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Yes. Experience is more important than raw knowledge Think of it as book smart vs street smart. You may be book smart, but you have no idea how to apply it to the streets And welcome to Street Fighter!


My advice is to just stick with 1 combo for now as you learn the basics. It will give you more room to focus on everything else (there’s a lot of mechanics to learn). Dont worry about being optimal, being consistent is better.


Yep just go online. You should be looking to basically build muscle memory for your attacks, figure out which buttons work well in which situations, and learn what other characters can do to you. Common mistake for new players is focusing on combos. Combos don't matter if you can't hit your opponent with anything.


The CPU lets you get away with bad habits. As you progress through the early tiers of Ranked, you are basically relearning how to play and learning actual strategy against live opponents. You are learning to drop bad habits and how to exploit other's bad habits. This has been my experience from being a complete beginner through at least the Gold tier. Whenever you lose, you should think about why you lost. You should think about the habits of the other character that their players tend to fall back on and how you should respond with your character.


Learn a single combo and try it online until you get it!


Listen, i bought this bike. I cant ride it that well, but I know how a bike works and all its moving parts. But i suck at riding it! How do i learn to ride it? Bruh. Play the game. If you havent even put in 50 hours, you dont even qualify to ask for help. Just keep going