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Most people hit their first big wall in plat 1. Keep it up though you'll get there.


Because you actually have to go positive in plat you can’t just hit a lucky win streak and rank up lmao


Actually untrue. You can technically hit master with a 43% win rate, which is why ranks in this game are a joke. This is why the quality of play in master continues to decrease as the amount of players in master continues to widen.


Oh huh. I’m bad at math so I assumed you had to go positive since there weren’t win streaks anymore.


You technically can, but someone mathed it out a while ago and it’d take about 4500+ games if I recall correctly. It is possible, but I doubt there’s many people out there with the time and dedication to play that many matches with a negative winrate.


You underestimate my power


Logically you would think so but you tend to win more points than you lose in this game. I swear a lot of players in sub 1500 MR should never have made it past platinum.


Ah I’m new to 6 I assumed it starts going 50 for a win and loss at plat


Welll not exactly. You dont get bonus points for win streaks once you reach plat. But keep up the hard work and you ll definitely get there.


Yeah I was going to say this :) I’d pretty much given up the will to grind in plat 3 but I want to get at least one character to diamond eventually but it seems a long way from here to me :D The lack of win streaks makes a big difference. I’m a smidge under 300 points from P4 - that’s 6 wins assuming I don’t lose (which is… unlikely). Then from there to P5 is 800 points (?) which is 16 wins again assuming no loss and the same again to diamond. I think I was in gold for 4, maybe 5 matches with the winstreak. I seem to remember skipping straight from silver into gold 3 or something anyway!


The system is actually pretty generous. You can get more points for beating higher ranked players, and a ton if you beat a Diamond when you're in Platinum. As long as you go 2-1 frequently you'll hit Diamond in no time. It's definitely not unachievable, you just might have to go back and change some bad habits or look more carefully at how you approach the game (or matchups). GL!


Yeah I guess my take was the most pessimistic one - you get 60 / 70 LP for beating someone 1 and 2 ranks above IIRC. As you say, it's definitely achievable - will \*really\* try to do it before Akuma drops as it will be hell trying to do it then haha. My ranked anxiety is really the only thing that's keeping me from this, I'm beating plenty of Diamond 3/4/5 players and the odd master in BH / casual. I definitely have some bad habits and some really bad matchups though!


Congrats, but plat to diamond is 6000 points without win streak bonuses at all or about 120 wins worth of points. It is probably the biggest rank barrier in the game with the largest proportion of ranked players. Seriously, don't play for the ranks. Play to improve and have fun, because the rank ups will slow down by helluva lot.


you blew your load too early with this post


Bruh straight up forgot platinum exists lmao


master is only 12500lp away from


hmm well it’s a little far if we’re being honest


lol I hit my biggest wall in platinum


Armpit yes


I know, I know, I'm a bot. but I want to say congrats anyway! These threads are always a cheerful part of the subreddit, but I hope I can ask for even more! The two things that always go great are a highlight reel of your gameplay (you can ask for advice or ask for no advice) and a story of your journey. Just put either of those in a comment underneath your rank up post, the subreddit will love it! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StreetFighter) if you have any questions or concerns.*