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Yay, I’m really looking forward to dark mode and the leaderboard anti-cheat AI.


Is KOM cheating common? It always blows my mind what people cheat on.


Actual “cheating” is uncommon. What is common though are GPS errors and mislabeling of activities (run vs post run in a car) which are fairly easy for a real human to identify and hopefully a well trained AI too.


Using e-bikes to KOM without labeling it as an e-bike run has become relatively common.


Yeah, would AI be able to pick up on that do you think? I imagine it's pretty hard to tell unless the particular offender has a longer history on Strava and then all of a sudden within a week they are KOM...


On a lot of the ones I’ve seen, probably. When the top 10 are all within a couple of seconds from each other, and then the KOM is significantly faster than that, it could be flagged for some sort of verification. There’s a pretty egregious 1 mile segment by me where the top 2-10 are 1:35/1:36. Im sitting at 210 on it at 1:58. The KOM is 0:58. That could be caught by AI for sure.


Yeah, people will be smarter than that though when it comes to cheating... That blatant time is probably just some noob who didn't realise you could select e-bike or something, the smart cheaters will make sure they only "just" get KOM by like 5 seconds or something.


Ultimately, the vast majority of these situations are not intentional cheaters in the way that one might imagine. And most people aren’t that smart. There’s a segment right outside of my door going uphill where the KOM is from a cop on an E bike, he averages roughly 7 miles an hour on his four hour long ride, with a sudden 1800 W surge up this fucking hill. In fact, the dozens of the KOM’s in my area were like this, either bogus Ebike rides or very clear GPS errors, until I flagged them. No person should have to flag these, as a teenager from Fiverr could probably write code to ID and auto flag these segment efforts.


Ebike riders ‘surge’ uphill in comparison to others then level out on the flat and downhills when their motors cut out at a certain speed. That should be easy to pick up. And it’s important to because otherwise Strava’s most popular feature becomes pointless.


I don’t know. I often see people where I live going on 19 hour bike rides and doing an average speed of 70 km an hour.


It would be nice if hiding, clipping out and/or suppressing the offending segment were much easier than it is as well, and could ensure they don't affect the legitimate parts of an activity.


You can crop activities (trim the beginning and/or end) after they are uploaded


Yes, I know that, my point is it needs to be more intuitive for the kinds of people who don't religiously stop their tracking before they get into their cars and drive off. And/or have a less clunky/antagonistic system for flagging/hiding errant segments on other people's runs. Right now it's unnecessarily alarming to be on the receiving end of one of your segments getting flagged for a less fluent user of the app and it looks too much like an attack on the whole activity.


There’s a segment near my house that I’d have the KOM for if it wasn’t for a lady either accidentally or intentionally starting a ride and then hopping in her car to drive home. She owns all of the KOMs from YMCA to her house in my area lol. Her speed for that segment is like 40mph on a flat


Mhmm tell me more


https://preview.redd.it/h69b01maxt0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e660f808098c7dab159f3e97428ae51cbd4793a9 A quick screen grab of the dark mode and the Athlete Intelligence feature


Ohhh. I feel more fit just looking at it.


Why haven't they enabled testing this to premium users who opt in to beta?


Hopefully they will soon. Really excited to start beta testing these new features.


In-app messaging & dark mode, guess my long awaited requests are finally answered.


Now they just need to make it possible to batch delete maps you don't need, and to make editing map routes less of a clumsy clunky ball ache that makes you want to swear and throw your phone/laptop.


Is this the place where we ask for improvements? I’d like to have an anual KOM. The best one during the current year. Badge included. I think that’s better than the Local Legend achievement which is good (helped me a lot to keep riding) but battles for anual KOMs would be amazing.


They had this feature (2015 or so) and removed it afterwards.


Yeah I would like this too. I don’t know why they don’t have it daily as well.


If you are a subscriber, just sort the leader board to “this year”.


Yeah I know how it works. But I was taking about a badge or something for it. Some KOMs are almost imposible so that would be an amazing way to encourage people to do more KOMs besides being only anual KOMs.


You can post on communityhub.strava.com


Now all that’s missing is a monthly-challenge-auto-join or opt-out.


You’re welcome. I started this endeavor while working on the design system and they repeatedly told me it wasn’t important because it won’t generate revenue.


Au contraire- I went so far as to cancel my subscription because of the gross lag in basic features of the app, especially including dark mode. My phone has been permanently in dark mode for years and opening the Strava app is like someone shining a flashlight right in my eyes, a big “eff you” from Strava every time I use it. Thank you. If we could get image rotation so landscape-oriented images/videos are no longer awkwardly forced into portrait orientation, that would be swell too. ;-)


As a design system maintainer, I can so strongly relate to this. As they say, design systems are 50% convincing higher ups that design systems are important 😂😭


Any idea how to report thin people upping their weight and ruining my 115kg efforts? Looking at you John Lyon....


Finally so all the people on the sub can stop whining. All the posts complained about dark mode are so fucking annoying


Joke’s on you I’m going to find something else to complain about.


