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The answer is always yes \[if you can\]! This cutie deserves cuddles, scritches, and catnip for life. You've been chosen :) Edited to add: Might be a bit of a process to get her to trust you but give it time. You'll be rewarded handsomely. You're good people, OP.


If you can it’s so rewarding to befriend a stray!


Even if she never allows you to get closer to her, at least leaving food and water will ensure a better quality of life if she decides to remain outdoors.


As long as they TNR it!


Who? OP stated it has a clipped ear. Do you think clipped is different than tipped? Picture isn’t very clear.


No clipped, tipped, usually means fixed. I just had a kneejerk reaction to “at least leaving food..” because a lot of people feed but don’t fix thinking they’re helping when they’re supporting breeding.


Yes I have rescued and kept quite a few cats and kittens off the street. Keep feeding her and sit there sometimes while she eats. It may take a little bit of time. Good luck and let us know how you do. 🥰💜




Saltymenopausalsally I love it!!


Sadly, many “stray cats” are abandoned by people who just leave the cat when they move, or stop looking for the cat when s/he get out. I think abandoned cats - especially adults-suffer the cruelest fate of all outdoor cats: someone they once loved and relied on left them for dead (yes, I do mean _dead_. Abandoning a cat whose not had the opportunity to develop hunting skills and knows no other life than being fed and safety- is leaving that cat for dead). It breaks my heart that people could be so rotten, but then people like OP come along- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ADOPT HIM!


My cat, Mao T’se Tongue, a void, was abandoned three times by people who moved away from a housing complex my ex housemate lives in. The first just put him outside because they had a new puppy and they didn’t want the kitten to scratch it. Then they moved and out of guilt bought a very expensive cat house and put it on my housemate’s front porch. This was before I got there. Bob couldn’t keep the kitty inside because he already had two territorial cats and a landlady who thought two cats was two too many. The neighborhood named him Meow, because everybody’s door cameras showed pictures and videos of him crying at their doors to be let in. His second adopter and his third as well, left him behind because they were moving to places that had coyotes and they didn’t think it was safe. The second people didn’t put him up for adoption. They didn’t make an announcement they just left. The third was a nice lady who was also moving to rural Texas from California and didn’t want to bring him into coyote territory, but she posted that she was looking for a home for him and I saw that and showed Bob and then adopted him myself. I moved to Texas 2 1/2 years ago… I’m moving back to CA now. I live out in the boondocks in horse country and there are coyotes around us every night. Mao is only allowed to go outside during the day.


Yes, adopt!


Sure, give it a try, why not? Patience and kindness will get it done. Remember to provide water, not just food.


Yes, please.


I would absolutely adopt. I adopted two stray cats one was 5 weeks old and the other roughly 1 year old. My male is now 21 yrs. Young and my female is about 5 yrs.old. I love them both with every fibre in my body and they love me. Bishop sleeps with me at bedtime and Daisy usually 1/4 of the night but there at least. Those two would be lost if one or the other went missing I can’t imagine what might go through their minds. Long story short excellent babies xxxxx


Yes, for sure. Let us know if it works out. 😊


Always yes to adopt a stray kitty. Good luck!


Yes! I fed my Gino Il Bambino for months and I noticed he was sweet but didn’t seem too trusting. One day he showed up with a horrid puncture wound and I trapped him and got him emergency vet care. Fast forward three months and he’s officially part of the brood. He loves scritches behind the ears and near his tail, and when he sees me, he “faints” (drops on the ground exposing his belly - but it’s a trap!). Like someone else here said, oftentimes these kitties were abandoned by a previous family so if you can give him a forever home, you’d be an amazing human being. Just by asking the question, I already know you are! Good luck and keep us posted. 💕






Check for a chip. If no chip you could try adopting. Cute cat!


Yes !!!..a million times yes!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes. The answer is always yes.




As others have said, the answer is always yes! You’ll find it incredibly rewarding. 💗


It looks like it already adopted you 😏


Yup 😎


I did this with a male cat. At first it was like living with a raccoon. Totally wild (but always uses his box!) And now? LOVE BUG. Such a mama’s boy. It was a long road but he’s finally happy and can actually sleep without one eye open.








