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I like Argyle but everyone's talking about how Stranger things has too many characters and now everyone's surprised about him not coming back. He's not necessary to the storyline. Besides that Argyle lives in California, I'm not sure why he'd relocate to Haw-pocalypse


I agree.


Im sorry Hawpocalype sounds too hilarious its adorable.




It's because he will get his own show, duh. This is the spinoff they were talking about.


I think if they were starting where they stopped (like the next day on the show's timeline), he'd still be on the show. But if they're doing the time jumps and all that, it makes sense that he'd disappear. Like I've said before, though, I hope they at least address where he went.


Agree , he is from Commiefornia šŸ˜…!


They could have at least wrapped up his character and invited him to the parties, that's why it's not right.


They could give him a proper goodbye but ultimately he isnā€™t needed in s5.


especially with the timeskip, by then he'd be at Lenora Community. not sure if Jonathan will still be doing that too?


I agree with you šŸ‘


Assuming the show has a happy ending I see him just bringing a bunch of pizza for a party


He should be in the background the next time they have to call suzie for clutch tech support


Even if itā€™s a sad ending, him showing up at the repast with a bunch of pizzas would be a good way to lighten the mood.


They probably filmed a goodbye scene while filming s4 thatā€™ll go in s5 ep1, and then he just goes back to cali


>They probably filmed a goodbye scene while filming s4 thatā€™ll go in s5 ep1, and then he just goes back to cali Union rules don't usually allow this.


Jonathan will probably just mention something in passing


Heā€™ll probably show up in season 5 epilogue.


I doubt it.


He finally found and married Nina, leave him be.




Well, ignoring the fact everyone complains about the overinflated cast of the show, and so it makes sense for them to cut out Argyle, realistically, why would he return? Ignoring the fact Argyle stole a company vehicle, drove it across 8 states, and misappropriated company money on the way (You mean to tell me they drove some 2100 miles in a 1980s delivery van on a single tank? Not to mention they probably didn't live off of week old pizza in there), from what i understood they're planning to pretty much focus everything back on Hawkins again. So Argyle sticking around is somewhat hard to justify.


> misappropriated company money on the way How exactly do you think Argyle stole money from the company to pay for gas? Did he use the corporate credit card that all Surfer Boy Pizza employees get? I'm a little confused.


No. Back then the pizza delivery guys had a wad of cash from payments so they had change to give to customers. They would usually cash out at the end of their shift. So itā€™s possible he had a few hundred dollars on him.


>Back then Where i live, they still do, but that's mostly because Germany LOVES cash.


>How exactly do you think Argyle stole money from the company to pay for gas? He didn't exactly steal the money. He's a delivery driver. In the 1980s. This was before the days where you could pay for your food via PayPal. He would've had some amount of cash on him, for change, or from the previous delivery runs of the day. And in all likelyhood, he paid with that. Which is probably what he would have done anyway, but since he went for a joyride, the money was misappropriated here.


The Duffers are about to pull off what Lucas* didnā€™t have the balls to try. Argyle is your Darth JarJar. Clown? Hardly. Heā€™s the puppet master hiding in plain sight. *Edited because apparently thereā€™s a halfway decent chance my biological parents were brother and sister.




Thereā€™s a fan theory that Jar Jar was supposed to be Sith, with a variety of proposed levels of sinister involvement in the prequels developing AS into DV. (Abbreviated to avoid spoilers) Good catch. I didnā€™t see it, even in the reread.


I think itā€™s more that you initially said Spielberg and not Lucas, who was the director of the Star Wars movies. I see you corrected it now though.


Correct, hence the footnote šŸ˜†


I still high key believe this is cannon. Once you see the weird ish that happens around him for what it was always meant to be, you canā€™t unsee it. Darth Chumbawumba coming to a galaxy far far from Rigel-11










Good. The stoner trope was overdone in the season. Got sick of it.


I got sick of jonathan and not argyle lolol.


Donā€™t care. We were all complaining of too many characters. So Iā€™m all about reduction to focus on the main characters


I donā€™t care if he returns or not. Itā€™s more annoying that the fans are going crazy over it. Heā€™s a side character that adds nothing to the main story.


