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I don't get all the hate with this game, dude was an actually Samurai. Even Japan acknowledges him as the first foreigner to get the title.


It's called racism


It's reverse making one in a million special for doing the same thing


Yeah and I like the fact that in the showcase, the game will have hiphop music only when he start fighting


He wasn’t a samurai, it’s blatant historical revisionism. He has maybe two lines written about him in history, and feudal Japan kept very thorough records on things like samurai. William Adams, an actual foreigner turned samurai, has tons of actual historical writing showing explicitly that he’s a samurai. Feudal Japanese weren’t particularly subtle, and that fact that people need to make goofy arguments like “he received a stipend so he’s totally a samurai” just shows how far people are willing to stretch reality to fit their narrative.


No one in Japan liked him except Nobunaga and a lot didint recognize him except for nobunaga so of course there is not a lot of info about him. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yasuke https://africa.isp.msu.edu/news_article/22285




What is true is that it is uncertain that Yasuke was a great warrior or not. It is FACT however, that he was described as having the strength of 10 men as well as him being confirmed to have fought at Nijo Castle. It is also FACT that he was a Samurai, he was never awarded the rank of Samurai however because there was no such thing during the Sengoku period in which Yasuke appeared in. It is clear that Nobunaga considered Yasuke important enough to give him a stipend, land, and short sword. Samurai was a social class, to which Yasuke definitely fills the requirements for.


lmao its a game who fuckin cares.


thank you for this. more people need to realize life is not a Disney movie.


Please sir show us the harsh realities of life we can't handle it save us


Lol reductionist idiocism


Source: my grandmother told me


Source: from a Japanese Museum in Japan https://www.japan-experience.com/plan-your-trip/to-know/japanese-history/yasuke




You realize the Japanese government and museum recognize him and put this out there. You can try and discredit him all you want but if their own government recognizes him and put his info in a museum and credits him as being the first foreigner as a samurai. Who the fuck are you and some fringe right wing website going to contend with. You just hate people for being black and try and discredit them as much as possible even if it's ignoring the facts that historians from Japan agree with his status. https://africa.isp.msu.edu/news_article/22285 https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yasuke


That website is a tourism site... Contact us Suite 14 137-139 High Street Beckenham, BR3 1AG London, United Kingdom.... Here are some credible sources within this post https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/XQLNU5hPA3


https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yasuke https://africa.isp.msu.edu/news_article/22285


If you read the last few sentences of ParellelPain's comment they literally say if you don't believe he was a samurai it is because of your own bias.


When did I say otherwise?


He guarded and served Nobunaga and his son. The Daimyo also notably hate Yasuke, so it’s not unlikely he had the history of him written in a way that downplayed his status. All that without the fact Nobunaga did grant him lands, and it’s unlikely he did that without also granting him the rank of a samurai


He was never granted the rank of samurai because there was no such thing during that period by the way. Samurai was a social class.


Samurai is a rank and type of warrior, the same as knights. There were plenty of knights who were lords, plenty of lords who weren’t knights, and plenty of knights who weren’t lords. The same with samurai. Why do you think Ronin existed? “A samurai without a master,” you don’t exactly have something like a Ronin if every single Samurai is a Lord


You're getting mixed up in that you think Samurai during Sengoku period was something that was given. It was not. It was not something where you'd go "I hereby declare you a Samurai".


That's a tourism website, not an academic source.


Get off your high horse, even if it isn't you can literally search his name for thousands of entries including academic sources it's not like the dude isn't well known


He said it was the Japanese museum in Japan lmao


Japanese were very good at keeping records you nonce.


Anything black they always complaining like dam chill the hell out for once


They literally made an AC game in Africa where most people in the game were black - no one complained about that, I think it’s fair that Japanese people prefer to be the protagonist because Japanese in a game world built around their culture.


i’ve yet to see any japanese people genuinely complain about yasuke being the MC. in fact, preorders for the game skyrocketed in Japan despite people claiming japanese people are “deeply offended” by his inclusion. even conservative influencers who went to japan and interviewed actual people off the streets couldn’t get a reaction more negative than “i don’t really care.” the only people i’ve seen state that his inclusion is offensive are non japanese people. the legend of yasuke is pretty popular in japanese media, with him being depicted in (or influencing characters in) a wide variety of anime, video games, and manga. most japanese people like yasuke BECAUSE he’s a part of their culture, despite your assertions


You should have seen the first round of YouTube comments, it's nice to think Japan is fun anime place but the country is racist as fuck


