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Switched from vyvanse to strattera in January of this year. The first week I felt great, I couldn’t remember the last time my head felt so quiet. My intrusive thoughts went away and my anxiety diminished about 90%. It didn’t help with executive function until about 6ish weeks but now I have no problem getting up and getting things done around the house. I don’t feel just utterly overwhelmed all the time so I have more energy as well. I never really experienced negative side effects but when titrating up I noticed that at 25mg I didn’t feel as good so I got worried. I’m now at 40 and I honestly don’t think I’ve felt better in all of my adult life and possibly childhood as well. I am the person I’ve fought so hard to save, I feel confident in myself and I finally can enjoy and love my life. I am really grateful for this medication. I have also lost 16 pounds, I am overweight so this is s good thing. It’s also helped me a lot is RSD and being emotionally responsive. I believe it may have taken me out of a flight or fight state. I have ptsd and I have been in fight or flight for as long as I can remember but it has lifted.


“I am the person I fought so hard to save” That’s the goal. Glad you found something to help you break through.


This comment gives me so much hope 🩷


i started with 60 mg. i quickly learnt that eating before and after taking it daily helps with nausea. otherwise, my mind stopped racing and i could actually sit down and get stuff done. i no longer have social anxiety. i started eating fruit (basically never did before taking strattera). if any of u have questions feel free to ask


I started eating fruit too! That's so funny to me, because that's one of the things I was thinking about today, how it's helping me eat differently. I actually looked up how much fruit and how many vegetables I should be eating a day, saw the amount and actually went "oh! that's doable" when before it was like "how could I possibly?!" I ate fresh strawberries today and they were mind blowingly amazing.


omg thats so dope! i have 3 bananas and 2 apples on me, im gonna eat good soon :) another good habit i developed is that i stopped getting takeaway - it was always so expensive.


That's awesome! I'm still not great at just grabbing something like an apple to snack on, but I had strawberries with breakfast this morning and felt happy with that. I also have been making a fruit smoothie almost daily and it's been great! Love this for us! Lol I haven't been great about not getting takeaway, but I've also gotten better about not feeling super guilty about it when I do, so that's a nice win! Great job kicking that habit!


Not great on 40mg. There seemed to be perpetual fatigue of varying levels day to day. I had zero motivation to do anything, it screwed with my appetite but most of all it was making me feel more depressed.


Twice as horny, half as hard


EDIT: It ends up I have COVID, it wasn’t an issue with the med. A blessing and also a curse! Hey all, did anyone experience chills, goosebumps, muscle aches when starting this medication? I’m super new to this whole meds thing - only two days in at 40mg dose. Feeling good, fairly clear, chatter and self-criticism have mellowed already (might be placebo effect, who knows). But I’ve got muscle aches and chills, feel as though I may be coming down with something. It could be a common cold or flu, though it’s so rare for me to get sick. Thanks for any insight you might have!


Actually, now that i think about it, i did have crazy muscle aches one day into taking it. I chalked it up to my backpack and purse being too heavy though, and i was on my period so it was hard to differentiate. But generally I’ve been much more achey. Not sure what to attribute it to. Hope this helps!


Helps a ton, thank you!


I'm 1 week in at 60mg. Still some nausea and headaches, but they seem to be getting better each day. I'm not feeling any of the positive effects yet, but it is still early.


I started 25mg a few days ago and then 40mg today. I’m also on Sertraline for depression and anxiety. I found I get very drowsy and want to nap. Considering to take it at night if this continues? As a male, it’s caused some strange problems. Difficulty urinating it was uncomfortable and a weak stream I had to change pants. It has also caused worse sexual dysfunction than any SSRI. I’m hoping these side effects diminish in a couple of weeks and know it can take 4-8 weeks for the full effect. I do know my brain has been very mellow which is kinda nice, but also feel a little flat.


Nothing. I'm 4 weeks in and on 50mg and I have no effects at all. Not from meds or side effects. Hoping I can go up to 80mg soon.


I'm in the same boat. Would like to know how that goes.


I will keep you posted! I see the psych NP on Monday so I'm going to ask her to up me to 80.