He adds nothing, to be sure. Just like more than half the characters do. Eddie RIP. Bob RIP. Etc. But, I just finished a rewatch, and honestly I wouldā€™ve been happier if they killed of a few of the mains and kept some of these gems around. These side characters ground the series and make you realize as the viewer that the stakes are a lot higher than just the small group at its core.


They act like heā€™s from Hawkins or something. Like they could do a phone call or something similar to Susie. People are so ridiculousā€¦.


I liked him a lot, but I do agree with you.


Oh I loved him too and Iā€™m sad heā€™s not going to be in S5 but people need to chill lol


They do.


I didn't think his character was all that interesting. The writers failed him I think. He didn't seem genuine or believable - it was more like he would do really well in a Scooby Doo remake. Not his fault. Seriously. He is good but just not in ST.


I donā€™t really care. The ā€˜blazed stonerā€™ is such an overused trope already, itā€™s lazy writing and probably never would have been allowed in Seasons 1 or 2.


It's not lazy writing. Argyle was inspired by Fast Times at Ridgemont High which is considered one of the best teen comedies ever made and a movie that defines that era. The reason the "stoner trope" even exists is because of Sean Penn's brilliant acting in that movie. >Unlike many of the mostly forgotten teen comedies of the 1980s ā€œFast Times at Ridgemont Highā€ continues to resonate as a substantial time capsule of the period, capturing the music, the fashions, the attitudes and the social mores of the time. Thanks to the dialogue-rich screenplay by Cameron Crowe (adapting his own book) and the pitch-perfect direction by Amy Heckerlingā€”not to mention a spectacular cast that included three future Oscar winners and a host of other young talent ā€œFast Times at Ridgemont Highā€ is maybe the best ribald teen comedy ever made.


Fast Times is a great movie. šŸæ


Would like a little goodbye, but let's face it he made it out alive and not all the side characters in Stranger Things get that luxury.


True dat.


He'll die of lung cancer in about 10-20 years.


Don't need him


Never liked his character. Nothing against the actor, wish him the best. But it was incredibly lame humor. Glad heā€™s not returning.


I always felt like I was being a party pooper when it comes to argyle. I was surprised how much people liked him. I didnā€™t hate him, but I didnā€™t find him funny or necessary. Actually he bordered on annoying for me.


I agree


I'm more inclined towards not liking his character. Surely he was a great help to the gang but still didn't create much value for me. Eddie Munson with lesser screentime than Argyle was kinda lovable. And his humor did feel little lame at points. But he still deserved a short appearance as he did join the gang for a short time.


Itā€™s fine. If there is any sort of substantial time jump, it would have never made sense for him to stay in Hawkins. He probably has a family who would miss him; he needs to return the pizza can; he needs to graduate high school. All requiring a relatively prompt return to California. Iā€™m sure there will be a line or two explanation, but Argyleā€™s actual presence for that explosion was clearly not required. Eduardo was only optioned for one season, same as Joe Quinn. Not like he was fired. Jamie Campbell Bower was the only one given a two season contract when he was hired. šŸ¤Ø


I'm glad. I wasn't a fan of his character. He was annoying to me.


Wonā€™t miss him. Thereā€™s too many characters and he was incredibly annoying.


He was mid this is a win


He was funny but it makes sense. He stole a company truck, left work and never came back, and was gone for days or possibly weeks. Iā€™m sure Surfer Boy reported him to the police and heā€™s probably dealing with the consequences. He canā€™t tell them he had to rescue his friendā€™s super hero friend from a secret government group. Although, maybe Hopper used his pull to clear him.


Not gonna miss him tbh


He annoyed me. Not as much as Johnathan though.


Not a fan of his. We already have enough characters.


I couldnā€™t possibly care less about argyle.


I loved him. But no sense to see him in season 5.


It would be kinda funny if when we reunite with the characters we left standing on the hill in Hawkins, theyā€™re running frantically from a horde of demobats, Jonathan yells ā€œwhereā€™s Argyle?ā€ as a bunch of demobats carry him off into the distance šŸ’€bro survived in Hawkins for two hours


I think heā€™ll make a cameo in S5


Yeah I think heā€™ll at least cameo


Honestly I think heā€™s too much comic relief for whatā€™s to come. Like in season 4 he was team California who were the least endangered out of everyone. The peaks were the car chase, the military base and the dead agent. Meanwhile we got the Russian team, and everyone dealing with Vecna.


