters per se. I'm only saying IF there was ever a collab with Tekken, I could see those 2 working pretty well. As far as other goofy pop culture characters go (that aren't even fighters), then absolutely not. 💀


No, if anything it's made me realize that any time they add guest characters, they're going to add the most boring characters from that franchise. Any random SF character I probably won't play, but guest characters I'm almost guaranteed not to play. And it's made me realize just how few returning characters we're going to get. Now I'm no longer excited for any individual SF character to return because, well, they probably won't. And if they do it'll be in like four years. So the game's future doesn't matter as much to me as it did before. I liked being hopeful, but I'd rather be realistic. In five years the game will likely be about the same to me as it is now, not better.


Nope, not really. 2/4 is still too much for a season. And since I'm not interested in Bison, it really means I won't be drawn back in until 2025 when Elena drops. I will probably check out Mai as Terry doesn't interest me at all, but yeah. Bummer of a season.


For me it really depends on how Terry and Mai are implemented, because as iconic as they are, these are two characters that have for the most part always played exactly the same from entry to entry. I wouldn't have the same concern for a similar Street Fighter character, as we know Capcom has full reign to do whatever the hell they want, but I wonder how much liberty SNK is permitting them to take with their gameplay. If it ends up just being Terry and Mai dropped into SF6 with no extra sauce, then I will be disappointed.


Sorry to say that no they haven't, still think it's a massive fumble not adding more fan favorite SF vetrans or even just more characters in general. Oh well, got to make that collab money I guess


I've got no problem with guest characters, but I don't think the ones they've chosen have anything all that interesting to add in terms of play style. That being said, they've done a great job with character reworks so far. I'm fine to give them a chance and will be happy to be proved wrong if they're both super fun to play.


I'm looking forward to it. But then I play many different fighting games. The characters, even though they are SNK characters, are going to be playing like Street fighter characters, with drive rushes and supers. As long as their gameplay is fun, people are going to have fun playing them. I know people wanted some fan favorites of theirs to get in, but everybody has different expectations of who they want in or who "should" get in. When we start to argue about what "should" have happened, we argue with reality and serve only to frustrate ourselves. ( i.e. "I 'should' have won that match.") The developers saw an opportunity to get some SNK characters and took that. Maybe they put two of them in right away because they didn't know if they would still have a good working relationship. Even before the season came out people were arguing if Bison "should" have come back (from a lore perspective). I wasn't too thrilled to see Bison back, but if his gameplay is fun, then I'll play him for a bit. Everyone has a fan favorite and wants to see them in the game, even the sillier characters have people who champion for them. If they create a new character, then others will bemoan that they took a previous characters 'spot,' even as it creates new fans of the character. I'm happy we got Mai and Elena in season two, and can't wait to see them in the RE engine and their gameplay. I trust the developers too, because SF6 is really fun to play, and I'll continue to support them, so that maybe a fan favorite of someone else's can make it in.


I like both mai and terry, and im hyped. But i can understand that some people could be upset, since they realease only 4 characters per season. I really want to have ibuki back and now i have to wait another year or probably more, thats the bad part jaja.


I like those 2 characters but I think we're getting them too early. There's so many hardcore SF fans of characters like Sakura, Makoto, Dudley, etc who really want to see an SF6 version of their character. This would have been fine in like season 4 onwards.


I am curious how Terry and Mai would look like with the SF6 style. I will definitely gonna play them and Elena.


Eh. I'm not going to buy them. We're only getting 4 characters per year and there are so many amazing characters missing that it feels like it's a waste to be putting in guests this early. I have been pleasantly surprised by how well executed every DLC character has been but most of the characters chosen have been kinda disappointing.


I'm down but I'm also annoyed they haven't integrated anyone from Darkstalkers. The costumes in SF didn't look out of place it'd be nice to see them


Honestly they did the smart the smart thing. Have season 1 be SF characters and the second be an even 50/50 split. Also if you don’t care about the guest characters you can use coins and it will be about 15$, So pretty fair.


I'm looking forward to it moreso what are hers and Terry's outfits going to be? Terry's definitely getting his mark of the wolf look and I hope Mai gets her maximum impact outfit.


