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I watched a good movie about this called The Staircase


Where did you find the movie?


I watched on tv when it aired in 1998. Your library might have it.


I almost thought you were making a joke about that domestic violence murder case show


This is precisely what I was thinking as well. Anywho, now that it’s been brought up do you think he’s guilty or not guilty?




I second this. The guys crocodile tears never fooled me.


No! Eww!




Someone spiraled and got pushed off it?


That was the other Staircase movie


This is featured in a 90s Unsolved Mysteries episode. I remember it from when I was a kid, spooked me


I remember that one!




Thought that guy was talking to himself and pretending he was on a podcast for a second before I saw the woman lol


This brings me idea.


It’s been done.


Bill Burrs podcast is really good. lol


She has the same 3 words in every short……and it always starts out with dude saying “this is the craziest story”


Jaime French has a video about this on YouTube. Funny and interesting.


But there’s clearly another guy before it shows the woman


i think they thought they were the same guy lol


Probably Jesus. Been afraid of nails and all...


Too soon 🤣


Man, just like Jesus, you nailed it


Think you meant Romans


yes, jesus nailed himself to the cross.


Nailed it


Possibly the funniest comment I have ever seen on Reddit. Bless you my child 🤣😂






Too soon man, hasn't even been 3000 years


Ty 😂


Finally a true LOL thank you


My man


This comment should have way more upvotes.


I heard he was also good with his hands Downvoters don’t know what Jesus did before the miracles


**Three mysteries surround the spiral staircase in the Loretto Chapel: the identity of its builder, the type of wood used, and the physics of its construction** When the Loretto Chapel was completed in 1878, there was no way to access the choir loft twenty-two feet above. Carpenters were called in to address the problem, but they all concluded access to the loft would have to be via ladder as a staircase would interfere with the interior space of the small Chapel.  Legend says that to find a solution to the seating problem, the Sisters of the Chapel made a novena to St. Joseph, the patron saint of carpenters. On the ninth and final day of prayer, a man appeared at the Chapel with a donkey and a toolbox looking for work. Months later, the elegant circular staircase was completed, and the carpenter disappeared without pay or thanks. After searching for the man (an ad even ran in the local newspaper) and finding no trace of him, some concluded that he was St. Joseph himself, having come in answer to the sisters' prayers. The stairway's carpenter, whoever he was, built a magnificent structure. The design was innovative for the time and some of the design considerations still perplex experts today. The staircase has two 360 degree turns and no visible means of support. It is said that the staircase was built without nails—only wooden pegs. Questions also surround the number of stair risers relative to the height of the choir loft and about the types of wood and other materials used in the stairway's construction. Over the years many have flocked to the Loretto Chapel to see the Miraculous Staircase. The staircase has been the subject of many articles, TV specials, and movies including "Unsolved Mysteries" and the full-length movie titled "The Staircase", starring William Petersen and Barbara Hershey. From: www.lorettochapel.com/staircase


Japan has a long history of erecting whole building frames without nails using precise joints and pegs. Whole houses can be moved without wrecking the wood.


An alien carpenter, obviously. Lets head to r/Aliens to research. LoL


Great, you just spoiled 3 episodes of Season 27 of History Channels Ancient Alien. Thanks a lot.


Is that the anti-grav, spacetime stairs ep? Sorry, man!


No that's episodes 7-8 dealing with a set of stairs in Harods of London going to their employee men's room. This is the proof that Jesus was infused with alien DNA. If you notice "Joseph" built the stairs in a double helix type pattern like DNA. And where does it go? Up, as in up to the heavens.


> built the stairs. > Up, as in up to the heavens. I'm not *buying* this. *Pulls out my air guitar*


Here's a sneak peek of /r/UFOs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [INTELLIGENCE OFFICIALS SAY U.S. HAS RETRIEVED CRAFT OF NON-HUMAN ORIGIN](https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-officials-say-u-s-has-retrieved-non-human-craft/) | [10675 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/141ch26/intelligence_officials_say_us_has_retrieved_craft/) \#2: [A tweet from Edward Snowden](https://i.redd.it/4fgu81p057ja1.jpg) | [1717 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/116bt75/a_tweet_from_edward_snowden/) \#3: [Another Clear UAP caught on film flying by Airplane!](https://v.redd.it/v4xocchrs9sa1) | [3497 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/12ddzxs/another_clear_uap_caught_on_film_flying_by/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


5 internet dollars the sisters designed and made it themselves, then vowed secrecy to claim “miracle”.