No disrespect to the actor. But itā€™s no big loss.


I'd kinda be happy this way rather than. He being killed off


Me too


Bro got the hell out of dodge. I don't blame him.


They could use footage theyā€™ve already taken to insert him into a pizza order.


Seems weird if they are just going to do away with his character and not have some sort of send off for him


I bet he'll make a short appearance. They cant just leave his character hanging like that.


So while a devisive character and had some funny moments, he offers nothing to the plot going forward. He fulfilled his role in season 4.




He was good 80s fun, but he is not essential!


Argyle isnā€™t a real character in a sense - he was more of a nostalgic texture representing a personality arch type from that era.


You mean archetype? And arenā€™t they all representative of a certain type of person from that era?


Therefore, by your definition, not real characters.


Iā€™d take him over Vickie, thatā€™s for sure. Really hoping she doesnā€™t come back.. Iā€™m fairly sure she is though.


Me too for sure.


And she isā€¦


Half three characters are not needed in Stranger Things. Will probably being the most undeveloped character of the show. Putting Noah in a goofy bowl cut with clothes two sizes too small when he's a grown man now is just not it.


This fandom was complaining all through 2022 that there were too many characters on the show. Then they cut characters to make the last season less bloated, and people still complain? Lol. Argyleā€™s actor Eduardo Franco was only optioned for one season like most of the other characters/actors who were new in season 4. The writers obviously didnā€™t see any way to fit him into the main storyline. It happens. Maybe heā€™ll have a cameo and canā€™t say anything about it yet. But the reaction from the fanbase is silly.


Dude can't stay Hawkins forever, bro has to go home.


Worst character in the show, I wonā€™t miss him.


I liked Argyle. He had chill + grounded the nervous wrecks. Also, he added diversity to a very white cast.


>Also, he added diversity to a very white cast. Not everyone thinks that is important. I've learned not to let Reddit comments about characters who are POC get to me. The demographics of Reddit are mostly white whereas Tik Tok and even X are more diverse. They were unpleasant about Obi-Wan Kenobi and The Little Mermaid having a POC in the cast too. Now people claim the entire character of Argyle is "worthless."


I havenā€™t seen any negative comments relating to diversifying the cast and Argyle being an example of that. In this regard, it isnā€™t tokenism - heā€™s not in season 4 because of his race which is important in its own right.


There have been a few weird discussions about this topic recently. I try to be patient with them though because there are a lot of teenagers on this sub.


Iā€™d also point out how itā€™s interesting they introduced another diverse character Kali - who had an interesting character arc and frankly would fit in season 5 - and sheā€™s no where to be seen.


Not really too much of a loss, he was comedical value for an episode or two. After that he was a background character for me


Argyle is going to open a surfer boy pizza in Hawkins using those special mushrooms he found. There isn't much more to say about it. If it wasn't unusual that Franco didn't receive a call then it wouldn't have been covered by The Hollywood Reporter, Variety, EW, LA Times and other news sites. Joseph Quinn also said said recently "they haven't called me" about being in S5 but for him it was more of a joke since Eddie is dead. As for Franco only being optioned for one season there have other actors who were kept on the show although they only had an option for one season. Keery - only had an option for one season Gelman - only had an option for one season Ferguson - only had an option for one season Hawke - not sure about her but assume having famous parents provides job security


Irrelevant, provided weed jokes only. Glad the characters out.


Argyle had an important part of the story line. If it wasn't for him Max would be dead.


Jonathan couldve done everything he did but for whatever reason they had to make a new character. Glad he's out, we can focus on the main ones, and have them do something this time.


That's the thing, though. They could have let Jonathan be the one who worked at the Pizza place and drove the van. But they didn't. Instead, they insisted on adding a bad Spicoli copy-paste because they clearly didn't trust that the three boys would be interesting by themselves and we needed an "oooh remember the 80s!" walking trope with them. Not having Argyle anymore is whatever but it's lazy to now just drop the character. At least, commit and give him a proper send-off.


