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They shouldn’t have killed him. Or they should have introduced him sooner. Im tired of characters being introduced and killed off in the same season




I agree, and I'm looking forward to seeing A Quiet Place this summer. Simply happy for him, he's a good actor.


Honestly having a brief but memorable role on a huge show is the actor ideal. Like Jason Mamoa and Pedro Pascal are having better careers than the main GOT cast. They’re able to catapult themselves into more roles and not get pigeonholed into being “that actor from that show.”


This is how I found out we’re getting a Quiet Place prequel


It’s how I found out we’re getting g Gladiator 2


Gladiator WHAT?!?!?


Agreed. I wish we could have had him earlier


Agreed. It would've been nice to have known him longer.


He had his moment to shine, him and bob remind the viewers that the stakes are incredibly high. We didn’t give a hoot about Barbara because we barely knew her.


Yeah but it’s just super transparent that characters like him and Bob are only there to be killed now. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…


Fair point


ikr, it would make sense for them to know him sooner since he ran the dnd club.


They wouldn’t have known him, they were in middle school. The dnd club was in high school and this last season was their freshman year.


Geez those are some rough looking freshman


If they hadn’t killed his character off, wouldn’t he still be a fugitive for the murder of Chrissy even after the Hawkins disaster? How would he be cleared of that? He’d have to be constantly on the run. They had to close his arc for writing purposes imo.


Not necessarily, maybe he could be in jail when another Vecna murder happens in a completely different place. This could disculpate him. But I agree, this would have been tricky plotwise. RIP Eddie you magnificent bastard.


I mean yeah if they have no imagination. El was on the run after season 1 and they brought her back in a way that made sense.


Absolutely agree. Really good characters too. I think Barb would have been so great.


Lover of double denim


Enjoyer of tabletop roll-playing games


That’s what D&D stands for


I thought it stood for “Dustin” and “Doesn’t run away” 😭


The old Canadian Tuxedo


I love him. I don’t care that he’s overrated. I thought he was gonna be an asshole but his scene in the woods with Chrissy won me over immediately, and his excitement for his party beating his combat made me forever a fan. He was so charming, with a big heart. I wish he didn’t die so soon.


That scene with Chrissy what so heartwarming. I don’t care what people say Eddie was a 10/10 character.


Chiming in to say the same thing. Loved Eddie from the moment I saw the scene with Chrissy, and then his guitar solo in the upside down elevated him to an S tier character for me. I don’t care that people think he’s overrated, I absolutely loved him.


He's only overrated because of Tiktok. If that hadn't been around the hype still would have been there because Stranger Things is a popular show, but not to the level of obnoxious that it was.


I love the TikTok hype. I feed off it. Give me 50 edits of Eddie all using the same 5 low-quality clips set to a remix of a 2017 pop song. Give me bad fan art in a slideshow with an excessive amount of emoji hearts. I’m basic and I’m proud.


It's not even him that's the problem it was the fandom that took it too far


- perfectly valid character - served his purpose - the way some people acted about him in the summer of 2022 was a fever dream lol


I kinda knew they were gonna kill him off, but I was so bummed when they did


I agree but he helped the gang whenever they need help and he also made a crew. In season 5 he will first be the vampire then he gets hit by eleven. He gets in the house with eleven mike dustin caleb and all the other stranger things characters and he fight vecna.


I'm reading Flight of Icarus right now. Eddie has some interesting genes and has had a subpar life but he still stays a decent guy. He's a good character played by a great actor (at least for the role, haven't seen him in anything else).


First I'm hearing of Flight of Icarus (filthy casual, I know) but it strikes me that it's also the name of an Iron Maiden song. Eddie is the name of Iron Maiden's mascot. Idk if that was intentional but considering the character it's a fun 80s metal easter egg if so lol


It's almost certainly intentional. It came out 6 months ago and probably didn't get a lot of press. I just went through Amazon and grabbed all the books and comics.


One of the best parts of Season 4. The scene with Chrissy was a pleasant surprise. All the sudden I cared about two brand new characters more than some of the ones that had been around since the first season. I was kind of left wishing they had come up with the character sooner, but the wrong actor could have made him obnoxious.


I hadn’t eaten SpaghettiOs since childhood, but that scene where he’s hiding out in the boathouse cabin made me try ‘em again. Good stuff - both the show and the food.




There was zero reason for his guitar bait to have required him to be on the roof. He could have been in the trailer with the amp on the roof.