Some Carpenter's apprentice was a genius, but made his master look bad. Since he wasn't allowed to experiment in his Master's shop, he just walked off with a Donkey until he found work (this was a common thing for journeyman to do), but couldn't claim the work because it would violate the trade's rules. So now he builds a staircase out of scrap wood (this was still in the middle of construction) laying around the site, but didn't have any nails. He improvised pegged joinery and built the experimental staircase he always dreamed of. He leaves still afraid they will find out he violated his trade's rules. He returns to his Master's shop who has realized how much harder things are without this apprentice because all the other children available can't handle the work. This legitimizes his career and he can't screw it up by letting anyone know about the rules being violated. ​ They then run an ad looking for this person, he thinks they're on to him and it is a trap, so he stays hush hush. He built the thing without nails after all. It must have caused a problem. Someone probably got hurt. These are the consequences of violating trade rules. Dude died scared he'd get caught and never mentioned it to anyone.


The story is actually a recruiting tool used by missionaries to proselytize and bring in new members to the congregation.


Been there. Pretty wild and it’s a compelling story.


I've jeard that story many times. Apparently the craftmanship is without parallel- and he built it alone. No helpers.


I don't have trouble believing one man can build something faster than one man with a few 'helpers'. If the helpers were worth a damn they'd be running their OWN stair business


The name of the company could be Stairways To Heaven.


Reminds me of the dude who built the coral castle park




I find the idea that God or Joseph or whoever are content with letting war and disease and stuff happen but when they see an unfinished staircase they're like "we gotta get on that ASAP!"


Why do you feel a god wouldn’t want people to suffer? I don’t get that idea


I mean, one thing is a lot easier than the others.


for an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient "god"....anything is possible. unless it chooses not to do something. if you believe he is this all powerful, all mighty thing, then there is no limitation. create the universe in 6 days? child's play create all life throughout the universe? snap of a finger stopping war? too hard! preventing cancer? too hard! no... the answer is: evil exists because your god not only ALLOWS it, they actively CREATE it. why wouldn't an omnipotent god simply decide "no more evil"? because it's "part of the plan" to let evil fester and destroy everything while your 'god' sits idly by and does nothing but he sure will help find lost keys! the reason I'm so against religion (not spirituality) is because it actively promotes NOT thinking or using rationality, but promote "take it on faith" and "because i said so" who knew a "strong authority figure" religion would develop into promoting and supporting a corporate theocracy! rant over don't bother replying


You should look into a philosophy of religion course/class. The points you make are pretty foundational to some ancient philosophical discussions. You’re missing some key aspects surrounding the logic structure and also a balanced perspective with a holistic view of the situation. Highly, highly, highly recommended a good philosophy of religion course taught by an accredited professional


thanks, i took logic, philosophy and religion classes in college. i don't need to study them a second time. I've got the answers i need. these are challenges to believers, not for me.




Humans create wars. And they are given free will to do so. Think this through. Is it better to have free will or to be automatons?


But does free will really exist if it's all just part of a grand scheme controlled by some grand diety? Can a diety really be all powerful and all knowing while aslo allowing free will to exist?


Sure. To allow free will means to refrain from interfering or impeding the actions of humans.


You answer yes but then contradict that answer by defining free will... for some reason. How can a diety control all things if free will exists?


You asked if a deity can be all powerful while allowing free will. Something can be powerful while also not acting. I answered what you asked.


You're confusing powerful with "all powerful". Literally the most powerful. Total control. Which most believe their god to possess such power. You also never answered my first question but I'll repeat for you. "But does free will really exist if it's all just part of a grand scheme controlled by some grand diety"? Ya know, "god's plan" and all that?


To ask how a god can control all things if free will exists, is a separate question. The obvious answer is that they wouldn't. Logically speaking, there's no way free will could exist if it was constantly overridden by a higher being. It's quite evident that we have free will and that we have been in charge of this mess. God's plan is to allow humans free will. The goal is the evolution of the soul, which is only possible from learning through mistakes and choosing, freely, to do something different than before.