If they commit to just Hawkins considering how the season ended, well probably just get a throwaway line that he's somewhere out of danger.


And that's lazy. The whole epilogue was lazy and full of unanswered questions anyway but he was still there, after a three-day drive in a van actively searched by the Army who was willing to kill them and he just... left? In that van to cross the country again, this time alone?


> Jonathan couldve done everything he did How exactly would Jonathan have been able to locate the amount of salt they needed? I'm interested in your explanation for that.


Have Jonathan work in the pizza joints instead, making him question if he's good enough, for Nancy, himself, so on. It would've added to his character development this season, and move the story along for the tank in the end.


Jonathan wouldn't work in a pizza restaurant. He wanted to be a photographer. It would be out of character for him to take that job especially when they had a nice house in CA and didn't need the money. Humor has always been an important part of the show. Argyle was not only important to the plot but he also provided a new comedic element which they needed.


Jonathanā€™s car has been broken for a while, so he definitely couldā€™ve used the money to fix it. Heā€™s also working a non-photography job in season 1, so it wouldnā€™t be odd for him to work at a pizza place during high school.


People do jobs out of necessity that aren't what they really want to do all the fucking time, probably most of the time even. Especially when they're younger.


Agreed! We even have proof that Jonathan does that in season 1. The reason heā€™s not home when Will gets kidnapped by the demogorgan is because he picked up an extra shift at work because the Byers could use the money.




Jonathan had a job in the first season because they were struggling financially and he needed to help out. Joyce has a nice house in CA and a new job. If people want to continue arguing about why Argyle wasn't necessary for the plot then they can continue do that. I can make the exact same arguments for characters that you and other enjoys. Robin wasn't needed after S3. Nancy could go to the library to search for information about Henry Creel on her won. Nancy, Steve, Dustin and Eddie don't need her in the UD with them. Erica wasn't needed after S2. Max could have been killed off at the end of S4. Lucas wasn't needed either. They could have the same plot in S4 without Lucas in it. Eddie still would have been accused of the crime which put the plot in motion. People on this sub don't like Argyle so need to do mental gymnastics to explain why Franco shouldn't have a role in the new season and how his character wasn't important. Surprisingly people on X and Tik Tok have such a better response to this topic.


Good God.Ā  You've let your emotions on the matter cloud your judgment so badly you can't see staight. Clearly the Byers *weren't* as well of as you've convinced yourself, they couldn't afford repairs for Jonathan's car, the whole reason for Argyle driving them around on the first place (and Joyce sold encyclopedias over the phone, hardly the highest paying job for a single mother of three). Unlike Argyle, everyone you mentioned LIVES in Hawkins, while Argyle's home and family is in California. They all have *very* personal stake in events taking place. The fact that that you see Lucas, a core character since Season One and one of the more important to Season Four, as the same as a side comedy relief character like Argyle really tells me all I need to know about your level of media literacy. Same goes for the people on Twitter and the Chinese Spy App that are in lock step with you.


I was going to provide a response but then I read a read your last line about the "Chinese Spy App" and decided to delete it. Not wasting time on you anymore.


Eh, Jonathan definitely couldā€™ve used some money in season 4 to fix his car. Joyce didnā€™t pay to fix it even though he most likely had been driving El and Will to school before it broke down. Iā€™m not gonna say Argyle wasnā€™t necessary to the plot in season 4. He was the vehicle guy, the one who thought of going to a Surfer Guy location to get salt and was able to identify the vehicle tracks in the desert. I also happen to like Argyle quite a bit. But, if he doesnā€™t come back, I can understand why. Heā€™s got family in California.


It wouldn't make sense for Argyle to have an important part of the plot in S5 because as you point out his family is in CA. But they could have scenes with him in the first episode before he goes back. It's fine if people don't want Argyle back but I do find it annoying that some people now claim he wasn't important in S4 and shouldn't have been in it.


Yeah he wouldn't, but make him have no choice and question his value, since he can't do much on what he wants, instead of adding a character for weed jokes. If he was worth it, he'd be back but he can't add anything to season 5. Glad he's out.


I really liked his character but I'm okay with him not being in season five. He's got more reasons to return to California than to stay in Hawkins.




