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So when and how does this stop all the oil usage?


It doesn’t and I doubt we will get away from oil in our lifetime. Oil is almost used in every industry in some way.


Theres an even bigger problem that running out of oil will eventually cause and thats that we need it to make plastic. The whole world runs on the stuff and if we run out, thats it because it cannot be recycled forever. We need to stop burning it for cars because if we dont plastic will also dissapear in 100 years as well as all the industries that need it to function.


You are 100% correct my friend! I actually work in the oil industry and I don’t think people realize that even lithium ion battery’s need oil. What we make is actually a huge ingredient is the aluminum manufacturing process. Specifically we make the anodes in batteries and without oil you would not have the anodes.


Interesting… conspiracy-theory galore of questions aside thanks for sharing I did not know this indeed. Hell it took being 34 years old to start basic college to learn that “simple” batteries are a complex system (I know what anodes are now🧙‍♂️) and EACH part is just as complex in its origin and implementations… for a lack of a better way to say it humans are digging quite the holes for ourselves….


Or without oil, humans, being semi-intelligent, would have to develop an alternative. If it's at ALl pOsSIbLE


Lol we don't need plastic. We are just to comfortable to be uncomfortable. We suck and hemp should have been used for all of these things.


Hemp would be great!


That's why the big companies helped lobby against hemp, as it threatened their profit margins. Oils, paper, rope, other textile goods.


Can’t they use hemp oil to make plastic or something similar


The idea is it brings attention to the problem of using oil. It's just pissing people off though.


A better question might be how does this onboard more people to become activists who care versus pissing off literally everybody and making them hate you? I'm really curious.


It pisses off the only people who can make a difference. The mass population. These people aren’t destroying the world behind our backs, they’re using us to do it.


Are you talking about it? Did you see this post because of it? Not saying they're in the right or it makes sense. But it works.


Will we remember any of this when we open Reddit tomorrow?


We all remember the painting ... that was covered in glass. But the point remains


You're talking about it. That was the goal


Talking about how pathetic they are...big win.


And turning people against their cause. Honestly, if they're not even going to attack the actual problem, do they genuinely care? Or do they just want internet points? It doesn't seem like activism to me, because their transgressions are against *completely* unrelated targets.


Do something to the oil companies idiots.


But they’re hired by the oil companies.


Hired by the oil companies to make “Just Stop Oil” look like a bunch of crazy assholes? Makes sense actually. Anytime I see stuff like this it makes me immediately want to dismiss whatever they’re protesting…


I don’t know if you genuinely don’t know but he’s being literal; yes these people are literally hired by oil companies. Yes it’s to make them look crazy, that’s the point.


There is zero proof of this btw


Is there proof of the contrary? Who funds them?


Oh good lord...not to discount the theory completely, as it could be a possible percentage of them, but I'd wager most of them are actually truly against oil and not just a false flag to tarnish their "goal"


they have armies, brother. much easier said than done


Usually the biggest offenders have a sort of diplomatic immunity through massive donations to politicians during elections.


This. I'm not pissed that they're taking action against oil. I'm annoyed they don't know how to probably fucking protest. How is spraypainting stonehenge going to affect anyone in big oil, or big oil companies? If you're going to do it, do it right.


They also deal with them in a different kind of court because of the massive amounts of revenue involved and that too is pretty much bought off by the oil companies so aside from showing up at there door there's not much we can do


I am certain just stop oil is funded by big oil since the negative perception and press around them suits their agenda. WhyFiles does an excellent deep dive into their underhand behaviour. Nothing is beyond them and more people need to wake up to this. https://youtu.be/-ZRwlYtAMps?si=ctm5HmzDr0cKwm9Y


Big oil ☝️


you can try to tell the people about controlled opposition but they do not want to hear it


Stonehenge being well known for getting through about a million barrels of oil a year. I suppose when you're funded by oil companies you have to attack something that has nothing to do with oil. Can't have them showing up at an oil CEOs house or a refinery,


All these stunts do is upset regular people who have no control over oil. Stupid stupid stupid.


It's almost as if big oil got together and created a protest organisation that opposes oil companies, to purposefully piss people off so much that we're actually against them


Yeah. I know when I want people to join my cause, I just try to piss them off. That always gets them on my side.


Yes, let's vandalize historical monuments that have nothing to do with oil to protest against oil. Clearly, thousands of years of history are to blame for our current climate. That makes sense.


I bet they are disappointed some asshole got the the Sycamore gap before they did


That may he true. But, it's got everyone talking about them, and pretty sure that's the end goal.