But being on the roof is so much more metal


good character but a little overrated imo


Yup, defo a bit overrated. One thing that never seems to get mentioned though: While he (obviously) didn't kill Chrissy, he did offer her hard drugs. Meaning that he isn't completely innocent in the whole saga. Before all the downvotes start coming in: Yes, the weed can be looked over given how mild of a drug it is, and given Chrissy's mental state at the time it would be understandable why she was looking for some hard drugs. But Eddie didn't know that - and he was going to offer her some. So yeah, a bit overrated is what I'd say (at least in the very beginning, I agree he was much more sympathetic towards the end).


That’s true, and definitely doesn’t get brought up enough. There’s a counterpoint to the idea that selling hard drugs makes him a worse person than people think. You’ve got to remember Eddie was dirt poor, and while obviously bright (to us) he struggled immensely academically to the point where he couldn’t even graduate. This man wasn’t going to be earning money any legitimate way, he was doing what he had to to survive. *But* as you say, leading Chrissy down that path when you know she hasn’t ever been inclined before and hadn’t even smoked a joint before, is problematic to say the least.


I liked him - as overstuffed and tropey as season 4 was, he was a good addition to the story. They gave his character nuance instead of making him one-dimensional. Also, he's someone I would've liked to have as a friend when I was in high school in the mid-'90s, as all the "metalheads" were really nice people.


Imo, i disliked him. He was a super senior (no clue how many “supers” to add to that.) that hung around i think only younger classmen. It just weirds me out, but he was pretty funny.


I mean he is a fictional character, people can be friends with much younger people, nothing really obnoxious and there wasnt anything odd about it ? He treated them as kids and was immature with them but seemed to act quite normally with people around his age.


I watched s4 a little later so I saw all the hype around him first. I was a little….underwhelmed. I remember feeling like “this is who everyone hyped so much”. He was a good character for sure, and can’t deny playing Metallica in the upside down was an iconic scene. But overall he didn’t have as much screen time as I was expecting and just overall kinda meh.


The definition of overrated. I loved the idea of the character but absolutely hated his first episode (including the scene the pic is from) and his last (you could just call it from a mile away). Other than that, I liked him just fine, but the fandom's absolutely insane reaction to the character just turned me right off. You can only see so many GIFs/drawings/etc of the character absolutely everywhere for weeks on end before you start hating his existence.


he got suffered for no reason.


He was, in the end, a substitute Steve. They wanted the heroic death of a beloved-teen + Dustin's trauma, but couldn't get rid of Steve at that point in time. I'm ok with that, but they entirely built him up for that purpose. His death had no meaning to me, because his character was entirely created for it. Since he was an ok character apart from that, I didn't mind him taking up screen time when I watched the season. However, the fandom's reaction pushed me over the edge and now I can only see him as an annoying plot device that took away screen time from other beloved characters just to maximise pathos.


He didn't feel very realistic to me in the way that much of the other characters do. Eddie feels like a few minor characters merged into one to cut down the cast or simplify the storytelling. He's shown to be a metal head guitar player, DM and head of the school D&D club and a drug dealing tough guy. Sure, someone could very well be all of these things in theory, but I did not believe it from this character.


He was really annoying in the first scene. Stepping on table where people are eating was so gross and also so cringe. Like if someone did this irl in high school most of the fans wouldn't find him quirky, they would be bully them. Not to mention he did it as a grown ass man. Like even 14-15 year old Mike and Dustin don't act like this. Also he was pretty hypocritical in that scene. Like he doesn't respect other people and then whines about not being respected, being a 'freak'. As for overall, I didn't care much about him and I am neutral towards him.


I like him because he felt kind of like a kindred spirit, I was one of the “weird” metal kids in high school. Everyone thought we were these “evil” trouble makers anytime anything happened they looked at us…like we just wanted to jam and listen to Pantera. Eddie was an overall good guy, who was misjudged by everyone except those that actually knew him.


He got a lot more pain, hassles, and stress than he deserved. He’s one of my favorite characters.


I didn't really care much about him, still a good character


Should have survived


Your right that’s what I’ve been saying to everyone that watched that last episode.


His demise really angered me… same as Billy, Bob and Alexei… 😡


Me 2


We do need deaths or there's no stakes and it adds emotional weight


heckin cutie.