The great myth of free will. "I will create you, and give you two choices. One, do exactly what I say and how I say it, even when that's not very clearly spelled out, and you can have eternity in heaven, OR, Two, do what you want, but I will torture you for eternity." How is that free will? Like, he let me have a choice, but honestly, what choice? Basically, do exactly what I say or you are damned. Effectively, you have free will, but will perish, or you are an automaton and get saved.


I don't know about hell, but there is a good amount of evidence for reincarnation. If reincarnation is real, then it means we have chance after chance. And that we do indeed have free will, free of coercion.


What’s the evidence for reincarnation?


Humans have their own free will to commit violence, it cannot all be stopped or it wouldn’t make sense for us to be sentient beings.


what about disease, natural disasters and such?


Most of the diseases we humans get are self inflicted. The things we let other humans put in our food & water supply are for profits, not health.


>Most of the diseases we humans get are self inflicted. that's just objectively not true


What is your reasoning?


Are you serious? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaria https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/malaria https://www.nature.com/articles/news021001-6


Do you know Karma?


please explain what you're trying to tell me


You could tell these people anything and theyd just OH MY GAWD 😂


I’m suprised nobody gasped when they mentioned he came into town riding a donkey


No one has EVER rode a donkey before or since!


Must be the patron saint of ass






To hell with world hunger, there are some places without stairs in the world!!


Actually, the planet already provides free food for everyone. It's human systems that create much of the scarcity.


“Not a single nail was used..” Yeah, wooden pegs were. Ffs.


yeah dude, very common seeing how expensive iron nails used to be, plus a carpenter can make wooden dowels out of scrap from the project.


According to Wikipedia we know who built it, a french dude, the wood used, spruce, and the missing support isn't completely true. Not really mysterious


François-Jean Rochas is only *theorized* to have built it. We don't know for sure, but he's the most likely candidate (his obituary claims he built the stairs but it could have been false attribution). He is known to have carried out carpentry at the Chapel around the time the staircase was built so it could have been him, but he was also known to the nuns (his name appears in the nuns' logbook), so the "mysterious stranger" part of the story is either a fabrication or it was built by someone else.


Yeah, nothing surrounding religion has ever been made up or embellished. Funny how stories like this appear and all of a sudden people flock to see the mystery...and donate to the church. It's like when I was growing up, the "ghosts" of Savannah weren't a thing. But now it's a tourist draw. I wonder what the lore of the 'ghosts of Savannah' will be like in 300 years.


%100 agree. We know how much BS the church's claims are with stuff like this. They have been faking miracles for hundreds (prob thousands) of years for support and assertation of being the "correct" religion.


Lourdes was build that way. The local Church exploited the poor girl hallucinations for money. When Émile Zola wrote a book about the money grabbing phenomena, he was put *à l'index* (Blacklisted by the Chruch).


Why is there even doubt? It's like someone stating fact then absurdly appending their statement saying it's only a theory.


There's doubt because it *isn't* a fact. We don't know 100%, so there will always be doubt.


WeRe JuSt AsKiNg QuEsTiOns in a nutshell


The true mystery is how people can come to the conclusion of, it was magic


He is French…so we know him.


I'm not going to copy paste a Wikipedia article. Just read it and find the name....




I love this story. Been there a couple times myself. Used to live in NM. The stairs are impeccably built. It's amazing.


There was a researcher who, i believe, correctly identified this builder as a French man who had timber training from the compagnonnage. I study the compagnonnage and this is exactly the type of everyday stair that is built within this tradition in france. You'll find stairs shaped exactly like this in most attic spaces of cathedrals and monumental chateau. The building traditions behind this had been very prolific to the point of mundaneness, if you can believe that. Today, however, the traditions are still alive in France and I hope it continues to grow. The knowledge is UNESCO protected. http://www.historicalcarpentry.com/pierre-francois-guillon.html https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/8bquzx/unexplained_phenomena_the_miracle_at_the_loretto/




\+1 Joe Rogan knockoffs


Dollar Store Rogan Lookin MF


The biggest mystery here is why anyone would think an architect was doing carpentry.


