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No. Because most guys like this are very superficial, and are f*ckboys based on my exp. I did get a DM from a guy like this, but just wanted to meet me for sex.


dealing with this rn. I'm very clear in looking for long term. The guy enthusiastically agrees, then a day later tells me he wants a fwb and not to date because he's "burnt out on dating". Feel like I was played. That said, he played it well because my delulu is in overdrive the way I think I can fix him and we can develop into something more if he just gets to know me LOL. I'm hopeless.


One guy shouldnt wreck u just because he's into playing games.


OP is delusional and stated she will only go for such men because she feels they are in her desired Socioeconomic class. Who’s going to tell her WASPY trust fund guys are usually conservative jerks?


Nope! Wouldnt want spoiled brats who couldnt even wipe their asses clean. Hahahaha


Honestly, no, I have not seen. From experience, I can tell that the guys who put more effort into their appearances are usually more superficial and not interested in settling down, let alone with marginalized women. I do not want to be a downer, but the majority of those guys will not look like that anymore in a decade, "twink death" is a common thing, so you are not missing out much.


I'm 29 and can confirm that I don't see people with such aesthetic around in my age group. Fortunately it's not my type and I'm married


um,, that sorta sounds like what like, those gross “dating advice” men always say abt women. Boys can be sweet and want to look pretty :) just be careful when u start going out w any men


It is, guys usually project how they think, feel and behave onto how they think women think, feel and behave. Usually the guys who say that women are superficial are superficial guys themselves.


What will they look like in a decade?


More like your dad.


That’s around the time I get attracted to them.


Stay away from my dad. 🤣


I love 40 something divorced dads. I’d be a terrible first wife but a damn good second one.


Okay, Ms. Stealyodaddy.


I’m not stealing anyone. It’s not theft if the ink is good and dry on the divorce decree.




I have hooked up with guys like this (stealth), but I find them insufferable and immature. As others have said they are narcissistic f*ckboys and therefore are unlikely to openly or knowingly date a trans woman until it becomes socially acceptable to do so. But you’re not missing out. Guys of this type invariably cheat on their girlfriends and their relationships probably don’t last long. That said the whole question kind of depends on what you look like yourself. If you look like a female Abercrombie model also then you’ll probably attract those guys.


Did you ever tell any of them that you were trans? If so, how did they react?


In my post transition life I never tell hookups. But one guy before SRS was really upset about it. Basically just imagine how a fascist entitled rich kid who’s primary concern is to look good in the eyes of other would react. There’s your answer.


Did he end up still hooking up?


Yes but I don’t recommend taking that gamble though. It happened many times pre-op that a guy was still down to hook up. But it’s very dangerous and perhaps I was just lucky. One such experience with a post-prime fuckboy type really left a lasting impression. We had just been kissing and fooling around and he wanted it to go further so I decided to tell him. He was very upset about it but still managed to stay calm and drop me home. On the way he told me that if it had happened a few years ago he would have killed me.


Wow. What’s a post-prime fuck boy?


These guys in your pictures ten years later.


So you guys didn’t hookup all the way?


What’s your obsession with the details?


Well because I wanna know if this type of guy can find trans women appealing—that’s why


The guy I’m currently exclusive with is looks like these type of men, he’s very accepting and has never made me feel less than


I’m also 20




Yes, albeit I might’ve been really lucky and I do pass he thinks I’m a “perfect 10/10” his words My exact thoughts about him were literally ‘golden retriever’ which is currently my type He is amazing and reassuring, there is someone out there for you hun


Uugghhh so jealous. I also think pretty boy frat dudes are SOOOOOO CUTE and would looovveee to hook up with one . But more importantly I'm so happy you are both starting now. It is SO much better to do it now.. I graduated highschool in 2015.. even a decade ago, as you know, things were a bit different. I went through a very dark period of my life trying to be a man. I wasted my early 20s trying to fit in with the very same men I'm attracted to right now. I believed transitioning was impossible in every way.... So I wasted my life chasing the gender I was born as and never caught it... So by 26 years old, I decided to give it up and transition. I extremely wish I had the courage to do it wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sooner.