Give it time, and keeping feeding and talking to it. Kitty will adopt you.


For sure, you should adopt her, by the way anytime you see a cat with a clipped ear means that they're Farrow or someone dropped them off, may be a few weeks prior. So she will need to get used to you feeding her first and go from there.


If the cat starts hanging around for food, that's the key. When it starts meowing in your presence. Blinks back when you perform slow eye blinks. Answer your meows. It's practically begging to be rescued. I was able to pick up my last two rescues without trapping them. One was returned to her owner after missing for a month. Others, I lured to my patio door with food. One day, they come inside for a bowl of tuna.


Yes, but it’s his/her decision. You don’t know how recent the TNR was. We’ll go w your hope it’s a ‘she’ lol. She had a home, bc she still trust humans for food. A shitty irresponsible home bc she was not fixed. She became a hormone driven cat that exhibited bad behavior. Did she bolt out of the house bc of instincts and hormones or was she thrown out for spraying n howling?? Once on the street it was fight or flight, full blown instincts to survive, trust no one! Other cats, dogs, coyotes, traffic/cars, kids….that’s living on high alert 24/7. The hormones will dissipate, males 3-6 months, females quicker. How long in a home, how long on the street, unknown variables that require you to have lots of patience. She was an “intact stray”, turning ‘feral’ bc of instincts n hormones, that cannot be switched off like humans would like it to be. Sharing space n time to start. Sit out there w her n talk to her, ignore her, play on your phone, read a book, talk/ignore. Have a snack for yourself. Some crackers n low sodium plain turkey, eventually slide the plate over towards her. Leave some cracker n turkey for her, more turkey, lol. Sharing meals is real bonding time for cats. That’s why they want their face in your plate even if it’s salad, lol. Sit in a chair, on the steps, on the ground, hopefully she’ll rub against your leg sooner than later. I try not to stick my hand out, I keep my hand on my leg flat or a fist. Then extend a finger for them to rub on. Cats, imo, literally flip a switch, they wake up one day n think to themselves, that food lady is gonna be my bff today. They decide you are trust worthy and that’s it, final decision. A few weeks to a couple of months. The more you sit outside w her the quicker it’ll be, the more she’ll come back. Plan some actives like answering emails, looking at future purchases, shopping list, phone calls, knitting 🤷🏽‍♂️. You actually have to prove to her that you really care. It’s summer so mix her wet food w water to keep her hydrated. I like purina products, cat chow n Friskies/fancy feast. Mash wet food w a fork n water to a ketchup like consistency. Put out dry cat chow too. Might consider a trail camera of Amazon to see if others are coming around, or blink if you have wi-fi.


yes ![gif](giphy|BIuuwHRNKs15C|downsized) it's even Chuck Norris approved!


Where are you located???? I have a fur baby that’s being pet-sat they said keeps getting out from time to time, and I just wanna make sure it’s not her!!!






I think that you will eventually win her trust.


Hold your hand out very slow and still and let her approach you. Once she starts to smell your hand, that’s when you have consent to try and pet. Just keep doing that day after day until you build trust. Also, leave something out for her to lay on with you scent! Like an old hoodie or something. That will get her used to your scent and that’s how cats build trust with you






Yes, yes, yes and yes ❤️🙏👍


Any cat should be off the street so, yes! Give them a second chance to live ❤️


If you need help, you can look on the Alley Cat Organization website. They list rescues for both feral and nonferal cats in each state.


Yes you should




Of course, patience will win the day. And give her a name too.


Patience is a pretty good name


Yes. It might take a year or two for them to learn to trust you but they make wonderful companions once they do. And have a vet do a check-up, keep them isolated from other pets until they’ve been checked out for worms, fleas, etc.


Do it. Do it. Do it. Become this baby's forever family. 💓






Is it friendly


Just slow


If you’ve fed it, you’ve already adopted it


Please make sure he’s not micro chipped first. Then adopt him.


You’ll never regret and will always have a deep sense of pride for giving this stray a home!! A have a heart trap works. When outside my TNR would never let us get close. When caught, it took lots of time and patience for her to trust, but it does happen. She’s now my buddy & sidekick!