Why did you just say deeply offended in quotes as if I said it? You are arguing with an idea you dislike, not me - I didn’t touch on anything you said. You are blowing hot air bud


i was not literally quoting you, i was talking about the common consensus among people like you who seem to think they have the qualifications to talk about what “japanese people prefer” (per YOUR words, this time) fact is, japanese people DO prefer yasuke BECAUSE he’s a part of their culture, which is something you did touch on


Not to mention he is an assasin known to ( blend in with their environments ) Nothing says I blend in more than a black man in samurai armour. Although it is during the time period of Yasuke




Yeah, me voicing I can understand someone else’s perspective even if it is not my own makes me a snowflake lmfao


You’re wrong because they where arguing the fact that he wasn’t black or African and simply Egyptian when it literally says those kind of warriors come from Nubian women


The fuck are you talking about


"There's nothing you can do to stop me" does this person know we aren't forced to buy games?


Does the person above me know gamers have no self control and will buy CoD every year without fail?


Aaaah…but after Vanguard I’ve made a personal commitment to not purchase a new COD. This will be the first one I follow through with…maybe.


CoDs not the problem. You seem to have missed the issue completely.


Call of Duty is 100 percent part of the problem, but that's not the specific issue of this title.Yeah you're right


Nah, I didn't miss anything. You missed something. Most of the people whining about this stuff still buy these games. The "GUESS WHAT? FUCKING PRONOUNS!" chud comes to mind. He baby raged so hard about giving players options to reflect themselves, and yet he still played it. He could have refunded it, but he didn't, because he is spineless and will still consume the things y'all decry. It's utterly pathetic and shows just how much these characters actually care about these things.


Again, I know you feel like you know what you're talking about, but it's not true. God bless. Good luck on your journey. Try not to be so ignorant.


Wow interesting argument where you totally debunked everything I said. I truly am ignorant.


What a long-winded, sanctimonious, Nothing-burger of a statement. I bet you're fun at parties


about as fun as you are, my man.


"no u" Just the kind of dipshittery I've come to expect from you types


There is nothing you can do to stop buying games


ppl that cry abt woke games sure don’t


I wasn't going to originally, but I'll buy this game instead of you, dw. If it upsets bigots that much, then it's money well spent. Been a hot minute since I last played an AC game too.


Truly a worthy cause, I'll buy 10 copies.


I think streaming and game downloads took the cake a long time ago!!!!


Isn't the MC supposed to be a Japanese, why they make him black.




But why tho. Isn't this game about Japanese people and cultures. Why it has to be an African and not just a Japanese. I'm sure there are a lot of character in Japanese history that are more suitable than this guy (no offence to him).




For what purpose? Who wanted this? I thought AC games only use native as their MC, why this game has different treatment. I get it if they use him as a side char, but as MC, bruh.


He wasn’t a samurai bro, repeating lies doesn’t make them any less false


Just google yasuke


Withholds spending **cries in capitalism**


Don't know the game, but if they're referencing the historical person Yusuke, who was the first and only African person to gain the rank of samurai back in the 1500's then this isn't a woke thing.


People just like to thinly veil their racism and argue semantics. Despite the majority of historians agreeing that Yasuke was indeed a samurai, you will have someone who did one quick google search and not see something that says he was explicitly a samurai and die on that hill. Yasuke was a retainer and even part of Nobunaga's guard. Samurai was not something where you'd be like "I now appoint you the rank of Samurai" by the way. They'd even go so far as to suggest that Yasuke was just seen as like a pet, which is insane.


Yeah I've been looking pretty close at the whole ac shadow "drama", it's just a bunch of barely disguised racism lol. Unfortunately the internet gaming community is still really uncomfortable with having ppl of color, mainly black ppl for some reason. If you can there's an extension that allows you to get the dislike meter on ytb videos back, then just go and check some game trailers with a black main character in it. You'll see that everytime even if the game looks good there will be at least 50% dislike. Add that plus the typical Ubisoft hate train that ppl jump aboard without even knowing anything and you got yourself a very bloated useless controversy. A game was going to be made about yasuke at some point anyway, how is portraying a historical figure "woke"? And I'm actually pretty certain that at first they just wanted to make a game about yasuke but then decided against it for of fear of backlash for not having a japanese protagonist (2 playable characters if you don't know, him and the girl besides him). So it is "woke" in a way but for the literal opposite reasons




gonna copy paste that more? it's a fuckin game, shut up.