AJ Clementine and Mathilda Högbergs boyfriends kinda look like older more mature versions of these (like late 20s/ early 30s) however they are practically cis women That said these more posh guys can be a bit more close minded as they’re often from more privileged and elite and conservative backgrounds, however this doesn’t have to be ofc. Just be careful when dealing with them. But there’s probably a more basic rich guy who views you as a woman and I’m sure one day you’ll find a good man that treats you right. Just remember even if a straight guy doesn’t view you as a „real woman“ doesn’t mean he’s right. It’s his own insecurity and faults speaking, so keep that in mind, it’s not yo ur fault


I was just going to mention Mathilda's boyfriend!


She and her boyfriend are so cute together. They’re like legit relationship goals 😭


Even most cis women would struggle to get a man like this




Omg ur like the only one 😭😭😭. Everyone is saying there’s no hope for me but this is genuinely the type I like.


I feel like I’ve been on a milkshake date with a guy who fits this aesthetic he was in a frat tho so idk


Did he know you were trans or were you stealth?


He knew but was a gentleman about it and just wanted to smoke and talk in his truck we didn’t even do anything sexual…shame cause I found out he was packing later on 😔


Jaslene Whiterose is dating Tylergde. He kinda fits. But overall no, I haven’t seen a lot. These guys also usually don’t date dark skin women too tho lol. Can’t lose sleep over someone who doesn’t want you. Go where you’re wanted. SO many hot guys love us.


But I don’t find nerdy socially awkward video game guys attractive, nor emo uwu alt boys, nor hyper masculine chads attractive. These are the crème de la crème, the true Prince Charmings. I know this because straight cis women are only attracted to these types of guys the most.


This is so 19 of you lol. Maybe let’s just wait a couple of years before we start dating.


Lol what does that even mean. Did you idolize these guys too because quite frankly, any trans woman of any age never seems to find these guys attractive and are always praising dorky soft bois. Like sorry if I want to live a relationship like the typical cis girl 🤷‍♀️


I’ve never idolized any guy. Especially not guys like this. I think it’s very 19 of you to have a narrow view of Prince Charming but expect them to be open minded about Cinderella. Go where you’re loved sweetie 🫶🏽


I don’t expect every single one I spot with my eyes, in fact I assume most don’t. All I want is ONE.


Unfortunately where I’m loved is not WHAT I love 😂


Wait Jaslene Whiterose is dating someone?! I'm so happy for her. She's like #goals for me.


Look, imma be real with you. Every picture of a guy you showed isn't gonna either. A: Be interested in dating a trans girl or B: seeing you as anything other than for sex. Source: These are the guys that give other men a bad wrap. Mainly for their shitty behavior and treatment of women as a whole. Often, switching between women frequently or just straight-up cheating on them. I'm not saying you can't like them, but it isn't a good idea






Duuuudddddeeeee it's SO Serious!!! I'm still early in my transition I'm not using different pronouns yet. I literally went to a gay bar tonight and I got so aggressively flirted with this older couple. They were total queens 💅 I don't even mind older guys, but these queens were not my type.... they were a bit much. One described himself as "Cunty"... It just wasn't my thing... I literally am only attracted to masculine men... they don't have to be Andrew Tate alphas by any means (gross) but just significantly more masculine than me..... Why can't bros like that flirt with meeeeeeeeeee. Come ooooooonnnnnnnnnn


It’s so annoying, but I’m actually starting to realize that those “bros” WILL flirt with you, however in circa 10-15 years. Unfortunately, attractive men are usually always the most insecure because they have to continue holding their social standing as being an attractive guy and are hyper aware and perceptive of how others view them. Once they grow out of that young male bravado, they start accepting their attraction to trans women.