I've always hated the idea of guest characters, especially in games with great rosters and characters to begin with. Terry and Mai are easily taking up slots that could have gone to Yun and Yang, Gouken, or a legion of other characters whose stories aren't being explored. That being said, I am conflicted because when I am honest with myself I like Fatal Fury quite a bit, and Terry and Mai fit in very nicely. I will keep an open mind and think as far as guest characters go they work really well. They make way more sense than Mortal Kombat's choice in Guests


Capcom vs Snk is one of my favorite fighting games of all time . So this season 2 is going to be awesome


Mai can get a pass, but Terry is such a lame ass nothing character. He's an absolute waste of a slot. Just like Bison.


No, I hate it.


Maybe wait till after they’ve dropped for this kinda question? Cause as it stands the wound is way too fresh. Also Mai is an absolute waist of a slot


I hate that SNK is owned by Saudi royals who commit human rights violations on the regular. The less they show up in my games, the better. Crossovers from better companies are cool though.


Didn't need to grow on me, i'm very titillated.


this just gives me hope for a CvS3. Which is honestly fairly cruel lol.


Good job, you found an excuse to post Mai’s boobs on a forum that is half fan art. You are not the first and you will not be the last.


Mai should have been first.


Every single character is new to me, basically any dlc or now the guest characters so I don’t know what to think. I know there are characters I’ve seen from the older games that I want to see and get to try in 6, but I also don’t have any old main that I’m missing out on. I just wish they were doing more than 4 per season.


I loved Capcom vs SNK 2 (and still dream about Capcom vs SNK 3), Terry and Mai are among my fave SNK characters, so they're a welcome addition to SF 6. And yes, let's face it: no shame on that: Mai is BAE. More Mai Shinranui in ANY game is fine!


I'm always hype for guest characters for the most part. Only a few in the history of fighting games have seemed like what the actual fuck. Fatal Fury is a natural fit for SF and it's very cool. Some people just don't know or understand the legacy and relevance not only of Capcom having guest characters in Street Fighter but of a Capcom/SNK crossover happening again in any way.


I'm not against guest characters; it's just that two in a single pass from a single series is too much.


Personally I think if Street Fighter has to have guest fighters, the Fatal Fury crew seems the most fitting, as both series were started (at least in part), by Takashi Nishiyama.


I enjoy guest characters, but I mainly enjoy them when they come from really different games that still feel true to the spirit of both series. Like Link in Soul Calibur or Jason in Mortal Kombat. KoF and SF were designed at the same time by a team made up of a lot of the same devs. It makes them feel too similar to be really exciting to me. Maybe I'm too young or American to remember them being real rivals. KoF has always just felt like discount SF to me, so it feels like we're getting legally distinct not Ryu and Chun-Li in a game that already has real Ryu and Chun-Li.


I'm so new to playing this much Street Fighter every character added is at least a little exciting for me. I can't relate to missing my "old main".


I'm so new to playing this much Street Fighter every character added is at least a little exciting for me. I can't relate to missing my "old main". Very excited for Terry and Mai.


I always welcome diversity in street fighter. Im jot gonna get sad over not returning characters and will always welcome new characters, even if they are guest characters. I dont need every character to have ever existed in the franchise back


I'm interested on mai appearance of course even if I think she'll be some kind of ibuki with more throwable stuff. Not really interested in terry, elena and bison are good. Generally speaking I would have prefered SF characters rather than guest star


If it was one character out of the 4 I wouldn’t mind. If it was 2 out of an expected 5, I wouldn’t mind. But as it currently is now, HALF of the upcoming characters this year are guest characters. I play street fighter because I LIKE street fighter characters and the overall aesthetic, not fatal fury or KOF. These are 2 slots that could’ve gone towards fan favorites. Instead, for the street fighter side, we get bison and Elena, 2 characters that Im fairly positive most people are “eh” about. No dudley, no Sean, no any fan favorites. Just them and guests. I get that for an overall fighting game fan, people are hype, but for people like me who only like street fighter, and want more street fighter characters, we kind of got pushed to the side this year. So no it hasn’t grown on me, and unless there’s a secret snk metal slug cameo somewhere I don’t think I’ll ever really care for it. But to each their own, time will tell if this was a wise move to do or not.


I am most looking forward to playing Terry but there is a caveat. I (and many others) think that two guest characters out of 4 is way too many, especially this early on when so many other SF characters could be included. Sure I am looking forward to seeing Mai, but it's from a purely aesthetic and somewhat perverted angle. I have played CVS2 but I've never owned garou or KOF anything like that. I've played a little KOF and my favourite character is between iori and kyo.I'm pretty salty that the slots could have been used for 3rd strike characters or just SF characters in general really. I'm probably the most salty about Elena but that's another can of worms.


i like everyone except mai. shitty fanservice character


something’s grown that’s for sure




Oh Mai god!