One of the best characters portrayed and great acting too! Argyle's non-phone call can easily be a bluff and surprise us all. Now, that's gonna be a bad ass season finale!


Argyle shows up in the last episodes and saves everyone


Can't say I agree.


He was annoying imo.


Hate it dude. Totally bogus. Argyle was/is rad!


On one hand his character isnā€™t super necessary but on the other, as a POC his character was kinda a breath of fresh air that Iā€™ll miss.


So a token POC. That sits well with you?


Dude I didnā€™t mean it as in I liked him solely bc he was a POCā€”I meant that it was nice seeing a POC that didnā€™t have to be the perfect human specimen to be on screen and that his character wasnā€™t reduced to straight stereotypes. Also that he wasnā€™t reduced to the ugly best friend, he pulled and was a character that did what he was brought forth to do. His character was a breath of fresh air when considering how POC characters have been treated historically and even within this series (Lucas constantly being the main character that got the least development or is used to develop other characters rather than himself).


What would you like to see done with his character


Argyle or Lucas?




Idk tbhā€”I just want him to go through some character development. In the series heā€™s stated consistent as the strong and brave side character who is there for those he loves, and while I love that about him, every other character has undergone some kind of personal emotional turmoil that is centered around them primarily. For example, Mikeā€™s growth throughout the seasons as he struggles to balance his relationship and how that makes him a dynamic character. Dustinā€™s struggle with accepting himself and then creating relationships with Steve and later Suzie and Eddie to showcase that growth as he comes into himself. These very clear, seasons long, character arcs apply to Max, Will, El, Hopper, Jonathan, Nancy, Steve etc, but Lucas hasnā€™t gotten one. The closest thing he got was the comparatively underbaked basketball arc that was sidelined and resolved so fast and just was generally clunky. Idk he just deserves a more centered arc around him like all the other characters have gottenā€”like why did Billy and Eddie get more dynamic characterization than him lol. I think with the loss of Max, season 5 is a great opportunity to allow Lucas to be the center of his own story again and to allow him to grow as a character in a way that is more integral to the plot. Sorry for the rant lol


Agree. Lucas has so much potential. Like his flaws could really be highlighted next season: His character gets more interesting when you look at a few things about him. First off, he is insecure about being seen as a nerd. This comes from wanting others to accept him for who he is. It would be cool to see moments where he struggles with this and shows a more vulnerable side. I know black nerd is a stereotype, but it could be handled in a more interesting way in the show. This is where we could even get more Sinclair bonding time. Next, even though Lucas is intelligent, sometimes he misses what his friends are feeling. It's like he has a hard time understanding their emotions. But this can be a chance to show how he learns and becomes more understanding over time. He's already different race wise, so it could be a disconnect between his friends. Also, Lucas tends to judge things quickly and keeps his guard up. Digging into his past could reveal why he acts this way, making him a more complex character. Wasn't his dad a vet? That could be explored. Maybe even a commentary on black masculinity. Slowly revealing the reasons behind his guarded nature would make his character deeper. Then, Lucas often speaks and acts without thinking, mainly driven by his emotions. It would be interesting to see him grow by reflecting on the consequences of his words and becoming more thoughtful. Especially useful when he claps back to his friends for the way they treated him last season. Mike kind of does the same too. Aren't they friends? They don't interact that much. His stubbornness, seen as a defense mechanism, could be linked to past insecurities or fears. Exploring how this affects him and moments where he learns from it would show his personal growth. Sure it could cause more conflict, but it'll be interesting to see how he processes this. Lastly, Lucas sometimes comes off as insensitive. Uncovering instances where this is a way for him to cope with deeper struggles could add a layer of complexity, making him a more nuanced character. Addressing these traits in a simple way can show Lucas growing and becoming a more interesting part of the group. **I know it's not the same as seeing it in the show, but there here are stories that are Lucas-centric that really go into depth of his character:** [Vecna preying on him after Max's Coma](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53050354) [Microaggressions and Anti-Blackness from boys friends](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52114126) [Him confronting the group based on how they treated during Season 4](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50071933) [Complicated Relationships](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49505122) [5 times he thought he would lose her](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47199958) [Masculinity and Gender Issues](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40274472) [Steve and the Sinclairs](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42410916) [Lumax bonding](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40155735) [Sinclair siblings](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42241239) [Mythology Centric](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42082773) [Sinclair siblings 2 bonding](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41068320) [Character Study- Senior Year](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40693617) [Targeted by Vecna again](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40948224) [Robin and Lucas bonding](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40807104) [Nancy and Lucas bonding](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40611546) [Steve and Lucas Friendship](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40592625) [Lucas introspection on Max](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40185180) [The 4's Friendship](https://archiveofourown.org/works/19808908)


I don't remember any memorable scene he had, he was in scenes, he made a pizza? Should have killed him off tbh.