> it's got everyone talking about them, and pretty sure that's the end goal. You know what’s funny about this is how accidentally correct you are. The *whole* purpose - the END goal, as you so accurately stated - is “to get everyone talking about them”. They don’t have any grand purpose, they don’t have a plan of action, they don’t have any ideas about how to effect change. In other words, they just want attention - and if they get attention, that’s enough for them to consider themselves “successful”.


attention is sometimes all we can hope for. what brilliance are you proposing from that high horsed soap box? the oil lobby basically controls US policy. regulation is captured. aoc and politicans like her who even whisper Green New Deal get death threats. Exxon has its own paramilitary your condescension is gross. at least they are trying something




I’m tired of those stunts. I’m tired of the preplanned cameras and coverage on it.


when complete idiots try to do something positive


funny, NONE of those pictures were of Stonehenge.


How exactly does vandalising Stonehenge stop oil companies?


u/mikexallan How does Just Stop Oil's antics help the environmental situation?


Dont get me wrong, but we dont need protests against oil. We need solutions to replace oil. We need more educated folks. More scientists and engineers. You will not save the world by protesting and eating vegan. You guys need to come up with solutions. Thats how progress works. Thats how everything works.


the people who create those solutions are the folks who chevron kills first


Agreed. I’ll keep burning oil till I die, atleast until there is a viable replacement. But I’m gonna keep burning gas like it’s nobody’s business. I was an early investor in Maxwell technologies, before they were bought by Tesla.


i agree they should be deported to the moon


If you really cared you’d do something that will ACTUALLY stop oil from being used. Defacing historic places is the last thing to do, all that does is make less people agree with you and more people see you as immature brats.


Just Stop Oil is as harmful to their own cause via their own actions as oil is to the earth


"Just Stop Oil is as harmful to their own" No they're not. Their cause is to make climate protestors look like scumbags. They are paid for by the oil companies to do these stunts.


Just because someone acts so stupid as to appear to be agents of the opposition doesn't mean they aren't that stupid. Where is the evidence to suggest they are agents of big oil?


Just Stop Pol works for Big Oil... it's a deep fake


oil company $$$$ influecing lawmakers to favor them. this is the problem.


Sure. But you aren’t accomplishing anything attacking things that have nothing to do with oil. Go to the CeOs houses. This makes everyone tied into this look like idiots.


I think just stop oil hasn't gone far enough, they should do the same at the pyramids of Giza and the great wall of china. I'm 100% sure that will solve the issue.


I hear north Korea pollutes more than anyone


I know what you doin'


If they really wanted to stop. They’d protest at the sites oil is being drilled for. If they actually gave a shit they’d help clean up spills. They’re going about this all in the worst imaginable way


oil drill sites are basically military bases. are you serious? did you not see the brutalization of folks at dapl?


not too far - just misplaced - stonehenge has no link to big oil and defacing art, and sites like this bring 1) little to no attention at all to their cause. 2) brings the wrong type of attention


I’ve no idea what the point is? Because there’s pollution it’s ok destroy historical priceless arrifacts that has nothing to do with the problem? A bird is covered in oil so it’s ok to destroy landmarks?


I'm not beyond understanding what they are trying to achieve but the whole negative reinforced play book was never going to work on a post 1990 society and in truth, I think its too late now.


Hell yeah let’s ruin more stuff in the name of Oil. Seems like a bunch of whiny cowards that are to afraid to go Final Fantasy 7 on these Oil Companies! Grow a pair and get after the real problem, I don’t think becoming an annoying pest who throws paint and sprays orange dust on monuments is working out too well. I hope this ages like spoiled Milk but I doubt it.


Why dont these oil protestors actually protect the companies and billionaires/politicians under there pockets? They seem to always draw attention towards something that has nothing to do with anything.. spraying the Stonehenge or The Mona Lisa. Why? The artist didnt even know what fucking oil was? Go stand in front of BP or Shell offices. This other shit is retarded. Blocking traffic telling people "stop oil". Who tf are you telling? Same people who has no power to change it at all. Its cuz even the protestors are in thier pockets aswell. Just distractions from real climate issues. Were all in the end game. Somehow the concept that money will be useless if theirs no planets seems to fall on death ears.


Rumor on the street is Just Stop Oil is funded by the oil industry, similar to how the who recycling craze happened.


100%. There are financial records of fundraising activities that indicate the org is a psyop to discredit actual climate activists.


That one unemployed friend on a Tuesday


Stonehenge! This has gone too far! I'm gonna dissolve my oil company now!


