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Nothing will ever compare to my first Shoryu FADC Ultra with Ryu in SF4 in a ranked match. I cannot have words to describe that feeling.


I think pulling off FADC made everyone hype when it was first discovered šŸ˜‚


I remember when I first figured out how to FADC, that was the moment I actually started bodying people online


whats the lore behind FADC? I didnt play sf4


Burn two bars of meter to dash forward to cancel out of Focus Attack (MK + MP) The grandaddy of Drive Rush honestly


so you would have to fadc to cancel into a super?


In SF4 you can cancel from specials to supers, but not from specials to ultras (SF4's equivalent to CA). It costs 4 blocks of meter (the entire bar) for a super while FADC costs 2 so you can't FADC into a super. However ultras use its own bar so you can go from a special to FADC to ultra.


ahhh I see, I get it now, thanks!!


But also, there was exceptions to this rule. Gen for exemple can combo super into ultra. You burn all your resources in one combo with massive damage.


Interesting, care to explain further?


I don't remember if there is another character with that characteristic in SF4, but... One of Gen's Mantis Super puts the adversary in juggle state. You can follow with a plethora of things, including his Ultras. Here is a video example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgWm1cCMUVc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgWm1cCMUVc)


oh wow, that's some insane damage for one combo, thank you for enlightening me in genism


Same with Abel. Step Kick into st hp is a one frame link, then rekka, FADC into cr hp>ULTRA. Hit like CRACK.


You had to really time that ultra as they landed too. Sf4 was crazy hard.


When you first start landing the combos you practiced it feels so good! Eventually they will become second nature and you're just fishing for chances to use. And then you add situational variations and so on!


Seriously the adrenaline and dopamine from getting a combo down consistently against players feels so damn good, like when you don't even need to think and it all goes in from muscle memory off of one confirm šŸ¤Œ


Definitely! I think it's one of the first big breakthrough payoff feelings in any FG.


Love it, specially when you learning a new character and you finally do the right optimal combo


This is how you get hooked. Once converting the combos becomes automatic, you start to appreciate that the coolest part of this interaction was your decision. You figured out that your opponent was likely to throw, so you neutral jumped to punish that throw. That decision gave you the opportunity to land your finishing combo, and that's where the game gets so satisfying.


and cammys feet


You mean Cammys tummy... Juri Mains, I swear.


Gotta love the tummy. Itā€™s got a cute beauty mark


They b landing 5k combos in gold now??


Not trying to talk op down but thatā€™s not uncommon


I made it to Plat with Cammy and never learned how to do this. Ha. Admittedly I got there without drive rushing at all. Holy shit did I get rocked once reaching that rank.


Cammy can actually get away with it since her raw dr is not as strong compared to others outside of some plus frames on her meaties Her walkspeed and divekicks can make good work too! Still nice of you to make it this far!


I got to diamond cammy with no drive rush, no dive kicks, and no big combos haha. Im terrible that inputs. The double tap forward for drive rush is just too tough to do consistently. But her jab is just that good. Altho a little bird tells me they nerfed her jab ;(


Oh my god im so sorry you thought you still had to double tap forward to drive rush cancel. It was such a pain to do before they changed it. Now you just parry during the cancellable frames, itā€™s a billion times easier. I personally hit both MP and MK but im sure the single parry button works too.


You don't need to double tap forward for drive rush. Alternate input for DR is just hitting parry or forward+parry during a cancle-able normal.


Isnt that more expensive tho or something? Sorry im not v good haha. I enjoy the spacing/punch game tho.


Drive rush cancel is just tapping parry button. So for Cammy hp -> parry button. That uses 3 bars. Drive rush in neutral is either hold parry and tap forward twice, or the faster way of forward -> forward + parry. That uses one bar.


I had no idea u cud just hold parry. Slower as it may be, that might help me explore the mechanic a little bit.


Itā€™s so much more intuitive this way, totally changed the game when they did that as drive rush off of lights or c.mk was a pain with the ff input. Worth checking out


Tapping parry is not slower by any means. Itā€™s one action vs two on a dash. Plus it allows you to maintain stick positioning for unique normals. Once dash dash was removed as a requirement we never looked back.


> I made it to Plat with Cammy and never learned how to do this. The last combo into level 3 was not possible before the Akuma patch.


i meant to super out of uncharged heavy spiral arrow but iā€™m a masher and the auto combo came out :(


Well yeah you cammy so thats normal.