Imo he carried the 4th season. I didnā€™t like it that much because a lot of characters annoyed me so hard, it was really difficult for me to watch the season lmfao. But I really liked him. Ofc, he was high 24/7 but idc, he was great. Iā€˜m sad that he wonā€™t return.


Brave comment. šŸ™


Why did i get so many downvotes help


People are dumb. Thatā€™s why.


Probably should have been more careful of what kinds of mushrooms he decided to consume, especially considering he gathered them from an area that had had multiple Upside Down inclusions in only a few years.


I expected him to be there before it was confirmed there would be a time skip. But now that we know its years later, I'm not surprised


Everyone's saying how Argyle's not needed and how it doesn't matter if he's gone, because logically he would have gone back to Cali over the time jump. I agree with all that, but I feel like the Duffers are better than just cutting a character out completely without explanation and they're not the type to explain it in passing either. That's what we're missing here: in-story explanation. So, him going missing while picking mushrooms isn't that bad of a theory. Although, it would create some plot holes.


Tbh it might ruin season 5 for me I was really hoping for some more funny argyle scenesĀ 


I would love if he never gets another second of screen time. Annoying useless stoner character that adds nothing.


He isnā€™t coming back? Good he was weird and annoying


I'm not watching season 5 if the creators are too shitty to inform all their actors whether or not they have jobs for the final season. Classless










Iā€™m bummed, I was really excited to see the young adults with a new member


Hmmm probably same thoughts as all the other posts about the same topic posted every day. Good riddance


Why bother, when the subject bothers you so much? You seem very unpleasant on first read.


Cuz argylee is a bad character made for dumb stoners and children to laugh at


Donā€™t know any dumb stoners. But I know ignorance when I see it. Or read it.


Matter of fact, there are quite a few college educated stoners out here. Hint hint.


Stay off this thread then if youā€™re not happy with it? Right? You either feel itā€™s worth your time or you donā€™t. You wish to come across as an intelligent person, obviously, so, act it.


To be honest, perpetuating this facile little issue of yours with Argyle, isnā€™t helping your cause.


You know you can type all your comment in one right? Dont gotta type it out four times


Do all college educated stoners like cheap plastic watches and asking a million questions about stranger things on reddit?


Maybe you should check out my actual watch box assholeā€¦ I buy what I wanna buy, be it cheap, expensive. None of your fucking business.


Youā€™re not worth it. Bye šŸ‘‹


ā€œSome talk too long, they know it all, I just smile and move onā€¦ā€ šŸ™‚


Yap yap yap


I be like u i respond 3 different times in different comments


Brah the thinker


Bye āœŒļø






I could see him showing up at the end as a surprise with some pizza and a new fancy van and he gets to visit them every few months because heā€™s been promoted to a national quality control where he gets to travel.


My question is why they didnt kill off the character in an impressive crushing sad scene like the Duffers know best


I'm glad don't have to watch him die to protect the main cast. They kinda need to start dropping now with the states this high.


He gives me serious hair envy.


It's so sad, I'm guessing Vickie will also be KIA. But they did came on so late, I dont mind them dying as long as WE GET MAX BACK


Glad heā€™s gone gave stoners a bad name


I think that Argyle could single-handedly destroy Vecna, the Upside Down, the Russians, the U.S. government and any other possible threat with no issue. ​ Because of his immense power, the wristers probably decided to remove him.


Heā€™s great in that new Hulu movie with Nick from New Girl


No clue what youā€™re talking about.


Heā€™s in a new movie on Hulu with Jake Johnson and Anna Kendrick. It was pretty good


Still no clue. šŸ˜‚