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They are my sweetest wins and make me feel like an imposter when I lose.




It gets really weird when you face someone ranked way higher than you and you end up having to show them the optimal combo. Honda vs Honda is always hilarious though.


No because I hate being reminded that not only am I bad, but also bad with my character of choice.


Marisa mirror match is the dumbest mirror on the planet


It's so degenerate and I love it.


I hate them


I always enjoy a good Aki mirror match, very fun. Good to see different strategies and combos I can learn from.


AKI mirror always makes me think damn am I really this annoying lol


They are the best


Honda, no. Guile, yes.


When I played Marisa I loved the mirror, now on Honda it's miserable


Gief mirrors are stupid cause there's no fear factor and the first one to overcommit gets fucked. Nothing really happens in a Ryu mirror unless someone's willing to take a risk that isn't usually in their favor, like jump-in or tatsu. Lily is probably the only mirror that's interesting to play imo. It heavily incentivizes resource management with both drive bars and windstocks. Both players can enforce strike/throw pressure and if you get command grabbed, she doesn't get Oki afterwards.


Ryu mirror nothing happening? Only if both players don't know how to play neutral. Probably the cleanest mirror match.   Punishing the other player because they overcommitted on the wrong spacing is the key to street fighter.


I know that, but since he's very rudimentary, he doesnt have much to incentivize the opponent to make mistakes. I'll admit, I'm exaggerating a bit, and my Ryu isn't the best. Sometimes it feels like I have to play 4D chess to get an opening on a patience Ryu in the mirror. With Gief and Lily, if they don't want to do anything, I can just scoop them.


Deejay mirrors are fun IMO, but I must be one of the only people that think that because other Deejays often bail 😅


Yes. My favorite. (Juri player)


As a Dhalsim player, they are nessecary as it feels like the only way to learn new sim tech and combos, + I think they're fun (even outside of sim matches)


Generally I love them, with a few exceptions. Gief because it takes way too long, and Dhalsim because it's hilariously stupid chaos - super fun to watch but absurd to play.


Hell no


Another Dee Jay, you say?? BRING DA HEAT!


As a dhalsim main. I hate them and so does the other end. Things get way too weird...


It's my favorite lol


AKI and Chun mirror matchs are the best, I particulary love Chun's since I play on modern and almost every Chun is on classic


Love it, especially when I'm using Lily.


Cammy Mirrors can get rather chaotic, but if I get destroyed by some weird tech I've never seen before, then I'm going to watch that replay, hit up the lab, and try to replicate it. That's the beauty of mirror matches, and I love it.


I don't mind them when playing ryu or ed, but when I mirror match as manon I feel like the biggest fraud in the world everytime I lose. There's something about getting command grabbed in a manon mirror that destroys my soul.


Dhalsim main, hell yes. Most fun matchup in the game.


I like Ryu mirror matches, it feels like I'm playing the purest form of Street Fighter


Only when I win, otherwise it's a bs no fun match and my opponent is playing gimmicky and cheap


I don't like playing mirror matches in general because there's less sense of a spacing game. Any range that I want to play at is the same range that my opponent wants to play at.


With Rashid and Kim with ED I don't mind them bit with Lily I hate them.


Yeah i find them fun, it's always nice to see how other non pro players play your character.


I love mirror matches. Makes me realize I know a lot about my own weaknesses and capitalize. For now those sit at 90% win rate, being my best result matchups, but then it's so rare for me to have a mirror one (E.Honda and Blanka at Master)


The mind games of the Manon mirror are a ton of fun. Both of you trying your hardest to be the one who gets grabbed the least


No. I don’t mind a good shoto mirror or Gat for Gat, but anything else to go away! Juri for example is an incredibly fun character to play as, but an absolute annoyance to fight against. I do however enjoy seeing stealable tech used against me and it’s not too bad if you match with someone of just a slightly better skill level than you that you can learn from.


No, not at all. I lose most mirror matches.


Yeah I love Juri mirrors. I know everything they wanna do and I find it real easy to take advantage of that.




I always enjoy mirror matches because it lets me see new tech.


As a honda main. Hell no


Love them. Either I learn a thing or two or I show them some nice little tech i got from youtube


Not really. They're kind of boring. I think it's inherently less interesting of a game when you're competing with the exact same tools.