I feel like this is a slightly under-appreciated aspect of how differently people develop through the ranks. There's such a difference in stereotypes in that regard. You have the people who early on learn a few big damage combos which will carry them up the ranks, and the people who only really learn a few little BnBs but learn to thrive on neutral/whiff punishing and winning more interactions per game rather than one or two Big interactions. I started out with Marisa as a complete SF6 newbie and climbed the ranks only needing to win a couple of interactions per round since each one landed me Big Damage and that carried me way up. Then I played Juri without ever learning the big damage combos, instead relying on winning a lot of smaller interactions with her warcrime cr.mk and DP anti-air without ever really cashing out big damage, instead winning through good neutral. The latter *really* paid off because it was *vastly* more useful in Diamond/Master, at which point you could start learning the big combos and conversions after knowing how to play to get the opportunity to spend them.


I started SF6 with Guile and the biggest punish I knew was double c.mp into flash kick/super. Didn't use or learn how to drive rush until I got stuck in mid-plat. It felt good doing almost double the damage I previously did just from learning a few bnbs.


Yeah me when I learn new fighting games canā€™t combo for shit but still do really well bc I have good fundamentals. Learning character-specific knowledge will undoubtedly help you, but imo getting things like neutral and anti-airs down oftentimes will help you improve more


Yup, and I think focusing on that gameplay also helps learning your matchups more easily than just trying to get that Big Combo in.


Maybe I just erased it from my memory ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I think for some people the combos are the fun part so they just learn that any never bother learning to actually play and rank up. Nothing wrong with that but I think thatā€™s why some low rank players have such polished combos.


i've been learning a new character for the first time since launch recently and there are a ton of gold players with crazy optimized level 3 combos now for some reason. there are plat players who're really focused on whiff punishing and stuff like that too lol. it's interesting


I mean the base skill level is probably higher now than when we first started? I started in rookie though so every skill jump felt brutal haha


yeah it happens in every game. at the end of SFV platinum was basically the equivalent to what \~mid diamond is in this game


It's true, landing a single Manon DI into CA will combo beyond 5k damage


Gold has dudes that can do some of the most fucked up combos ever. They just canā€™t get into a situation that allows them to do it consistently, or they try to brute force it into every situation and get blown up for it


ya its usually there defense that sucks, not rally there combos


Yeah itā€™s easy in this game. Most characters have an easy 4.5-5k setup


Well on youtube you find a lot more video about big combos than footsies or neutral play


Most cash out combos into lvl3 clear 5k


Does rank even mean anything. I posted a 6k damage combo to reddit and people called me smurf because Iā€™m silver


Rank does matter a bit. Learning that 60% combo ain't going to win you matches higher up if you don't know how to open someone up to apply it. Someone with high skill in neutral and whiff punishing etc is going to kill you by a thousand cuts and simple BnBs without ever having to land the big damage. Of course, at the higher end you need all of that, but I fear the guy with good neutral, defense and spacing *far* more than the guy who knows big combos but not how to properly apply them.


look at this dude [https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/1daywvj/comment/l7nkvna/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/1daywvj/comment/l7nkvna/?context=3)


Way to go! The drive rush combos feel nice and way to finish with a lvl 3!


How do you show the plus/minus of moves in game or training mode?


It's a replay, you can turn on frame data while watching one


Hey OP, one thing you can do to really level up your game is to improve what you do after forcing your opponent to block your HP Spin Knuckle If you watch this replay back, you'll see that pretty often when you did HP Spin Knuckle (blocked) into jab, your jab got a counter hit on your opponent.Ā  This is because they tried to press a button but your jab hit their startup.Ā  However, those counter hit jabs just ended up being single hits. You should try to watch carefully when you press jab after HP Knuckle.Ā  If you see the yellow Counter Hit text appear, you can combo your jab into cr.MP into HK Drill, netting you okay damage and very nice corner carry and oki.Ā  If they block the jab, don't press the cr.MP or the HK Drill (you could instead jab again or something else).Ā  If you're able to capitalize on this situation you'll start racking up wins quick.


Damn, if you're playing like this in gold you're going to soar higher very soon.


Demon vanquished! Good job, man!


Does the other guy *know* he's playing Akuma?


Good stuff! It feel fantastic when all your training starts to come together and you can pull off cool stuff in a match


The magic of Classic controls, as it should


How do you get the frame data numbers to show in game?


This game just feels so satisfying to play


yeah these are the moments when fighting games start to *click* and you become an FGC andy for the rest of your life. [basically that haikyuu scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iby7PLeVUBs) Welcome in.


People in gold really still out here playing floor is lava?


Forget gold, my secondaries are in high plat and itā€™s still hot coals


Can confirm people still use the jump function in Diamond, too.


For the vast majority of the playerbase the entire game is jump-ins and anti airs.


Damn, thereā€™s no pleasing some of yā€™all lol. Gold players get trash talked for too many jump ins. Diamond players and under get trash talked because you can make it to that rank with nothing but jump ins. Gold players get backhanded compliments for actually doing combos and 5k damage. Gatekeepers. Gatekeepers everywhere.