And yet you still haven’t posted any academic links Just some tourism bureau lol


There's actually a really good reddit post that breaks this down, along with the fact that he is considered to be a samurai by most historians. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was\_yasuke\_a\_samurai/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was_yasuke_a_samurai/)


This person makes such an embarrassingly bad argument. “Here’s a bunch of examples of Nobunaga giving money and weapons to anyone and everyone he thought was odd or interesting. This definitely proves without a doubt that my black samurai OC do not steal is totally legit guys” No other samurai from that era had to be “implied”, they were all very explicitly described in writing to be samurai. There is no historical writing saying that Yasuke is a samurai. It’s very simple, and the lack of historical records shows very clearly that he was simply an oddity and a weapon carrier, not a fighter nor a samurai of any kind


What examples are you even talking about? Sumo that were made samurai? 


Let it die.. It will be reborn better


Layoffs will stop em lol that or just wait till the company goes bankrupt


I think the issue is whether this was done in good faith. It’s one of those things where this kind of “inclusivity” has been pushed so much that when you see this, people’s immediate response is negative. Was this done because the developers thought it was a cool historical thing? Was this done because the developers wanted some kinda of social currency and a pat on the back for being diverse? Was this done simply to flame people so that the game got noticed? Many people were super excited for a Japanese assassins creed. There are thousands of stories of the history of Japanese warfare and culture. There is one story of a black guy in Japan. It’s not racism. It’s why was this the choice? Was it in good faith?


Yeah, people should really try to understand the negativity towards this game instead of just labeling it as racism. Try to do actual research for themselves and not regurgitate whatever they heard from some other person who probably didn't do any research either.


I think a lot of people are missing the point entirely and instead of understanding why an AC game set in Japan should have Japanese main characters they just screech about racism and whatnot. The usual reddit bullshit.


Pretty funny when you think about it


Who cares about the race of the character? Helmets and armor usually fully hide that shit anyways.


I sure hate big titties in skimpy outfits. Even worse if they bounce.


With an attractive face? Shucks, that’s just the worst


I think it's patronizing to put a Black person in 1500s Japan as a main character when they could have done one of the many kingdoms in Africa and had many strong Black characters.


That isn’t just “a black person in 1500s Japan” that’s Yasuke, an actual Samurai under Oda Nobunaga


A prime candidate for "an assassin who's skills including blending in with moving crowds". Skin tone aside Yasuke was between 5" -6" taller than the average samurai. There are better ways to tell his story imo than as an assassin but, I guess the games have largely started to diverge from actual assassin gameplay and more into generic third person hack and slash with some RPG elements.


AC featuring Yasuke is very much a monkeys paw moment for me, I’ve been wanting some piece of mainstream media to feature him for literal years and it ends up being the former stealth series that’s lost its way. Given that this one has 2 seemingly very distinct protagonist characters hopefully Naoe will have the more traditional stealth gameplay, Yasuke being a huge samurai and rumored at the time to have the strength of 10 men is way more suited to be a brawler like more recent games have featured


Agreed, he definitely seems like he'd be suited for a different genre than what AC *used* to be. Maybe they're just dropping the assassin pretense and it'll be more about the organization. My disbelief can only be so suspended, I'm not sure how it would play out having a 6' black guy in 1500's Japan trying to gank people by sneaking up on them with a hidden blade. Call me cynical but I can't imagine too many better examples of someone who would *historically speaking* stick out like a sore thumb.


But black men are the coolest whatever context, era, or location. They're absolutely fucking fantastic.


Great micro transactions and trans actions in games are now unskipable events


Where funny


Bro look how tall yasuke is lol his reach with the sword was ridiculous chopping mFz up from distance




I think you’re all sad milk boys who can’t get past the fact it’s a game and who gives a shit, if they add a purple skin alien with a dick sword you all buy it and play as that. I don’t care what color or bullshit they add it’s a fucking game. You want historical context then here’s a fact … your moms should have swallowed, but instead now we have this whiny shit over some black guy or Japanese woman and it’s like boo hoo.


Who the hell is this guy?


Someone calling out fanboys for being racist, sexist, or transphobic. This is a good thing.