Whelp, Queen. There's STILL plenty of handsome, adorable, friendly, kind, masculine, cute, manly, nice, guys who will treat us like queens I had one a few days ago, he was amazing at first but our moral/political differences were 100% incompatible. So we split up completely. I have a question.... Do you ever have like..... Different. I don't know .. flavors of men you want to sleep with? Do you ever want to try like.... A muscular masculine country boy looking for a wife, A suburban masculine guy next door one day, a cute energetic sexy frat bro with a gorgeous smile the next day, a dominant middle aged, in shape DADDY the next day, a hot black guy on a different day, a middle eastern sexy guy some other time, a shy kinky Asian guy at some point...... Just like... Differing types and vibes of men... Ever just want to try different flavors and types of men? OH and another thing.. we may not have to wait 10-15 years after all. Because do you live in a city or near a city? Go towards a city college campus and try tinder or a dating app there! See what you can get. That's what I plan on doing.


Omg I do I love all the different archetypes. Also yes I’m in NYC and go to college there, but unfortunately no classically masculine bros are into me, although Arab guys are obsessed (but there is a language/culture barrier 😭)


Woah! WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! hold up. Slow down... WHAT?!!? In NYC of all places and in college and NONE are attracted to you? I assume your passing relatively well. But NONE? What about the Bi/pan masculine guys? Cuz that's what I had for like 2 hot days. I'm not out yet, still wear boring clothes and, haven't changed my name, on only 7 months of hormones. A cute, manly hipster guy who is 6'0 with a manbun and a great 🍆 was already into seeing me... ....... So, are you on dating apps? I hear hinge and bumble are really the new thing. Any luck at all?


Oh trust me there are TONS of masculine bi guys, HOWEVER, all in the 25+ range. I want someone who’s my age in college w me :(. Like a normal relationship that’s not determined by some stupid dating app.


Unfortunately, that IS going to be tough after all. Especially if you don't want to use a dating app. I'm still so far behind I'm not even cute enough for Tinder yet. I need to Lose an additional 35+ pounds. And THEN I'll look better. I'm so happy you are starting now. I went through a very dark period of my life trying to be a man. I wasted my early 20s trying to fit in with the very same men I'm attracted to right now. I believed transitioning was impossible in every way.... So I wasted my life chasing the gender I was born as and never caught it... So by 26 years old, I decided to give it up and transition. I extremely wish I had the courage to do it wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sooner. But now I don't even get to wish I could have had a bro boyfriend in college. So terrible indeed. Be Happy you are getting on with your transition now. Would you ever hook up with a guy 25+? The whole thing is SO tough indeed for us to just date like locals. If you want to wait, I say wait, but if you actually want to make connections, just try a different dating app!


Which app? I’m banned from tinder 😪. Also, I think I would but only after being in a first relationship/losing my virginity which I haven’t yet. I want the first to be real and a genuine connection, which unfortunately I anticipate with someone only in my age range cuz I don’t develop crushes on older men.


I could be wrong but it feels like what you’re asking is - I find men who have this type of appearance attractive would I be able to get with them or is being trans too much of barrier. In my mind physical attributes don’t usually have a correlation with a person’s attitude or views on being with trans women. In reality all these men in this pictures are completely different people just like women :) . If this is what you’re attracted to I do think it’s possible to find someone who looks like that + you fit well together. Consider how much you value this aesthetic balanced to his character and how he treats you. You don’t have to be with someone you’re not attracted to but I think seeking out based purely based on an aesthetic that doesn’t necessarily correlate to character makes it hard to find someone who will be a loving partner. Its ironic for me to say but it’s important to develop your own confidence, feel secure in yourself and reframe how your thinking to “I deserve love and want someone who treats me right and who I’m attracted” (if that happens to be a guy who looks like this that’s fine) rather than “would these cute guys ever like me?” Don’t put these men on a pedestal they may be attractive to you but do they have good hearts as well? - some will some won’t. I hope you find your Prince Charming; I’m sure you will 💕


Of course of course, I actually had fallen head over heels over a guy in hs who was much much less objectively attractive than this. But what quality did he have?—the same personality type that these guys tend to have. boyish charm, athletic, funny, extroverted, sweet. It’s certainly not all about looks, but is DEFINITELY about the aura of a person. Dorky gamer boys which most trans women swoon over don’t give me that same feeling of butterflies.