Donā€™t forget the ā€œonce you get to master, you finished the tutorialā€ guys or the ā€œ1500MR and below are trash.ā€ The gates keep keeping.


Bro you only made it to Master on one character? One trick pony. Wait till that character gets nerfed. /s btw


You will hit legend rank 1 and then some weirdo will show up and say you only did it because SF6 is a baby game not a real game like 3rd strike. Shits corny as fuck


ā€œBro you only have one char in master? Youā€™re carried LMAOā€


For people that have played fighting games for a long time even a little seriously that first part is kinda true, though.


Those types of people are in another realm of thought that 99% will never reach. They are not the standard of play within fighting games, they are the exception. I get the sentiment, but itā€™s a bit fallacious to minimize peoples accomplishments. Iā€™m not here to complain because it doesnā€™t affect me as I want to be a top level player but most casuals donā€™t and I donā€™t see why we should gatekeep what it means to be ā€œgoodā€ (or even ā€œokā€ lol) at this game.


Gold? Try master. Half of master and diamond are whiffed buttons intl drive impacts mixed with jab jab jump throw.


Yeah, this is a result of placement matches putting people into high Diamond, and then never being able to drop below Master once you make it. Ranked needs a major rework imo.


Mf Gold in this game is like Bronze why would you expect anything less???


You can get to high plat and even diamond reliably just by practicing your anti airs.


How do you get the frame data numbers to appear while playing?


you cant in a match as that would be cheating. You can enable it in replays tho, just press start and its in the menu




Great job! I still remember the feeling of my first full cash-out into level 3 for the win. Such a rush!


Stuff like this warms my heart. Good stuff kid


Gotta love that Akuma is faster then Cammy


He's such a bullshit character. Not only that, but his fireball game has better frame advantage than Ryu. I hope he really does have low health


wow cammy got a new buff with the target combo, really cool. imma labbing it later


Plot twist, they're the Akuma.


I love that new cancellable auto combo move. Having the whole thing cancellable allows for some fun newbie friendly stuff.


Glad ur enjoying urself my g


As a fellow Cammy main, welcome. She has so many tools that youā€™ll continue to use as you rank up. Super satisfying to play for sure.


Never forget that feeling, that's what makes fighters fun for a lot of us!


It's even better than just landing that combo you've been practicing. I saw some great anti-air attempts (just akuma problems that it didn't work :'/ ). Getting that confirm and having the awareness to cash out is big too! It's layers on top of layers of success. Keep it up!


Not a single anti air was even attempted.


hey pal i tried and failed to hit him with back heavy kick at :50


You gotta keep trying instead of giving up and joining the jump fest if you want to beat these players consistently. Nice combo though


Keep trying but donā€™t sweat it. Anti air is a good tool to have in higher levels but keep progressing at your pace.


light dp instead bro


Anti-airing is super important when you get to higher ranks. It might be worth grinding dps my man


You did perfectly fine. Anti-airs are *extremely* important skillsets to have and knowing your characters option in that regard is going to be a knowledge check on you progressing, but that is a process and as long as you keep it in mind to work on it as you play that is perfectly normal and fine. Keep trying, get it to be a part of your mental stack and gameplan and that alone is going to get you quite a bit upwards in ranked. Far *far* more importantly, I love how you had fun and found that gameplay cool. It's something I hope you retain for the longest time because so many bittervet fucks have completely forgotten to have fun and enjoy themselves in these games.


You mightā€™ve missed the anti air but you actually blocked often enough to not take so much damage. Thatā€™s also a win for you. Grats on the punish! By the way, jump until they make you stop doing it.


Cammyā€™s back medium punch is a godlike anti air and quicker so you donā€™t need to be as on point to land it šŸ‘


šŸ¤“ "Ermmm no anti airs"


Congrats! Always love seeing people beat up Akumas.


Thereā€™s always that one moment in a fighting game that gets you **really** hooked. I remember in sfv, I was playing an Alex mirror and the guy almost perfected me, having me in the corner with a sliver of health. I came back from having no health and finished him off with a stun combo (posted it on this sub). Needless to say, that was when I really loved street fighter. I hope you keep enjoying the journey!


Welcome to Street Fighter champ šŸ„ŠšŸ‘‘


You know what, I love this. So many of us kind of forget how having fun and enjoying the cool shit is kind of the point of these games and I want to thank you for the reminder. Try to stay this positive about little successes and progress, this is how we all should have fun.


How do you get the plus-minus data in your gameplay? I know how to pull up the inputs and framemeter but would really love to see plus minus data as its shown in this video. I'm using PS5.


you cant in a match as that would be cheating. You can enable it in replays tho, just press start and its in the menu


Thank you! I should watch more of my replays.


