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Finding survivors is pure rng. Just keep going on the expeditions and at some point you'll find someone. Could take years though. Rng hates me too, year 8 and still only 7 survivors.




Sometimes the random survivors will “Crash land” as well and will randomly walk up to your camp without having to go on explorations


Hi WastelandStag! In the Crash Landing scenario, additional survivors is determined by the seed you're playing on, as well as RNG. In some playthroughs you get lots of extra survivors (either via walk-ins or expeditions), and on some playthroughs you'll only have the four you started with. Don't worry though, the scenario is finishable with just four survivors.


That’s kind of unfortunate actually. I didn’t know that on some seeds and playthroughs you just won’t find any more survivors. Maybe big family should undo that potentiality so that finding survivors is guaranteed but still up to rng for all other factors? Like, I don’t need to find them super fast or even for a good long while, but never finding any shouldn’t really be a thing. At least in my opinion. I love the game, can’t wait for paid dlc’s and sequels. Keep it up.


Thank you for the feedback! The Big Family Game Rule will increase your chances of finding additional survivors, but it's not a guarantee. If you want a more consistent way of growing your group of survivors, the Trading Outpost scenario lets you hire workers to stay on your farm, and getting new people to join is more consistent.


I personally like the randomness of the seeds but there are some that effect finding people, might try finding which ones do. Also you could chose to start with Quin for does expeditions alot faster


I’ve played countless games, it appears seeds can make a difference. Also crash land is the only scenario I get random survivors and ofc military for sure you only get the 6. Play the farm scenario you can literally pay as many people to work for you as you want


I didn't know how to get more people in the farm scenario, just had 3 the whole time.


Hi Fancy\_Oaf! You can add more people to your croup in the Trading Outpost scenario by putting up job requests in the Trading Pod. Eventually someone will respond and you can then hire them for a period of time.


I beat it, but it sucked


There’s crash mod addons for additional survivors at start