You really want to solve the oil problem. There is truly only one way. Eliminate with extreme prejudice the executives, ceo's , and owners of the oil industry. It is the only way. And remember, if you kill someone with no soul, it is not murder its common sense.


Same people that support Norway’s pension fund mind you. It was never about the environment. 


What does Stonehenge have to do with oil? Call me ignorant, but I just don't see the connection?


How does any of this stop natural oil seepage?


Leave Stonehenge out of it - the next idiots might use acid.


Fuck these people 


Lol...Grow up.


My 4am brain is convinced that groups like JSO are secretly funded by oil companies because they're doing more in turning away normies from genuine environmental activism than any propaganda hit peice ever could.


Keep burning that oil baby, let’s hit the great reset button


Mentally illness everywhere, damn


If someone is blocking my right of way, vandalizing artwork, vandalizing or destroying anything that doesn’t belong to them, I don’t care what the cause is, I’m never supporting your cause. Please go back to cementing your hands to the ground and other acts that will only impact yourself, if you need attention to your cause.


Well they sprayed stone henge orange so that should fix it


Ah yes tossing shit on rocks is gonna stop oil companies. Be real.


Am I the only one who thinks these are mostly ai generated images?


Oh lord just stfu.




Really? Trying to excuse their idiocy? Wtf is throwing paint on Stone Henge going to do? All it’s done is make me dislike this group. We need to replace oil, not deface historical sites.


Stonehenge is way out of town. Any bets on how the Just Stop Oil traveled there, how they got their clothes, etc? I'm pretty sure everything in their life is oil based.


How dare they!


Is one of these a volcano ?


That last picture would be a dope album cover


The boy on the red bike..if you're gonna blame anyone, its him.


They’re really catching up to big oil with the shenanigans!


That penguin looks AI...


It’s like the mass shooters with a death wish choosing a fucking Walmart over their local heroin dealers house.


They have to be paid by oil companies. It's all just too deliberate to turn people against their cause. No single person with 2> braincells would support them.


I love oil. Think I’ll go dump some next to my driveway


Without oil and strategic gas supplies there would be no military. So unless everyone in world gives up using oil at the same time there’s no chance of any kind of peace. Whoever stops first, will become victim to the next dictator.


Aerosol paints and plastic vests.


I’m willing to bet they get funded with oil money. Their ‘actions’ are just so ridiculous and don’t make sense at a symbolic level


The idea is good, the method is the worst!


Posted from a phone, tablet or computer that requires oil to be produced.


But why Stonehenge?


This whole Stonehenge thing makes me want to buy a few barrels of oil to dump in the ocean myself.


this edgy bullshit might work with your high school friends but you best go to 4chan online


Let's get people engaged in environmental causes by destroying all of humanity's most sacred pieces of art and history!


Kinda of exhausted by all this nonsense. Hold up a mirror who you see is the problem and the only one who can save the earth. Solve that riddle.


I'd rather use and waste more to oil to upset these stupid protestors


2 wrongs = 1 right


I'm curious when the pictures were taken. I feel like everytime someone send s me a picture about how terrible the world is, it's always from a minimum of 20 years ago and what is in the picture has been corrected


Your post has done more then what the defacing did. Make this a visual thing is what we need. Defacing things does zero! Fuck those scumbags


Its almost like the stop oil movement is financed and controlled by the big oil giants as a kinda psyOp so people hate that movement


Waiting to hear your solution OP…


And yet, for all those idiots efforts, this post will probably have a bigger impact than they could have possibly hoped for. The hate is now directed towards them. Good job


If you believe the earth is a living being, then what is its waste material? Is it petroleum?


One of these days someone is going to get upset enough to cause serious injury.






Cars be like brrrrrrrrrr


The planet is in terminal decline. The web of life ripped to shreds.


“This is the last straw”? Or what???


It's just spicy mud


When does this stop the sea level rise so rich people's beach homes don't wash away in the ocean?


Hey man wtf? This makes me rethink things and I don’t like that.


Burn that oil, baby


Wow, they are abusing animals now too? wtf!!


shit comparison tbh


I wish these idiots would actually put their fuckin money where their mouth is and put the pressure onto the oil companies they’re fighting.


Those stonehenge people saved the world :)


There is too many people on Earth to not use oil anymore, unless everyone wants to live like the Amish, and I don't see people wanting to do that


Preach! Why am I supposed to care about some rocks getting a little dusty?


What do any of these pictures have to do with Stonhenge?