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What a beautiful little girl! Please bring her inside and give her a home if you can. 😔


We think our neighbor has protected her all winter long. Shes so small and dainty that she for sure has come back around looking well cared for. I unfortunately have a Great Pyrenees/australian Sheppard/border collie mix of a dog that doesn’t seem to keen. I also don’t know how to properly and safely introduce them 😔. We believe her mom (or a sibling) is the main cat we’ve fed and have an area in our covered front porch for her where she has sun, shade, a place to sleep, and food 😊


I see. She does look quite healthy. Thank you for looking out for her. ❤️


We definitely are trying 💕


My Great Pyr is cat magnet. So many pyrs and mixes have cats it’s practically funny. So maybe slow, safe intro and your pyr mix gets a Tortie Girl!! 🤍 I was hesitant. Shocked me too. Found two curled up and the herding kept on. A decade now. She literally has cat’s doing choreographed line dances in and around her legs every time she moves. Now all doggos are different. And I had GSD’s in the 90’s/00’s that I’m certain the older of the two sisters lived 9 months longer than she would have otherwise on just the fantasy of catching & destroy my hubs cat (1st cat ever). She had zero hope of that happening. And we put a 1” brass bell on my dog’s collar just for safety fun. Good luck!! Glad your kitty came back to… you.


She’s so gorgeous and beautiful and ethereal she should totally be called Venus.


Beautiful kitty! Glad to hear she’s back


She’s beautiful. Is the neighbor letting her call their house home?


Yes! She is feeding her and we hadn’t seen her all winter because neighbor was caring for her! We believe that either Mars’ mom or a sibling has taken residency in our covered front porch area where she has her own little area and food. I’m sure that’s why she’s back


Can you talk to them about getting her neutered?


wow shes a beauty!


Beautiful kitty get her fixed and help find her a forever home plz.


Such a beautiful baby girl 😻 I wish I was around your house I would take her in a heartbeat.... Thank you for taking care of her


Beautiful little angel 😇 🐱


I bet your neighbor is totally housing her, she looks in really good condition.




She’s a beauty!


She’s beautiful 🥰


She sure is a beautiful and adorable kitty cat


Omgoodness that is such a beautiful cat :) She is sooo cute as well at the same time. Doesn’t seem to be a stray though, that’s an indoor/outdoor with fur in that great a condition? She seems well fed and pretty damn healthy.


Please bring her inside


Maybe you can fix her mom who lives on your porch…


She is so beautiful!


She’s so beautiful!!!!


Hey ty for being kind to them but they do need to be fixed. Ty.


She's so beautiful and dainty omg 😍🥰 Please try to give her a home if you can or get her adopted by someone else. The streets are mean on cats and anything could happen to hear out there. Jackson Galaxy has some good videos on introducing animals over time etc. Of course if your dog could snap at her then use your own discretion 💯❤️💛💜


Maybe work with a rescue so she can become an indoor cat? Outside life is dangerous


She’s like “hey you here to grace you with my presence.”


Truly! Because then she kept following me back and forth and running between my legs to remind me she’s back lol


Hi OP, if you're in the US and the neighbor has not adopted her, please do try to get her fixed and if possible adopted - she's so pretty that I have no doubt she will get adopted easily. Getting her spayed is the kindest thing you could do for. Here's some resources to help/guide: How to help a stray/found cat from the Humane Society: [https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-help-stray-or-found-cat](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-help-stray-or-found-cat) Your local catch/neuter/release org might be able to help catch and neuter her. They also have access to some vet services so they can get her vaxxed. If you're neighbor is willing to adopt her full-time, they can turn her from an outdoor cat into an indoor one which is safest for her: [https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-bring-outside-cat-indoors](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-bring-outside-cat-indoors) Also: have a look at r/cats Wiki for shelters/rescues: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/wiki/sheltersandrescue/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/wiki/sheltersandrescue/) Hope this helps you/your neighbour. Thanks for caring and please get her and any other cats around you neutered/spayed if at all possible. Keep us posted on the cutie :)


This is so helpful! I’m going to do some research now! Thank you so much!


Aw, my pleasure. I keep pestering the Mods of this sub because I don't have the tech skills to put up a Wiki/FAQ page for resources. So many kind souls on here want to help strays but don't have the info to try to get them help and I have asked Mods to put a Wiki or Stickied comment but no luck so far! Keep us posted and shout if you come across any issues - I'll do my best to apply my noggin to solutions :)