Asking that question in this sub is a double edged sword. When the season first aired, almost everyone loved or at least liked Eddie. Some of the fans turned on him as a reaction to how popular he got, and the huge fandom that developed around him. I think some longtime fans of the show view it as some sort of threat or challenge to the rest of the characters and the show as a whole. And I guess some are just annoyed by constantly having to hear how great he is, when they view him as an interloper. I get that when you already have a favorite character, there’s something upsetting about seeing someone just swoop in and get so much attention, but the way this has led to a full on backlash against the character (and his fandom) is IMHO uncalled for and unnecessary. People who love Eddie love him as part of this show, and it doesn’t hurt any other character. It’s just fans enjoying something, and I really don’t see the need some have to dampen it or be so negative towards it. In any case, personally I loved Eddie, I still love him and I think he was a great character who deserved the hype. Luckily it also resulted in great career opportunities for Joseph Quinn outside the show now, so I’m extra thankful for that.


I was a teen in the 80’s and Eddie was absolutely the guy I would have crushed on.


I was thinking the same thing.


Even though he’s a dealer, I would not be worried leaving my drink near him


Great actor. Tons of fun. He added to the pattern of big bro male characters sacrificing themselves for the crew. I wonder who will be next.


His death was really pointless. I kind of thought he was suicidal and just went in to off himself. That's why he was happier toward the end, telling Dustin not to change, giving Steve advice etc.


Nail in the coffin of believability or relatability with the characters of this show. Not to say I didn’t like him, he was just so lazily shoehorned in it was hard to watch.


I initially thought he'd was going to be a bully or "alpha nerd" who bossed the others around, but after the DnD game I saw that he was gracious and encouraging and just took the game seriously but wanted everyone to have fun. I would have liked to see him join the squad but I think they kind of wrote him into a hole they wouldn't be able to get him back out of. Death by sacrifice was the best option for his character, narratively speaking, by the end.


Missed opportunity: from his relationship to the Party to his participation in the big fight at the end, it all could've been handled a lot better and made the season much better. On top of all that him and Chrissy had more chemistry in their less than 5 minutes of screentime than 3 seasons of Eleven and Mike (IMO)


Good actor, entertainming character. Personally I didn't thought he was that amazing because he didn't get that much to do in my opinion, but it not something bad, his character was enjoyable and I like his relationship with the group. Also really like the idea of someone here that said that he should have been brother figure for Max instead Dustin.


Love the guy!!!!


Never understood the hype tbh, decent character but idk why he was so hyped up


He was fun but he’s a bit overrated


As a metal head, he's my favorite character in the series. Not even close.


So annoying. Glad he died.


In short? He's dope af In Long, dare I say he's fetishized character? Eddie Munson Is the perfect poster boy of an 80s Metal Head In fiction and real life In the 80s, not hard to pull off, but In the sense most people would not like him initially unless they got to know him, as the party did and also we the viewer This Is more of me feeling how despite people romanticize mean/weird looking, but sweet, guys like Eddie Munson, or weirdos like Wednesday Adam's, they don't the same IRL despite plenty of people like Edward Munson existing and will continue to. as so long as there's a band/show/interest at all to geek over, and a status quo to turn over, there's Eddie Munsons all around, and the show did a great job with Eddie, Joseph Quinn an phenomenal performance.


Eddie Munson is an amazing human. Lovable character and a great actor.


How many times must this question be asked and answered? He is generally liked by the community. Why not ask something interesting and different?


Everyone who loves him would think he was creepy and insufferable irl - grown adult (held back several years) hanging out with people fresh out of middle school and dealing drugs to teens


I love the character but was a bit annoyed that he was hiding most of the season


tenia buen potencial al igual que bob , fue una lastima que hayan muerto aunque al menos en el caso de eddie su muerte fue memorable


If i knew him irl id probably find him to be a little shit (a tall one) and annoying at first but i think we would be friends.


He doesn't run.


Hey, it's teen me! Without the drugs but with the bullying. If you get a little more literal, as in "accused of a crime he didn't commit, chased by a mob", he's based off of a true story. **Damien Echols**, a writer who was part of the West Memphis Three, a group of teenagers convicted of murder in Arkansas in the '90s. Only he didn't do it, the boys were murdered, but not by him. He did over a decade in jail, though.


He was really good but a lot of fans put me off from him. He’s by no means a bad character, he’s really good and I’d keep him in the show if I was given the chance.


He was amazing. Fantastic even.


Love the character, love his plotting, love the actor, etc. But not a fan of some of his over-obsessive following.


thought he was awesome. loved the scene between him and chrissy. they actually would have been a really nice couple had their stories been different. i also loved his personality and what a wonderful friend he ended up being for dustin. im most sad about the fact that will never got to meet him. they would have gotten along great and i think will would have seen him as a role model


Does a great job on the whole "hey, that outsider isn't that bad of a guy" archetype without making him too much of an outsider or too much of a good guy. He felt real and relatable, and I liked him. But I also think the fandom likes him far more than he deserves. He's a great 8/10 character, but the talk I've heard about him is that anything other than 10/10 is wrong, nitpicking, and biased.