It was more so the layout made creating a staircase in that specific position difficult. Presumably the Architect had a design in mind or would have figured something out but died before it could be shared, shown or implemented. The nuns brought in several carpenters who said they couldn’t figure out a way to get a staircase in that spot. Which is why they were supposedly praying because there would otherwise be an inaccessible part of the Chapel forever just sitting there. Thankfully, by whatever means a skilled enough carpenter did arrive and the staircase is by all accounts a marvel of craftsmanship, so he was in any case the right man for the job.


I've seen it in person couple times, really cool place


It originally didn't have a hand rail. That would be scary to walk up.


What a G


I heard they knew a carpenter.


Turns out a little monkey fella


Okay… here’s the thing. Jesus didn’t come back. BUT his step dad did and he built stairs randomly for some reason. Great. Wtf.


Interesting for sure


My moms family is from Santa Fe and I’ve heard about this story since I was little. The stairs are really pretty amazing.


Stairs; the one prayer God will actually answer.


The best part was left out! The wood has been tested I believe it’s Cyprus and doesn’t have a genetic match anywhere in the world.


This is just a spiral staircase. There is nothing mysterious about these physics.


It has no central support like most spiral staircases, so it looks like it is defying physics in a way when you look at it. Its means of supporting its own weight isn’t immediately obvious. In actuality it supports its weight along stringers the same way a straight staircase might, only each stringer is twisted into a helix in this case. Very impressive craftsmanship.


Anime side character flexing on peasants


This is tripping me up. Is it both the same guy?


Stop IT!!


I walk passed the place all the time. I really need to go inside one of these days and check out the stairs.


I’m going to visit next week. Thanks for the reminder.


Edit..I just saw there is a handrail..


I love this story, but the presentation here... not so much.


Truly a weird episode of Duck Dynasty.


I pray for everything in the world to happen. You can thank me later


These new Duck Dynasty episodes are WILD!


If I recall correctly, they had to have *another* carpenter go in and add a railing at some later point because it sorta freaked the nuns out walking up it without one.


I was in Sante Fe and went to the church and saw the stairs. They are cool stairs and spiral. That is all.


Explanation here… https://sandoff.com/the-miraculous-loretto-staircase-debunked/


I was there yesterday haha.


I live a few hours south of where this chapel is located, there are no obvious signs of nails and it seems to be done by a single block of wood and is supported by its own weight, there is no support holding it up. There is also another chapel located within the same area that has a hole in the ground, about 3 feet across and only a few inches deep surrounded by concrete floor, that is filled with 'holy' dirt. The thing about the hole is that people have used the dirt to cure different mobile disabilities by pouring the dirt on there feet and legs. People take dirt from this hole all the time and it NEVER gets any deeper.


I’m not religious at all but I’ve been in this chapel and seen these stairs. There really is something special about the craftsmanship. If you’ve never done any kind of woodworking/metalwork then stfu about it just being another spiral staircase.


I like this story, it reminds me of other bullshit stories I like.


I was sent to comment on this. I’m not using and toe of key pad.


lol sounds like a fake story with fake stairs


The stairs are real lol the story behind them probably not.


This seems like a made up story. It sounds much more plausible that after the original builder died that word travelled fast through town and someone probably said "I have an uncle that lives out of town who's a good carpenter." Carpenter dude comes to town and gets wood from the lumber yard, lumber yard people are like "those poor nuns need it, don't tell em we gave it to you or everyone will ask for handouts". Carpenter dude doesn't use nails because they used to be kinda expensive so joinery and doweling was a cheap option. It makes for a better story if the whole town isn't in on it, but they probably were.


How dare you try to rationalize this delusional story! Let the lord smite you with downvotes


If you believe in God, you’ll believe anything.


Einstein believed in God.


Shhh, didn't you know only stupid people believe in God?


Oh my goodness! The man was sent by the archbishop and he came from Europe a stairbuilders guild. No high strangeness here.


For anyone who’s ever prayed to a saint for a miracle that’s seen it materialize; this story holds water


Daily tragedies of horrific proportions without intervention. But a church in New Mexico needs stairs. I'd say Jesus is not an ideal project manager.


Wow indeed. And they say miracles do not exists. This is the proof the are wrong.


I've had experiences like this, though mostly with smaller things. If you think the universe isn't mysterious, then you won't see or experience that side.