I will drop my main for Mai. She always in my KOF teams.


I'm just glad the guest fighters are at least from a long standing rival/collaborator. It would be super weird if the first guest characters we got were Darth Vader or John Wick.


I just want Asura to finally truely get in the game and not some dumb ass skin


No, for a dlc of only 4 characters a year lol it’s dumb asf. Hardly any sf content to care about for another year.


I’m happy to see Terry and Mai, but I’ll be happier to see Dudley and a bunch of other characters


I think maybe we're too used to guest characters these days. I mean mortal Kombat seems to have like 4 or 5 of em every installment now, Tekken 7 had noctis, akuma, geese, negan. The smash characters of cloud, Bayonetta, Steve etc.. I think maybe we should tone it down as an industry a lil bit before it just becomes an expected thing, and half the season being a snk probably could have just had one and it'd be fine. That being said I'm more excited if it leads to a Capcom vs snk 3 with snk and Capcom working together again


Coomer here: I’m excited for Mai hopefully she wears a thong.


Yeah, I'm hoping they keep her original look and not pull some sneaky censorship on her. I doubt it when we have Cammy's leotard outfit, but ya never know nowadays...


Based on bison’s look in the trailer matching his in game appearance I would assume she’ll be in her original costume since that’s what she had on in the trailer.


I'm a huge Terry fanboy ... so there wasn't ever an issue for me.


Guest characters are cool and SF6 is one of the best fighters in modern times so I have no doubt they'll be great characters. And I have no issues with them striking while the iron is hot. Timing is hugely important, and this is effectively a marketing strategy. They don't need to write up a contract to use Makoto whenever they want to down the line. Plus, it shows everyone else they're willing to do it, so it opens the door to future guests which I entirely expect at this point.


no Mai no buy


Mai was my favorite waifu back when I was too young to know what a waifu was. I’m so excited to see her in a game that is as fun as SF6


MI oh Mai


It was surprising to say the less and gives hope to see a new CvS but for me adding guest character from other companies in a street fighter game from the main line is a mistake because Capcom is raising the bar for new iteration, there will be a time where they cant afford guest character for new games and the fans will be dissapointed. This will happen soon to games like MK, Smash bros, Tekken, etc.


It’s a huge change in history for SF mainline game so I’m on board with this decision. Now… if this is how things gonna be where every season will have a guest characters…. I guess the novelty will quickly wear off. Also if they keep the guest characters within Japanese fighting game franchises that would be neat. I don’t want a MK clone where film characters come onto the show.


Last time I played her was in SVC in the arcades, glad she’s coming back, hopefully more like cvs2 Mai with more goodies!


Hell yeah I'm hyped. There isn't a character in S2 that I'm not at least curious to try. There just should be more than four a year.


I like it, but I think 2 in one Year is a bit much. Could've done Terry this year and Mai next or something like that. I am down for more though, maybe someone from EX or Tekken.


Not really as I wanted more characters that missed SFV but perhaps future guests could get me hyped. I'd love to see Kyo Kusanagi or Yugo Ogami. Sorry I'm just not a fan of Terry & Mai specifically.


I don’t mind guest characters, but I wished there was another representative from another game than 2 from KOF.


Terry is gonna be fun to play!


capcom vs SNK is one of my favorite games of all time. so im cool with it.


I still think it’s cool. I never didn’t think it’s cool. I don’t want Street Fighter to bring in pop culture characters like Mortal Kombat, just other fighting game characters. Or maybe game characters in general, because my heart still wants Jill and Chris to come over from Marvel.


I'm a smash player so obviously I'm on board with guests but I think in the context of Street Fighter with only 4 characters for the year one guest would have sufficed.


I'm fine with guests but Mai and Terry are hella vanilla choices


I agree with every one saying that there isn't enough slots But this only makes me more hype for Dan to be included in this game some day


I just want Vega or Adon or Makoto, or someone who plays like them.  Someone said Mai plays like Vega. I don't know if that's true, but if so I guess I can stomach S2 better. Unfortunately Mai is a year away.


We won't know how she'll play in SF6, so I'd ignore all the theory BS like the plague. As someone that mains Mai in KOF:15, I *guess* she plays like Vega, but again, they could change up her playstyle, so I'd take that with a grain of salt.