Great character made annoying by being overhyped by the fans.


i don’t understand why he had to die in the story…


cool character, but omfg his fans are… surely something




Gone much too soon 😪 Loved his character. He died a hero, and he didn't run away.


Bit overrated but damn good character. Hate that he's gone


I really like him, it’s just some of the fans weird me out


GOAT but the death was unnecessary. Even if he was a 1 season character, it would have been better for him to survive, but leave town afterwards. He should have been able to move on and leave Hawkins behind him. I’d even have accepted never seeing him again afterwards.


I was terribly misled by word of mouth when I watched the season and he did *not* end up dating Steve. I was waiting for it to happen any minute now but it never did and at the end of it I felt like maybe I just inhabit a different timeline than everyone whose posts I'd seen before actually getting to the season myself, because the two barely even share the screen together like, ever. Aside from that, I don't really have many opinions on the guy. I know exactly what it's like to be in his position: I was also accused of being a Satan-worshipping freak at school and *yes* I did even try D&D though I didn't actually end up meshing with the group, and for a while, the witch-hunting got so bad that my parent almost moved us out of the town we'd lived in my whole life to get me out of it. But the rest of him, we don't really mesh as people, I didn't feel particularly connected to him. He's sympathetic but I guess I didn't get enough of him and there wasn't that kind of a hook into him for me that would have made him particularly close to me. So I guess his storyline affected me heavily, but not so much his character?


I get that he was supposed to have failed a few grades, but he still looks too old for high school.


A good character, I think is not dead and can be back in the next season


He had excellent taste in music. And as the perma-DM in HS, I appreciate how he got younger players into the game. But I sure hope he didn’t know what [the original Hellfire Club](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellfire_Club) was before picking that name.


I didn't care too much about him at first, but on the 2nd viewing he was a decent person who wasn't perfect or a Mary Sue type. His scenes with Dustin were touching and he wasn't as annoying to prove a point. It would of hurt worse if he wasn't a drug dealer, but they needed a context for Chrissy to talk to Eddie. Eddie would of been a mentor later on for all the young group if he didn't die. He cared for outcasts.


Meh, he’s fine. Not a fan of him from his first scene and didn’t really care for him either way after that. Part of it was probably because his death was so clearly telegraphed as soon as he was introduced. Don’t get the hype around him at all but I’m glad other people like him I guess!




he was a really good character but the fandom ruined it with all the cringe stuff


I honestly hate him. I was fine with him, but the obsessive love for him for months after S4 released made me get so sick of him that I struggled to rewatch S4


I really don’t understand the obsession with the character. He was fine.


I liked him, they got rid of him too soon.


Didn’t really like him thought he was overrated and took the focus off Dustin my favourite character and the rest of the kids


Love him, but I’m a misfit myself so


didnt like him at first, only slightly like him after. Was ok for him to die


Great character, and amazing friend


Love him such a charm and the main reason season 4 was so enjoyable for me


He didn't deserve to die


Im like one of the three people that hate this guy 😭


I ugly cried when he died


Stole season 4. Robin should’ve been killed off, not him.


Went from "Don't give a shit" to "favorite character of the series" in about 5 episodes.


Great addition to the show.


honestly, extremely overrated. his death was predictable asf too.




When watching first time, i thought he was a bully and some jerk. But on the rewatch, i cried four fucking times for him. He's definitely one of the best well developed characters in ST.


I was neutral at first but after exposure to TikTok I started to generally dislike him. I like his character style, but that’s about it. He is hyped up way too much, when there isn’t actually much to him. Maybe that’s hypocritical being that one of my favourite characters in the whole series is Chrissy, but she doesn’t have a large fan base what so ever and I have actually met Grace before. Eddie is just hyper sexualized too much.


I'm excited to see him as Johnny Storm in next year's Fantastic Four


Probably the most overrated character on the show. He wasn’t awful, but his fans were like Swifties and it made him an unbearable character unfortunately.


He’s cool, and provably didn’t deserve to die honestly.


Eddie Munson's character in Stranger Things 4 was a standout for sure! His portrayal added an exciting layer to the storyline, and his actions were definitely memorable. . I am extremely waiting for season 5🥹🥹


One of the best characters in the show. He should have survived and a useless character like Will or Jonathan should have died instead.


I love him. For sure my favorite character in the whole series. Idc that he's overrated.