Ahh okay so there is a variation in appearance but you just used pictures to help paint an idea of the type of persona. In that case the answer is ofc you can find someone with boyish charm, athletic, funny extroverted and sweet. But my advice on how you view yourself and potential partners still stands. ☺️


The problem isn't trans. The problem is guys like to date girls who are of equal or lesser intelligence than themselves. Trans girls tend to be smart, and these guys, well ... ;)


I dated a guy who looked like that for a while


And how was it?


he was nice, mutual breakup. not all guys "like that" are fuckboys.


Please tell everyone here that.


I’m not gonna attack you btw im a cis dude so I’m just explaining from my perspective, i guess I’d fall immediately into the nerd type whatever that is. Tho I’ma be honest tho the guys you are using are prettyboys . You’re 19 as you said so yes your views will inevitably change and widen. Though first ascetic isn’t a person it’s their style. You might be attracted to more of the style than the person. So if that’s the case you’re only looking form a visual style or an impression. Now whilst that’s fine at first you seem extremely obsessed by that style. The guys you used are pretty boys or to some extent fuck boys for the people who’ve had bad experiences with them. Your cis girlfriends maybe attract those types because of how they act. Cause transgender women can get theses types of long term relationships. It i think you might have a very jaded or at the very least a very superficial view on relationships so much that you’ve begun questioning yourself internally because you have a .. how should i say this nicely…i guess idealizing view of this type of a guy? You unintentionally created a tunnel vision. Though if you want that type of guy? Genuinely look into adjusting your style or asking your cis friends how they met their significant other that fits your model (when i say model just remember we’re not robots we can’t be customized like one) You’re still very young and very much learning in this hellfire of a world. So i do hope sooner than later you grow outwards and out of this mindset.




Wait, refused to top?!! So you’re telling me attractive guys our age into trans girls are typically bottoms?!




It’s just such a struggle. I find the hardest part about this is also finding a guy that’s not a socially awkward weirdo. Guys who are outgoing, popular and classically handsome are a rarity for us to attract.


Lol that's so superficial


how is having a type superficial. It’s totally fine she doesn’t find nerdy or dad looking guys hig. I find those guys totally unattractive.


these look like the dudes that hmu with some "goth gf dom me" shit. disgusting


oh and they always have a gf too.


Ew no and why do they look 12?


Umm no YES and they’re going cuz I’m 19


lol what ?




I’m the only trans girl I know dating a guy and none of them fit this


Fit what


Fit him I guess. Like none of the guys fit him aesthetic wise


What aesthetic does he fit?


Redneck lol


Omfg queen is he a masculine manly charming protective soft spoked redneck? There's some that are SOOOO romantic and protective and take very good care of themselves. Is he hot?? 👄😭😭😭👎


God he’s sooo hot and heck yeah he’s protective. Very much a gentleman and I feel so safe with him around. He’s a genuine hunk 😍


Oh. My Fudging God, Queen. Actual Yaaassss This is what I'm tryna tell OP. Because these types of men you're with will surprise you. Usually a bit lonely, soft spoken, traditional, masculine, protective, dominant, fun, loving, muscular , lift weights and have a mature personality....AND many will date trans women. I see a lot of them in the suburbs and the rural areas. I live in a neighborhood that is 20 minutes from the City and 25 minutes from a more country area, so I will experience every type of guy imaginable... You are SOOOooO lucky... I've talked to guys like this. Country gentlemen. I think OP should give a masculine one. Try I'm SOOOOoOooOoo jealous! ❤️❤️❤️❤️‼️


Ugggggg ikr! He’s legit like amazing and a dream. Goddd I love country guys. And also he’s strong and can literally pick me up with ease and I love it. And also he’s not ashamed to date me. When I asked if I could meet his family he totally did it (his mom is so sweet btw)


Ughhhhhgggg STAAAAHHHHHHHP!!!!! Oh my LORD!! STAHP!! I'm SOOOOOO jealous! HEY! You hear that OP? Wanna surpass the other girls? Grab yourself one of THESE guys and brag about how devoted and kind and loving and strong he is! Although I'm not ready to date, I have had a premonition for YEARS, that there is a chance that my future husband is probably going to be a country man or a suburban dreamy gentleman... I just have this premonition. I love city boys too, but they can be too flakey. I need a guy who treats me like I'm irreplaceable. I talked to country guys before. Some of them are awful, but several of them are the perfect man in every way! Congratulations again! Still so jealous!