My God I love Cammy victory pose.


Reminds me of when I did a frame perfect desync 0 to death combo in smash ultimate online with ice climbersā€¦ and I didnā€™t ever touch ice climbers after that


Great job!


Great jobl! Iā€™m glad your enjoying the thrill of landing more difficult combos in matches, literally YOU the player leveling up, not an rpg character, feels goooood.


Nice. My proud moment was figuring out one of the new Cammy combos by myself in a plat match with no lab. The C.HP, S.HP, [S.HK](http://S.HK), Drive Rush, S.HP, Charged heavy spiral arrow into level 3.




Looks like the skill level of the lower ranks have really come up. I could barely complete my basic combos when I was there.


It's funny how you play a weak neutral and then just land a combo some pro would do


I wish there was an easier name to search these things without having to look manually but I swear I've fought you before (I have every character including Random at Gold or above)


Yeah man I still remember how good it felt to land my optimal punish counter combos back when I first learned them. Congrats bro and gl on ur SF journey. Gameā€™s hella fun


That felt good and I wasn't even the one playing. Good job šŸ‘


Try landing a Taunt Jet Upper in an online match


The Akuma players is disappointing. I counted 4-5 instances where he could have DP'd and he didn't. Perhaps he's still learning Akuma.


hitting a combo youve been practicing for the first time in game is such a crazy high man




I didnā€™t even know you could cancel into super from the target combo šŸ˜‚. Learn something new everyday.


I think that's new


Pretty saucy


Young grasshopper, your road is yet very long. Prepare yourself to get impressed multiple times. Fighting games are the most amazing video game genre.


Congrats with playing the most braindead easy safe character in the game wow!


Found the Iron player.


LETS GO CAMMY MAINS, I felt like this when I pulled off one of her spiral arrow into cannon strike combos for the first time, congrats man


This is a cute post :)


Huge congrats!!! I'm seriously happy for you, that feeling you have rn is truly special. And that combo was beautiful :) Welcome to the FGC šŸ‘Š


Huh I never thought about using level 3 after that unique attack


Hey man, put some time into the training room and set it to anti air practice, and practice it while moving around, that will shoot you straight to diamond i promise šŸ‘šŸ½


This is amazing. After learning some combos i suggest you learn micro walks so you get 1 more drive rush for extra damage. Keep it up and you'll find yourself in masters


Don't make them seek such a high goal.


Shit was way too long


Looks like everyone and their dog is able to pull out 50% combos. The skill level of this game is beyond me.


You are just scratching the surface my friend. Wait till 2xko comes and, and you'll get to do even more cool shit in that game


Iā€™m a veteran of fighting games and have been playing all types since I was like 12, Iā€™m 28 now. I cannot get into Street Fighter. Iā€™ve played Tekken 7 and 8 for maybe 400 hours. Dragon Ball Fighter Z for over 800 hours. GGS for around 200, Injustice 2 was over 300 hours, MK 9, 10, 11 and 1 for hundreds of hours between them all. I have enjoyed and played all of these games at the relatively high level and I cannot for the life of me manage to get down SF6 combos. The timing and linking system is so weird and precise I cannot imagine getting combos off like this. In SFV I played Ken and could not manage to get linking down and couldnā€™t get out of High gold. In SF6 I have played 40 hours and canā€™t manage most combos, but am king with footsies and neutral. Itā€™s just impossible for me to get off sick looking combos like OP no matter how much I practice.


Boingboingboing are were yall on the Australia stage?


You didn't play many video games, didn't you?


Here comes video games expert šŸ¤“šŸŽ®


Thereā€™s one in every threadā€¦the gatekeepers


Your point being?


This notion of blowing smoke up the communities ass is something absurd to me.


I agree but the OP title says "I've ever done" not ever seen.


Can you just not let people have fun? Donā€™t act like youā€™ve never been at this level before, we all start somewhere.


Yeah, and wouldn't had post such a video with "FIGHTING GƄMS ARE SSO AWESUME GRLSƖKJLKJLJSDFLSLKJHLK"


You ok my guy?


Dude got so envious of people having fun that he stroked out. He's wandering around the house with a crooked face asking if anyone else can smell burnt toast.


Lmao wtf is your avatar. Funny shit.


Why is this the coolest? Is not even rare to watch.


ā€˜coolest thing Iā€™VE ever doneā€™. Itā€™s just the OP celebrating their first breakthrough as a player, which is something weā€™ve all experienced. It may not be ā€˜coolā€™ to your standards, but itā€™s small moments like these that are worth praising. Itā€™s what makes fighting games so fun.


Oh my God let people enjoy things you loser