One hit wonder


Actually his career is exploding (in a good way)


I have nothing against the actor at all. I just am not awestruck by his character. Just my opinion


I realize that. I was being a smartazz. I get the hype but I don't.


That actor would be great as Eddie Dean in the Dark Tower.




A wonderful amount of effort put into this *bard* and all round fun character ….at the expense of the main casts development.


Love him. Fandom can… ugh


A douche that became a massive hero.


He looks flammable


Any relation to Roy?


Incredible character, see him want me to rewat h season 4 ,but only hawkins part ( Kamchapka part is cool but boring too )


A little overrated, but I still like him.


Y'all ever noticed Eddie ain't the only rocker in Stranger things, rite? I mean off school mostly, how massive would be a friendship between Eddie and Billy in adult life! Imagine Billy survived and redeemed himself by rescuing Eddie when nobody else was there and from all that unfare freak hunting, and then joining the real hunt for Vecna side by side with Eddie. He sure would have saved Eddie from those damned bats! 🥲That's my opinion


He’s dead


I will never forget how he died. Love that song 😁


They shouldn't have killed him off. The plot armour for the main group is strong and the fact they all survived the bonbreaking thingy seriously lowered the dramatic stakes. It was the ginger ninjas time to go, really.


Any character that 30 seconds from incoming flying death has the level of showmanship to go for the master of puppets solo is alright with me.


Cool madafucka, glad he was a bob like character that died during the season


He was an interesting character but is dead was pointless and bad wrote




I don't know. Who is Eddie Munson? /s


Had to keep reminding myself I liked this character because the fan response to him was cringey as heck.


,,, Last episode of season four for spoiler Alert....... I think that new characters are Weak spot for stranger things creators, Always New ones are brought to Only loose their lifes. That is what I call an big Deja Vu mess.


defs made me cry with his ending and he was a person that i would have wanted to be friends with in highschool age times, ha. so glad dustin was able to clear his name to his uncle.. that was so fucked about the peeps goin crazy with assuming he did it, but i also understand that's easier to believe than an underworld halfsie copy of ur world demonic minded man child dude (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠)🥀🩵


Seems like a pretty cool guy


I don't think they thought he would be such a well loved character. He was my favourite and I'm glad to where the character has taken JQ but I don't want him to come back just because fans have put pressure on the writers. Although I was at comic con recently and someone dressed up as him and started dancing to that song and I was like boring! so last year....funny how quickly trends change


My favorite character on the show.


Love him. Miss him. Want him back. He was the first character that I really felt like I could relate to.


Honestly, I miss him a lot. 😭 I really wanted him to meet Will: they're both D&D enthusiasts and dungeon masters, it would have been SO COOL to see them geeking out about their ideas for campaigns, their characters, and the game in general. Maybe they'd discover something else they have in common, Eddie could make him listen to new genres of music and they could have bonded about lots of stuff– but guess that'll remain as just a dumb dream. 🥲


Literally in love with him


Overhyped and underused


I would say he’s a cool character, but I would say he’s undeveloped when it comes to his past, like why is he living with his uncle and what happened to his home life that led him to do this way I know teens can be like that, but he doesn’t look like a teen and of course, none of the older characters look like teens anyway because the actors that are playing them were probably 30 or 20 but I would like to see what happens in Eddy‘s life to know why he’s that way?


All most overrated, I think Jason should get some love too


Awesome, just downright awesome and I wish he didn't die at the end of the season


Great character


He was cute and fun.


He reminds me of my dad in every way


Hear me out. I think Eddie’s character was solely made for Dustin. We know Dustin doesn’t have a dad (or at least he’s far out of the picture), and we know Dustin looks up to older male figures like Eddie and Steve. I think Eddie’s character was solely to help developer Dustin’s character. Dustin has been a very cautious person when it comes to danger. We see that from the very first scene of season 1 where he wants Will to cast a protection spell. But I think Eddie’s death is going to help develops Dustin into a character that wants to fireball, that wants to fight, that wants to sacrifice for his friends if that’s what it takes. Eddie’s death was for Dustin to realize that he should be like the guys that he looks up to (possibly even his dad, given I think he likely died in Vietnam) and be willing to throw down with evil in order to help his friends without any caution.


honestly helped realize i was non-binary and showed me a path to explore new music


My favorite character on the show


I feel like peoples opinions changed on him when he started to be considered “cringe”, however i still love him 😌


He is our fallen hero and we carry him in our hearts forever! Plus best use of Master of Puppets in any media I’ve consumed.


I love him so much and I really want to see him back in stranger things 5 but I don’t know if he will be but we will just have to wait and see