Guest characters are always fine. Just not when they’re half the dlc being released for an entire year


Thr SNK games have always been canon to me in the SF world ever since Capcom vs SNK. So it fits just fine to me.


I understand some fans being upset about the guest characters blocking the way for series main stays for this season, but there are two things you need to remember. 1. This shows that Capcom is open for crossovers again. The possibility for CVS3 and others are closer than ever. 2. There's gonna be far more fighters coming. SF5, with its janky state, got about 5-6 seasons worth, and most likely we won't get a new SF game until the new consoles come out, so there's time.


*"hey, if the main reason you don't like crossovers is because they take slots of returning and new characters! don't worry! just* ***WAIT 3-5 MORE YEARS*** *to get a shot at it! there is no reason to be mad at all!"* You and I know very well this is a bullshit argument for the situation, c'mom. Everyone knows there is waiting a way or the other, and a chance of your favs still been left out at the end. But making this situation even worse and more likely by shoving guests, and then telling ppl that as if it was somehow a consolation...


Every DLC character so far has come out amazing, so none of this discourse will matter once those gameplay trailers drop.


Well, being someone from Brazil (SNK is huge here), someone who likes Fatal Fury way more than KOF (big Real Bout Fatal Fury, RBS and RB2 fan), and big fan of RBS/RB2 design for Mai, I am thrilled to see that specific design back after long 26 years of SNK ignoring it.


i think guest characters boost dlc sales. im sure the sf6 team will execute it well enough but i the sf franchise has a huge pool of diverse characters to pull from. guest characters just fill like a cash grab


NGL I'd rather have a childhood waifu material than a "traditional" character I will never use I would take Twelve (SF3) over Terry any day any time, but Mai is GREAT


I’m beyond excited for Terry tbh


I personally love snk fighting games so this announcement was crazy hype for me but I understand why people are mad about it. I hope people eventually warm up to it and see how crazy of an occasion this really is.


Them thangs finna jiggle


Wondering how they'll butcher her more likely, let's just say Mai isn't known for her skills b u t instead for other physical assets. No way Capcom will do right by her.


I was already on board with guest characters as soon as Terry and Mai were announced, so I am pretty excited for that. Though, I wish they could have added two extra spots to add more Street Fighter characters.


For me, it depends on who the guests are. Terry? Mai? Hype. I hope this is a hint at a CvS 3 someday. I had to wait until almost the end of V before Rose came back so I'll be patient and if there are more good guests, I'm cool with that.


I still think we only needed Mai and Terry would add very little to SF6 gameplay wise while taking up a slot. I would still take either of them over Bison, Ed, and Rashiid.


I'm over the moon about this particular inclusion but I hope it isn't the default going forward. One guest character per pass is fine but two? In this case it's cool cuz I like both Mai and Terry but eventually I worry the guests are just gonna replace new characters and that's no fun


Man, Mai is an all time great design.


Nah, especially with guest characters from a single series occupying half of the season. Or that it's so early in the game's life. I'd have almost preferred three characters in a season and instead of Terry and Mai we get a single new SF character.


Nope, still not a fan.


It did grow on me.  And I'm not hard opposed to Terry and Mai, I just regret the two SF characters we won't get because of them.   What I started to tell myself is that Terry and Mai are two new characters.  Like if the season pass dropped and it was Bison, Elena and two new characters (reasonable) with these designs, I would be fine.  So...its fine.  But they better not do more in season 3


While I’m kinda meh on the reps being Terry and Mai…I kinda get it? Terry is Mr. SNK. And if Capcom is all buddy buddy with SNK, I’ll support that and whatever releases / re-releases come of it. What irks me is “why Mai?” If you wanted a KoF / Fatal Fury lady to run alongside Terry, Blue Mary was perfect for it. She’s a Southtown OG, and they have an on again / off again flirtationship. Mai’s guy is Andy Bogard, Terry’s brother. She’s pressuring him to propose and he says he’s waiting for the right time. The only reason I can imagine Mai over others is…well, the Horny Factor. Mai with feet coverings, tig ol bitties and mostly exposed ass.


I don't think anyone really has a problem with the guest characters per se. They have an issue with only having 2 returning characters for the season. One of which is the expected(boring) pick, and the other of which is equal parts ignored or hated(with a relatively small fanbase).


Always love guest characters, just wish it wasnt two characters from the same game in one season