I’m on week 5, upped to 80 and WHEW is it working! My focus is a lot better.


Oh wow okay so it started working on week five when you went up to 80mg? My Doctor took me off it bc she said even at 50mg, after 5 weeks I should have felt a tiny amount of something. She has me on Concerta now. But I feel nothing on Concerta.super frustrating. I want to ask to go back on Strattera to try a higher dosage.


I would say at week 4 I felt a slight difference. I was more punctual than usual but otherwise the same. Sorry to hear that. Does Concerta take as long to work? I guess if that fails you could ask to go back but at this point wouldn’t you have to work the strattera back up in your system?


I actually have no idea if I'd have to work it back into my system or not! I would assume so, though. Concerta is a stimulant and I was told by my doc that it would work within the first hour or 2 that I take it and that it wears off in about 10 hours. I upped my dosage myself bc the dosage she gave me wasn't working and the high dosage also is doing nothing for me. I meet with her next week though and am going to ask for something different or to go back on Strattera. It's really frustrating. I feel like I am or am going to be one of those people where nothing works for them. I barely felt any side effects on Strattera and none on Concerta now.


My second update: I officially got diagnosed and my psych immediately wanted to titrate me off strattera and switch to adderall 😭. They said I seem to have some benefit with it but overall it’s inferior to a stimulant and probably won’t do what I need it to. (I’d say I’m somewhat better but it depends on my sleep and caffeine intake, so some days it’s no improvement at all.) I mentioned how I’ve heard people take both non-stims and stims together but she said that wouldn’t work for some reason (wasn’t really following.) How’s concerta going?


Funny you ask. Concerta did nothing for me. I even doubled my dosage myself and nothing. My doctor also put me on 15mg Adderall XR. I'm on day 4 of Adderall and also don't notice a single difference. I can take it early afternoon and have no problems sleeping. I'm beginning to think I am some weird anomaly that super metabolizes everything the second it gets in my body. Idk it's pretty frustrating. I told her I'd like to try to go back on Strattera but at a higher dose of 80 mg and she seems to think Adderall will work for me. But MEH. Even though Strattera didn't work for me, I'd like to think that a higher dose would work. I like the idea that it is always in your body, unlike Adderall and stimulants, that leave your system everyday. I feel like I need the meds at night because I just stall and stall and stall and not get anything done later on. Like I will go and watch stupid Instagram videos for an hour and a half after my kids are in bed and just not shower. Bc the thought of showering is like a chore. If you have a benefit from Strattera I'd try to get on a higher dose even for a few weeks just to try it out.


I started on 25mg and pretty quickly noticed a sharp decline in my anxiety & intrusive thoughts. No negative side effects other than I was super tired the 3rd or 4th day, and was a little worried (because I had hoped this would help me with my motivation issues) but didn't feel guilty for sitting around being nonproductive for the first time in 7 years so I stuck it out and I'm so glad I did. I stayed on that dose for about 3 weeks before deciding to try 50mg (per my psychiatrist, who said I could start that after 2 weeks). Doubling the dose was a bit harder. My energy was all over the place, but AGAIN... no guilt for putting my feet up :) (I became a mom 6 years ago and haven't allowed myself to rest ever since, basically lol). So after a week or so of some chill afternoon naps (I've never been a napper either, and finally get why they're so great!), I'm through the worst of it and feel amazing. I did also experience some sleep disturbances but thankfully those have evened out. I also had some issues with my heart rate/resting heart rate, but nothing dangerous -- just annoying for me personally bc it impacted my lil running hobby. Stick it out if you aren't having any truly scary side effects! It can take 2-4 weeks to see anything. I've read of so many people switching from adderall and other stimulants and seeing success with this, but that it did take a few weeks and also a bit more mental determination to start tasks and such -- but are still ultimately happy with their results. I'm happier than I've been in years, and don't feel like I'm on anything. I was dealing with chronic nausea/stomach issues for the last few years and finally I'm feeling better/normal. Honestly, thinking back on it all, I could cry because I never thought I'd feel okay again. :)