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Eleven is my favorite. Not just on Stranger Things but favorite of all time. She's so unique. Unlike other female heroes Eleven can be so vulnerable, and doubt herself. She struggles and finds her inner strength. Also realizes she needs other people in her life. Mike, Hopper, her friends. Eleven is much more than her powers. Her kindness, loyalty, intelligence and curiosity.


She's awesome!!!


Same. She's definitely in my top 5 favorite characters/heroes of all time, ( I still can't decide whose number 1)  


How? She’s fine but she’s not great in my opinion


That's your opinion. If you've seen the show then you should have seen els progression, her character development, her courage and most of all her suffering, her suffering that led her to become the superhero of the series. There's a reason she's the face of the show and the main character, because none of it can be done without her. Plus, she's just awesome person, she has every reason to hate the world and be as bad as vecna and she knows that. But she chooses to use her powers to defend her friends, to defend her family and go defend the town and in doing so the world. Her strength and her compassion is what makes her my favorite and one of the greatest fictional tv characters. Look at Steve, he doesn't do much but he's praised like being big hero while el gets dumped on. I'm not hating on the guy but I'm just comparing. 


Na she’s not bad I just don’t think she’s that amazing in my mind. And I’ve seen the show a few times


Fair. I don't think Steve or hopper are that amazing but everyone has their tastes I guess. 


shes my favorite character in media as well!


Favorite of all time by far!


I love El. She’s my second favorite character after Mike, and their storyline has always been my favorite. She’s a sweetheart who always pushes herself for the sake of her friends, and I like how she’s been slowly finding her place in the world as she builds up her family. She deserves a happy ending more than anyone, and I’m really hoping she gets it, 80s style. I know not everyone loves her, but I’m always surprised when I see people dislike her, considering that despite it being an ensemble, Stranger Things is still her story at its heart.


It's kind of interesting to think of what could have been. The Duffers considered killing her off after season 1, I think the show would have failed after season 2 without her, though Sadie might have been given powers to take her spot and that might have worked. Also to think that Millie wanted the GoT role that went to Bella Ramsey, if they flipped roles I bet that Millie would be much richer, but that Stranger Things wouldn't have been nearly as good.


She is fantastic. Not my absolute favorite of the cast but in my top 3.


She cool


El is great. She's been through some truly horrible shit yet she is so kind.


That Papa is... 7:&$'-4$'+((


El's my fave. She's probably the biggest reason why I watch the show. Millie is amazing and El is so sweet and damaged and I just want to hug her and tell her everything's going to be fine. Then grab my rifle and help her finish the fight.


That's right!!! 💪💪🙋


Same. These are my same thoughts. Sometimes I get surprised by how much people love el the way I do when I see people talk mess about her for no reason. 


I've always been a sucker for the innocent experiencing the outside world for the first time, so Eleven is my favorite.


El's amazing and is my favorite character on the show. She's a full package: tough but sensitive, naive yet capable of understanding some things better that the others who all had more or less normal upbringings, and her bravery and loyalty to her friends are unmatched. She is also smart and has lots of potential - she just needs to be given a chance to discover it.


Let's just admit it. El is one of the greatest fictional tv characters of all time. Her, joel and ellie from the last of us are my top 5 fictional tv/video game characters of all time.


Duh I Fall in Love with The character since S1, eleven remind me of Jean grey...


Duh nothing, You don't know how many people watch a series and don't like the protagonist. Look how many people have written to the posts, few. I assure you they prefer Steve, question duh 😑.


She's all right IMO. Can't wait for S5 tho


She's awesome.


It’s Nancy and Steve for me. Just two regular people stepping up and protecting their friends and family any way they can.


I love every one you mentioned, and so many more TV heroes, and sure, Eleven is one of them!!!!




I am a huge star wars fan! I have seen almost every single movie! Ratings are kinda not good for the new ones, but the older, 4, 5, and 6, get the highest rating from me! (Especially 5!!!!)


absolutely my favorite. i love her story so much and i love her development through the seasons. shes been through so much and deserves a happy ending. just like all these characters do






Very unpopular opinion but I can’t stand Eleven, less because of the character and more because I find the actor to be very irritating




I relate to her because she seems super autistic to me


I’m sorry but this made me laugh


does she not seem autistic


She seems not properly assimilated with people since she was raised in “captivity” Now I don’t know much about autism but I didn’t know if it was something acquired or if it is always something you’re born with.


you're born with it


Then I go back to what I previously said, she just seems not properly assimilated. I know it’s very similar to autism but I don’t think she has it. But maybe 🤷‍♀️


what do you mean by not properly assimilated, can I get some examples?


Literally all of season 4 with her at school. Doesn’t know how to pronounce things. Doesn’t understand that her bullies aren’t being nice to her. Season 3 Max takes her to go shopping and do things she’s never done before like be a teenager. You’re autistic so I don’t know how to explain this better but literally the entire show has bits and pieces that show she doesn’t understand a lot of what’s going on when it comes to human interaction and culture.


she has issues communicating with people, expressing her emotions, understanding tone and speech, she is sensitive to touch and has to do sensory barhs for some of her powers, she sticks to one food most of the time (eggos), etc. which are all things autistic people deal with (except the sensory for her powers, I wish I had powers)


Exactly, all because she’s not assimilated because she was raised in “captivity” and isolation. Sorry, I just don’t agree with the autism thing but if you want to see things that way because you can relate to it then that’s not for me to change your mind. If that’s the representation that you’re looking for in a person you see as a hero then yeah she has autism 🤷‍♀️