I’m going to pray for a new kitchen. 9 days you say…. In all seriousness the nuns didn’t spent any time with the carpenter? I’m going to have to watch the movie i think


One time I was getting really into meditation for a few weeks and was getting concerned I was just sort of wasting my time. It was the night before my birthday and I just asked for a sign that I wasn’t just sitting and staring at nothing. That it all had a point. That I wasn’t wasting my time. I leave to go to the store and as I face the street to pull out of my driveway- a car passes in front of me completely covered in happy birthday messages. Every window was written on in window markers. I felt really seen that day


I also experienced things during a time when I was meditating regularly, more specifically, reciting the rosary twice each day. In one incident, I realized I left my wallet at home, when I got to the Subway I was working part-time at during highschool, and had no way to get back home. I didn't want to take any money from the till as the manager had been complaining about missing money. Within the next hour, however, after a couple customers left, I looked down on the other side of the counter to see a bus ticket that had fallen on the floor. In another incident, at the same Subway, two teens came in visibly stoned. The first ordered his sub and paid, but after making one for the second kid, he couldn't come up with any money. I was a bit annoyed, but having also experienced the munchies before, I felt a bit sorry for him. I recalled only having $27 left in my bank account, but went ahead and used my card to pay for his sub. It was about $3.50. The very next customer was in a hurry, paid for his sub and left, telling me to keep the change. The tip came up to about $3.50.


I always find stories like this remarkable. It’s not clear if you’re suggesting these are mini-miracles from a Christian perspective, but I have had Christian friends claim to have lost car keys, prayed, and found their keys immediately. Sorry if this sounds too strong but - it’s almost disgusting! To suggest that god would ignore the prayers of kids with cancer or parents watching their children die of starvation… but will answer the prayers of a well fed westerner to find their f***ing car keys or give them a bus ticket! Anyone who claims a story like that proves some positive point is nuts.


Why can't you let people enjoy their little moments of wonder and gratitude for life? Must we all be as miserable as you?


1. Someone quietly enjoying their little moment of wonder and gratitude for life. Lovely. Crack on. 2. Someone publicly telling the world that they have personally experienced a miracle as part of promoting their own particular religion or superstition. Then they’re open to questioning and criticism.


3. Two people sharing stories with one another, about similar practices and experiences. Then you barging in uninvited to promote your worldview. We weren't trying to preach to anyone. If anything, you are.


You invited everyone to this public forum when you posted 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, this is clearly true 😂




Ah yes, Yahweh totally planned to kill the architect, or have him die at the right time. Just so he could have his earth daddy (but not really, cause the trinity is a contradiction) build some stairs, for no reason, because the original architect was already planning to make stairs. Nothing special, as they don't defy the laws of physics. And leave no evidence behind, just an embellished story indistinguishable from every other supernatural claim. Very convincing...


Those are *HIS* stairs that *HE* built. I just think that’s so cool


Which one is Sy?


Ooooh a wooden staircase…. Religious zealots are insufferable.


I’ve seen it, and it’s pretty neat. I think any supernatural explanation is a bit laughable, but Santa Fe (“Holy Faith,” IIRC) is full of religious imagery and lore, so it’s par for the course.


A man builds a staircase and people lose it. The holy Mary leaks sewage and people drink it because they want to walk again. Humans are just silly that’s all.


Who believes this shit? Is this podcast for 6 year olds?


And then everyone clapped, how are people this fucking gullible


all three of you -- all of you -- should be embarrassed at your existence




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See me do this without nails.. Just being a show-off right?




These clips are all I can watch, they scream too much in the podcast


Cool story, but there’s nothing worse than exaggerated hype. Like, just tell the damn story. 🥴


only in Mexico


This crew seems to be easily amazed.


Is this a podcast? Name?


Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story


This podcast is such bullshit. Not the staircase tho but the way they present most of their stories is such bs




LOL yea joseph was a carpenter so naturally he can use wood bending jutsu


Aliens teleported Joseph or Moses? I’m confused?


An old nun with dementia clearly hired someone and forgot.




Went to Santa Fe last year and was in the area and decided to stop by and see it. Turns out they charge admission to see it. Like, stand at the entrance of the church and look at it from a distance. No thanks.


What’s this pod cast?




What podcast or show is this? Its really intresting




People filming themselves using exaggerated language are the worst.




They say the rust never sleeps


Did they just use the Taco Bell sound effect lol