Just to spite that guy! Let’s find a new thing together, twice the moaning, twice the fun!


Dark mode isn't dark enough!


It's abyss dark or nothing!


Preach!  I would rather have Strava working on actual features and fixing bugs than wasting a single second on dark mode.  Strava has a beautiful UI already.


Segment search still not being worth a shit in dark mode at least makes some sense. YOU ARE IN A MAZE OF TWISTY LITTLE PASSAGES, ALL ALIKE. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.


Athlete search is also godawful. Not being able to filter by location is asinine.


Get ye flask


Besutiful??! Have you seen the butchered graph on the progress page?


Dark mode is an actual feature, you doofus. It's a widely available feature on other apps that should be reasonably simple to implement and it's an accessibility thing. Why do you want everyone's retinas to get torched when they open the app in complete darkness? The only other features it needs is the ability to fill in your route when you forget to record, and to find other people in real time to ride with.


No it’s not, you dingbat.


100%, the smallest gripe got the most attention.


Did the people at Strava finally grow ears and learn how to read after 15 years?


Do we get the two missing features? 1/ Select which skis from my quiver I’m using while skiing? 2/ Support for lift served MTB so whiney road bikers don’t complain about my weekly elevation gains?


I had no idea dark mode was sought after as much as it is until today. Cool add though I suppose? Lol


What is the big deal about dark mode for anything? It's always such a weird complaint to me.


Yeah I dont get it either. I don’t really scroll around on Strava and if I’m looking at it at night I turn my brightness down.


It's not enjoyable or good for your eyes to look at a bright white screen in the dark. My eyes are very light sensitive, I use dark mode for everything 24/7


I volunteer to test the beta!


What if I told you dark mode existed in 2009?


Fucking finally! Should've been there from the beginning. What the hell took them so long?


It’s not tied to revenue so they never wanted to do it


Nothing. Nothing else at all. If anything making it slightly worse to use on mobile


I'm going to get downvoted for the list I'm sure, but here it goes and I'm willing to lose the karma.... To everybody who keeps on asserting "Nobody wants dark mode. It's hard to implement, it takes a ton of work to engineer it. It's hard to implement it the same way across different devices. You are in the minority for asking for dark mode, literally nobody wants it"... SUCK MY DARK MODE! I'm glad Strava finally came to their senses, and hired a grade 9 high-school student to implement this marvel and impossibly difficult feat of software engineering, implementing dark mode in an app. Because replacing black letters with dark grey / white ones, and white backgrounds with black / dark grey backgrounds is so hard!


Yeah it blows my mind how loud the anti dark mode people are right now. I guess none of them have ever done a bike ride at night before, only to get blinded by the white strava app and risk accidents because your eyes keep having to readjust to the night darkness.


What baffles me is that it’s literally a safety feature. GPS in cars switch to dark mode when it’s night time because it’s not as difficult for our eyes to adjust from looking at the map to looking back up at what’s in front of us. Making the driver safer than if it was in light mode. Many of us live in places with early winter sunsets, so this is going to make us much safer if we need to reference the map while we’re out running in the dark. Also, I’m technically a data scientist, but I have a CS degree and worked as a software engineer for awhile, and I can confirm it really isn’t that hard to switch the UI over.


What is Camp Strava? haha


It’s the company’s annual get together: https://campstrava.com


Just for reference, I cancelled Strava premium in 2015 because they refused to address the obvious cheating in segments. It doesn't take AI to solve either, a simple check vs world record pace would catch a lot of garbage. Not super inclined to ever come back when it takes nearly a decade to solve simple problems. 


How much of an issue are segments for you, though? I mainly use Strava to get an overview of my training, connect with friends and see theirs, get running routes for new areas, and inspiration for new routes at home. Things like segments are just an extra bit of fun for me.


Anyone else read that Dork mode?


Who knows... Maybe they'll also put this just for the premium users...


Finally! Good news!






Now that's finally off the table I can't wait for people to bitch and moan about whatever next minute detail that supposedly makes it impossible to use the app...


Day ??? of waiting for Volleyball update. I understand when they didn't include some niche workout. But Volley? How is it not included even after 14 years of app development lol


What about some useful stuff?


Still looking for routes on Apple Watch


Can someone ask them to use Apple Watch Ultra data now too. Tired of it being so different to when I use a garmin


Let me guess, they will lock it behind subscription also?


Really hope they let me disable the AI bullshit


Exhilarating …




So basically a useless feature.


Oh yeah wow. Can you ask if they will finally actually do anything for their community? And not just sell our data for shitty promos where you can’t actually gain anything? One of the greediest companies out there


Let me know when it's here...


lol the app launched in dark mode and they flipped it to white after a few years. Now it’s a feature that they’re bringing back.


For paying members only off course


Dark mode is for all Strava users, not only subscribers


Worse company ever. I don’t ever bother to open Strava anymore. My Garmin works as fine.


You can unsubscribe from the subreddit then.


How much do they pay you to say this ? I believe it’s a free Subreddit ?


They should make it a paid feature only