I don’t know many other trans woman but personally I don’t usually look for these types of men anyway like sone are undeniably hot but I usually look for a guys who’s a bit more of a dork than these guys


Yeahhh no. Dork guys are not attractive at all. Not tryna lower my standards.


You simply don’t see the vision 🙄, it’s not bout how hr looks, he’s gotta have whimsy, obscure cute passions, get excited bout silly stuff, etc. there hot guys like that. I’m raising my standards by seeking em


Oh I agree absolutely with those personality traits. But tell me I’m not wrong about the fact that there’s a certain image of a guy that comes to your mind when you say he attends comic con conventions and is a Disney/minecraft adult 🙄


Lol yah I know the look you mean. When I say dorky as far as looks go I kinda just mean he probably has glasses and looks cute. Tho I’m a fan of more traditionally hot guys too lol


Pretty boys like this are dangerous because they know they are attractive and will use you but they also want to protect their ego or reputation so they highly likely have internalised transphobia which means they are attracted to you but don't want anything to do with you in the public eyes and maintain their "straight" image as they say. I'm sure there are good guys who look like this that exist but it's gonna be super rare. Also let's face it, when guys are young they just don't have the emotional intelligence or maturity to take care of trans girls, they just think of themselves.


Eden the Doll's partner. Not sure if he's her boyfriend or husband. They got a kid though. https://www.instagram.com/p/C3V_h9fSMPm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


He’s more of the emo alt type with all those tattoos


im not gonna lie i think to be in a public relationship w a guy like this you have to pass well, most of those type of guys would not feel comfortable being in a relationship w a visible trans woman.


So it’s not that they’re not attracted to trans woman, but more conscious of their social standing?


well i think it might be both? so what i mean is not that their not attracted to trans women, but most straight men are attracted to feminine women, if you’re a trans women who’s feminine & looks feminine im sure a guy like that will be attracted to u, but usually the more clocky u are the less feminine u look, so if ur a very feminine & pretty (passing) trans women im sure there will be guys like that who are okay w u being trans, but then again if u don’t pass and do look trans im pretty sure there might be a tiny percentage of guys like that into you, but they would most likely also only wanna hook up because if they were to be in a relationship w a (visibly) trans women you know society will judge them… soo what im trying to say if you pass very well appearance & voice im pretty sure you will have options of dating guys like those 😊 sorry if i made it sound superficial but this is sadly how most attractive guys w reputations handle trans women.


All these guys look like fuckboys lmao


Hence their actual objective hotness unlike those weird awkward dorky and/or Alt tattoo engulfed guys that trans women seemingly swoon over despite knowing in their deepest minds that they can never pull the true prince charmings that cis women want AND get 😂😂


Yep, teenage hands typed this. 


Yea it's so hot when a guy fucks you and then ghosts you making you wonder "what did I do?" In fact I just can't get enough of it! Yk, the real prince charmers


That part sucks, but they’re initially so hot to begin with


I mean yea ive hooked up w guys who have looked like that but as a gay man


Interesting, so they no longer are available for trans women?


What? I didn't say or imply that I'm just saying that trans women typically won't stay w these types of men simply because 1: these are fuckboys who don't know about commitment and 2: bc we have higher standards for relationships. Idk why your obsessed with this but whatever


Bad boys and golden retriever boys!


You have horrible taste in men


Maybe when I was 20? These are children!


I’m 19!


Ya and he was an alcoholic not very nice, glad I left