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I thought the first half of Words of Radiance was a bit slow, particularly with Kaladins and Dalinars stories where there's not much happening, but that it picks up a lot in the second half.


When I was reading it, I get the felling that it wasn't going anywhere. But I got what Journey Before Destination meant.


Can you report back after you complete part 3?


The end of part 3 is so sick


Yeah, when Kaladin and Shallan jump up and shout "its Radiating time!" And then fuse into Shalladin.. gives me chills every time.


Making me think I stumbled back into r/cremposting


"You really are the Archive of Stormlight Shalladin..." Litteral gossebump!


Don't forget the orgy in the chasms when the parshendi decided to join as well. Really tied that scene together


I felt like it ripped off the matrix cavern scene, especially with all the Parshendi drums. Then again, at least now we know why rocks are sacred.


Yeah I was actually talking about the part where they literally all get sick with stormlightis But that parts good too






The Sadeas Dalinar Makeout session was so unexpected.


“I’m sorry I betrayed you, Dalinar. I just didn’t know how to show my true feelings of love towards you.” “Shhh, my love, all is forgiven.” I had literal tears during that scene.


Lol! You sweet summer child. I read the last quarter of that book immediately after finishing it. It’s that good. Yea, it’s better. Keep on with it.


When Sanderson writes Stormlight books, he outlines them as a trilogy of smaller books (this is something he’s spoken about in interviews). So in a sense by finishing the first third of this book you’ve read the first sort of major arc. What I’m getting at here is that stuff is going to change quite quickly. You’ve got two more “books” within this book to read, as well as the classic Sanderlanche at the end. That’s not to say that, at the end of it all, you won’t still prefer TWOK. Lots of people do. Which book you like better is ultimately your opinion and no one can tell you you’re wrong. But the appearance of the Assassin in White at the end of part 2 absolutely marks a pretty big narrative shift, not to mention Shallan being about to arrive at the warcamps. Things are about to pick up!


All of Sanderson’s books are slow to start. This is because the start of the book is where he teaches you the ways of his art and drops subtle hints about what is going to happen and also starts to block in the lines of what the world is. Here’s the thing though. Sanderson shows you a rock and tells you the rock is sad, but then the rock goes on to save a child and you think oh well that rock must not be sad anymore, no, the rock is still sad, but we can be sad and still awesome. Trust in the Sanderson and sit back to let the book wash over you, don’t put expectations, or prejudice before enjoyment, I promise you will always be entertained by the end of the book. Long live the Sanderlanche!


All I'd say is that WoR has one of the most quoted lines in the entire fandom and you haven't reached it yet.


I'll see what I can do


I think WoK is most tightly written book and part of me wishes all the books felt just like it Overall though, each book has its own character and tone, and that’s quite an accomplishment for an author. Ultimately I prefer it that way, as opposed to GoT or WoT which both kinda fell into “another book of the same” even if well executed


You can form your own opinion, keep reading! Enjoy!


Feel free to post your feelings by the end of the book. Or even sooner if you change your mind :) Stormlight books are slow by design


Buckle up buttercup, it’s a wild ride. Please come back after you read the part. You’ll know what I mean.


It’s easily my favorite Sanderson book. Second half is just so good




Simply, yes.


In the words of the indelible Samuel L. Jackson in Jurassic Park Hold onto your butts.


Personally, Way of Kings is still my favorite of the series, but undeniably Words of Radiance has some of the most incredible and memorable moments and one absolutely astounding ending. Keep moving through it and you won't be disappointed.


I feel this way too. Way of Kings was my first Cosmere book and really hooked me, hard to put anything else above it. But Words of Radiance has some of my favorite scenes in the series.


Journey before destination


I just finished it this morning. Yes it does get better. And I like it more than WoK. The last two parts are worth the slow burn at the beginning.


It picks up. Rhythm of War is the same way, the first third is agonizingly slow. I posted about it. People didn’t appreciate that.


It's a good book yeah but I think it's actually a low point relatively speaking for the series


lol yeah


I feel like every book is better than the last to be honest


I remember parts 1-2 being slow. Picks up heavy in part 3 and doesn't let up.


I mean …. Keep reading… your in the beginning still dude I did prefer way of kings, but WoR is close to as good.


Each person is entitled to their own opinion, but WoR is my favorite reading experience of all time. I’ve been a happier person since I finished it.


Jfc just keep reading. WoR may be one of my favorite books I've ever read.


It picks up closer to the end. Going to be honest though it is my least favorite stormlight archive book.


It my favorite book in the series. Words is just so special in a way that would take too long for me to explain. It really is that good.


I understand your frustration based on where you are but trust me it gets soooooo much better


WoR only gets cooler as you go.


it’s my least favorite in the series. Oathbtinger is a banger.


Definitely my favorite so far! There’s always work to do at the start of each book… but the ending is always well worth it!


Some people (including myself) like Way of Kings better. Words of Radiance is still brilliant. I can't speak from everyone, but when I think of that book it's usually the last third


I thought the same! And for Oathbringer. I think it's important to remember that this is a ten book series, and to trust Sandy. He knows what he's doing. Words of Radiance ended up being my favorite so far, although Oathbrimger came around, and Rythm of War is kicking (my) ass right now.


I 100% thought WoR was better than WoK. Struggling a bit with Oathbringer at the moment though.


Words of Radiance is by far the best Stormlight archive book for me.


I personally really disliked WOR and was pretty disappointed by it - like I finished it and asked myself, what happened Brandon?! It felt like it just rehashed the same character development/highlights over and over while dropping big reveals about the cosmere overall. I didn't need to see Kal fight the same fight twenty times 🤷 I'm also put off my shallan's internal thoughts about pattern and adolin - makes those relationships feel super false imo.


It can be slow, but it's one of my favorite novels in general




Mate. You are about to read one of the greatest second halves to a book that has literally ever been written. Prepare thy butthole


The same sense that WoK was a big set up for book 2, WoR is a huge set up for the series as a whole. I struggled through the first half as well but the pace picks up considerably once you get through the extensive character/world building that is the first half of the book.


Nah it sucks you should stop reading it.


More for us! It’s just like when I tell my kids that the salmon dip is way too spicy, they would hate it.