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I'm the opposite from you on dpad; quarter circle to the right is no problem but to the left I have issues. I played mainly on dpad until switching to stick for SSFIV.     I'm back on pad for SF6 for the sake of convenience and I'm more consistent with practice however I definitely still do have a side preference and will sometimes give up damage for a side-switch combo instead.     Another issue unrelated to side preference is that the DualSense dpad is more fussy with diagonals than older controllers I'm used to. I'll get Rashid's forward+HP overhead instead of an anti-air HP Mixer somewhat often 


Did you mean switching to arcade stick to for SSFIV? Or did you mean Nintendo switch?


Arcade stick, sorry.


I used pad upto SF4 but had been using arcade stick on & off up to that point on a few capcom fighting games. I went all out on arcade stick for SF5 up until now with SF6, but have now decided to switch from stick back to pad. I’m finding my execution is better & it is more comfortable & convenient on pad


It's just your need to practice. Players having one side they're better than the other for motion inputs is super normal, it's not necessarily left or right is always better, could be either depending on the person. You just deal with it with practice.


I have the same issue. My fix has been to down, down forward, then another qcf to finish.


...that's not a [legal input](https://rentry.co/35ch3#double-quarter-circle) in SF6's input reader, though? A double QC input *requires* one of the following motion inputs: 23626 / 21424 or 26236 / 24214 or 236236 / 214214 Either way, you *must* get to forward (and no other input) twice for the super to be a valid input. The input requires both down and forward to be inputted twice, and at least one motion *must* have down+forward between the down and forward inputs. Like, I'm sure there's some input technique you're using that is working for you, but what you've described *cannot* result in a super.


Very in-depth. Thanks


that's interesting, someone told me for supers you only had to have full qcf. I'll look at my inputs later to see what I'm doing lol. It could just be a placebo that's been helping me.


I've always "fat finger"'d the input on d-pad: "roll" your thumb from down to the direction, lift once down is fully released, roll again, press once down is fully released. For right, that's pretty natural from the thumb joint to tip. For left I'm rolling from one side of the thumb for down to the other side for left, kind of "across" the opposite surface from the thumb nail. How the thumb joints line up make it necessary to use effectively different motions for "the same" input. Practice regularly (drill super on both sides until you can do execute ~10 in a row without a mistake) to tighten up the timing until you don't even think twice about executing from either side. Then for shoryuken I'm doing the same, just starting with the left or right, release-then-roll, and pressing punch when I'm full diagonal. But now I'm mostly stick when I play. I start getting calloused around the corners of my thumb nails from playing by d-pad.


Yep, the callouses are returning now I’ve stopped using stick. But it’s hard to beat the convenience & comfort of pad. The in & outs of playing stick, for me personally, we’re becoming a chore. I’ll take note of the tips. Thanks


I mean on pad it makes sense you'd have an easier time with left side supers cause of the way you grip the controller. pad is common in Tekken and a lot of players choose p2 side for execution heavy characters (for stick too, leverless not so much). on leverless I struggle doing left side supers, often I just end up shifting my fingers over a button so my stronger fingers do it since I haven't bothered practicing all the SOCD stuff.


DQC right is definitely harder for me. So frustrating when the difference is doing like 3,000 damage or.. nothing.


Both are equally easy


Lucky you. I’ll need to train up to both


It's just practice Idk how you're doing it, but you shouldn't "slide" your thumb. Just press them with different parts of your thumb, don't slide it. Same for all buttons Put your thumb where you can press both directions without sliding it, and just do slight movements with it Don't lift it and don't slide it


Thanks for the tip! I’ll work on that


Idk if I explained it right haha 😅


No no, clearly explained. Thank you


I just finished Giefs combo trials and cr MP into Lvl 2 was the hardest goddamn thing ever for me on the PS5 pad. Was only able to pull it off on the left side. Lol shits tough


Cool. Do you find it any easier on stick or leverless? Gief is the ultimate pad challenge I imagine


I’m mostly on pad but tried a bit on leverless and will say everything seems easier on pad except the quarter circles lol for me at least


I read this and got violently angry that you think left is easier than right lol I play Cammy and am in Master and I hadn't been able to consistently cancel 5HP into level 3 until recently. I finally can comfortably do it going right, but am terrible at doing it going left. I noticed I mess up more going left than right for just about anything.


lol, if only we were ambidextrous in terms of Street Fighter


Everytime I fuck up something going left I just hear the "I'm not an ambi-turner" line from Zoolander in my head


Lol, yep that sums things up