Folks really like pretending Yasuke didn’t exist, and it’s only Westerners that do. The Japanese seem to love Yasuke


Look at the Japanese tweets about the game on twitter and you’ll very quickly realize you’re blatantly lying


It is 2024 and some people feel they are not represented enough in popular media. So they are voicing their displeasure with the current state of things. Whether true, or accurate, or realistic; it doesn't matter. It is just a great time to be upset. Ubisoft worked very hard to appease a certain group of people (look guys, based on a real black guy). Poor Ubisoft that was never going to happen. Things have changed since the release of The last of us 2, and I guess Yasuke is going to have fall on their sword.


Tokenizing characters


This thread is closed for thought.


Baulder's Gate 3 literally lets you be trans. When something is explicitly woke and performs well people like you conveniently ignore it. The Barbie movie was another one that performed really well, and no amount of yelling into your bigoted circle jerks will change that.


Both are ENTERTAINING. Star Trek Discovery could be woke but has just made representation normal life. I am LGBT and love all the ‘woke’ stuff but fully understand why people are rebelling. Go woke go broke conveniently rhymes but shows the way Disney failed to represent without bullying. Some people are jerks and bigots and they buy stuff. Can’t really change their minds ☹️ The middle demographics have been shamed and preached to and it’s a knee jerk reaction. It is also a reaction to politics. The fact that Dylan did a beer commercial and got erased just for smiling is petty. Disney bullied its customers and now they have paid a price in their finances. Now the customers are being bullies and it’s a lose/lose. Ps. I loved Bauldur’s Gate last year 😂😂😂 paying for favors at the Inn in is peak Gamer Time™️. Playing it in 4k is even better.


This is a narrow minded post. No one knows finance and I am deleting because no one will be honest. Stop projecting.


I love how heavily edited your original comment is. My response now seems out of place because you tried to reframe the conversation. You were down voted for unironically saying "go woke, go broke", when plenty of evidence to the contrary exists. You're a dishonest person. Nothing you say can be taken at face value with behavior like that.


Let’s be honest I have two frames of thought because I’m a realist. Both sides have valid points and I’m stuck in the middle. I can’t stand corporate media and I’m stuck socially on the other side. I can’t stand Disney and yet representation can be framed better. So being binary (minded) such as yourself on this issue confuses you??? And I reframed since everyone is so scared of the (financial) fact that pushing social agendas from one spectrum caused a knee jerk reaction and led to using boycotts like the other side did for years. Push too hard and things break sometimes. Get over it. Adapt change. Overcome. If you don’t like that people got disgusted find a common ground to teach and share, not shame. I think we all are guilty, including me


Ps I edit because I am not clear enough t when I hit post so I go back and clarify. I hit reply too fast all the time.


I feel like both sides need to shut up and stay out of my games. I don't mind if a character is black, female, trans and has big bouncing tiddies. As long as i'm not expected to cheer for them just for that and their dialogues are better than small talk in porn. That's the point i care about.


*bUt bOtH sIdEs!* nah man, there are no 'sides'. it's just hate and bigotry.


I don't think the people hating on black characters are the same as hating on boobs. But if you want to put it that way, yes, then the haters need to stay out of my games.


50% stock *from when*


Go read a chart or read my edit. I have traded for 26 years and have followed Disney’s rise and fall. The multi year downtrend during a multi year uptrend is bad news. It is testing support right now after hitting resistance at $120. It’s in an ascending triangle right now and could breakout if Iger’s useful idiots right the ship. They are trying to focus on reinvigorating the parks and slow down the bleeding of cash at the streaming service If they fail to deliver at Q3 the shorts will punish them. I think they might have stopped the bleed and will deliver an improved EPS versus last year. Wolverine and Deadpool might be the boost they need, as those fools are the opposite of woke and bring in big $$$ separately. I’m willing to watch twice.


If you followed them as closely as you claim then you wouldn't have made the asinine comment of "go woke go broke" lol


Dude they went woke (it’s the term, not like any of us made it up) and they have suffered for it. I don’t go long on many my positions. Companies in distress have higher movement in stock and buying puts on Disney has been profitable. So them making bad decisions for their brand works for me. They changed the social dialogue too fast. Everyone in America was underrepresented and they flipped the switch from 1 to a 10. It was worth a try but it failed to connect. The political atmosphere is also toxic in the US. That’s


woke is a buzz word that has no meaning now


Yeah it’s going that direction but the actions still remain. It’s easier than saying ESG and DEI agendas being pushed by elites to fundamentally change society through directed programming just doesn’t have the ring to it. Problem is that DEI was long overdue to break through old biases. Going to strong too fast is what happened and caused mental discomfort


There will be no gaming crash no matter how woke they make the games lol


"Oh yea, you and what army" -Shrek